Review: Ciera

TER ID: 5635

Posted: February, 2007 by TRUEDIEM_YAHOO

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Recently, I saw that she was available and in town, so I quickly called. (Not sure why she hasn't had a review in such a long time -- hopefully this review will get her to the top of the new reviews stack) Ciera has some very nice (glamour) photos on her site, and it was inevitable that the real person wouldn't be able to live up to the airbrushed fantasy. I rented a movie she starred in, and I thought that she was pretty, nevertheless. I can understand the very wide variation in scores that she has in her history. Ciera has the POTENTIAL to consistently receive nothing less than 8s in appearance. I went in expecting (hoping for) an 8/8 (appearance/performance) score, and she came through. When I met her, she didn't have any makeup on (I thought she looked super hot with makeup, like on her website). Understandably, she wasn't that trim (personal circumstances). She also seemed to have a runny nose or something (Santa claus nose) If she can find the time to tone up just a little (she has a good body frame with nice long legs), and take care of those little details (hair, makeup), then she'd receive no reviews below 8 for appearance. (Of course, except from rock stars who regularly date Heidi Klum/Vendela supermodel types) She's like a good quality car that would be a knockout, with a little bit of detailing! By the way, I think she was a fun person to be around -- a good personality. No drama, no psychotic behavior. SHe plans on upgrading her breasts another cup (I'm not sure why, they curretnly look perfectly suited for her body size) If I were to meet her again in a few weeks/months (she has a plan to tone up), I'd say she would be a 9.

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