Politics and Religion

So is this really why you have been a pissy little bitch for all these years?
GaGambler 1917 reads

We wouldn't invite you into the "cool guys" club  and all these years later you are still all butt hurt about it.

I am sorry, but I never wanted to be a moderator, it took several months for me to be talked into it, and the only way I was finally convinced to do it was when it was pointed out to me just how many OTHFB's and the manginas that loved them would be out of their minds with rage if I were to become a mod. You were the last person that I was thinking about when I accepted, but it seems that you haven't been able to get over it either.

Is that why you are the boards biggest user of RAP? You were passed over to be a mod, despite all your years here, and I was made a mod even without a single review to my name. I guess for a wannabe cop like you that must have been a giant slap in the face, no wonder you've been trying to make up for lost time by trying to get the members you don't like moderated or banned.

I;ll let you in on a little secret, a couple of times your name was mentioned when new moderators were being recruited, but nobody, and I mean NOBODY wanted you to join our little club. Please don't take it personally, but none of us really liked you, and we didn't want a little putz like you having access to the mod board. Besides not liking you, you were also deemed not trustworthy enough to be a mod.

At least it's all clear now, but I have to ask you, did you get picked last to be on the team as a youngster as well? and is that why you carry grudges for years about things that other people forget about in minutes? I always knew you were a loser, but until now I  had no idea just how deep rooted your issues are.

Hot women are provocative, hot women with questionable virtue are more provocative, and hot women with questionable virtue around big guns are SUPER provocative.  

  In much of my politics I'm liberal; but in respect too having a VERY prominent Constitutional Right depicted in an advertisement (gratuitous or not) I find perfectly acceptable. In fact I think more of our Bill of Rights should be depicted in advertising and entertainment. It would be a good way of educating the masses.

  I'd give a big "Two Thumbs Up" for an automobile advertisement that showed an armed 'Citizen' getting into a new car that was equipped with a special gun holster in the center console and subsequently focusing on said feature.

GaGambler504 reads

followed by the thought that of all the Ads on all the sites, BP picked this one. WHY???

I think he is getting a bit obsessive of late, even more than usual IMO. Or maybe he's finally gone off the deep end and will soon be joining his BFF, wherever the fuck that fucktard is.

Ms. Rossi had a trigger lock on her weapon. Her gun doesn't look loaded in that picture.

I think BP felt intimidated by the fact a Woman can defend herself. With out the help of the democrats.

"Fuck with me and I'll cap your ass"

Come on guys- where is your sense of humor? The connection between the gun and Willy’s ….um “chubby” is pretty obvious to any regular reader on the Board. If you are going to give BigPapa grief for this one you should have done the same to me when I found an ad from Madame Patricia that offered a “buffet” and posted I had found Priapus’s all time favorite. Even Priapus thought that was funny. Exact same humor here.

       You guys are starting to pile on BigPapa too much. When he makes a clever post, give him some credit

...you're a much bigger man than those petty-minded twerps who've had their feelings hurt and can't get over it so they strike out like little children.

They're very sad.

("Obtuse" - lol, I remember)

...I gotta say there should be a limit on such things. We all know that Willy's Wonder Worm can melt polar ice caps, knock satellites out of orbit, and even turn straight men gay, but the degree that the backstabber is fantasizing about my cock is well, a bit disconcerting. I guess I can't blame him considering the last pussy he got had feathers, but I guess we should chalk this one up to one of those arkward fuckboard moments. Did I mention my load shoots out faster than a speeding bullet?

-- Modified on 1/8/2014 3:21:53 PM

...you for it when I reported it.  You posted 12 times on 11/13/12 and then you had ZERO posts until 1/31/13 when you posted 10 times.  Is TER a backstabber too for suspending you?

You of all people calling me a backstabber is a joke.  I just did what you said you were going to do:

"I figure since it's election season, I'll let the trolls have their fun. But after the election, all bets are off. I will freely report any violations I see."


I freely reported your violation which anyone else could have and should have done.  You violated one of the cardinal rules of TER.  I'll say it again:  You are a RAT!

-- Modified on 1/8/2014 11:37:26 PM

followme617 reads

We have been through this so many times.

The alias that boy willy supposedly outed was known by everyone on the board.

The person supposedly outed did NOT care, did NOT mind, did NOT have a problem with it Yet you SQUEALED on him. And NO ONE likes a SQUEALER. Then you bragged about stabbing him in the back and getting boy willy suspended.    

The fact that boy willy threatened to report others is nothing more than that, an idol threat at that point. You, I nor anyone else knows if he would have actually done it and as far as we know has not.

 Now you like numbers so much and pointing out that……  he did this X number times….. so n so said that Y number of times etc. how about you tell us how many times you reported a post because it hurt your wittle feelings and made you cry like a wittle sissy boy. Bet you are at the top of the top ten for that. Or how about getting you post removed in order to remove all the replies to that post because you are a coward to see the facts that contradict your post or made you cry like a wittle baby.

This and more makes you a sad, pathetic little person with no credibility, no integrity, and no honor.

You have earned and deserve the title backstabber

 You’re Fucking Welcom

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