TER General Board

Yes, I think there is a difference between calling it "The Hobby" as opposed to "A hobby"
GaGambler 142 reads

I most definitely consider "hooker-fucking" as one of my hobbies, but I hardly consider myself a "hobbyist"  

It's funny, I love to play golf, but I hardly consider myself a "Golfer" as some do. I love to fish, but don't consider myself a "fisherman" I love to gamble, but, i don't consider myself a.... well ok you got me there. lol and yes I do love to fuck hookers and I guess if someone were ever to ask for all the hooker fuckers to please take one step forward I would probably feel obligated to take two steps forward instead.

And why is it preferential over conventional methods?

Actually, my hobby life began prior to marriage, but about 7 years after marriage, I went back to it.

It is preferred because it is so simple and rewarding.

Beats the heck out of marriage and divorce.

-- Modified on 6/13/2018 8:23:05 PM

Senator.Blutarsky123 reads

It's not a fucking hobby! It's a fucking lifestyle! Do you fucking understand? Geez.  

Why do I prefer it?  It's simple... variety, no drama, and no expectations other than when we're together.

Excuse the label... never understood it as a " hobby", but that seems to be the most popular terminology around here. Sound reasoning. Especially with ladies of the caliber which you post.

GaGambler118 reads

but I don't mind at all calling it a hobby. Personally, I do consider it a hobby, not a lifestyle even though it's pretty obvious I spend every bit as much time at it as anyone else on these boards, but speaking strictly for myself, it doesn't define me. Maybe my answer to your OP will make that more clear.

My reason for seeing hookers is simple, I LOVE sex, and I absolutely LOVE having sex with all sorts of different women.  I am also not real big on either commitment or monogamy and unlike many here I am also not much on "cheating". I am not without "game" but trying to get a different "hot" woman into my bed every day using only my charm, wit and looks, has never been a realistic goal, not even when I was young and certainly not as I rapidly am approaching 60

I didn't really "discover" hookers, growing up on the "other side of the tracks" hookers were always part of life, and have been a (IMO) healthy part of my sex life since I was a teenager. Nothing makes you more comfortable around women, and demystifies sex more than getting laid regularly. Look at it this way, fishing is fun, but when you really want fish for dinner isn't it easier to run to the market and buy a fish than it is to have to grab your rod and reel and hope you catch enough for dinner by meal time? That's the way I feel about sex and hookers. I love "fishing" for pussy, and unlike some of the members here by no means have I sworn off civvie chicks, but when I really want "fish for dinner" I know where to go. lol

BTW As I said I don't mind calling this a hobby, but I HATE the term hobbyist, I much prefer "whore mongering pig"

PhillFree109 reads

I remember getting my ass chewed out by a lady once.  We were chatting during "recovery" time.  I used the word hobby and then she went on this 20 second tirade telling me that she wasn't a hobby blah blah blah.  Then we had some good make up sex.  

I would say, "In that case, next time I will see someone who is."  

I only adopted this term from my time on these boards.  Before I was active in the discussions, I just referred to us as customers, and still do on most occasions.  For me, a hobby is something I enjoy doing in my spare time, and I'm pretty skilled at (or at least I don't completely suck at it - lol), so by that definition, hooker-fucking would fit as a hobby of mine.  

GaGambler143 reads

I most definitely consider "hooker-fucking" as one of my hobbies, but I hardly consider myself a "hobbyist"  

It's funny, I love to play golf, but I hardly consider myself a "Golfer" as some do. I love to fish, but don't consider myself a "fisherman" I love to gamble, but, i don't consider myself a.... well ok you got me there. lol and yes I do love to fuck hookers and I guess if someone were ever to ask for all the hooker fuckers to please take one step forward I would probably feel obligated to take two steps forward instead.

We love to label things, but hate to be labeled.

Here's a typical example:

GaGambler144 reads

I wear the label "asshole" like a badge of honor.

OTOH, I hate political correctness and I refuse to wear a politically correct label. Calling oneself a "hobbyist" implies (at least IMHO) that you are somehow ashamed of what you really do which is "fuck hookers" and that somehow putting a more politically correct label on it will make it more palatable to other people. Well quite frankly (my dear) I don't give a damn what other people think about my sexual proclivities and "whore mongering pig" gets the point across in a much clearer way than does the sanitized label "hobbyist"

For the record some of my best friends (and yours) self identify as hookers, I much prefer them to those uptight, pretentious ho's who prefer to call themselves "courtesans" in some misguided effort to sound more "classy"

indies, girls who self-identify as "hookers" are ALWAYS a better fuck than a girl who calls herself a "courtesan."  As you probably already know, K-girls prefer to call themselves "working-girls."  That's still better than a girl who calls herself an "upscale, high-end, classy, VIP courtesan and special companion."  Spare me the adjectives, ladies,  . . . . . pleeeez.  The first thing that comes to mind when I see this kind of self-description is that she's over-selling because she KNOWS her service is below market standard.  Might be a Freudian thing.  

John_Laroche127 reads

I don't pay for "the lifestyle" I pay them to go away after.

That's certainly part of it. The conventional method more often than not comes with strings. Also, it's a lot less effort to find companionship with a gal outside my conventional age bracket. I can only think of one provider in my 10 years of this who didn't violate the 1/2 + 8 dating age guideline. After 20 years, my SO is still hotter than most women even 10-15 years younger, but she can't compete with a 26-33 y.o. spinner.

a widower at the age off 49.  There was no shortage of ladies my own age descending on me to offer consolation (and sexual favors), but I found once they took off their clothes, not a single one was in the same league (5-2, 104#, athletic and fit) as my late wife, and it became a chore to force myself to go through with it.  I tried dating girls in their early-to-mid 30's which is still my preferred age for the best sexual experiences. but it became a huge time-suck, and as Larouche  suggests, comes with a lot of drama and unreasonable expectations on the part of the woman.   A friend suggested I try working girls, directed me to eros and that mall to find some ladies, and I spent the first 6-8 months seeing indies.  Then I discovered TER in October of 2008, and from TER, discovered agency girls.  The rest is well documented in other posts I have made over the years.  

its preferred over conventional dating because . . . . .

1.  I have sex on my own schedule and no one else's.
2.  There is no expectation of anything else from the lady once she has received the envelope.
3.  There is very little jealousy if I see other women (even women they know).    

There are other minor benefits but these are the big three that are almost impossible to get from a conventional dating scenario.  

I'm sorry for your loss. My marriage ended as I was turning 49. But mine was a mutual dissolution. I couldn't imagine losing a women whom I still cared for and had a good relationship with.
The last 3 yrs of my marriage neither of us wanted each other. It was there if I wanted it, but I just didn't care. And when it did happen, it had become less about the journey and all about the destination.  
I thought I was succumbing to minute man and E.D. issues. But that's been disproven as I need no pharmaceutical help, and I've had performances that would rival my best in my youth With several beautiful ladies since.
I also tried civie dating at the end of my marriage,  but found women my own age and even nearly a decade younger to be ....just not quite up to my visual requirements.  
I doubt at this stage of life that I'll meet any woman that just blows me away, so I don't see another relationship in my future.  
The thought of getting involved again makes me cringe...
I prefer my freedom, which makes this the perfect way of life for me. Just an email or text, and I can have company when desired. I do miss the sport of romancing the panties off a lady, but that usually involves promises I know I couldn't keep ..." oh yeah, I really like you. I can see this developing into a relationship." I'm too old to bullshit anyone.  
So I've made a new sport for myself...
I try my hardest to make sure any lady I see has a nice ( legitimate) O!
Life becomes stale when you stop trying to challenge yourself!

would hangout in and party at all the old clubs and would walk by the pics of that "red newspaper" box.

One day, as you know in Hollywood people like to break shit. So, one night the red box was wide open cause someone  
broke the glass and it was open.
I looked right, than left and know one was looking. Stuck my hand in and grabbed a copy of the LA xpress and took it home to read. And was amazed and by all the pretty girls pics. After calling the #'s and seeing many "russian" girls that we're more than GFE. I was hooked. Now this was before the internet and cell phones!
If anyone remembers also, your finger and hands got ink all over you from reading all the pages.

I heard the chicks were young which they were and at the time I was too lol. It 2005 and it was my first K-girl experience. Since then I've been addicted.

...... then 2 monogamous marriages. Then in my mid 50's, I ended the second 16 year  marriage that had become sexless.
I wasn't looking for a new committed relationship, but i was wanting some great sex. Because I don't drink anymore, a different story, bars to meet women was really out. Besides, I had no game.  

It wasn't a reach for me to pay very experienced and good looking ladies for their focused time. These ladies vocation is to focus on providing a wonderful sexual experience. That isn't the case in other relationships.
I do play with a few civie women, but they know I'm not there for anything else but to enjoy each other at that time. And that's what they want. They are a lot of fun. But, they aren't very consistent with their desires or availability.

I do really like living by myself and I travel a lot for work. So, I'm not really available for a constant relationship, so p4p ladies that I really enjoy are who I have the best fun and go away relationships with.

I am in a committed relationship with a hooker. I have zero jealousy, because it's a waste of energy.  We don't even live in the same town. But, we talk all the time and we get together when we can. We really do love each other.  

I've never hidden that I play with hookers. When my Dad and Son approached me about it, I showed them a photo of one of my favorites. They both just put their eyes back in their heads and said "Fair enough!"

I don't think of it as a hobby either. It is my way of life.

Anyone who doesn't like my choices can fuck off.

souls_harbor124 reads

I was married but couldn't stop fantasizing about the women I saw around me. I found affair sex extremely  hot -- which led to a divorce. Remarried (a mistake) but kept looking for the next affair. Finally decided to give escorts a go. Lots of variety... the next new thing is very addictive... but I also miss the constancy of an affair with just one particular women who you can fantasize about your next meeting. Still trying to find the perfect blend.

The wife gave great BJs for 25 years.  That's why I married her.  Never touched another woman those 25 years.  

Aug 2004 BJs stop.  Been hobbying ever since.  Wife has figured out I hobby.  Told her I would not need to if I got it at home.  Her reply was just a blank stare.  Life goes on.

22 years ago, I had just been dumped by a hot but crazy woman. I went to a friend's bachelor party, and there were a couple of strippers there. After they left, a bunch of us went to a strip club downtown. When we finally came back to the bachelor party, there was a sad group of guys there who had been trying to get an escort to show up and entertain each of them.

I talked to one of those guys, because I had zero experience with escorts. I thought that it was like buying drugs, where you needed to know somebody who knew somebody. He told me that it was as easy as just looking up an agency in the Yellow Pages and calling them for a girl. I thought he was kidding, but he showed me the Yellow Pages. E for Escort Agency. There were also ads in the sports page section of the daily paper, and in the back pages of the local free weekly papers.

A week later, I finally worked up the nerve to call an escort.

The hobby is often better than dating and certainly better than a bad marriage, because the sex is a sure thing. Sometimes that sex is the best, and often times it isn't, so the hobby is not as good as a good relationship. I have dropped out of the hobby for long stretches due to getting my needs met in a good relationship.

Was having affairs with thugs and gangbangers. I wanted to have some affairs myself, but that wasn't working so well. I read some reviews of a site called backpage, and decided to try it. I instantaneously met my wonderful ATF (oh, how I wish she hadn't retired).

As for why it's better than conventional methods, have you tried the dating scene lately?

I found myself out of town on business 14 years ago, and thought that someone across the hall from my room was getting some, based on the sounds I heard while keying into my room.  Turned out I was right, "Nice meeting you", "Thanks for coming" heard about a half hour later through the door as the lady left.   I realized that the dude across the hall had had an escort visit, and it occurred to me that I could make that happen as well.  Three weeks later, after joining TER as VIP, it did in NYC.  The rest is history.  And ongoing.

As for going the conventional route with civvies, worth going for when it's there, but the hobby is far easier.  Less expensive in the long run as well.   Plus that, I've made friends with many of the ladies I've met in this game, and at this point, this works for me.  No need, nor desire, to change what's working.      

I pay a hooker , get my nuts off and she leaves . Then I can get quality rack time unlike when trying to sleep next to a woman  ( a human heat radiator ) .  If I was snowed in , in an Alaskan trapping cabin or stuck in an igloo it would different .

After my marriage ended, I had little luck finding women in whom I was really interested and frankly I didn't find women my age that attractive.  Celibacy had no appeal so I eventually got into the P4P world, first in strip clubs and then eventually escorts once I found TER.

Now, it simply suits my needs better; it is simpler and has the virtue of being NSA.

After my marriage ended I found finding an available woman in whom I might be interested virtually impossible and celibacy extremely unappealing.  Eventually, I found my way into P4P, first into strip clubs and later escorting when I found TER.

Now, it just suits my lifestyle.  It's simple, happens when I want, and has the virtue of being NSA.

1) Variety----I like women of all nationalities and the "lifestyle" (I am also not crazy about the word "hobby") allows me to choose among different ethnicities and races.

2) Convenience---Whenever I'm in the mood, there's a girl just an email or text message away.  

3) Drama free: No head games and BS---we do what we do and we move on once we part company.

4) GREAT sex---Almost without exception the sex is just awesome!!

5) AWESOME women---This is a feature that often gets overlooked---but honestly, I've met some of the most incredible women in this "lifestyle." Intelligent, beautiful, sparkling personalities---what the hell is there not to like??!!

6) Cost---IMHO in the long run you're paying a lot less with providers---both monetarily and otherwise

Bottom line: I absolutely love this lifestyle and will be participating in some form or fashion until they stick me in a box and bury me LMAO!!

Well the first time I tried it was out of desperation as I was a 29 year old virgin with less then no game. I did every last thing wrong and had a horrid experience. I swore up and down never again.

Well as life goes, thing changed. I met a women not though the hobby, but she was a sex worker. We fell in love. She left the game. We got married and had a kid. We both made some mistakes. And she wanted to go back to this. At first I was reluctant. I knew my wife when we met wasn't the monogamist type, but she wanted me so she gave it a try and it didn't work. So anyway we agreed to a more open relationship that included P4P, but not other form of extramarital sex. It works for us.

I don't think it is better then conventional methods. It is easier and less messy, but it is also lacking in true intimacy and lacks what a good woman brings outside the bedroom. If all you want is to bump uglies it is better as there is less drama and it is a sure bet with a little research and cash. But if you want more the hobby is not the way to go.

I love women:  bright charming attractive warm ladies who provide a few hours of wonderful company and great sex.

It all started with my first trip to Las Vegas, years ago.  I was in town for a conference and heard about the legal brothels out in Pahrump and was curious.  At the time, I couldn't take the chance of playing on the darkside due to my career, so the brothels were my playground for a couple of years.  I also made friends with some hobbyists back then, who directed  me to TER in 2003 and the rest is history.  Actually, the first Indie that I saw was a former brothel girl working in Las Vegas that year.

I also like my freedom, so I don't have a SO and I'm not interested in getting involved in any serious relationships.  So, this no strings attached lifestyle, hobby, or whatever you want to call it has been working out fine for me.

For me it is simple. I have never been married and I gave up on "relationships" years ago. My lawyer encourages me to see providers as it is less costly. I like the first part of the relationship but not the back end. I work 7 days a week 18 hour days. So no time for relationships. My paid relationships can range from one date to up to 12 years. Right now I have a ATF I have seen for over 2 and half years.  

I pay as I play which is simple. Nothing messy. Although for me it is not so much about the sex as it is about the emotion. So I do multiple hour dates, dinner dates, overnights, and travel dates.  

I have done the internet dating, the matchmakers and the sugar daddy adventures. I now just see ladies in each city I go to on business and or bring ladies with me.  

I am big into fantasy fulfillment, mine, and my providers. So my providers can live out their fantasies.  

This world is a great release for me. I tend to be a pleaser and my therapist tells me this world is a great place to practice having "relationships."  

For my lifestyle, it works.  

No life like it!

AgentBond125 reads

For beautiful women and variety.  

And disposable income is the devil on my shoulder.

By my girlfriend..... she changed her phone number for some reason.   I called the old number by mistake and found it still active,  so I googled it and discovered pages of reviews spanning our entire relationship,  about 18 months.  At that point I thought prostitution was only street walkers and Nevada brothels....  I confronted her about it and she called me a bunch of names and ghosted me.

So I see providers because I enjoy no strings attached sex,  I don't want the drama

When I see a Professional that takes me to Heights of Ecstasy, I have been longing for. "NO BRAINER".
Married for over 40 years so i paid my dues. i am so glad these beautiful women are a part of my life, makes life worth living. i am a Romantic and i love the flowers.

This is like the question, why are banks robbed?  . . . . That's where they keep the money!
This is where you find the erotic women!

the need and my ugliness.
One more thing, I have always been on the low scale of the hobby. I go safe and healthy but never the less cheap.

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