TER General Board

Yes, I really like like that part of town.
GaGambler 58 reads

It's funny, when I first starting going to Bogota that part of town was considered "north" kind of like how once upon a time when you left Addison Texas, there was virtually nothing until you got to Plano and now it's non stop city all the way to Denton. The same with Bogota, I think the Avenidas go all the way up to the 200's now and then the development spills completely over the edge of the valley  and outward from the city.

Too funny. Yuppies ruined Dallas before you were even born, and now they are doing the same thing in Bogota too. jaja

I do have to say, it is kind of nice to see a thriving middle class in Colombia, all the left wing countries in the region like Venezuela and Ecuador should take notice how much better life has gotten under first Uribe and then Santos.

I don't know if it work if you DONT have VIP. But i did test last night and am able to PM others.


Many members have not discovered how to access TER from overseas, so you may not get a response from some.  I have been corresponding by PM with both hobbyists and providers and it works just fine.  

you can pm... also, I am relocating to Canada.. and Colombia.  


see my reviews!

Cabo Verde
Central African Republic
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Republic of the
Costa Rica
Cote d'Ivoire

John_Laroche62 reads

I was wondering when providers would just pack their virtual bags and get outa Dodge.

I am getting my citizenship back, I renounce it years ago.. but.... Im considering ....

but it's a VERY tough place for a girl to make a living right now, especially with thousands of Venezuelans flooding across the border trying to escape what was once such a beautiful country.  

and even Colombia isn't as wide open as it once was. All of my favorite haunts in N Bogota have been pushed out by the influx of yuppies into my favorite party spots.  I suppose there is always the "zona de tolerancia" but except for El Castillo and La Piscina it's just a good place to get yourself killed in search of $20 pussy. jaja

That said, I still love Colombia, but it's not what it was even just a few years ago, and that goes for the smaller cities like Medellin (my favorite) and Cali too. I will say the dollar goes a LONG ways down there now with a dollar being worth close to three thousand COP.

Hmmm, maybe I need to hop on a plane too:)

I'm not saying working in the places you mention.... I know the higher end up there lol !!!  
but I cant say names in here cuz... i respect my clients ALWAYS!  


I just was pointing out it's not only here in the US where things aren't quite as open as they used to be.

I don't know how much time you spent in Bogota, (Colombia is a decent sized country after all) but the area from about Carrera 15 y Avenida 85 on up to the parque 93 area used to be full of night clubs, casas, MPs etc and was one of my favorite playgrounds in all of Latin America, but go there now and all you will find are a bunch of coffee bars and Colombian "yuppies" with pretty much ZERO action for a whore mongering pig like me.

Colombia is hardly as sexually repressive as the US, but there is a growing movement, mainly from the latina version of "soccer moms" to stamp out P4P or at least drive it into the slums and away from "polite society"

Actually my apartment is right by the Parque 93... šŸ˜‚ yeah Iā€™m a yuppie šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜˜

It's funny, when I first starting going to Bogota that part of town was considered "north" kind of like how once upon a time when you left Addison Texas, there was virtually nothing until you got to Plano and now it's non stop city all the way to Denton. The same with Bogota, I think the Avenidas go all the way up to the 200's now and then the development spills completely over the edge of the valley  and outward from the city.

Too funny. Yuppies ruined Dallas before you were even born, and now they are doing the same thing in Bogota too. jaja

I do have to say, it is kind of nice to see a thriving middle class in Colombia, all the left wing countries in the region like Venezuela and Ecuador should take notice how much better life has gotten under first Uribe and then Santos.

but Uribe "Made Colombia Great Again" jaja.

Santos did a "decent" job his first couple of years in office, but giving all those seats to the FARC could have disastrous consequences and does have the potential to undo all the good that has been done over the last 15 years or so.

When I first started going to Colombia the only Americanos down there were either drug runners, arms dealers, or CIA. There were a lot of Europeans and Canadians but almost ZERO non criminal, non CIA Americans down there. Things have most definitely changed for the better, except for the whore mongering of course.

that's another asshole. My grandfather was kidnapped by the guerrillas; Reason why I end up in the US running from it. Now with this current election... ugh! I'm getting a glass of wine bc just talking about it gives me anxiety.... and right now I don't need more to the current political climate in the US. lol

I came to screen and nothing .... I'm really at such a loss to how this could happen and if TER did come would our info still be available to the database.  

Kisses Haley


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