TER General Board

Yep! eom
xyz23 45 Reviews 63 reads


Stay home and social distance for the immediate future until we have a better handle on the virus.

it's a little too early to reopen right now.


My two VERY "blue" friends are begging for SOMETHING to open, but it aint America.  

What we need is a re-opening of a few hot, young, female mouths...and legs.


and its not politically correct, but I say let natural selection sort it out.  Why save people who are going to pass their shitty genetics on to another generation?  It just weakens the herd as a whole.  Man survived this long through the process of the strong surviving and the weak perishing.   Why fuck with it now?   By saving and therefore creating MORE people that are genetically weak, you just guarantee the next one of these in 20 to 50 years will be even MORE devastating .  We have to be realists and think of survival of the SPECIES.  

I never get sick. I'm sure I would survive this virus, if I have not gotten it already. It felt like the a cold and my back hurted and other stuff. But I get colds and stuff and take stuff from the 99 cents only store and don't even stop working.  
I'm not that stupid either. I just play on line. I'm just average and quiet. No problems with anybody, the law or anything.  
Nature, which is nothing, it just is. It didn't take me into consideration. But one person or animal or even a group or whatever doesn't count. It's more like a bunch of them is what counts.  
Another thing, your sons and or daughters are other people. So they are not us again. Nature is so stupid that makes pretty looking criminals and dumb bitches procreate. What I think I'm saying is that it doesn't matter who survives and reproduces. As people who believe in god would say: Then if evolution is real, how come there are still stupid and sick people?  
I don't care about survival of the SPECIES.  I don't care about the virus. I don't care about ..     ANYTHING

-- Modified on 4/27/2020 4:18:05 PM

Hey, you're using my image without my consent! ;)

And I don't need to touch my face...that's HER job! (as well as touching a few other items :0)

WICardinalfan71 reads

So my family is genetically inferior because we have a child with Autism?  Perhaps we should be taken to a nursing home in New York and be given COVID?

I enjoy reading your posts, but I am calling Bull Shit on this one.

out of context.  I thought it was clear I'm speaking about weak genetics in the IMMUNE SYSTEM.   The last I heard, Autism is NOT contagious when standing in line at the bank or at Starbucks, and I don't think the death rate is on par with Covid-19, where as soon as you get, you might be dead in 6 weeks.  As you should know, Autism is NOT a disease or illness that directly interferes with a person's health.  Don't be irrational by having a chip on your shoulder.  I think everyone else here knew I referring to weak genetics when it comes to immunity from diseases that can wipe out a civilization.  

Embrace it...I swear this could be you....lol
Hey Gag...now I'm picking on him..;)

-- Modified on 4/30/2020 12:30:04 PM

NEVER be me.  I would take assisted suicide before I would work for ANY government agency.  But I will agree with him when it comes to coronavirus.  Letting natural selection sort it out is the way to go. The holy rollers can call "it letting god sort it out" if they want, too.  It amounts to the same thing.  It just depends on whether you want a man in charge (god) or a woman (mother nature). Lol

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: My position hasn't changed . . . .
and its not politically correct, but I say let natural selection sort it out.  Why save people who are going to pass their shitty genetics on to another generation?  It just weakens the herd as a whole. ...
Sickle cell anemia is a horrible disease to have. However, it evolved long ago in Africa and conferred improved survival against malaria. The success of modern medicine (drugs) and technology (DDT, elimination or control of 'squito breeding grounds, ...) has greatly diminished the importance of sickle cell to protect a large group against annihilation. Sickle cell is no longer "needed."  
There are some genetic traits associated with an increased risk of becoming, say, a decrepit alcoholic wastrel. Do you celebrate them or eliminate them from the gene pool?  

above yours.  You are comparing apples and oranges.  You should know better.  

SpectreNBond131 reads

Lmao... Just open the damn golf courses and recreation centers, so we have excuses to get away

The opinions of course don't fall entirely along party lines, but I have most definitely noticed that conservatives tend to believe that they can make their own life decisions while liberals tend to look to government to protect them.

I think some people are going to look REALLY foolish when we discover that ten of millions of people in this country alone have already been exposed to COVID with no life threatening effects. A million cases with over 50,000 deaths is a VERY scary number, if it turns out that 30 million people have already been exposed, those 50,000 deaths are going be much more inline with a very nasty flu season and NOT something worth destroying our way of life over.

Conservatives believe that they can make their own life decisions but believe that no one else is entitled to do the same, ie women can't control their own bodies, same sex couples can not get married, Christianity is the only religion you're supposed to believe in, etc......As for Liberals, yes they believe that government should protect them as its THE NUMBER 1 JOB of the federal government to protect its citizens.

For the record, I am 100% pro choice, I was in favor of Gay Marriage long before either Hillary Clinton or Barrack Obama, both of whom were dragged into supporting it after public opinion forced them to, AND I think all religions are rather silly, Christianity included, but somehow everyone considers me a conservative,.  

and if you really believe that just because liberals believe government is supposed to protect them that government feels the same way about it, I have a very nice bridge you might be interested in. Once the government lets you out of your own home of course.

I would question you being a representative example of either the conservative mind or the republican mind.

I was thinking the same, conservatives are not about letting each make their own mind and live their own lives but rather which aspects of one's life is consider that person's own responsibility and free to choose.

This country was not founded on the belief that the federal government should “protect” its citizens. The founding fathers believed true power should be with the states and limited power with the federal government. It’s the liberal government that has shifted to the out-of-wack federal focus. Before the virus our US debt was 20% of the WORLDS GDP, now the US will take on another 3+ trillion of debt to keep people at home (If you ever believed the 2 trillion amount you are living in a dream world. When was the last time our federal government had anything come in at or under the original estimates?). How many will stay on the dole after the virus!?

Many conservatives I know are not like the vocal minority of conservatives, it’s that we tend to be more on this side than the liberal side. For some, not all conservatives, they tend to be opposed to the liberal “we know what’s right for you and every special group gets handouts” view. Like some here I’m in the high-risk group and over the last three weeks a few of us have gotten together to play cards, drink and feel normal. Some of them are in jobs where they meet the public often and handle cash.  
Will some of us get sick? Possibly.  
Have some of us had the virus and did not realize it? Maybe.
 Do we go around with masks? No.  
Do we wash our hands? We always washed our hands!
Are we scared or afraid? No.
Will you give and others try to shame me and make me seem stupid? Absolutely
Will I care? Not one bit. Our constitution allows us to freely have and express our own opinion. You have yours (above) and I have mine (here).

Since early in the virus many in the health community have been saying the true number of infections is 5 to 10 times the number recognized. As stated, it that’s the case it’s like most normal flu seasons. The difference is more people are sicker longer than normal. The bubonic plague still exists and a few people still get the plague every year, even here in the US. This virus will continue to mutate and exist as long as there are humans and we cannot go on lockdown for 12 to 18 months or the rest of our lives out of fear. We’ll have more people dying of starvation and panic in the streets than would have died from the virus.  

I’m considered conservative but I think that’s simply because I’ve reached independent conclusions that are typically labeled conservative.  

With that said, I agree the government is supposed to protect us...all of us. In this scenario our Govt has put the entire 328 million of us and future generations at risk to protect a very small percentage. Quarantines aren’t meant for the whole population. They are meant for those actually at risk. And not just the germaphobes who always think they are at risk.  

Open up please.

Unlike you, I’ve been sidelined by this hysteria... I’m really think it’s been here longer than anyone realized and the lockdown was like closing the barn after all the livestock had already escaped... it’s time to open up again.

In the first place, I'd risk your dick to bury mine in this lady in a heartbeat!  

Second, fucking surprise, I agree with GaGambler absolutely...

I've known the man ever since I've had the displeasure of reading the meanderings of clowns since I started here 100 years ago. Before and after he was a mod.  

He, and a few others, don't always agree on everything. But I know where they're coming from and they know I trust them.  

As far as I'm concerned this 'virus' was convenient. It's an election year and the Democraps are so fucking pissed they'll do anything to derail Trump from being re-elected.  

How many people die from the regular flu? Cancer? Heart disease? Anything pulmonary.  

Most of these people died because they were already on death's doorstep and they blame it on this virus.

The moment we're born we're dying. It's a natural fucking fact. Pull your fucking head out of your ass...

Some of you prefer to spent too much time and money on escorts and that's your(our) gig. It is what it is

But if you're as smart as you fucking think you are look up the fucking facts. More people died from other infections, under different circumstances, and under another party, than what and who is currently in control now

Btw, is this lady an escort cuz I'd really like to meet her and, well, you get the fucking idea...!

In the face of you all I stand defiant  

But does all that mean?  
I don't know, but I like your question Ashley.
I like all your questions
Lick, Lick

I stand on my own two feet.  
I stand on the floor  
I stand on the ground  
I stand on whatever is underneath... dammed dogs

Shouldn't this be in the P&R bored or the L.A. one, where we are from Ashley?  

Lick, Lick

That Ashley is available for booking a session.  Just because she starts good threads doesn't mean she wouldn't like to have a little business from you.  All of this fawning makes you look like you have found your perfect match!!!

you and your big words.  
Yeah let the economy get back on track or something. Excuses, I know. I don't know what to say. Buy yeah.  
Maybe if the pandemic continues she'll go really cheap. LOL. I'm just kidding. But yeah it would be a good match...for me. We'll see what happens. Let the virus do it's job. I'm still kidding.

I want all of you to stay the fuck home so I can go out safely myself.

Maybe I'll call on a few of you to open up a bar or two and serve me a drink.

Hey, I"m the victim here!

I often hop out of the car and go in somewhere without my mask, but I figure if everyone else has one, I don't need one.  Let them protect me.  Lol    However, there are some places you can't go in at all without a mask.  

I selfishly prefer that social distancing continues and people stay home. My commutes each way are an hour shorter than pre-rona.

Would we impoverish a 100 million to save one life?   Impoverish one million to save one life?  Impoverish 10,000 to save one life?  Impoverish ten to save one life?
Most rational people will pick some mid range cut off point.  Any reasonable response to CV-19 is going to have some people die and some people impoverished by the government response.
I think we have to get most of the economy going again and soon.  Elective medical procedures have to start up ASAP.  They really should have never been shut down.

TheVoiceOfReason76 reads

The Swedes got it right.  They never closed and they will have herd immunity while our economy tanks and opening up the economy becomes even more political than it already is.  Which Governor is going to want to be among the first to open up and risk screwing it up?

-- Modified on 4/27/2020 10:14:01 PM

But I have to problem with the stay at home.

It actually got bad here even before TER came out of it's "dark" period when P&R most annoying poster couldn't find anyone to talk to him on the P&R board so he brought his TDS here and started stalking the few remaining posters in the hope that someone would pay attention to him. Now it appears to be too late to put the toothpaste back into the tube.

He says he hardly reads the general board.

Yet from March 30th to today April 30th he has posted here  29 times.

He’s caught in another lie

Hey! I'm still waiting til you let me buy you too many beers, senor!.... :D

I miss the old days, my brother...!

Black-Panther49 reads

People are walking around with masks thinking it will help them but are using them all wrong. Like this guy and his body armor.

Are you washing your mask after you use it? Do you remember which side your home made mask is going on your face each time? are you flipping it each time and sucking in the particles trapped in the mask? Masks for the public are supposed to keep your germs from spreading to other people, too.

More people are dying from seasonal flu than Coronavirus. the common cold is in the coronavirus family - there is no cure.

The media is fanning the flames of hysteria, and it just feeds into Trump's fake news narrative.But once again the Democrats (Pelosi) can't help themselves and stuff a bunch of liberal policy in the economic aid packages.

All unnecessary.

Good pic and you are correct regarding how incorrectly some use their masks. I also agree that just taking what any of the news sources have to say at something close to face value is for fools. But that goes for both sides of the political biases media reflects.

But you should try to get your facts a bit closer to the truth regarding some of the other claims. Most colds are not caused by a cornavirus but by other viri -- maybe 20% are attributed to a coronavirus. However, coronaviruses are a large family so suggesting similarity in effect by the various version is dubious at best.

It is also not at all clear that more people are dying from flu than COVID-19. Current estimates are between 24,000 and 64,000 per CDC for the 2019-2020 cold season. CODIV-19 is currently a little over 56,000 so not far from the upper range of the flu estimates. Flu is a rather wide range so not sure how we should interpret that estimate. But is would seem that at best we can say about the same (completely ignoring that the flu stats cover nearly twice the time as covid stats do) to easily twice as bad for covid.

Thank you.  We need to stick with facts. The virus is going to take at least 150,000 lives before September.  And we all hope the death curve stays going down but hard to happen with the reopenings going on.  Stay safe everyone.

I'm in between these two positions.
I think most of the shutdowns have been justified, and helped prevent healthcare systems from being overwhelmed.  
At this point, we need to look at the situation in each state/region. Shutting down the economy (including the parts of the healthcare system not dealing with COVID-19) imposes significant costs, including lives lost, that grow the longer we stay closed.
In many places, I think we can start reopening things in stages, pausing if we get a spikes in cases. Continue to ramp up testing, make sure we have PPE for healthcare workers. Get treatments tested and available as soon as we can, anticipating that COVID-19 will become more contagious again in the fall. Encourage people to continue to work at home when they can, wash their hands, etc. Allow restaurants and bars to open with more spaced seating at first. Keep the restrictions on big events like concerts and spectator sports until the numbers of cases get down to a trickle.
I think personal services like cutting hair, escorting, etc. are relatively low risk in most places.

Saw an interesting view of what was happening in NYC (A critique of an argument from one of the MIT econ guys). One take is that getting close (violating the X meter rule)might not be the real issue. It's more about what we're doing while close. Most people assume the subway is the source of the spread in NYC but the study the link looks at raises the question if that is supported or not.  

One observation has been about what people don't do on the subway. Most don't talk with each other or a lot. If that line of thinking is on to something (and some other studies have looked a settings like singing in a choir and seem to support the view it is not really just that we breath but doing things that expel the air more forcefully) then that might what currently closed businesses might be most suitable for reopening. Additionally, what minor changes in behavior might allow other places to open and provide at least the same level of protection as we have with the more draconian approach we're under. (Offices can open, but masks and no team meetings -- web meetings are fine, "talk" with coworkers using chat tools, email or phone but speak quietly on the phone).

It does mean places where large crowds gather and are going to be very vocal are probably not the first places you want to be opening up (sorry Vegas).

The Swedes are taking a minimalist approach and, so far, they are at least doing no worse than anybody else. Then again, what do they know? They're Socialists.

1)  Isolation compromises our natural immune system, which relies on exposure to pathogens to function properly and protect us.
2)  Theory vs. reality:  Extrapolation shows that the infection rate is way higher than the modeling predicted, thereby making the death toll way lower than is being reported.
3)  We've compromised our health care system by ignoring everything else in favor of covid19.  Doctors and other health care professionals are being furloughed as a result, and the financial health of hospitals and clinics is in peril.
4)  The longer we continue to shutter businesses the more that will fail.  Followed by the ripple effect from that:  unemployment, loan default, real estate vacancy, and on and on.
5)  Same goes for individual citizens and families.  Many cannot and will not survive long without an income flow.  Countless Americans are one paycheck away from broke.   A $1200.00 stimulus check doesn't go far when the rent or mortgage payment is due, not to mention trying to make up the delayed payments going forward.
6)  It's bad enough we've added trillions to the national debt over this.  Let's not add more.
7)  Enough with the erosion of our civil liberties.  I can shop at Costco and home depot amongst others, but I can't enjoy a beer and a sandwich at a local pub or walk on the beach or play ball with my kids in the local park.

Well Said!!!
Could not agree more!

-- Modified on 4/28/2020 4:06:12 PM

-- Modified on 4/28/2020 4:08:30 PM

In actuality this is not affecting me much.  
Neither is affecting my small inner social circle.  
I'm kind of being a spectator.  
I can go in and outta my mind at will.  
So let's do it for fun.  


Open, close, do whatever. Destroy everything. Still one single virus survives in some other creature  
and replicates.


Yeah I'm getting bored of this. We need something new. This is what getting me going outta my mind... over youuuu,  over youuuu...

bonordonor52 reads

Get'em out of their trailers and pack'em in tight!

We all know the country is shutdown...except for the essential businesses like food processing, transportation, banking, jobs that can be performed remotely, gas and repair shops, auto parts stores, big box stores, grocer/supermarkets, convenient stores, energy/utilities, telcom/communications, carry-out and delivery, cafes/cafeterias in the essential businesses, office supply stores, construction, trash service,  businesses that support the essential businesses and some that I am forgetting.

The ones that are called out for closure are pretty much entertainment related (theaters/movies, bowling, arcade, amusement parks...) and some of the face-to-face personal services (salons, barbers, massage, spa, tanning...)

Then we have the semi-shutdown cases like restaurants and bars -- delivery and carry out allowed, dine in no. (Granted, for many not having dine in removes 90% of the value added).

Manufacturing is a question mark for me. I suspect many could stay open under the rules, or at least argue they should be able to stay open. I suspect an auto assembly plant's workers are probably much more spaced out than the workers at the Tyson's chicken processing line. Certainly the auto parts manufactures meet the supporting essential businesses.

So how much of the economy is actually shutdown by order and how much by people just not going out/decline in expressed demand?

So lets say all the restrictions on business and group size is removes, how much changes? Will be interesting to see.

"Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
Every few days, I drive past a construction site and more and more stuff has been added to the main structure.

Wash your hands, and lower your risks by staying safe. Do you.

By that I mean there is a middle ground. As of May 1st, my county is opening up, but not all the way. Face masks will be required as will social distancing. This will be enforced by law when needed. But you can get your haircut. You can have a wedding or a funeral. Some activities that are high risk like concerts and beard trimmings are still banned. I think a slow opening is right. We cannot close down and survive economically. Poverty is a killer. But COVID-19 can be as well. We must open up or the economy will collapse at  an unprecedented scale. This will lead to a great many deaths. But so will being irresponsible about COVID-19, not as many but still....

So the right answer I fell, as a man with both asthma and diabetes, thus high risk if I get COVID-19, and a business owner who is greatly hurt by COVID-19 shutdown related economic damage, is a opening up with restrictions. Like my county is doing.

What my county is doing.


to have a wedding or a funeral, but how do you know which one to choose until you've spent some significant time with the woman.  Many guys choose Wedding and then five years later they wish they would have chosen Funeral.  

I think it's irrational to think we're safe to slowly start opening the country, as 1) we still don't know much about this virus(how it's really transmitted(so far it's guesses), how to detect symptoms fast(waiting till you actually have symptoms means you have possibly transmitted it to others), how to defeat it, etc) 2) we have cures in the works but not anything that is ready to go

1) true enough but we do know it's transmission rate, death rate, and who is most at risk. It kills at a similar rate to the seasonal flu, but no one has antibodies as it is a new disease so short term it will kill more people. We also know it is a RNA Virus closely related to SARS, and the common cold. Meaning it will likely have a high mutation rate as most RNA viruses do. So this virus will likely never completely go away.  

2) if we wait for a cure to open up odds favor never opening up. How long has the common cold been with us? That is Covid-19 closes previous human disease genetically from my understanding and yet no cure. So it will be likely years if we ever get one before we get that cure.  

So we have shuttered a huge portion of our economy. Far larger than we can afford to long term. Farmers are not able to plant their fields as they depend on a migratory work force that isn't available do to the shut down. Unemployment is skyrocketing as most small businesses are shut down and most jobs come from small businesses. Whole industries are closed. When the small businesses die, those closed industries disappear, other industries connect to them or there employee shrink. The whole economy dies. Poverty would run rampid. Guess what is a bigger killer than Covid-19? If you named poverty you get a hold star.

So cure or not in a few months we must open up. If not we are looking at an world wide economic collapse bigger than the great depression. The best choice is to do it slowly. Covid-19 is the new normal. It a new seasonal flu, that will rotate in and out as it mutates. Yes it will kill high risk people like myself just like the flu does every year and has done for centuries. Our bodies will adapt as those who recover will have antibodies at least for a while.

I agree 100%.  When our troops stormed the beach at Normandy, the generals knew a certain percentage of them would die.  The war against the virus is no different that a real war.  The goal is to win for our species, and winning means letting people get infected and have their immune systems produce the antibodies.  In an all-out assault, an acceptable level of casualties is to be expected.  Otherwise, we sit around and get picked off a few at a time, which will keep the virus around much longer as it moves through the population slowly while the rest die of starvation and poverty.    

Just a random historical fact (or allegation?) ... it's said that Gen Eisenhower wanted new untested troops to storm the beaches because the veterans who'd seen combat before would know what sort of buzzsaw they were heading for.  

It is but it is one sided. Short term the shutdown saves lives. It saved lives beyond those of high risk as it kept our health systems from being overwhelmed. Opening up to quickly can still lead to that health systems collapse. Risking lives.

I think the best plan is a slow reopening. Like  is happening in Utah. Slowing the spread is still important. The economy is vital. Balance is key. We must reopen, but it must be done with intelligence. Today in Utah I can eat in a restaurant, but only if both the restaurant and I take precautions. Like both I and the restaurant staff must use facemasks when not actively eating. Tables must be spaced so customers are no closer than six feet from customers not in the same party. But they are open and offer in house dining. Same for other establishments like barbers and movie theaters. But there are social distancing precautions to help protect people like me who are high risk.

No need to throw away all the good the closing down did. As more slowly get this virus heard immunity will slow this virus and it will be like another flu. We just need to open up intelligently. The shut down as it is most places just can remain.

...for a workable vaccine is estimated to be this fall. There are many countries and labs working on various approaches, so perhaps we'll get a number of "horses to cross the finish line," as one researcher has characterized it. Given the billions of doses humanity will need to get decent coverage, we need all the help we can get.

While it can take years to come up with a vaccine (they're still working to find one for AIDS and it took many years to come up with a workable option for Ebola), it seems we'll have something in place by fall of this year.

Y'all willing to keep things "locked down" for another SIX MONTHS?! How many people will die from poverty in that time frame? How many businesses will be permanently gone by then? How much farther will Big Government be entrenched in our lives by that time?

America is a big place and "one size fits all" doesn't work for hats, let alone 330 million people. Part of what makes our federalist system work is the regional control wielded by states to counterbalance the overreach of the Feds. Let the states decide what works best for them and let's have the needed "big picture" national-level coordination and support from D.C.

Ultimately, us "lil guys" will decide how to live our lives. If our elected officials don't listen and implement the will of their electorate, then there will be demonstrations, civil disobedience (seeing some of this already) and, oh yeah...it's an election year!

Buena suerte!

...stay home and reopen you,my friend!!!!  :)

...we get a vaccine LOL!  
Anyhow, I live in COOK COUNTY Illinois (Chicago area) and a few days ago I decided to do an informal poll at two groceries stores where I shop and the Ace Hardware. Asked the cashiers at the stores (who I know) if anyone working at their store had gotten sick since this whole lockdown began (3/16 here in Cook County)?

Answer: none (at all three). The ages of the employees at these stores varies anywhere from 18 - 55, so fairly wide age range. All I wish for is that people think for themselves and try and see the reality of this virus. Is it deadly, yes...if you have pre-exisitng conditons and over 70 years of age. Are their exceptions, of course...enough to shut down our entire economy, of course not.

-- Modified on 5/15/2020 6:41:04 PM

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