TER General Board

working on it
TurbayVeronica See my TER Reviews 90 reads


Prescreen NOW and make a list of the ladies you are interested in asap.
Free country my ass! I am not being TRAFFICKED nor am I trafficking anyone else! 😒 I don't know anyone on this site that is!

and I need to cum just to get rid of this stress. 9 week  hiatus and ter ad boards go down 😔

AnnaMolly94 reads

Are the reviews being taken down too? Or just the ad boards? In other words, are reviews still going to be allowed as far as LE is concerned?

Such a disappointment but I’m not sure I can say I’m surprised...

I didn't think it would be this way. It is hard to fathom how this law, is constitutional for consenting adults first amendment rights.

imanalias74 reads

Expect to see this law frozen in place being disputed in court.  

Until then be creative posting interesting topics on local boards. Look for dating sites.

The current restrictions backpage put in place might exempt them. No services, no website link, no email, no fees, just an introduction.  

Massage services are not illegal unless the local laws require certified licensed therapist, not a federal issue.

So while it’s extremely upsetting it’s not the end of the world. Join seeking arrangements, post on BP. Stay active in discussions.  

And wait for the court cases fighting it. It’s not into law until POTUS signs it.

But sites are shutting down already dropping like flies! Cityvibe is gone, now TER ad boards.

imanalias77 reads

What other sites?

What the solution will be then...

I've gone UTR a few times before but wasn't planning on that again anytime soon. Looks like that may have to change and that's a bummer :(

I really don't want to go on the Twit but I will if I have to, for some of us this lifestyle has become part of our survival. If only 'they' knew.

What's so unbelievable to me are those who get to make these decisions thinking they are saving the planet with this trivial shit compared to the real problems we face everyday.  

Fix the fact that my kids shouldn't have to say hi to a cop in the hallway everyday in school now because of violence that is getting worse by the hour. Fix that along with the gazillion other things that are truly wrong with this country then you'll have my attn. I don't know about you all but as of late all I can think is this is not the world I ever imagined bringing my kids up in. What is going on....

That lil abode in the Italian countryside I've had my eye on is looking sweeter by the minute lol is sheepherding lucrative lol ayaya

Stay safe everyone xo

imanalias61 reads

But every time you post you’re exposed, best marketing ever. Ads are once a week LoL

Very scary word to me lol  
How about you found me instead lol

Who's gonna have the balls to walk in to a U.S. courtroom and dispute It? May as well paint a bullseye on your ass. Trump will sign it....too much backlash and fallout if he didn't. Remember it's wrapped in the words " sex trafficking".
And all the horrific Hollywood images and Lifetime movies associated with it. As far as the U.S. is concerned it's an illegal enterprise. They don't give a fuck if you're doing it of your own volition or not.
I don't like it anymore than anyone else....if just for the simple fact that I'm sick and tired of the government telling me what I can do....short of causing harm to another in any way, shape, or form. Past that....get the fuck off my lawn!

imanalias61 reads

DOJ as unenforceable and causing hardship.

There are so many groups out there that are waiting to fight in the courts and it will hold this up forever.

"Who's gonna have the balls to walk in to a U.S. courtroom and dispute It?"


Once again....its considered an illegal enterprise. The ACLU is not going to go to court for someone to have the right to essentially break the law.

imanalias63 reads

Tell me, is your posting to this board illegal? If you wrote an erotic experience would that be illegal? If you joined seeking arrangements or match.com would you be breaking any laws?  

While ads need to not state services or fees, including review profiles removing services for fee, the review maybe simply a rating system or thumbs up or down. The fact that we are considered innocent until proven guilty no longer applies.

It will be challenged.

-- Modified on 3/23/2018 11:29:51 AM

I hope your right. The stranglehold this government is putting upon its citizens for almost the past 2 decades is ridiculous. Honestly....its become no different than a monarchy or a dictatorship....except for the amount of corrupt fingers in the pie...

was challenging this legislation before the vote. Their attorneys understand the legal nuances way better than most legislators, and they have no fear of unpopular causes. I'd say they are our best hope right now. I'd advise everyone on this board and in this life to become a member if you are not already (as little as $35 a year) and contribute more if you can.

There is a bigger picture here that the ACLU is interested in. It's not about fighting for the rights of people in this business (luckily). The potential intrusiveness this law has on freedom of speech is mind boggling.  

What if everyone here started posting on match.com? In order to comply with the new law, match would have to hire hundreds of people to screen their ads, or ads would have a 2 month delay until they got posted, rendering the site worthless. And so the millions of people who use it legitimately, would be taken down by the relatively few. Newspapers would have to shut down classified ads etc.  

Thousands of legit forums could be taken away from people, because of fear mongers misplaced efforts to allegedly protect the few real victims, who inevitably would still be victims anyway, just in another forum. There are many legit enterprises and legit people who will be placed at risk, and they will be the ones behind the fight too

"There is a bigger picture here that the ACLU is interested in. ... The potential intrusiveness this law has on freedom of speech is mind boggling."

The A.C.L.U has defended right to freedom of speech of neo-Nazis and the KKK.  They take it VERY seriously.

Exactly ..get involved stay active ...my thoughts too 🤗

imanalias75 reads

For now it’s open season on marketing posts, of course it’s not really an ad, you’re only joining in the discussion, that should work don’t you think?

My experience with SA (about 4 yrs ago) was they figured out I had escort profiles online and they booted me off. Has that changed or is there a way around it? Any insight is appreciated

imanalias60 reads

Wow really? Somehow they connected the dots, email address, Twitter, phone or something.

But it’s good to know, and yes you can protect yourself. Obviously not use same email phone or social media information. I would also not use any photo used in ads or SM that can be found.  

Sadly some use photos on there personal Facebook accounts that they also used edited or not on there websites or ads.

What is this World coming to?
We're simply having a little dating fun, as do posters
on sites such as "Tinder", "Plenty of Fish", "SugarDaddy",  "Zoosk" or "Match".

Clearly, the "powers that be" disagree.

And I JUST started escorting, almost two months in. Things went great last week too, and now this. I have great timing, right? Regardless of this all, I am not giving up. Doing what I can NOW to make a better tomorrow

Arden_James105 reads

.....in part a couple months ago, anticipating this very reason, and (ironically) with some decent success. Still doesn’t address the more pressing issues of screening or having to fish among and educate the civvies.  

SIGH. So discouraging.

although i wouldn't mind a little traffic in my pants ;) lol

I've always called my time with my gentleman and couples friends dates not appointments because that's what I strive to have with my special friends.

I'm here, ready to make more memories with the gentlemen here. Please feel free to put me on your list and drop me a note and get prescreened for future dates with me.  

Steph XO

HappyChanges75 reads

the Senate (97-2) and the house voted overwhelmingly for the bill. It was a Bipartisan agreement.  

Why did they support it? I highly doubt it was attack on pussy and consenting adults.

Looks like the ladies will have to participate more on the boards, and not just post ads, to get our attention.  From my standpoint, ads were always a supplement...it was/is person to person commentary on the boards and PM's that has garnered my interest for the past decade or so.  But you already know that...  ;)

I agree that the back & forth is great, and the providers' personalities can really shine on the boards.
But guys, we have to make it a friendlier environment. Any alternative advertising methods call for subtly, nuance & respect. Those traits have been lacking lately.

I would agree.  Most of the new clients I have now have stated they read my comments on the boards and that was the reason they contacted me!  

This is all happening so fast. Heux’s are creative so We got this !!!

imanalias48 reads

Just curious to know when the well dries up from TER what are the chances ladies will reach out directly to guys?

I am on TER looking for my future boyfriend... the problem is that I am so picky, that I have a new one every day!  

Do you have brackets set up like the NCAA tournament?

Setting up stings on various P4P boards was a key MO for LE.  Now with these boards gone, how are they going to do that?

It's an ill wind that blows no one good.

Maybe they will have to actually go out and catch real criminals....Am I the only one who thinks the ad boards should be accessible to members only? We give away to much free information to LE on this board on how to infiltrate or cause us as a community more problems. At least make them do their jobs and work for it.

LE stop lurking here and concentrate on some real crime out there...if one more innocent kid gets killed cause you're lurking here instead, shame on you

-- Modified on 3/23/2018 12:28:29 PM

Agreed! I have a suggestion! Maybe sit along the freeways and stop those bully drivers who come speeding up behind you then bright you! Crap! I have never seen such awful driving! I avoid the freeways if I can help it!

They will have to go back to busting SW's, which will cut back on their donut breaks.

. . . has prostitution survived for millennia . .  .
These laws are too broad and too vague. Platforms are spooking out and shutting down but one way or the other this will get challenged in the courts
In the meantime, a lot of folks such as myself also have newsletters. I highly encourage you sign up for those too. This Indian kinkster is going nowhere that's for sure. . .

....bordellos. I can see them being resurrected now.

-- Modified on 3/23/2018 8:35:40 AM

Things will change but we aren’t going anywhere. We will evolve. Don’t panic. Too many horny people out there!  


I agree. Where there’s a will there’s a way.  We will survive.

Yes I totally agree, I'm always waaay to horny to let some fucked up law stop me from fucking sexy ladies... :)

Hopefully most of the guys here have P411 and can still utilize that to find local ladies, its going to be more difficult to know when the touring ladies are in town.
Sigh.. Fucking politicians there a bunch of paper pushing desk monkeys that have to stroke their own ego.

Touring providers are able to post a visiting ad on P411 up to 30 days.  When they log on, it will show they are online in both locations so it also gives more opportunities to be seen.  I always post one in the city I will be visiting.

I have Lots of Love to Share!
I'll be in Orlando, when you're ready.

-- Modified on 3/23/2018 2:38:43 AM

Text of the bill:

"This bill expresses the sense of Congress that section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 was not intended to provide legal protection to websites that unlawfully promote and facilitate prostitution and websites that facilitate traffickers in advertising the sale of unlawful sex acts with sex trafficking victims."

"The bill amends the federal criminal code to add a new section that imposes penalties—a fine, a prison term of up to 10 years, or both—on a person who, using a facility or means of interstate or foreign commerce, owns, manages, or operates an interactive computer service (or attempts or conspires to do so) to promote or facilitate the prostitution of another person."

"Additionally, it establishes enhanced penalties—a fine, a prison term of up to 25 years, or both—for a person who commits the offense in one of the following aggravating circumstances: (1) promotes or facilitates the prostitution of five or more persons, or (2) acts with reckless disregard that such conduct contributes to sex trafficking."

"The bill amends the Communications Act of 1934 to declare that section 230 does not limit: (1) a federal civil claim for conduct that constitutes sex trafficking, (2) a federal criminal charge for conduct that constitutes sex trafficking, or (3) a state criminal charge for conduct that promotes or facilitates prostitution in violation of this bill."

Okay, so herewithin lies a few questions. This bill is directly aimed at trafficking, not the active participants that are within legal age and are not doing this under any sort of diress or forced action. If these advertising sites operated like some do, with servers in countries which protect their operation and advertisers must provide copies of ID stating true name and legal age along with possibly signing a legal waiver of voluntary participation then can we continue to advertise with these companies thusly not limiting our marketability?

" ... to promote or facilitate the prostitution of another person."
Nothing there about trafficking.  Just facilitating (making easier) the prostitution of another person (*you*, the service's user/advertiser).  
Clearer now?

Also note that you don't need to say anything about sex on the computer service; you don't need to be "soliciting::  if it facilitates your prostitution at all, the operator gets locked up for 25 years.  

It's not you that the bill hits, it's your means of advertising.  No matter how you word it, or don't.  BP isn't safe.

imanalias74 reads

Was there internet back in 1934? It’s from 1996, khahaha, sorry just could help but laugh.

While there first was in 1934, it was revised.

The precursor to the Telecommunications Act of 1996 was the Communications Act of 1934. This Great Depression-era legislation had established the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to regulate all of the sectors within the communications.

This was to cover the Internet  

SESTA’s foundation for brining this to law was for sex trafficking or exploitation not to target all involved in prostitution. It was to close the easy access for those knowingly promoting or facilitating sex trafficking or exploitation.  

They are ignoring the first and fourth amendments. How is it acceptable to allow or accept this? Where no illegal activity can be proven with facts of evidence?  

Just because I say I’m willing to pay for something illegal doesn’t make it fact that I will or have...

Law enforcement needs to do there job. Catch me in the act. Even they along with DOJ think it’s a stupid law nearly unenforceable in court. Especially the retroactive suggestion, that will be easily defeated in court because there are regulations regarding that.

So this is a law that makes those who support it feel good. It will not stop trafficking, it will not stop exploitation, it makes it more difficult for the DOJ and LE agencies to find those they say they are trying to protect, they did the opposite, and everyone but them know it.

-- Modified on 3/25/2018 12:43:42 AM

If I have to go back to a stupid civvie job working again in a cubicle I am going to be so PISSED!!!!  

I wondered why I could not view ads there.  May have to go back to generic ads in newspapers

imanalias82 reads

This law covers that also. So don’t expect to find what you need they are serious about upholding the law regarding changes to the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Everything is game on. Let’s see them try to control free speech. If it’s not known or proven to be something offered that’s illegal, who are they to say it is? The thought police?

It won’t end here if it’s enforceable. It will be anything they say is unacceptable. But I doubt this will be enforceable based on the vague assumption that without proof or evidence a law was or would be broken just by the look of it.

So many problems this country is facing and they focus on consenting adults just having a little fun.  I’m still around guys and hoping to continue to make new friends!  

I'm still confused on newsletters being illegal?? Is that why everyone is switching to Proton mail? Also, can the ladies get in trouble for having their own websites?

Posted By: ashleydior
Also, can the ladies get in trouble for having their own websites?
Not a lawyer, but here's my take. The law isn't targeting you (and other non-coerced, consenting adult Providers). It is targeting the companies that HOST the ads. If you had a way to post your ads without an ISP or "inject" your ads directly into the internet, I think you would be OK. But the ISP and host sites are trying to reduce their exposure to risk by dropping ads.  
The porn industry must comply with a federal law, 18 U.S.C. § 2257: "Under a federal law, 18 U.S.C. § 2257, producers of a "visual depiction of an actual human being engaged in actual sexually explicit conduct" are required to keep records showing the ages of the models. ..." Every video has a 2257 disclaimer and provides the contact info of the record holder (usually a lawyer's office, I think). From what I've read about the porn industry, they usually tape something BEFORE a shoot along the lines of, "My name is Real Name, here is my license showing my true age to be (18++). I am making a movie today in which I will X, Y and Z. I am not drunk or under the influence of drugs. I am doing this of my own free will. The safe word today is RED. ..."  and stuff like that.  
Is there an ISP that would be willing to be a Keeper of Records (mostly related to proof of age and a statement of non-coercion?) in order to post ads from authenticated Providers who are offering COMPANIONSHIP ONLY? I don't know.

That's what I thought but wasn't sure since I keep seeing everyone freaking out and taking precautionary measures!

Um never had that porn discloser. Just test, show ID, go over role, look pretty, play fun.  Haha

i am free and over 21 no pimp how is this even constitutional

How is P411 not going to get shut down like TER?

LakeHuron68 reads

That is what I'm wondering about too.  I'm not too bothered by the ads being gone from TER but if the reviews go, this is a reviews site after all, that will be a serious game changer for hobbyists.  I'm also worried about the long term implications for p411.  The TER reviews and p411 have been a great combo for most of us here, both providers and hobbyists alike.  I don't even want to think what it will be like in the hobby if one or both of those go away.  

That's for sure. I'm no longer on p411 as most of my dates never came from there anyway. This site has its pros over cons but will probably disappear at some point or morph into something different that appears legal. That's my guess

These assholes banning us from our 1st ammendment rights are probably the same assholes who search TER all day long!!!!! Fuckin hypocrits!!

P411 is in canada. Look at ginas twitter she states that her site is subject to Canadian law not U.S. law, i think TER has way overreacted since they are not a U.S. based site

Mimesis279 reads

Posted By: colleenwir
Re: p411
P411 is in canada. Look at ginas twitter she states that her site is subject to Canadian law not U.S. law, i think TER has way overreacted since they are not a U.S. based site
cks175 has pointed out on a different thread that this is incorrect.  I quote:  "Second fallacy floating around in the comments is the idea that overseas persons/entities are beyond the reach of US law enforcement and civil courts.  The majority of Mueller’s indictments are for people who lived/acted overseas while violating US law.  Hackers/torrent players have been extradited back to the US. Julian Asaange is still living in an embassy to avoid extradition to the US, even though the original charges against him back in Sweden have been dropped.  These escort ad executives and owners apparently have decided that it’s not worth the risk of winning a diplomatic standoff over a child sex trafficking charge.  They probably figure their home countries aren’t going to come to therir defense."  

That alone will not suffice and no-one should be lulled into a false sense of security in believing it will...

Posted By: colleenwir
...... i think TER has way overreacted since they are not a U.S. based site

P411's home page still list ladies by cities...so although it's not an AD, it does indicate which ladies are in town or will be visiting.
Stay safe!

Looks like I picked the wrong time to come back from hiatus :-(

And changing my site to a blog and lifestyle site. I've been in the LS for years and have always had fun writing about it but damn if we have to beade out to be criminals..sad.

I hope nobody who uses this site was stupid enough to vote for this bozo. What did you expect to happen?
First cv and the loss of the personal ads . Who is next? Facebook, Twitter and every other social media site?  
Welcome to the dark ages!
Expect the bordellos in Nevada to shut down.
Eventually providers will have to be standing on street corners again.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the entire internet was shut dow........

Things are definitely getting interesting! I encourage curious gents to get pre-screened now. Remember that pre-screening doesn't mean you have to get things nailed down immediately (ba dum tss!), but that when the opportunity arises, we can just jump to the fun part! We companions are rolling with the punches and aren't panicked. All this means is that it's time to get creative.

I've personally locked my site while a few background changes are underway--like editing copy, fully switching to an encrypted email address and better VPN provider, hosting on a private server, changing domains, reviewing what media and hashtags are on my Twitter and Instagram, ensuring no sensitive information is saved online, and tightening up my already tight screening practices. Many other ladies (in ATL and nationally) are doing the same. #RIP to all of my fire Twitter nudies...  
Gents: please remember that the new legislation will affect more than just your ability to find new providers; prioritize protecting yourself! (Cybersecurity is sexy. And it only works if we're both doing it!)  Encrypted email options like Protonmail, Hushmail, Tutanota are great. I'll soon be requiring anyone wanting to contact me to have their own encrypted account and currently prioritize messages that come from protected accounts. Cheap, if not free, VPN options--for your computer and phone--exist. Widen your circle sans a paper trail by asking your regular provider (or fellow gent) if s/he might introduce you to a new friend! And recognize that thorough screening means that the lady you are seeking out is dedicated about ensuring neither of you end up in hot water.  
Staying smart means I get to play harder!    

I'm actually pretty paniced. This is a stressful and mind boggling situation for a lot of us. I'm fairly new, about a year into the business, so while I do have some nice reviews to fall back on, I still really pretty heavily on advertising. This is my only way of income currently, and due to my area being super competitive and not too busy, I'm already fairly low traffic as it is without TER removing ad boards, let alone what's going to come next.  

So yes. Some of us are kinda paniced.

And wanted to fuck you!....  :D

... you ladies actually act on pre-screen requests.  :(

I will be 40 this year & I have been in the adult entertainment industry for 2 decades.  When I first started the pimps were always apart of the game.  Being a renegade was rare.  I see how human trafficking is a major issue, but the majority of working women are single Mom's.  This is the oldest profession that allows single mother's the ability to provide for their children.  

I home-school my oldest & I know many providers that are blessed to be stay at home Super Mom's.  I know for a fact I receive inquiries from my posts her on TER.  You do not need to post an ad to book a date.  I am positive that these changes will not effect my business because I am not available, unless I get a deposit.  I run business differently, after having kids.  I am never available with out reservations & a deposit.

Change is good.  Learn to embrace change.  I just had business cards made because I am going back to my old ways.  When in public you are your greatest ad, so utilize every moment.  I am a hot MILF, and I am not going to stop spreading joy & love.  

Be safe.  Vocabulary is everything.  Research the laws in the cities you hobby.  I have a criminal attorney in every city I provide, just in case.  Wishing everyone the best, always!  Smile for me! xoxo

John_Laroche67 reads

Adaptation is key. There's no magic solution that's going to make SESTA go away (once it actually becomes law) any time soon.  

Providers should read QB's advice on another board about taking care of regulars too. I consider myself extremely lucky that I have 4 wonderful regulars that treat me like a NSA friend/lover not as a quick $$$. It's been months since any of them has run an ad  and it's obvious to me why they don't need to.

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