TER General Board

Well it looks like "Bob" is back
GaGambler 58 reads

Old, drunk, stupid AND argumentative is not the way to spend your golden years.  

I guess the good thing is, you won't even remember this conversation by the time they give you your meds and tuck you in for the night.

Angel4Life5053 reads

When TER re-emerged in late November, there were several posts and comments about many of the Sex Workers migrating to Twitter; and laments that their prices increased while their quality of service decreased.  I witnessed this first hand with 2 providers I had seen several times.  I moved on once they no longer grandfathered rates.  I have never begrudged any provider for upping the ante;  it is a free market and this is free enterprise.  I had no difficulty finding the same quality of service at the price point I was comfortable with.

Earlier this week a provider on a The west Coast tweeted something to the effect of Excuse Me For Venting;  she lamented that many of  “Her Regulars” had reached out to her to check in with her, and offer moral support!  She ended her tweet by stating that she had not received 1 offer to send a donation, pay a bill for her, or accept an offer for a virtual encounter!

I would be lying if I said I was not amused by some of the responses!  They ranged anywhere from Lectures from Well Meaniing Individuals to the effect of  “ You have to learn to take care of yourself, you cannot expect to rely on the generosity of others), to “this is an industry that is transaction based, clients are paying you for services rendered with no strings attached; they do not owe you a thing”.  One Provider even went so far as to threaten “Her Regulars” that once this pandemic is over, she would no longer see them if they would not send donations to her now. Talk about cutting your nose to spite your face!  She will find out soon enough that Nobody, and I mean Nobody is indispensable!  Another Provider stated she would raise her rates!  More comedic relief,

First and foremost, I feel bad for anyone who is struggling financially through this pandemic.  I have been there myself. Any sentiment I write here is directed toward the Hookers who took advantage of a booming economy and TER’s absence for 18. Months., by raising your rates and price gouging your clients.  This Does not Apply to 98 per cent of the Providers on TER who are fair and consistent; whose aim is to please our appetite.

You deserve this slap down, you really had this coming to you!  You could not collect our Cash fast enough to post pics of your latest collection of Jimmy Choo’s Designer Shoes, and Gucci Handbags.  You couldn’t have cared less for the Slobbyists, it was all about how much cash you accrued and how fast you flaunted your success. Now that the Economy is enduring this pandemic, it is the most Expensive SW who are whining the loudest, and pleading for handouts as if they are Entitled!

I welcome your thoughts.

Fuck, I can't find a single point where I disagree with you.  

I have a lot of empathy to the vast majority of providers who like the rest of the country (world) are going through tough times, but that empathy/sympathy does NOT extend to the MHB's you are talking about. I wonder just how much deleting of old, and not so old tweets is going on right now from these women trying to back pedal from their previous arrogance?

Angel4Life69 reads

Where did I go wrong?  Nothing to disagree here?

Seriously, as a Corporate Middle Level Manager fro most of my career, most of my subordinates have always considered me to be fair;  and I do not play with anyone I work with.  I try to extend fairness here in Hobby Land!  I call it the way I see it!

You are making numerous points, some I agree with and some I don't.

First, my main thoughts right now are for the real good girls who are just in a lose/lose situation. Girls who go out of their way to act like professionals, who provide excellent service and are flat out sexy as hell but have seen their civie $ drop at the same time their hooker money stopped and the ones who only get all their money from escorting. I am not about to lecture those girls on "saving for a rainy day" at this point. I will have those discussions, at a better time, with the girls I am close to, and plan with them, so they can survive the next time something even remotely like this happens again.

Some in that group did raise their rates during TER's absence, but I think it was primarily due to Sesta-Fosta driving many girls out and reducing supply, than it was TER being essentially down. In either case, I don't blame women for upping their rate card if they can do so. It is a free market, as you state, and if that market has upward pressure on rates, so be it.

I disagree they were "price gouging." To me that term implies a monopoly of good/services where the customer cant get those items from others at more reasonable rates. There were TONS of girls that didn't raise their rates or were new (i.e. less expensive) during that time to choose from, so it sounds like you are contradicting yourself when you say "I have never begrudged any provider for upping the ante" but then later say you blamed some of the girls "by raising your rates and price gouging your clients."

My issue isn't with the girls whose public persona changed after COVID starting taking affect in the U.S. They are scared, shocked, and many, sadly, are now broke. I am going to give that group a pass for now at least. My problem is with the girls who were acting uppity BEFORE all this happened.

Yes, the ones using the "hobbyist" and "slobbyist" terms interchangeably. The ones outing minorly annoying emails and email addy's to embarrass and humiliate clients for asking borderline inappropriate things. For proudly sending guys to a BL for minor offenses. The ones constantly virtue signaling with all their "holier than thou" woke nonsense. The ones who cant wait to rush to twitter to whine and complain on a weekly basis about a guy who sends "hey babe u avail now?" Twitter is filled with those examples. I dont have ANY desire to see ANY of those girls.

Just my 2 cents, but try and separate the good ones who were cool prior to COVID and the ones after. The ones before were the good ones, as they were good girls who loved men before all the financial pressure and health concerns of the recent weeks took hold. The ones acting strangely and out of character since COVID only now, will get a pass from me for awhile as they deserve it, not the other ones I mentioned.

Angel4Life47 reads

You and  I are pretty much on the same page.  We both agree that 98 per cent of the Providers are Sexy, eager to please, and their fees are reasonable.  To me, any provider who doubled their rates within 18 months to 2 years, especially after TER disappeared , price gouged.  And I am not referring to a 100 rose donation from STG, or now defunct BP  Maybe I need to use more appropriate semantics.  But as I stated earlier, this happened to me twice.  After TER came back, there were many posts about Twitter filling the Vacuum for TER, and there were many, many posts and replies that stated the rates had gone up, and the quality of service went down.  I noticed that as well.  And if you follow any SW on Twitter, it is not very difficult to validate some of my other points.  Other Hobbyists mentioned that some of the Providers did not appreciate TER because it kept them in line.  After TER went dark, there no longer was a check and balance, and a few did take advantage of what they perceived to be a favorable situation.

New girls too. They learned from the old  biddies that we are all "slobbiests" who should pay 900 bucks an hour for their out of shape asses.  

They deserve the financial pain for all the derogatory posts about mongers they made on Twatter.  

How are they doing without us " slobbiest's"  money?

All those years when you bragged about relentlessly bargaining with girls to get their lowest possible rate or above, when you wrote:  "I don't blame women for upping their rate card if they can do so. It is a free market, as you state, and if that market has upward pressure on rates, so be it."
I guess you'll say there's no contradiction because they can be free to raise rates while you can be free to nickel and dime them to death. What a neat trick.

But thanks for not answering the question. Who was it that said,, "Wave that white flag high and proud?"

because I want to make sure they shave their pussy for my session.  If they don't shave, I don't want to complain, and then have the girl say, "Don't complain, you got a discount."  

And being too dishonest or too old to realize that is his tagline. LOL

Have you ever heard of something called "irony?"
Gawd, you're dumb.

GaGambler135 reads

I thought that would be enough to get you laughed right off the board, now you "borrow" another one of LTM's trademarked lines and you're wearing it like a badge of honor. Now THAT is irony for you.

AGAIN. Admit it. Even a tool like you knew I was pulling Hack's chain. But even then you just had to chime in with more stupidity because Hack is so incompetent he can't come up with a decent comeback.
That's not merely ironic. It simply proves what a pinhead you are.
Now cue up Wu with yet more lies.

and now to borrow a phrase from you.


Gawd,  you're dumb.

Now admit it, you've been spreading lies here for years and I've busted you for it MANY times and provided direct evidence. Now please stop pretending that never happened.
You are beneath embarrassment.
And dumb.

Old, drunk, stupid AND argumentative is not the way to spend your golden years.  

I guess the good thing is, you won't even remember this conversation by the time they give you your meds and tuck you in for the night.

Too "old" to talk to. LOL

Well, he always has his nurse. She is at least PAID to listen to old ass. lol

Thanks for joining Hack in waving the white flag. Did you really have to make it THAT obvious?
Gawd you're dumb.

I guess there is no doubt who is the big spoon now.

I honestly can't imagine anything more lame than falling back on "borrowing" lines from the likes of LTM&L

But thanks for giving up on any attempt at real discussion. Obviously you have nothing useful to add.
Though it's nice to know you're now an expert on spooning protocols.
No surprise you hang out in Hack's closet.

That said, I just looked at the beginning of this branch and you actually made a good point about Jack's everchanging stance on the subject of the price of pussy.

Too bad it was YOU that had to hijack your own good point by mimicking your BFF LTM.

Wu The Humorless fails again. Oh, and who actually gives a fuck about a thread? No even you. Thus, one more lie.
Thanks for proving my point.

During this lockdown, I've been doing some surfing across the interwebs and I came across a few subreddits called /sexworkers, /sexworkersonly, /askanescort, and the very stupid and pretentious /highendescorts. These are some of the most pretentious, femininst nazi, man-hating wenches I've ever seen. Quite a few of them play off as if they're experts in all things prostitution related, but really it's very obvious they're posers. If you disagree with one of them, they'll go through your posting history and downvote every post you made. There was one girl on there that made it sound like a 50% deposit for an hour date was normal and she claimed that a "lot" of her friends do it. I've been hobbying for 10+ years and I've never come across that.... ever.  

But with the Kung Flu turning into a pandemic, they're all now kicking and screaming and trying to find new ways to make money (selling pics/vids, starting an onlyfans, etc). If you want to have fun and trigger a bunch of pretentious "escorts," go to /sexworkers and call them out on their bullshit. The other one's will ban you first chance because it's an "only" /r.

old TER providers were more consistent.  during absence some great gals raised prices and were worth it.  a lot were not and were a bit uppity.  glad TER is back.

As you know there is always someone ranting on Twitter everyday.
It is a difficult and a new position with many of the US states on lockdown.
I saw the tweet you mentioned. Did you read the OP responses? I took as guy/guys continually to contact her to ask how she is doing?If you keep reaching out multiple times and knowing she is not working but not offering anything.  
Where does it end?

 I have had clients reach out to me to ask how I am doing when the virus started closing down and conventions cancelling out here.I did respond back I did not expect them to offer anything. However I will say they did not send countless emails or texts either.  
I have had a few clients send small gift cards or offers to prepay for future dates. Or subscribe to my OF.  
And I appreciate their kindness and they will be handsomely rewarded.

Every lady is different on how she handles her social media. I will say I have read some twitter rants recently...had me thinking whoa where is that block and mute button. lmao

-- Modified on 3/30/2020 1:06:09 AM

I’ve been in the Hobby 10+ years and agree whole heartedly with your observations. I made similar observations in another discussion thread. For the last 18 months a general sense of entitlement pervaded a large group of providers. “Less for more” seemed to be the sentiment. More false advertising than I ever experienced. And the open disdain expressed daily on Twitter by providers for clients was fascinating. I basically relegated myself to the ladies I know well. When did decide to meet someone new, I was almost always disappointed. And there is no bigger disappointment than Las Vegas which has to have the  biggest provider scams going. “Yeah, that donation is just for me to say hi, now let’s negotiate.”  

TER doesn’t solve all ills but it certain helps.

for years with the bait and switch agencies. You pay the fee for them to show up which goes all to the agency.
The negotiation is her tip which is always higher than what you already paid.
But if you are here on TER that should not be happening. Too many of us well-reviewed ladies in Vegas that do not upsell.
Sorry if you have been disappointed by bait and switch in the past. But there are many lovely ladies in Vegas.

Thanks Jayda. You’ve been touring when I visit. I thought I found other independents and these agencies are damn tricky. I agree TER will help.  

Yes TER helps and if you know ladies out here possibly a referral to a friend or fellow provider acquaintenance.

But when I tell you I'm going to LV, and if you have the time, I would appreciate 'this'.  

And then something tells me, I'll ask for longer...

Just because it's you! :D

Never once thought of booking, but their pics are nice.

I have only met with two providers since FOSTA, and have been a long time regular with both.  Both kept their prices the same and kept giving super service.  Would not hesitate to advance money if either needed.

I don't plan to hobby any more till this Corona virus dies off...or whatever causes the threat to end.  Not really sure what brought an end to bird-flu, swine-flue, or Ebola.  Just happy I was never exposed.

What brings these "outbreaks" to an end?!?

Flu epidemics end because people recover and they've generally become immune (antibodies adapt.)   So the flu finds fewer and fewer available new hosts.  They either kill the host or get killed by the host, so they have to keep moving.  If they can't find the next victim to move to, it is the end of the line.  
They say warm weather and humidity also makes their jump harder.  So yet another barrier to finding the next host before they die out at their current host.  They have to jump or go extinct.  

It seems that the whole point of your OP is that you resent providers. You resent providers for being out of your reach. You resent that you cannot control them and what they say on Twitter (or anywhere else, for that matter). You resent even those you pretend to like, because they won't grandfather rates for you. You resent that some might have the unmitigated gall to even ASK for help at a time when they are suffering.  

While exposing your sad, angry, bitter little self as described above, you double-down on your doucheness and say that someone actually deserves to be destroyed during a crisis like this?  

Your post had NOTHING to do with rates, and everything to do with your own sense of entitlement. You really believe that you are entitled to someone else's pussy at whatever rate you can afford, huh? That no one has the right to challenge your desire to control them?

Got news for you - you aren't entitled to shit.

to show up and explain things rationally and realistically without any zensationalism.      Nice slap-down.  

Angel4Life47 reads

Nope.  I do not resent anyone.  Life is too short, and the list of SW who are eager to please is too long.  Re-read my 4th paragraph, especially where I state that I feel bad for anyone who is feeling the economic squeeze.  Oh and don’t forget to re read the part where I stated that 98 per cent of the SW are sexy, fair and eager to please.

Finally I do not wish to see anyone destroyed.  Bad Karma.  However sometimes a bit of humility to those who exalt themselves and flaunt it is a great attitude adjustment

I see nothing has changed.  

"most" of us understood what you were saying, and why. You can't expect the feminazi's to ever get it, especially the male ones. You know they type, the ones who "believe ALL women" even when it's obvious that at least "some of them" are lying their asses off. It doesn't matter, to guys like Zen, NOTHING a woman does should ever be criticized by a man.

It's funny, if I bitch slap a guy nobody accuses me of misandry, but even if I support 99% of the women here, let me call out even one lying, cheating cunt and all of a sudden I'm a misogynist. There is ZERO need to apologize for owning a set of balls and using them.

Jayk4759 reads

The OP is correct. A loud minority of providers on Twitter constantly bash clients, proclaim themselves as a luxury, tweet with righteous indignation that they are not a hobby, and funnily enough this same group you are white knighting for would mock you as a slobbiest for having a TER account that writes reviews.

Sadly, this same group is soliciting donations from clients bc they can’t pay their rent now due to the current COVID situation. OP was not wrong to point out these types of providers didn’t help their cause by their past behavior.

If you read his response to Jack Dunphy you would see that he said 98% of providers are great people. Clearly, he doesn’t resent providers. You on the other hand are defending a group that resents you lol.

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