TER General Board

Too funny, I made a post a while back comparing pussy with cars.
GaGambler 49 reads

I don't remember exactly how it went, but it was something along the lines of  

Marriage= Purchase

Sugar Baby= Lease

Hooker= Rental.

As for negotiating, I really don't have any really strong feelings either was, partly because I do a lot of mongering outside of this country where "haggling" is not only accepted, but expected, and "gringos estupidos" who pay "asking price" are considered too stupid to get a puta's best service, the logic being If he is too stupid to negotiate a fair price, he also stupid enough to be satisfied with a half hearted effort. Hey, don't shoot the messenger, when in Rome.....

I don't negotiate when at home, but I don't necessarily condemn the guys that do. Well to be clear I don't negotiate in the hooker world at home, but I spend a lot of time in the Sugar World and EVERYTHING is negotiated in that world.  

I do find it a bit ironic that the hookers in this country have convinced the johns that even thinking about offering her less than her full asking price is not only being cheap, but disrespectful and downright insulting. I wish I could convince my clients that negotiating was off limits too. I don't blame the women, but I do find it kind of amusing how the guys just fall into line, just like they do at home I suppose.

I’ve been a provider for nearly 2 years now , and I was just curious as to why hobbyist that are very active are the ones that try to negotiate rates ?. I’m not saying all hobbyist are like that. But I have too many trashy hobbyist that have seen low end girls inquire to me and ask to see me at lower rates. I’ve had some even send me a txt and said if you drop your price I promise to leave an excellent review!!. Needless to say they were told it’s a no flat out after asking that. I don’t understand why they think any great provider would do that. It makes me wonder have they gotten away with this from other providers and they now think it’s acceptable to be cheap and disrespectful. To me it’s a major turnoff if that’s the first thing anyone asks when they inquire. I honk the most embarrassing thing is when I meet a new client and then when we get started they ask if I offer discounts. In all honesty that just kills the mood for me if I’m about to get into it with a client and then they fucked up by asking if I’ll give a discount.    

Any other ladies have this issue?

As Woody Allen used to say, "in my family, the biggest sin one could commit was paying retail"!  Seriously, the answers to this are as varied as your customers.  But let me try to cover at least some of the major basics:

1.  Your customer is a dick...plain and simple.  He isn't a nice guy, doesn't want to pretend to be a nice guy, doesn't respect you and wants to pay the absolute minimum
2.  Your guy isn't a dick, but he is a value shopper.  He looks back at all the previous providers he has seen, looks at their service offerings and reviews, evaluates their looks and says for example to himself "the last 5 women I have seen had higher ratings, offered a more inclusive menu, were objectively better looking, and had more enthusiastic reviews than this new provider and all of the charged 100 bucks less.  So they negotiate what they think is a fairer price, which you can accept or reject.  You set the price you are willing to accept and they set the price they are willing to pay.  Sometimes the two parties can meet in the middle, sometimes they don't.
3.  Your guy isn't a dick, but he is short of a little cash, likes what he has read about you, and hopes to see you at a discount and the next time he will pay the full price

Just some of the logic going on from the hobbyists point of view.  Not saying its fair, but it is how some guys think

Number 1!!!!  
Ding, ding, ding, ding!!!

.......negotiate, sure......CLICK.....hmmmmmmmmmmm.  For those of you whom have forgotten or are to young to know that is a hangup on a landline.   Nexxxxxxxxttttttttttttttttttt.

-- Modified on 1/9/2018 6:56:25 PM

Um.... no one here is too young to remember land lines.  
Uless your client list has shifted from Baby Boomers to mostly Millennials. LOL  

I quickly browsed one of your sites and did not notice the obligatory "these rates are nonnegotiable" comment with your posted rates. Given how common this and even stronger language is on escort websites, perhaps its absence from yours suggests to shoppers that your rates are negotiable or they at least have nothing to lose by trying. Since the lowballing clearly bothers you, perhaps you could try calling it out on your site and see if that discourages it. If I were you and deadset against negotiating, I would not dignify any negotiations with a reply of any kind. Don't know what to say about someone who would attempt to negotiate in person except to say that it is obviously unfair and sleazy behavior. When you make the appt you are committing to pay the agreed rate. They should ask themselves how they would feel if they showed up and you tried to negotiate a higher rate.

I've never had it written anywhere and also never had to deal with it. Probably luck but also making it clear from the beginning that you won't deal with any bullshit which is evident more in attitude and conversation than a disclaimer on site.

In my experience there’s no way to stop it completely from people asking but I just want to know particularly why mostly hobbyist ask. But thank you guys for expressing point of views.

I consider myself a good tipper,not a $20 tipper..And am just not a  discount kinda a guy either.As a business person am not a fan of it.Actually quite a few ladies told me am one  of a small handful  of guys who tipped them,so it does not surprise me.

Some guys are just plain cheap ,and some are just disrespectful of women ,period.They will spend money on  other things but will be cheap with you.This is why you need to screen your clients by checking with ladies they have seen before you.If they can't give you reference and their reviews consistently show low end providers and many shorts appointments ,these are RED FLAGS.

Probably because of the HBO hit reality show "Cathouse" where customers usually negotiated rates with the providers working there on-camera.

->It makes me wonder have they gotten away with this from other providers

Undoubtedly it's worked with other providers. They're probably not 100% fine with it, but like any discounted service, some money is better than no money when demand is low.

It's better business to get ahead of the demand problem and either A) Don't work or B) Have Specials. I see plenty of both around the holidays.

 Not saying all this applies to you Lili, just as a generality that's where this mindset comes from and how other providers seem to be getting ahead of it. If you don't want to discount your rates, you absolutely shouldn't. It'd probably also be good to include something to that effect (rates non-negotiable etc) in your pre-booking client dialogue.

Although, sometimes I will ask at the time of booking if she is running any multi-hour specials that she would like me to be aware of that are not shown on her website.  She can say no, in which case I will still book the one-hour appointment, or she can tell me what her 2, 3, or 4 hour "specials" are, in which case I may book a longer session if the incentive is there.  Its not really asking for a discount, but rather giving her the opportunity to reel me in for more money overall by extending the session and offering me an incentive to do so.  Many business-savvy ladies already have a built-in incentive for extended sessions right on their website, so it those cases, I don't even ask if there are any unpublished "specials."  I can tell that sometimes when I use this approach, there were really no "specials" but she sees the opportunity and makes one up on the spot.  Lol

Your profile lists multiple websites with different rates. One has your HH rate at $160, another at $200 and another with no rates at all. This type of discrepancy is an invitation to haggle. It's best to have uniform rates across the platforms.

Oh, I most certainly second that; clear communication goes a /long/ way ladies.

imanalias46 reads

Not necessarily.

The one site that shows it as 160hhr/240Hr might not have been created by her but farmed out based on an older ad. If she created it and cannot gain access to update it she can request TER to remove it and not allow it to be relisted. I know a provider who has this same problem with the same site and another who farmed out (stole) her ad and she can’t get them edited or removed but TER won’t let them be posted now.

So instead of offering a response to her post that gives a reasonable explaination aside from the obvious you blame it on her. That in itself is exposing some guys will mine through old ads that remain online just to get a discount while all other sites, ads, and TER profile clearly show it higher.

Some people and cultures believe everything is negotiable, the art of the deal. While it’s irritating it’s simple enough to resolve, let the crickets chip once someone asks and move on. No point discussing it, if in fact it’s not negotiable. Which is something many providers post on there site and ads, but I’m betting guys still ask.

-- Modified on 1/9/2018 9:45:35 PM

That is exactly what happend. I started it with a provider named Naughty Bobbi. She had her own agency and I was new and had 180 HH and 260 Hour when I was with them. I can understand now why it maybe confusing. But yes you are indeed correct I told TER I wanted those sites taken down and they said if they did not create the site they can’t remove it or update it. Bobbi said her husband created the site and she didn’t know the passwords or user names under those profiles and sites that he created for me while I was under her. So bobbi did not have the power to do anything. So I’m stick with it unless there’s another way to take it down or update it.

That website was created when I was with an agency and those 180 and 260 are my old rates form over a year ago. I tried to have that profile taken down as I told TER I did not create it and had no access to it. TER told me to contact the agency that made it and they would have to take it down. They never took it down or corrected it even when I asked.

I’d never ask for a discount or try and haggle; if I think a given rate is to rich for my blood, then I don’t even bother contacting the Provider in question.

I /have/ asked about different time lengths not listed (an hour and a half vs. one hour, for example), but that’s not the same thing.

Honestly, if their rates are cleary posted, then a Client should have no grounds for argument.  That being said, I do wish more Providers had clear (and up to date...) rate listings.

cajunman48 reads

or offended?  or call names? "low-end girls, trashy hobbyists" . . .  

What is a low-end girl to you - one with scores under 8 . . . . ? ;)   And what makes you a high-end girl?  Curious where the line is to YOU!

Cheap and disrespectful, puhleeze!  Grow TF up.

Just say no or don't reply.

People in business often negotiate or at least try

Providers are either businesswomen or they are not

-- Modified on 1/9/2018 8:11:01 PM

Last time I checked I don’t stay at roach infested motels offering QVS and see just anybody. My rates are high, I screen very carefully for my safety, and I stay at costly expensive hotels where I know it is safe for myself and my clients. All factors considerd yes I am a high end provider. Quality over quantity!. I am particular about who I see because believe it or not I do have a life outside of my profession. I don’t take high volume either as that will draw attention myself. I have always politely told hobbyists that have inquired to me that I don’t feel comfortable meeting them if I know they have seen some questionable providers. I don’t tell them they have seen questionable girls because they in all fairness may not have known or they just don’t care. Either way all factors considerd I do very well for myself and that is the way I operate. My safety comes first and foremost.

Or be for lesser times or services.  Like a FBSM rate & a GFE rate?  The clearer you are the less this should occur.  Refer them to your web site where It should say No Negociating.   Be prepared to answer quickly about Specials inquiries.  

I hate negotiating, so I try to avoid it at most cost. If I like something and can afford it, I pay the asking price. People give me crap for it but it's just the way I am. I hate it when clients try to get me to lower my price. If I say a project will cost $10,000 then that's the price I can do it for.

-- Modified on 1/9/2018 9:10:23 PM

Answer: Over on the P&R Board, vaporing about his idol, Demented Donnie.

He spends too much time over there.Needs to spend more time over here.His idol is getting laid while he is over there jerking off.

wrps0748 reads

I don't negotiate a provider down on prices.  Some guys do it because they get away with from other providers. They feel they have spent too much in a lifetime on pussy.

Who looks at penny stocks in this day in age? Usually those that don't have a lot of money and hope to hit the jackpot, kinda like powerball. Just the mere mention of penny stocks is hilarious. Are you living in the early 2000's? Do you work for JT  Marlin?  (Boiler Room reference btw)

you'd know that wrps has spoken frequently here about trading in penny stocks and has been ridiculed for it.
Please go sell some of your own penny stocks and buy a clue.

cajunman41 reads

When you even perceive an insult!


Hilarious that you post under an alias...a keyboard warrior that needs another layer of concealing themselves. Lol. U sure have some big balls.

cajunman98 reads

Big balls guy!  LOL

What, are you a White-Knight for Jake now?

My guess is that he doesn't need the help of a jock-sniff like you? ;)

A white knight for jake? Lol. Do you not know how to read? Oh, you must be Jake's other alias.

As for Jake, he can use all the help he can get, but for all practical purposes Jake is his "real fake name" It's the only name he posts under, he has thousands of posts under the same fake name and several people here know his "real" info, myself included.

cajunman68 reads

The "alias" comment threw me off.

-- Modified on 1/10/2018 10:35:50 AM

I love it when confused people start flapping around.  For once, GaGa is not one of them.

wrps0754 reads

Happy new year btw. Good sense of humor.

Who goes into Capital Grille and asks the waiter if they can get the Porterhouse for $40? Prices are non negotiable. Either you pay it or go to outback. You have options and in most cases, you get what you pay for. Providers are subjective and understandably, some think they're a 10 when in reality they may be an 8. Hobbying is subjective. However, prices are prices. Anyone that wants to negotiate them are cheap imo. There are certain instances where negotiating is expected when it comes to the free market. Hobbying isn't one of them imho. Look at the providers website and liated prices...if you can't afford it then go find someone you can. Put yourself in their shoes and dont be so self centered....how would u feel if some lame john tried to negotiate u down. DUH. Try to sympathize....cus none of u johns can empathize.

And when you go to the car dealership you pay the sticker price?  GTFOH! They try to get as much margin as possible....and if im paying cash i ask for a cash price, downplay their car, and overplay my trade in.  

You pay the asking price on a house?

Lol, I got plenty of stuff to sell you!!!!


Upscale purchases are to be negotiated cause the margins tend to be ridiculous. You probably shouldn't negotiate a quick visit. But high end/upscale lady should have some room based on factors of extension of time etc.

Read my post thoroughly, don't selectively read. I said, "There are certain instances where negotiating is expected when it comes to the free market." Most high end ladies have longer visit rates posted. This isn't a high end purchase lol duh. What do you have to show after 2 hours? You think this is a high end purchase lmfao. DUH. If you consider pussy a high end purchase, what kinda house do u libe in amd what kinda car do u drive lol.

it's how you ask bro.  

"what's your p411 special/rate/price? (many ladies discount)"
"do you have an early bird special (some lady's have a before 11am rate this lower)?"
"Are you still running a special for $$$ (even though you know it's not listed on a website for 20 or 40 less)?"

when you could end up spending iphone X money with these $500hr ladies for a 2-3 hrs of fun it becomes a luxury purchase as it's only one time use....and then you gotta pay the same amount the next time!!! You can get 4 years of solid use out of an iphone and can make money with it be it apps, uploading videos, blogging etc. For a one time service being  the hobby it's luxury.  

Hell even the case can be made at the standard $300-350 it's still a luxury if you hobby multiple times a month.

Posted By: NoTomorrow
Re: Cuz they're cheap
Read my post thoroughly, don't selectively read. I said, "There are certain instances where negotiating is expected when it comes to the free market." Most high end ladies have longer visit rates posted. This isn't a high end purchase lol duh. What do you have to show after 2 hours? You think this is a high end purchase lmfao. DUH. If you consider pussy a high end purchase, what kinda house do u libe in amd what kinda car do u drive lol.

Lol. How you ask for discounts? You must use coupons and shop at walmart. Is that why you only have 3 reviews, none of which are listed? You must wait for these discounts from providers. This isn't a purchase as you don't own anything. It is a service you are receiving. I never think, I purchased pussy. I do, however, feel I purchased a house cuz I own it. To me a purchase is tangible. When you get a massage, did you purchase it? Maybe we have differwnt definitions...purchase, definition: acquire (something) by paying for it; buy. Do ypu acquire this pussy? Are you buying it? When you rent a car, is that a purchase?

I don't remember exactly how it went, but it was something along the lines of  

Marriage= Purchase

Sugar Baby= Lease

Hooker= Rental.

As for negotiating, I really don't have any really strong feelings either was, partly because I do a lot of mongering outside of this country where "haggling" is not only accepted, but expected, and "gringos estupidos" who pay "asking price" are considered too stupid to get a puta's best service, the logic being If he is too stupid to negotiate a fair price, he also stupid enough to be satisfied with a half hearted effort. Hey, don't shoot the messenger, when in Rome.....

I don't negotiate when at home, but I don't necessarily condemn the guys that do. Well to be clear I don't negotiate in the hooker world at home, but I spend a lot of time in the Sugar World and EVERYTHING is negotiated in that world.  

I do find it a bit ironic that the hookers in this country have convinced the johns that even thinking about offering her less than her full asking price is not only being cheap, but disrespectful and downright insulting. I wish I could convince my clients that negotiating was off limits too. I don't blame the women, but I do find it kind of amusing how the guys just fall into line, just like they do at home I suppose.

Obviously they haven't been convinced of anything or this post wouldn't exist. You actually compared pussy to cars? Was  Andrew Dice Clay doing stand up in the delivery room when you were born?

Posted By: NoTomorrow
Who goes into Capital Grille and asks the waiter ...  
The waiter doesn't have the authority to negotiate the price of the steak. Call over the owner and give him a GOOD reason and see what happens. If the owner is entertained by your story, you might get comped a dessert or an appetizer. Or ask the owner if he can give you a deal on a party-of-6 birthday celebration next week. The OWNER might be willing if it's his slow night and you even pre-pay or pre-order some specialties.  
An indy is an owner and the only one who can negotiate for her own time and companionship.
I don't negotiate or haggle.  
My story, told before, is about calling someone with no clear amount in her ads (and before I did TER VIP) and she gave me a very HIGH number. I politely declined because that was beyond my budget. She came back and offered ME a lower number. Still too high AND I didn't want to risk someone giving less than 100% effort if she felt she really deserved more. I declined again.  ... 800 eventually came to 400 or 350 but I told her I had to pass. SHE was negotiating with ME!

Libertine_Proust60 reads

This is also my fear! I seek out a great session. Undercutting pricing is just asking for mediocrity, which would be well-deserved.

Should be telling you something.......

souls_harbor53 reads

I think Dave Chappelle would call that "brittle spirits."  If someone wants to negotiate and you don't, say no.  

...i would never insult a woman who's running her own business by asking for a discount...if the experience wasn't worth the price...SUCK IT UP AND DONT REPEAT-leave a bad review..donations should be worked out up front...will say that one or two of my regular friends have offered me a discount when donation costs have gone up..i said thanx...then left a bigger tip...helln...how would guys feel,if before those panties came off,she asked for a "surcharge"??...no extra cash/no internal gash...

Million year old question thin

If you spend your time thinking and worrying about what others do and why, you will not have any time for fun! If you do do, and  as a result you may end up with a highly stressed life.

Thats about it..!  Take it ..Or Leave it..!! 🤣🤣👩‍🚀

and that the girl, once they meet them, will ne so hot for them, that they should not pay.. or pay less..

If you are advertising on BP it especially is not going to change.  Just ignore those who ask for discounts and see the ones who pass screening and don't ask for discounts.  I've had little issue with it since I started primarily doing most my marketing on Twitter among other things, but I remember when I was on BP and Eros and the negotiaters infested my phone with stupid texts.

Right! Even the ones that find me on Eros and P411 have asked for discounts or asked if I’d see them for a lower rate. I just politely tell them my rates are not up for negotiation. I think the ones that asked were so embarrassed from asking that they stopped responding.

of johns and providers. Johns who'd try to get a discount and providers who'd upsell/charge extra once session starts.  

My suggestion - If you give discounts then give it to the john. If not, then politely say no, move on and do not let such things bother you. You will only aggravate yourself and I don't think it's worth it. You did the right thing by venting here and getting this out of your system.

I think asking for a discount is tacky especially in the 1st couple meetings. I will say after you have seen a provider a good number of times and you have a good report it's ok to negotiate especially if you are looking for a regular long term arrangement.

Some people, men and women are wired to bargain.

You tell them no and move on.

A "hobbyist" aka sex tourist shops for dates with women as if they were at a swap meet market trading goods and services. An encounter with a provider can be truly a transaction, but if you are a provider who offers an experience and not a menu you should stay away from anyone who identifies as a hobbyist if you don't want to be treated like a product at the flea market.

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