TER General Board

The boards are an unofficial way to vent
impposter 49 Reviews 73 reads

Depending on the vehemence and credibility of the rebuttal, it is still possible to call a review into question of the boards (local board or general). It's best to keep things simple and avoid anything that will trigger replies accusing you ("you" in general, not "you" = QB) of being BSC (as happened to someone recently).  Such a post would smooth over a bad or fake review in "real time" until more honest, good reviews bury the fake and restore order to things.  
I guess I could add that some Providers even call out fake reviews that are GOOD because they don't want to create a false impression (or create an unreal expectation) for others or alert TER to the fact that some reviewers are gaming the system for free VIP days. "Even tho' my recent 10/10 review by #$% is very flattering, it is not real. I canceled my tour to HisCity so he could not possibly have met there in July. I asked TER to remove that review but they have not done so yet."

Posted By: QueenBia
I have been around for awhile, and have always wanted to help providers. I am curious why we as providers have never had an option to verify our own reviews. After receiving many fake reviews in my career the lies can tarnish your reputation & hurt your business. It is very easy for a person to submit slanderous reviews for free membership. In my personal opinion: I believe providers should be notified by email when a new review is posted & have an option to verify.  
 Do you agree, or disagree & why?  
 Please share with me & the board. I am hoping to give SW a voice when it comes to their reviews because it takes hard work to be a reputable provider. I know I had to change entirely as a provider to climb higher to be a better adult entertainer it doesn't happen overnight.

I have been around for awhile, and have always wanted to help providers. I am curious why we as providers have never had an option to verify our own reviews. After receiving many fake reviews in my career the lies can tarnish your reputation & hurt your business. It is very easy for a person to submit slanderous reviews for free membership. In my personal opinion: I believe providers should be notified by email when a new review is posted & have an option to verify.  

Do you agree, or disagree & why?

Please share with me & the board. I am hoping to give SW a voice when it comes to their reviews because it takes hard work to be a reputable provider. I know I had to change entirely as a provider to climb higher to be a better adult entertainer it doesn't happen overnight.

This has been discussed often and recently.
I think one main reason stated against it is that every negative review would be challenged.  
Instead clients are advised to take into account the general trend of reviews and throw out the high and low.

recently in a slightly different context where a provider went on a rant here about a review she got.  It turned out that she  was not being honest in her advertising.    

Lester is right in his analysis.  If TER required verification from a provider then every provider would only show reviews that are 9's and 10's, and they would be useless to hobbyists.  Imagine a provider showing only her 9-9 reviews because 80% were below 8.  Guys would book her and then she would get MORE bad reviews, plus the reputations of the few guys that did legitimately like her would be tarnished as shills.  Its a complete can of worms that does not need to be opened without risking that hobbyists flock to other review sites where the providers are not controlling the content.  

Presently, its an honest system.  Providers can challenge a review if they assert that they did not see the customer.  Then the burden shifts to the reviewer to provide emails or phone records that rebut her assertion.  TER is the final arbiter after reviewing the evidence from the hobbyist.  There may be some kind of penalty for providers who make phony claims.  If there's not, there should be.  

Not to discredit what you are saying but other's so far are right in my opinion. If a provider challenged every review there would only be 8's, 9's & 10's posted.  Just like it's a provider's responsibility to provide a good service as long as a client provides proper etiquette why on earth would ANYONE post a slanderous fake review just for free membership?  

Makes no sense to me... If a provider feels they have been wronged then they should contact TER & provide proper documentation if they feel a review is falsified in order to get to the bottom of the matter if legit.

Like other's have stated recently there was another thread about this.. With interesting twists & turns😏

Using the Yelp analogy, I suppose if a potential client could see both the negative review and the response, it might help.  I've rarely suffered from TOO MUCH information in this activity.  That is likely to put more stress on the system--what if the lady challenges 5 reviews within a couple of months, does the reviewer get to rebut the rebuttal, etc. I suppose all that can be worked out. And as a backup, as others have already pointed out, a lady can have a provably false review pulled, though it may take some doing. I agree it's a difficult situation and not one that's amenable to an ombudsman to resolve.

Based on other sites that allow review input by the provider, I think you would get less reviews and that the reviews would be either be raves or be terrible(generally about scamming).  I agree that provider needs to be judged on the body of her work. If a bad review is the outlier, I assume the problem is with the reviewer

Being in this business, however, has helped me skim over that one review from the bitter customer. (Or the fake review from the competitor.)

Another provider who was on a rampage writing reviews on a bunch of ladies who all knew each other. It was so obvious, we caught her, but that's a part of the business, unfortunately. It's upsetting.

In this case scenario where fake reviews are being written when in fact the person never met the provider. I have had reviews wrote in the past that never occurred. I only cater to a few lucky individuals and always keep track of who I entertain. Since, I have required a deposit to book for 11 years now I can challenge fake reviews by asking to see the  proof. Now, for providers who do not have receipts proving the review is a lie maybe difficult.  

Sorry if I have grammar errors, or spelling I am watching Mulan with my kids. lol Smile 4 me!

There is already a remedy on TER for providers that never saw the reviewer.  

What could POSSIBLY go wrong with that plan??? lol

TER reviews are always going to be a matter of "he said, she said" but with all the personal information and all the hoops you DEMAND your clients jump through I can't possibly imagine any of them daring to say a single negative word about you.

Too funny, I just took a quick look at your reviews and the last time anyone said anything even the least bit negative about you was, guess when? Eleven years ago. LMAO. Actually you had quite a few rather negative reviews until you adopted your present policy, I guess it's tough to write an honest reviews when some woman has a firm grip on your balls. lol

But I would think if a guy were going to post a fictional review for free days, that they would post positive reviews.
Simply because a provider is more likely to dispute a bad review than a positive... both real, or fake.

Most do -- or shoot for the average review target -- to keep both TER and the provider from calling BS on the review.

I do agree that normal incentive approach suggests the providers will let the good fakes slide and only care about the bad fakes but I have seen a few providers here point out 9/9 and 10/9 and 10/10 fakes saying they never met the guy.

That is really one the monger and TER side. At the end of the day it's less than an hour session -- sometimes MUCH less -- to get a year subscription to TER so the free VIP days for fake reviews says a lot about the guy (I just don't see Lowpaw doing something like that).

I would imagine if they're bitching about fake 10's or 9's, its because of the rating system set in place on TER. Doesn't a 10 in service require a trip to Greece?
IOW...they would complain because those reviews may imply services not open to discussion.  
I couldn't see them having a reason to gripe about a high appearance score....regardless of validity.

-- Modified on 9/5/2020 9:37:22 PM

Yes the system is imperfect -- no such thing as perfection.

However, my observation was that some providers will actually call out a fake review on principle even if it is a good review for them. They were not bitching about it just calling out that event described is not something they were part of.

Well...i never said that none of the ladies had scruples.🤣

If you would stretch it out to a more realistic "one in a thousand" then you will have my almost complete agreement.

Depending on the vehemence and credibility of the rebuttal, it is still possible to call a review into question of the boards (local board or general). It's best to keep things simple and avoid anything that will trigger replies accusing you ("you" in general, not "you" = QB) of being BSC (as happened to someone recently).  Such a post would smooth over a bad or fake review in "real time" until more honest, good reviews bury the fake and restore order to things.  
I guess I could add that some Providers even call out fake reviews that are GOOD because they don't want to create a false impression (or create an unreal expectation) for others or alert TER to the fact that some reviewers are gaming the system for free VIP days. "Even tho' my recent 10/10 review by #$% is very flattering, it is not real. I canceled my tour to HisCity so he could not possibly have met there in July. I asked TER to remove that review but they have not done so yet."

Posted By: QueenBia
I have been around for awhile, and have always wanted to help providers. I am curious why we as providers have never had an option to verify our own reviews. After receiving many fake reviews in my career the lies can tarnish your reputation & hurt your business. It is very easy for a person to submit slanderous reviews for free membership. In my personal opinion: I believe providers should be notified by email when a new review is posted & have an option to verify.  
 Do you agree, or disagree & why?  
 Please share with me & the board. I am hoping to give SW a voice when it comes to their reviews because it takes hard work to be a reputable provider. I know I had to change entirely as a provider to climb higher to be a better adult entertainer it doesn't happen overnight.

humor was not wasted on me.  Never in the history of working women has a provider EVER complained about, or challenged a 10-10 review, even if its fake.  Good one.  I was reading along shaking my head in agreement until your example, where I said, "Wait a minute, . . . . .."   Lol

Seriously, I disagree with the part about allowing a provider to throw TER under the bus for not removing a review because she complained.  There is a procedure for providers to challenge a review and TER is the final arbiter.  Allowing a sour grapes provider who was not successful in getting a review removed take a parting shot at TER by suggesting they are wrong is  not the answer.  For the system  to work, there has to be integrity in the system.  Suggestions for improving existing procedures can be submitted on the Suggestion board.  

Do you see, QueenBia? Even I, one of the most upstanding and highly respected contributors to this forum, a fount of helpful information and valuable suggestions, is not above being dissed and attacked!  At least CDL didn't call me BSC ... yet!  
Bottom line: Providers can put on their fireproof lingerie and present their case or a warning about a review to the local board ... and be prepared for deluge!  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Hahahahahaha.  Imp, your . . . .
humor was not wasted on me.  Never in the history of working women has a provider EVER complained about, or challenged a 10-10 review, even if its fake.  Good one.  I was reading along shaking my head in agreement until your example, where I said, "Wait a minute, . . . . .."   Lol  
Seriously, I disagree with the part about allowing a provider to throw TER under the bus for not removing a review because she complained.  There is a procedure for providers to challenge a review and TER is the final arbiter.  Allowing a sour grapes provider who was not successful in getting a review removed take a parting shot at TER by suggesting they are wrong is  not the answer.  For the system  to work, there has to be integrity in the system.  Suggestions for improving existing procedures can be submitted on the Suggestion board.  

Are you happy now, or does it have to be CDL to call you BSC? lol

But you are correct, women go on the discussion boards all the time to whine about a review that they don't feel was justified. Often those threads go "train wreck" on us much the way that Melanie's thread went, although not quite as gloriously, though most of them happen on the regional boards, not GD.

Also a lot of hookers who couldn't get their way have taken their marbles and stormed off the site and as much as I like having female participation on the boards, to those prima donnas I say good riddance, the overwhelming majority of them EARNED their bad reviews and the site is better off without them.


It took all of 30 seconds to find just one instance where a provider had a 10/10 review removed because it was fake.  Yet CDL unequivocally stated: "Never in the history of working women has a provider EVER complained about, or challenged a 10-10 review, even if its fake."  

Only a fucking moron deals in absolutes like: "Never in the history of working women..."  But that's CDL - a fucking moron.

Wait, what's that you say, you fucking moron?  "That was an anomaly.  Show me another provider who said that.  This time make it a respected provider."  OK, how about LONDON RAYNE?  She was as respected as any provider on TER.  This is what she said, you fucking moron:

 "If my next review is a 10/10 and it is a FAKE, you can bet your ass it will be reported as well."

Ask GaG who London Rayne was.  Believe me, he won't be able to bail your stupid ass out of this one...you fucking moron.

about this.  He knows I was pulling his chain a little.  How often do I speak in absolutes?  You should have known by his response to Queen Bia that there was more to the story.   Why are YOU so fucking serious all the time.  Were you born without a sense of humor or did you have to work at?  Since you weren't privy to the PM, you come off looking like at idiot, at least to Imp and I.  You are the quintessential grumpy old man.  No wonder no provider will take your money.  

You're always claiming PM this and PM that as if it's proof of anything.  You know that PMs can't be quoted so you can lie your ass off about them.  No one hides behind PMs as much as you.

But what do you do when someone uses your PM tactic against you?  You downplay it as if it's worthless.  I posted:
"I've received several PMs agreeing with me that the sob story about your son is bullshit."
Your reply: "PM's that nobody will see?  Big deal."
When YOU cite PMs as "proof," which you frequently do, it's ironclad, right?  But if someone else does it, you don't give PMs any credence: "(Meh), PM's that nobody will see. Big deal."
You're a hypocrite as well as a fucking moron.

And another thing, dumb shit, when you say "PM's that nobody will see," it's not true.  Anyone who receives a PM can FORWARD that PM to any other member.  Now you think about THAT, McNulty!

But can you really blame him for at least TRYING to forget the cowardly, weaselly, fat little cunts who break the confidence of a private conversation?

Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should do so.

...confidential when someone posts the gist of a PM exchange but he LIES in his post in describing the PM exchange.  That's exactly what your butt buddy did - lied his ass off in his post about his PM exchange.

just born weasels.   In his case, you can't trust him as far as you can throw him.  All 350 pounds.  Bwahahahaha

Jseeker61 reads

I think SP should have an option to response to a review.  May be a couple of options like "yes review is accurate" or no or partially accurate.
Some reviews I see seem straight out of penthouse fantasy article.  But most seem accurate.

Jseeker56 reads

Question that I always wonder... Do reviewers generally get providers input and pre read their reviews b4 posting?  That way any discrepancies can be corrected.

That would at least walk the edge of the rules regarding review writing policies on TER. Best to simply recount the session as accurately as you can while being as neutral in both your emotions and prose as possible.

That's not walking on the edge but totally against TER policies. Also doing what OP said does nobody any good and defeats the purpose in the 1st place!  

Supposed to be recall your encounter honestly & unbiasedly as possible! That's why they recommend waiting a few days after a session to do a review.


that was similar to that idea. Forget exactly when and am not finding it quickly so won't waist more time looking.

Basically I suggested providers should be able to add a dispute to the review that would be visible to anyone reading the review. Additionally some metric for both how frequently a reviewer's reviews are disputed AND how frequently a provider disputes reviews would also be displayed.

The idea being 1) the provider has some participation and input without it needing to be a take down process for the review and 2) provide a statistic for both reviews and providers in terms of frequency of dispute. The second item I think help put a limit on both providers just disputing EVERY review they don't like and reviewers that might use reviews in an abusive way also get a some exposure.

Was not really welcomed and probably really needs a bit more design effort to ensure no unintended consequences that can be avoided in design. Lots of pros and cons to allowing that.

Also, while I think TER has evolved into something more than review site (otherwise why even have a provider only board) that was what it started as it seems and a lot of people here think it should return to that core mission.

IMO why someone would right a fake negative review just to earn themselves free access? Honestly writing a negative review in itself already brings unnecessary drama that follows with it. Your reviews look great so just keep doing what your doing..

Like others have said if a negative review pops up can always vent on the boards... That way both sides get their say so & call them out.

From my experiences so cant speak for others open communcation between providers and clients will avoid alot of issues in the 1st place! Alittle courtesy on both ends go ALONG WAY!

John_Laroche66 reads

Fake reviews, at least as reported by providers happen out of revenge for no response,  or they are unwilling to perform certain acts, or another provider  wants to damage her reputation.  

If it was just for access,  it would be much easier to pick some random kgirl with 20 other reviews this month and give a generic review that wouldn't be questioned.

I certainly understand from a providers perspective but as others have already stated, that makes the reviews useless.  I have to deal with this at my company all the time and I don’t get the opportunity to just challenge and erase a negative review. In my business, I have even gotten proof that it was a competitor and the negative review was allowed to stand. Most guys will throw out the occasional negative review so for well established providers, it’s generally never a problem.

I personally would not have a problem with a provider making a short comment on her reviews.
Maybe something like; " We did have a lovely time but to clarify, I do NOT offer CIM" or " to clarify, I do not offer BBFS" or " "just for the record, this guy is a major ass hole".

We as user's of TER read between the lines to judge the accuracy of a review anyway, I have no problem doing that on the providers comment section.

Noting a problem with a review on the discussion boards has a major problem, it is not tied to the review and the post disappears with time while to review is there for ever.

As we all know, menu options are often YMMV, and I'm opposed to any policy that would allow providers automatic veto power in order to control the content of reviews.  I would just rather see TER reject any review that mentions BBFS if hobbyists are too stupid to know its probably YMMV and so they should not bring it up unless its stated in her advertising.  

...i do agree that providers should at least have a chance to comment/box to click or something to CONFIRM that the appointment was real..NOW...i do agree that you cant change a bad review,but often there are two sides to the story and more often then not the client is to blame...most women in this hobby,are amazing sensual people and they love being made love too...not all clients are that way....yes there should be a way for providers to"asterisk" a review for further comment..

RudeAwakening67 reads

I agree with what you are saying in large part, so many honest wonderful sensual ladies.. but there are a few bad apples out there just like the same on the client side that they can con & easily lie just as much if not better than some of these clients!

There is no perfect system, comes down ultimately to everyone simply being grown adults, being respectful, honest and above all having your stuff together on both sides of the spectrum.

Most times entitlement or lack of communcation from one or both sides is the culprit.  

9/10 times I never experience ANY issues because as a client I'm respectful and try to communicate openly. Most ladies highly appreciate that but every once in awhile a provider does try to hustle take advantage of that just like a client will at times as well!

Either way stuck at a dead end and all you get is a he- she said scenario unless phone records or texts are given to show proof... But then sometimes ALL that proves is that both parties met up but what happens behind closed doors NOBODY knows expect the two parties.

RudeAwakening60 reads

Is some.. key being SOME providers are wanting TER reviews to be done with the way the system is set up. Honestly this is the only fourm left from what I know where a client can be completely honest about their experiences with reviews. Yes to varying degree they all are your mileage may vary but ive noticed reading reviews on here who the quality providers are just by the clientele writing the reviews by large and if majority of the reviews left are good. For whatever reason every provider I've seen reviewed has a not so great review but by large it's easy to see as the one odd bad review sticks if the majority if them are the opposite! Common sense dicates to take that bad review with a grain of salt or as an isolated incident. But multiple bad reviews indicate a pattern...

Having said that if a provider feels a bad review is unwarranted they should vent on the regional boards, tell their side of the story/call the reviewer out and hopefully the reviewer will respond. Then after that if still an issue one or both sides should hit up TER support to come to a proper resolution.

TER is truly the only fourm in this hobby I feel that gives both the provider AND client that true voice equally on both sides. Where most others seem to be skewed to either or.

If you don't like the TER system in my opinion don't use it.

John_Laroche53 reads

As noted by others, disputing reviews can get complicated.  

I propose a Provider Narrative separate from the reviews that is accessible to anyone. She can make general comments about her profile,  clarify that YMMV, and even state plainly that she never met Mr. Xyz or the activities described in a certain review never happened.  

Limit it to 200 words so that it doesn't become an ad.

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