TER General Board

Thanks for the non-lecture
Know-nothing 117 reads

That's the plan for now. Hoping they don't reach out to others.

Know-nothing6831 reads

In the past few days I've been getting text threats claiming that I've wasted a provider's time and I have to make good. The threats include graphic photos and personal information including my address. A few things: I have never wasted a provider's time or no-showed. I almost always use a burner but there have been occasions when I've made inquiries on a personal phone. No need to lecture. Almost always isn't good enough. I know how reckless that was. Has anyone else received this sort of threat? Any suggestions beyond ignoring it and hoping it goes away?  I haven't yet responded. PMs welcome.

As I am actually disheartened to hear you are being blackmailed and I am sorry what you are going through.

But this serves notice to EVERY guy out there with ANYTHING to lose...do NOT give out your RW info if you can help it at all. When you first start out, you have to give up some info to someone, but try your best to make sure she is well reviewed and well respected. Go thru her social media, as there are usually tell tale signs she is BSC or burnt out.

As to your plight, I would sit tight and ignore her. I know that isn't what you wanted to hear but she is threatening you so a cooling off period may be the better option and hope she acts civilly in due time, but others may disagree.

Jayk47131 reads

A few years ago I saw a provider who is now retired. I found her on twitter and booked 3 months in advance and paid 100% up front because I was going to be in a city for work that she was touring. I should have read more of her twitter feed before committing to an appointment.

She was listed on ter at the time but recently implemented a no review policy. During that 3 month wait she did the following:

1) Went on a rant because someone reviewed her after her no review policy went in place. She then publicly stated on twitter that she blacklisted the client. Then tweeted to other providers to contact her for his info. Mind you, this client did not not harm her in anyway or short her money.

2) On the day of our appointment we met and she complained about how many cancellations she had on this tour in this city. She also told me that she went to the house of one of the clients who canceled last minute and threatened to put him if he didn’t pay the cancellation fee. She did this because he was rude in the text message when he canceled 5 minutes before the appointment.

My session with her went fine on the surface as she performed a gfe session that she advertised, but that was the most nerve wracking session. It was always in the back of my mind that she would go BSC.  

Lesson learned. I now only use twitter as a way to screen out BSC providers. If I am interested in someone I see on P411, I scroll their twitter feed and if a hint of BSC behavior is shown, they go on my dns list. I’ve seen many providers blast out client phone numbers  and even expose client names on twitter for doing nothing more than canceling appointments.

Know-nothing165 reads

Thanks for your response. To be clear, I'm not a time waster.And I can certainly understand a woman getting angry because I know a lot of your time is wasted dealing with bad faith inquiries.  If anything (I can't be sure), this likely came from a query I made off a less than reputable board. The person who sent this was not a woman, "he" claimed to be a cartel pimp. He threatened me with graphic photos of those who crossed them. He knew my address and other personal info I didn't share with anyone.

TheVoiceOfReason142 reads

Hmm.  That is why you should always stay away from those Colombian ladies.  They always appear to be very sweet, but they are usually very calculated and when push comes to shove ruthless.  

Know-nothing118 reads

That's the plan for now. Hoping they don't reach out to others.

GaGambler126 reads

You mention "graphic pictures" This must mean this is a provider you have actually seen before, is that correct?
Second question, if this is a provider that you have seen before is this something COMPLETELY out of the blue or do you have some other, perhaps unresolved issues with this woman.

Threats to "out you" can't be treated lightly if being outed can ruin your life, I won't lecture you as to the dangers as you are right now as "enlightened" about those dangers as anyone on this board. Do you have any recourse against this woman if she follows through with her threats? I would love to tell you to simply ignore you and that she will simply go away, but speaking as someone who has been outed multiple times, NEVER by a provider that I have actually had, or even booked a date with, but I have been outed simply for shit I have said right here on these very boards, the last time barely a week ago, I can assure you that a BSC hooker who has gotten in her mind, rightly or wrongly, that you owe her money may very well pull the trigger on outing you if you have no way of convincing her that such an action would be to her own detriment.

I read it as pics showing how the pimp messed other John's up who "wasted" their time.

Seems like a tough position for know nothing.

I DM'd you with some ideas/info.  

Outside of all that, here's to hoping all goes well regardless.

Know-nothing148 reads

I believe this came out of a couple of text inquiries I made yesterday morning. Not with anyone I've ever seen. I say this because it came on a rare day that I did this (again, no appointments or anything close to a confirmation was made this was initial inquiry stuff, like "I saw your post, and I'm interested in talking about a possible meeting." There was no name attached to the text threats and I do not recognize the phone numbers (two different). The graphic photos were of generic murdered men, ie future me. Not of me with a woman or anything sexual.

Know-nothing154 reads

I'm fairly certain this is from someone I've never seen. It more than a coincidence that it started soon after a rare day that  I sent out a few (2-3) query texts while browsing several less dependable, no TER sites. I stated my interest but never came remotely close to anything like a set date or confirmation. The threats  came from a random person from #s I never saw claiming to be a pimp, for whom, other than as part of a cartel, I do not know. The photos were not of me but of brutally murdered men, presumably at the hands of a cartel. Likely sourced from the internet and repurposed to intimidate assholes like me. Mission accomplished!

To summarize. Brutal threats of violence and blackmail. Claims to be from a pimp of someone I never saw. No incriminating photos of me.

Last think I want is drama on here. I do appreciate the advice and (semi) comforting words. I wish this on no one but would actually feel better if there were other similar versions of this that eventually amounted to nothing.

with me.  I tell them if they want me to take them seriously, give me a sample of the personal info they think they have about me.  It usually ends there, because its all a bluff, but if this kind of thing bothers you, get a private post office box for your phone bill from a place you can pay for a forwarding service to send your mail to another address, or another post office box.   If that's not enough, move to Texas.  Its an open-carry state.  

Plausible deniability.  

If you are being blackmailed and fear eventual exposure, work the plausible deniability angle.  Blackmailers might have some info you submitted ... but is there a plausible way they got that info some other way -- phone book, credit card purchase, check written, sifting through your trash.

It doesn't matter if that's not really how they got the info.  What matters is that's your suggestion to those around you who might get the info from the blackmailers (if they bother to contact them.)

There's usually no reason for a blackmailer to actually go through with their threats.  How does that bring them any income?  Instead revealing the secrets cuts off their chance of getting money out of you.

The other kind of blackmailer is in it for the revenge ... such as an ex.   They're happy with either outcome -- getting a payday or getting revenge.  But that doesn't sound like your case.

I got blackmail requests after the Ashley Madison hack.  I figured they wouldn't bother actually trying to find out who to send my info to.  Why waste the effort that won't bring them any money?   They hope to get paid on the threat alone, not on any actual action (plus the risk of getting caught.)

Okbye133 reads

Did you sign up to AM with your personal email?

I would try to see why she is convinced that you wasted her time... Because those are some serious threats. She has to be angry for a reason or she is somehow trying to benifit from it. Maybe ask her what exactly made her think that? If she is still nasty to you and not answering your question; then i'd give her a bad review and lock your doors. Although, she also might be bluffing.

haystacks144 reads

There is no SHE involved . It's a stolen photo being footballed around into sights such as Private Delights or Call Escorts, Escort Fish,etc. All communication is done by text and they ask your location so they can say the provider is at a nice hotel or apartment nearby.  When you get there, if you go, they ask for an up front payment . If you make it , that's the last you will hear from them. Mind you there is no girl in the process. You are probably texting with some goon who can maybe speak some English.  
 This happened twice to me. Both times they didn't get a nickel out of me, because I only pay cash. I did wast time driving out to locations however. When They realized I was "on to them," the gruesome photos threats came by text 2 days later. Then they stopped coming after I quit responding to them.
 Never pay in advance by Vemmo etc if you don't know the provider
Always demand that you call and speak to the girl. There is no  girl . That's pretty sure.
and ask for a right now selfie with them holding up 1  2  or 3 fingers.
 That will usually end it.
 This is why I have a VIP membership.
 I swear, half the adds out there are scams and frauds. We are easy prey because who of us  wants to go to the police?

How did you receive this? you know for sure? Recently many were emailed a blanket fishing scam. they said they knew all my secrets, photos and who I have seen. Got my info from p411. I was worried for about 2 minuets then moved on with my life. (6 months ago LOL)
I know a provider that received the same email just worded differently.

Know-nothing127 reads

Again, I don't believe it's a provider. I believe someone took my number after a text query on a sketchy non-TER site. I believe and sincerely hope that it was not targeted specifically at me but more of a general scam where they harvest the numbers of someone stupid enough to use personal info and try to extort them. I've been on the board for a long time, have a stellar reputation and am courteous and respectful to all I encounter. So far, no further posts. I'll keep the board apprised of any new developments or if it goes away.

GaGambler195 reads

as the attempt at blackmail itself


PLEASE people, read what the fuck the OP is writing,  he does NOT believe this a provider doing this to him, he does NOT believe it's because of ANYTHING he has done to anger a BSC Hooker, and he does NOT need advice on how to avoid this in the future.


He is asking what he can do NOW in response to these very serious threats, and now that we know the facts I have some actual advice that "might" be useful.  

It sounds like you are being threatened with physical harm and not a simple outing. My advice is to ignore this for a couple of more days in the hope this was done by someone who simply sent out a blanket extortion email to EVERYONE he/she has a chance of extorting. Most likely this person is phishing for long hanging fruit and if you ignore them they will concentrate only on the people who rise to the bait. HOWEVER, if the blackmailer escalates, and repeats his/her threats this is a VERY serious matter and I would bring it to the attention of LE. LE is not going to care that you reached out to a hooker, they will be very concerned with what amounts to a death threat.

I hope things work out well for you and yes much of the advice you received about how to avoid this in the future was sound and well intentioned I am sure. Hopefully my advice will help you in dealing with the situation at hand.

Posted By: GaGambler
this is a VERY serious matter and I would bring it to the attention of LE. LE is not going to care that you reached out to a hooker, they will be very concerned with what amounts to a death threat.
I've got to agree with GaG on this. You said the person already has some of your personal info and is making serious threats. I also don't think that LE will care as much that you posted a comment on a chat board (using your real phone number? easily tracked down databases).  
Maybe consider getting rid of that number and getting a new phone number using a slightly different name and a different billing address: Bob Smith instead of Robert Smith; PO box instead of street address.
If you are still nervous about going directly to LE, maybe a lawyer can represent you. Maybe a local tech savvy Private Investigator can look into the matter for you and figure out where the threat is likely coming from.  
Good luck.

How the fuck did a hooker get your real address and other personal identifiable information in the first place?
Oh yeah, that's right. You volunteered them as part of their "screening" process.
Newsflash idiot. Substitute "screening" with "blackmailing" and you're all good.
Have fun.

Please read the message right above yours. He doesn't think it's anyone he's met with before.

He admitted to using his real phone. They probably got hos personal info from his phone. He also said it wasn’t a provider.

Provider. Not a provider. Who the fuck cares?
Dumbfuck is mixing his real life with his extra-curricular activities then comes in here riding a Waaaambulance.
Ever heard of a burner phone? Anonymous email? Free texting apps?
Losers are so careless with their identity and personal info and act surprised when it bites them in the ass.
You reap what you sow.

who he gave real world info to and blackmailed him.  Granted he made a mistake and none of this is TER related.

He didn't say this happened with an inquiry on TER, and it appears he hasn't received anything yet that would prove this isn't a bluff.  

We’ve seen this exact MO discussed on this board, and the common consensus is that it’s some operation that doesn’t have anything to do with wasting a provider’s time, but everything to do with compromised information.

The question is how the blackmailer got the info. Was one of his trusted providers threatened, but instead of asking for money, asked for contact info? Did a BSC boyfriend or assistant sell your contact info.  This is meant as a word of caution to those who make exceptions for sharing RW info with long known providers who they “really trust”.

First of all there is no way you can know if this is a provider or her pimp.  You say thy have your RW phone number and address, which is really all that is needed to start identity theft or worse unwelcome company in the middle of the night.  Or it can be one of your friends (or your wife’s friends?) trying to reform you.   There are so many possibilities.  Depending on where you live LE is not going to be much help because they are too busy to worry about one john who got himself in trouble doing something illegal. At most they will route a patrol car to drive by your house a couple times.  They won’t do much else absent an in person threat or battery.  

All this advice about what you should have done is totally worthless.  You’ve already learned a hard lesson.

Going forward, you should not respond to any of those texts.  Ignore them and see if they go away.  Stay hyper vigilant about your surroundings and the people around you when you are out, people parked in your neighborhood for prolonged periods.   Put your valuables and important papers out of your home in a safe deposit or trusted friend.  Make sure you have a great security system.  If you rent give your 30 day notice and start looking for a new place on the other side of town.  Change your RW phone number and by all means get a PO box for all bills and address of record with the DMV.   Basically your goal is to become invisible to these people.  

If you are self employed, no worries, other than taking the same precautions as at home.  If  are an employee,  you may be looking at an uncomfortable conversation with the HR lady or your boss.  Stay as honest about the situation as you can and have a short simple story about how this came about that does not include your trolling hooker sites on the internet.

Unless you are well trained already and willing to kill another human being and possibly spending the rest of your life in prison,  for gods sake, do not buy a gun.  Hire a security patrol/response service for a few months.

Theres a shitload of other things you can do, but thats all the free advice I’m giving this evening.  I hope all this is a big nothing for you.  Best of luck.

I don't think the "name/phone" is a BIG deal, as ANY fool/criminal can get that info off the web, EASILY.

What would cause me CONCERN is the photos - WHAT are we talking about here?  

You describe them as "graphic."  

Are they anything that could be traced DIRECTLY to you?  

He already said that the pics were of dead guys, that the blackmailer " supposedly" killed.
I guess I'm too easy going...cuz I'd laugh that shit off. In this age coming up with pics of crime scenes is far too easy, so I just have trouble believing some " mafia hitman" is looking to kill me. It's probably some scam trying to extort money from the guy... hoping that hes either naive, or has too much too risk to take a chance that it's a hoax.
But like I said....I'm probably too easy going, as others on here see it as a real threat.

you're right, I glanced over it.
For ME, that would be HILARIOUS!  :)
Really, you think sending me some pics of someone you supposedly beat up is supposed to INTIMIDATE me?!  
LOL!  ;)
Now, if it were a "DICK pick," and I had some kinda "distinctive" dick (say someone with Peyronie's disease) then, MAYBE, I would be concerned.
Even then, I'd tell the dude to "FUCK OFF!"  ;)

you are giving an example of YOU receiving a "dick pic" instead of being the one sending them?

haystacks100 reads

They are gruesome photos of dismembered bodies with the threat of " this will happen to  your family for wasting a provider's time. " They demand 1500.00. If they got your personal # they can usually come come up family member names and addresses from a routine search. They threarened to murder my parents who have been dead for 30yrs.
  I too got the same text while at work and they stated they were close to my house and ready to kill if I didn't pay. That shook me up and I left work and watched my house. Nothing happened. I spoke LE and they said this  is common and ignore the threats and these cockroaches will move on. Which they eventually did. Chances are it is not a provider doing this but some half illiterate goon find your text messages to providers. Get a TRACPHONE at Best Buy.

Know-nothing144 reads

Thanks to everyone for the advice, good wishes and even the abuse! Why not? I fucked up.  

So far I've chosen to follow my instincts and the advice of many here and, for lack of a better option, I haven't responded in hopes that it's a phishing operation and that it will go away. So far, so good. The second and last text I got was on Thursday. So fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc.  

My original post was meant to share a cautionary tale with the board, to see if anyone had experienced a similar threat, and to solicit advice.

Someone said who knows if it came from a provider, pimp and/or phishing scam. They're right. There's no definitive way to tell but whoever it was was not from TER and clearly wasn't legit. The fact that this came on a rare day I interacted with posts on less than reputable ad sites is worth noting. I've mentioned it earlier, but for those who keep asking if the photos involved me, the answer is no. The photos were of murdered and mutilated men, presumably in Mexico, who presumably crossed their "cartel". Highly unlikely that the people who texted me did this but when it's attached to your name and number, it gets your attention. I'll update if anything changes.  

Be safe. Be respectful. Have fun.

...of WHO you give out "personal" info to, and how MUCH.  :(

Yeah, did something dumb and texted someone from a BP type board.  Got the text telling me that I owed a fee or...  Included some graphic murder pictures and the name of a cartel.  Since I travel, I buy burner phones from different cities.  I’m also retired SpecOps.  On this Dallas phone, I told the guy to send some of his best and they can meet my other SpecOps friends and party.  

Crickets.  Just a scam.

I should have mentioned, when answering the ad, you get directed to a “verification” site.  That’s the point at which I figured it was a scam and went no further.  Then I got the threats a couple of days later.  And I have shown the entire sequence to an LE friend.  They were very interested.

Know-nothing145 reads

Those two texts on consecutive days have been  the extent of it. Hopefully this has blown over. For those wondering, and if it happens to you, I chose to ignore. No bold response. No response from me at all.  To each his own. Just supplying the data from my experience. Ten days later I'm feeling a bit better and yes, lesson learned.

GaGambler168 reads

Quite often the best action is no action at all. Once they know they can elicit a response from you it encourages them to push harder.


Glad to hear things worked out, and kudos for enduring the "slings and arrows" directed your way from both well meaning posters and others not so "well meaning" without getting overly defensive and/or losing your cool. I think you handled this as well as can be expected given the circumstances, both here and with dealing with these scammers.

You talkin' from PERSONAL "experience," son?  ;)

haystacks130 reads

GaGambler you hit the nail on the the head. These cockroaches who were sending threatening texts probably post stolen photos . So there is no girl at all. When you text what you think is the girl you are commincating  with a goon. They will try to induce you to send upfront money They may give you an address after you tell them where you live. You go to the address and photo text the card number they told you to buy; then you've been had. They will not respond to your texts . They are gone . You've been robbed.
  Let's say you are on to them and break off appointment without paying anything. That's when the threatening texts come, with the gruesome pics. They demand 1500 dollars for wasting time of one of their girls. They say there are men near your home waiting to kill your family.  This happened to me and it really shook me because they had my address. I waited around and no one came. I contacted LE and they told me this is widespread scam going on and ignore the messages.   These cockroaches are , yes , looking for low hanging fruit. If they send out 100 threatening texts a day, maybe 3 guys will send them money. That's 4500 dollars they got for this scam.  
This whole business has become vicious and crazy. I think I may move on .

... the same ASSHOLES try to pull the SAME nonsense with me.

FYI - here’s the corresponding number that sent the pseudo intimidating graphic photos - +1 (313) 426-1775

I don’t know WHO these douchebags think they’re honestly gonna INTIMIDATE.

Maybe some gullible pre-pubescent kids, some of which are probably on here?

I just told them to “FUCK off... and their MOTHER, too.”

Haven’t heard back since... 😎

one and the same?  You  do know posing on the same thread with  your screen name and alias is prohibited, don't you?  When I was new, I did it once and got a 30-day suspension.  Can't say whether that's still the policy, or not.  I guess we will find out.  

Personally, I would give you a pass just for owning up to the fact that you ARE "know-nothing."

I think that’s in Lolo’s  dna, so he won’t be able to change his typing style if he changes names.

Um, I think BOTH of you can get OFF my DICK, and get a LIFE, losers.  😎

like this is what he meant by Random Capitalization Syndrome?   At least this time you didn't capitalize "losers."  Are you not really sure anymore?  

Thinks for announcing you have a dick.  A lot of us were wondering because you often come off as a whiny little cunt.

I have at least three sessions a week with hot young Asian girls, and I work in two or more gorgeous indies a month.  Check my reviews.  (Which, by the way, may embarrass you because they are  so detailed).   I wouldn't trade places with you or anyone else here for any amount of money.

No, my friend, it sucks to be YOU.  If you don't believe me, just ask around.  I think even some ladies would agree.

-- Modified on 2/24/2020 2:57:23 AM

... it’s plain to see you’re just a SAD, PATHETIC shell of a man (or is it “BOY?”). 🙄
Shame on ME for even taking the time to respond to your RUBBISH posts.
What, your little “friends,” “GooGooGaGa,” or “inkass” aren’t around to ENTERTAIN you?
Go play with your “RealDoll,” loser.  😎

to work on your comebacks.  When I have you on the ground with my foot on your throat, this kind of response is just bush-league, and gets you no points with anyone.  

... I can see now WHY you’re listed as the TOP poster on the entire board.
Very easy to do... if you're willing to post any “BRAIN FART” that comes to mind.
But I’m a bit more CONSIDERATE of my fellow members, and keep MUCH to myself (contrary to appearances!).  😳
So, “good luck” at the top of the “peak.”
I've given up trying to “reach” you, and as time goes on, I’m sure my rank will fall FURTHER.
But, if it’s in the midst of PRESENT company, I’m POSITIVE I’m not MISSING much.  😉

Enough credit.  You have a special gift for inspiring brain farts in other people, and sometimes just farts in general.

The discussion board Nazi?  Sonny, we don't have a "safe space" here for millennial whiners, so maybe you should take your anxiety someplace else.  

Angel4Life143 reads

They don’t put up with all this nonsense!  There are 10 year old kids that have more maturity than this!  Grow Up!  Enjoy The Providers and Stop Creating all this worthless drama!

of the content of your post if you are a guy, a Provider, a trannie, or what.  Where do you fit into the business.  Tell us a little about yourself since you are new.  

Do YOU actually enjoy the providers?  Have you seen any yet?  Which ones?

-- Modified on 2/25/2020 5:30:16 PM

Like I said....relax.  Who am I?   I've seen every angle of this game.

that tells us nothing about what you are referring to by "every angle of this game."   A very safe and innocuous post that doesn't any pressure on yourself to deliver specifics.  A thousand guys have been here just like you that think they are big-time mongers.  Go ahead and think that, you will just end up making a fool of yourself with no help from me.  

I was raised not to be threatened by anybody. I was in the military and not afraid  of anyone. But yes I got one of these text messages where they had all my information my mothers information and my sisters information and it fucked me up. It starts off with a text message with graphic pictures and it goes until you owe me money for wasting time. They don’t tell you how much money but then once you respond it’s $1500 I believe. They had me so fucked up I paid it. Then the next day I realize it was a scam if you Google it and check out the Internet it’s the same text message that goes to everybody. It’s a scam just blocked numbers and eventually it goes away.

Yes I fell for it. But if you call them and you talk to them it’s in a scarier. Just block it and let it fade away.

Just my .02


GaGambler111 reads

You ARE a moron. rofl.

People like you are the reason these scams still exist, just like other scams if NOBODY was dumb enough to fall for this they would have moved on long ago. Stupid people like you are why these scams continue, just like the Nigerian Prince, as long as "someone" is dumb enough to pay up they have no reason to quit doing what they are doing.

I know you don't think of yourself as a stupid person, but stupid people never do. lol

You pounce on people..

Like a bully.  

What solid conversation have you ever started?

Why are you such a miserable cunt?

I know what you’re answer is going to be.  

Why do I ask???


GaGambler100 reads

You seem to take this VERY seriously. I OTOH am simply LMAO at you. PLEASE keep up the good work. I know I really should take it easier on people too dumb to defend themselves, but watching you melt down in anger is just so fucking funny that sometimes I can't help myself.  

But don't forget to include CDL with your vitriol, he kind of things of you as his very own stalker, we don't want to make him jealous now do we?  

BTW besides emails you also have texts, texts that your mother was in danger. How did those work out for you moron???

here trying to highjack one of my stalkers, I might not take it so lightly, but since I have three now, and I've always been willing to share with you, if you want this one, you can have him.  Just be forewarned that he is about as tightly wound as anyone I have ever seen on this board and is not too bright.  

He bragged to me that he was assigned to fly Harrier jets in the military.  However, no one has ever told him that Harriers have nearly four times the rate of accidents per 100,000 flight hours as other military jets, so the Marine Corps traditionally assigns the not-too-bright expendable pilots to fly those.  We should still thank him for his service, and congratulate him on surviving his Harrier service.  Lol

I’ve seen a few of these posts now from people saying they received “graphic pictures” along with threatening text messages.  But no one has described what’s in the pics.  

Are these graphic pics of YOU, or people you know? Are they pics of you at locations you recognize and have visited lately? Or just pics showing violent or threatening acts on strangers? I’d be more inclined to worried if the pics included me or “real” people or locations I know. But some graphic pic copied and pasted from the internet? I’d just laugh, delete and block.  

Life is good

The Cat

That was actually answered before. Might have been in this long thread (but I'm not going back and reading all these 73 posts to find it), or it may have been in one of the other threads on this exact topic. The graphic pictures were violent acts on strangers, dead people, some with decapitated heads and stuff like that.  Not of any family members or locations or anything like that. You are exactly right that they could have easily been copied and pasted from the Internet.

If this douche bag is ever captured and convicted, he will receive no pardon from TheGovernor!

Chances are these are foreigners and you have no jurisdiction 😊

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