TER General Board

Tastefully done???
GaGambler 497 reads

That's funny. Larry Flint and tasteful in the same sentence.

Hey a million bucks is still a million bucks. Why not, Monica Lewinsky and Jessica Hahn before her cashed in on their 15 minutes of fame, why not "Kristen"?

tomsmith022030 reads

It seems a darn shame how nespapers are exploiting a poor courtesan !!!

She is currently weighing a $ 1 million offer from Larry Flynt to pose nude in his raunchy magazine.

Any ladies out there have book offers, TV offers, magazine posing offers and the like out their to provide insight to an eager public ???

Comments welcome.


Call Girl Laments Use of Exotic Photos


Sat Mar 15, 10:10 AM EDT

The lawyer for the call girl linked to the downfall of Gov. Eliot Spitzer lashed out at the media on Friday for thrusting the 22-year-old woman into the "public glare" without her consent and publishing revealing photos.

Since her identity was disclosed, newspapers and Web sites have splashed photos of Ashley Alexandra Dupre in suggestive poses on front and inside pages. Dupre was known as "Kristen" in court documents accusing Spitzer of paying thousands for prostitutes' services.

Her attorney, Don D. Buchwald, said she did not consent to the use of her photos in this manner, and the usage may be a violation of federal copyright laws. He said the photos have appeared on commercial Web sites without her consent.

Buchwald stopped short of saying Dupre would sue media outlets, but he contended that she is not a public figure and said he would take "all steps that we deem necessary or appropriate to protect Ms. Dupre from any unwarranted exploitation of her name, picture, voice or likeness for purposes of profit."

He did not specify the publications to which he was referring. The New York Post ran four photos Friday in which Dupre, topless, barely covers her breasts, as well as two other images of her scantily clad. The pictures, credited in the paper to Wesley Mann at Contact Press Images, have become an Internet sensation. The Post had no comment on Buchwald's statement.

The Daily News of New York also published a photo in which Dupre appears to be topless, but it wasn't clear where the image came from. The Daily News did not return calls seeking comment Friday.

Other media outlets, including The New York Times and The Associated Press, published other images that were from Dupre's MySpace page. The AP distributed three of those images, in one of which she is wearing a bikini, and issued a disclaimer authorizing the use of the photos only with reports or commentary on the Spitzer scandal. The photos were also restricted from commercial sale.

"The Associated Press discussed the photos obtained from the MySpace page in great detail and found that they were newsworthy," said Associated Press National Photo Editor V.W. Vaughan. "We distributed the photos that were relevant to the story. Those photos did not show nudity, nor were they explicit."

The Times did not return calls seeking comment.

Spitzer resigned earlier this week amid the prostitution scandal. The married father of three teenage girls was accused of spending tens of thousands of dollars on prostitutes — including a tryst with the call girl "Kristen" in Washington the night before Valentine's Day. Lt. Gov. David Paterson is taking his place on Monday.

Buchwald said the montage of Dupre's suggestive photos has nothing to do with the Spitzer story.

"While the circumstances surrounding Governor Spitzer's resignation are newsworthy, some publications, in violation of journalistic norms, have used the occasion of Gov. Spitzer's political misfortunes as an excuse to exploit Ms. Dupre's persona for commercial purposes," he said.

But media interest in Dupre still swirled. Hustler Publisher Larry Flynt told the AP Friday that he had e-mailed Dupre, offering her $1 million to pose nude for his magazine. He said he hadn't heard back.

"It will be something that will very tastefully done," Flynt said of the proposed photo spread, but he added that Dupre would have to appear completely naked and not just topless.

"Hustler readers don't like to compromise," he said. "They want the whole enchilada."

Flynt acknowledged he wasn't sure whether Dupre would accept, adding she is likely being approached with offers from other men's magazines, as well as book publishers and other media.

Media outlets had been camped outside her apartment in Manhattan's Flatiron district for days. A spokesman for her building issued a statement Thursday night saying she was not there and indicated Dupre's fellow tenants — who pay $6,595 for two-bedroom apartments — were fed up with the media circus and curiosity-seekers.


Associated Press writer John Rogers contributed to this report from Los Angeles


GaGambler498 reads

That's funny. Larry Flint and tasteful in the same sentence.

Hey a million bucks is still a million bucks. Why not, Monica Lewinsky and Jessica Hahn before her cashed in on their 15 minutes of fame, why not "Kristen"?

Tasteful to Flynt means the banana she masturbates with will not be overripe.

But I'm guessing that the book and other commercial offers will top well over $1 million, and be negated by an explicit spread in Hustler. Random House and the like want to push sleaze, not porn.

She wanted publicity, and now she has it.  She was hoping to launch a career in singing... and, from what I gather that may not fly.

$1 million to posse nude is an interesting offer.  The public already has seen a fair bit of her revealing side.

I knew this wasn't over. But Spitzer couldn't have spent $80K over 6 years on just this one girl. She's too young and $80K is all they can prove. There must be other girls out there. I would think at least one of them would be attracted to the fame and the cash cow.

p.s. We'd better finish this up before Katie gets back from the Caribbean or we're all in deep shit.

-- Modified on 3/15/2008 9:52:20 AM

I'm not seeing the NY Times best seller list in "Kristen's" future. The clock is ticking too fast on her 15 minutes. If she wants to capitalize on her miss-adventure she should hit the tanning salon and get ready for photo shoots. The general public will forget about her a lot more quickly than they will Spitzer. Books by exposed escorts do about as well as rap albums by young white women...
Unless she has some lucrative endorsement deals lined up with condom or lube companies her options are limited...

my2cnts226 reads

On one of the first days this was reported, didn't the ny times quote a different girl who supposedly met with the gov?

GaGambler209 reads

unless she is super hot(which she is not) super talented, or is fucking someone much more famous than a Governor. Let's face it, there are forty nine other Governors.

where a pro meets prince charming and sweeps her off her feet, takes her off the street and they get married and live happily ever after. The movie will be named Pretty Woman. Damn I'm a genious.
uc LOL

Barnaby08291 reads

Is anyone other than me old enough to remember the great intro to "The Shadow" radio program, about the seeds of crime?  Well, if what I heard on the radio yesterday is true, the seeds of crime have already paid off handsomely for Kristen -- SINCE the revelations, she's reportedly made $130,000 from downloads on her two singles available online.  I hope it's true, because it might silence for at least a few seconds the shrieking hypocrites who can't stop ranting about abused hookers and sordid johns, and wouldn't that be nice?

...I ain't going for it. They idea of you guys all wh***ing off to my pictures...well... frankly.... it just creeps me out.

But I got the publisher wrong...  Because of the money and the "newness" of what the public can now see of high end escorts... well, something tells me this isn't going away... the media... Well they are (were) concentrated on the low end of the business...  and now the public is just starting to be aware of the high end... with high tec...

However, the high end has been there an awfully long time... does anyone remember Mandy Rice-Davies and Christine Keeler of John Profumo fame?

Profumo was Secretary of State for War in the conservative Brit government and a member of the Privy Council of British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan (or so I recall).  Profumo had an affair with Keeler but Rice-Davies seemed to be the tabloid focus.. and is famous for uttering the phrase "Well, he would, wouldn't he?"  Sound familiar????  


Sex politics... what else is new...

so... as I say the public seems to now becoming aware of our little private electronic world... and its spillover into the Embassy Suites in the real world....  family vacations will never be the same.

wantbrain512 reads

and let's remember that Christine Keeler had been boffing a Soviet Person on the side, which made the whole affair even more interesting ...

I think it just further illustrates our hypocritical society. I mean many would say what she did was wrong, escorting, (not on here I mean) but look what it got her. It is such a mixed message.

Tell someone you are an escort, they look at you crazy. But look at all the attention it garners when something happens.

Someone posted other day where it was the top ten google searches for that day. Huge story.

I am kinda happy for her!

I am sorry it happened cause I think it scared some guys for sure.

But these government guys are always getting caught in these things, even on a much smaller scale it seems.


:) Sara

-- Modified on 3/17/2008 9:30:01 AM

-- Modified on 3/17/2008 9:31:36 AM

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