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So what goes through your mind after you orgasm?
GaGambler 305 reads

It's funny that most guys, myself included, don't want to do a thing right after sex but maybe lay there or eat a pizza, while women seem to get all energized and want to go do shit right after sex.

Shiksa3200 reads

I wanted to get your guys' perspective on sleeping overnight with a provider.

I don't sleep well during overnights because the guy usually snores, and also I try to sleep pretty (in one position so that my hair doesn't get too messy.)  And i make sure not to fart while sleeping.  And I often will try to wake up in the morning before the guy does so that I can freshen up, brush my teeth, remove the crust from my eyes, and put on makeup before sneaking back into bed.

All of this is not conducive to getting a good nights sleep!

How do you guys sleep?  Do you have the same worries of being a good sleep-mate or do you just pass out and say f-k it?

-- Modified on 3/30/2017 1:48:59 PM

GaGambler441 reads

I don't have a clue as to whether or not I fart while sleeping, nor would I have the slightest clue on how to stop doing so if I do. lmao

I treat overnight dates just like I do "one night stands" or any other time I spend the entire night with a woman. Quite frankly I don't stress over the "small stuff" Personally I like to "sleep close" some women share that preference, others don't.  

As for "morning sex" I usually am considerate enough to get up and brush my teeth first, but aside from that, I really don't sweat the small stuff.

-- Modified on 3/30/2017 3:00:25 PM

Senator.Blutarsky470 reads

Lord knows how she does that, but I'm not going to book an overnight to find out.  Now, if I was ever to book an overnight, which is highly unlikely, I would treat it like any other time a woman has shared my bed. Like you said, some like to cuddle and some don't and I just go with the flow. It's really not that complicated.

Dick_Enormis412 reads

If my lady friend has done her job right, I'll drift off to sleep right after, LOL.  As for the snoring, you could try rolling him into a different position or try one of those nose strips that open up the nasal canal.  

I imagine I'd treat it the same way I treat sleeping next to anyone. I just go to sleep. If any problem comes up on her end, snoring or whatever, I follow her instructions. They've never been unreasonable; usually it's something like, " Roll over."  


I have a hard time sleeping on overnights too - even in muggle life! Something about being in close proximity with a new person for an extended amount of time makes it difficult.  Because of this I tend to sleep way on the other side of the bed. But now it'll be even harder to sleep because I never thought about trying to curb my bodily functions before! haha!

I am the same way, and that's why I don't currently offer overnights. I will when I find a solution that will make it possible for me to not be a cranky zombie the next day due to lack of sleep! 😂

Posted By: hellogracekay
I have a hard time sleeping on overnights too - even in muggle life! Something about being in close proximity with a new person for an extended amount of time makes it difficult.  Because of this I tend to sleep way on the other side of the bed. But now it'll be even harder to sleep because I never thought about trying to curb my bodily functions before! haha!

Lmao. Sounds like straight out of a movie. All that time wasted when you could just wake your client up with some head and I promise they won't give 2 farts about your hair. Get some rest and have a fun time. Otherwise it sounds like you shouldn't do overnights. Personally,I have done a few overnights but wouldn't anymore because I don't have the attention span for that and I value sleep.

...occasionally on my left side...

I generally get crappy sleep, and I tend to worry about snoring and freshening up in the morning too.

Works both ways.

It's better if you're both extremely comfortable with one another; but it's still hard for me to completely relax.

That's one reason I prefer an "All day" date to an "Overnight" date. Same # of hours... but spent during normal waking hours.

I've only done overnights with one provider, one I've known for quite a few years, so I'm very comfortable in her company.

I generally sleep well when we're together, whether I snore or not I can't say, and she's too polite to tell me anyway.

I understand why a lady would want to 'sleep pretty', but I actually like the idea of the two of us being comfortable enough together that she doesn't have to worry too much about such things.

I actually really like waking up beside her. Yes I will obviously wash my teeth etc before getting down to any fun again in the morning, but I'm also happy to just cuddle. I also like when she sleeps well too, it shows she's comfortable with me and not too worried about trying too hard.

Obviously overnights are just extending the fantasy, I don't regularly go to sleep or wake up with incredibly beautiful women, but just for that short period of time, that level of comfort and intimacy in each other's company is a lovely way to spend some time

I haven't done overnights with Providers, but I was curious.

I took a pen and notepad to bed. For the first three hours, I didn't fall asleep while watching myself not sleep so there was nothing to jot down. Sometime after 3 hours, I must have fallen asleep but when I woke up a few hours later, there was drool stain on the pad but no written notes. I have no idea how many times I farted, snored or lashed out wildly and screaming during a night terror.  

(I knew an exotic dancer who experienced night terrors. I never saw them first hand. but she told me stories about some of the happenings with her boyfriend there, sleeping, or trying to sleep, beside her.)

On a serious note: I have been with some hostesses who made me feel so safe and comfortable that I WANTED to spend the night just being there with them and slipping off into sleep-dreamland from awake-dreamland. I have had great times with other hostesses but probably would only spend the night with one eye open.

Posted By: Shiksa
I wanted to get your guys' perspective on sleeping overnight with a provider.  
 I don't sleep well during overnights because the guy usually snores, and also I try to sleep pretty (in one position so that my hair doesn't get too messy.)  And i make sure not to fart while sleeping.  And I often will try to wake up in the morning before the guy does so that I can freshen up, brush my teeth, remove the crust from my eyes, and put on makeup before sneaking back into bed.  
 All of this is not conducive to getting a good nights sleep!  
 How do you guys sleep?  Do you have the same worries of being a good sleep-mate or do you just pass out and say f-k it?

-- Modified on 3/30/2017 1:48:59 PM

macandcheese428 reads

The very first overnight I did set a standard that has unfortunately never been met again.  She was a night owl and had an overnight job in her civvie life so was used to broken sleep.  We started our date at 7PM and didn't end until 9AM the following morning.  It was a once in a lifetime experience exceeding every wild imagination I ever had.  I came five times (I could those many years back then) in every opening of hers.  We sucked, fucked and slept and sucked, fucked and slept...

Others have been hit or miss.  

I do not snore and have been told I am a very quiet sleeper (I think unusually so for a guy).  I was with one provider who was adamant about getting her sleep and told me to stay away during the night.  This obviously was my worst experience.  She slept but not so much for me.

I have been with 2 other providers who after our play we both passed out in each other's arms very much girlfriend/boyfriend-like and slept pretty well.

And then there is another provider who I love to be with but snores.  So she sleeps well and me, not so well.  But all the other benefits with her outweigh the lack of sleep :)

I don't do overnight "sessions."  They are always OTC but may be piggybacked onto a paid session.  So I encourage them to do whatever their pre-sleep ritual would be if I wasn't there, including make-up removal, putting hair up, soaking their dentures (although this one has yet to happen, but makes them laugh when I say it), and anything else they would do.    
 I had one where we were sleeping spooned with her back to me about two in the morning. She squirmed a little which woke me up but I pretended to still be asleep. Then she said my name three times, each time a little louder that before.  I didn't respond, so she assumed I was still sleeping. Then she let loose a major fart. I could feel the escaping warm air against my thigh.  I waited about half a minute, then said, "I heard that."  She jumped out if bed, putting her hands over her face in shame, completely mortified.  I started laughing and she joined in. After a good laugh for both of us, she crawled back in next to me, kissed me softly on the lips, and said, "Now we have to get married,". YIKES!!!

Sleeping will be easy, it'll be late and I'll be tired...so it all works out for the both of us.

So, I usually get up and let her out.


I usually sleep pretty well, and the gals I sleep with say they sleep pretty well, but who knows for sure?

There is one gal however I call crazy legs that keeps on kicking me.  She has something called restless leg syndrome.  I'd love to see a cure for that one come along.

I'm by nature one of those who normally doesn't really sleep.  Slight movements or noises and I'm immediately awake.  I'll look over and see how she's sleeping, adjust the covers for her if needed and make sure she's OK.

I'm up super early, like 3 or 4AM without any alarm.  So I'll wait till I hear movement and make breakfast for the both of us.  Then nothing like a good morning session before she gets herself ready to leave.  Puts us both in a good mood for the rest of the day.  

...and have a bit of sleep apnea brought on by allergies and asthma. It's difficult for me to get a "good night's sleep" even under ideal conditions.

Sharing a bed is less than ideal conditions (for sleep, anyway) and even more so for someone with whom I haven't had shard bed experience.

So, just having had an overnight last weekend, she slept really well and spooned me, wrapped her arms around me at times and generally was quite "touch/feely" most of the night. I got to sleep about 3 AM and was up about 8 to freshen up; did get to doze for a while after that, then she woke me up with lots of DFK and it was on from there.

The lack of sleep was quickly forgotten ;)

....... not snoring is sexy. So sleeping with the CPAP mask  is not only good for my sleep but good for whoever is in the bed next to me.  

Silence is sexy!!!!!

As.Good.as.It.Gets299 reads

bed when that's not possible. I also bring eyes mask and ear plugs. I usually sleep very well after I have sex. These are the preparations that work for me. I hope it helps.

I have done a few overnights and they were all awesome experiences.  A lot of cuddling, massaging, sensual touching, small talk, light kissing ... time is obviously not a factor so you have time to really connect.  Every time, though, I'm not sure that I ever really slept.  There were a few hours where I rested with my eyes closed and a beautiful woman in my arms.  But those short, episodic naps were mixed with sensual experiences initiated by either the woman laying next to me or me.  I haven't done one of these in a while, however.      

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