TER General Board

Scoring and text and subtleties
2labman 26 Reviews 576 reads

I tend to be generous on the scoring for two reasons.  First, I may want to see her again and want her happy with me.  Second, I'm seeing the lady (usually) with no makeup, live, usually in unflattering lighting, without her hair done and with few fancy clothes and good photography, editing and Photoshop to hide the flaws.  Most ladies would move up a point or two (maybe three) with those aids, and I gotta give them the benefit of the doubt.  On performance scoring, I remember that I was part of it and was probably not as inspiring as George Clooney (ladies, fill in your own heartthrob) or as accomplished and debonair as James Bond.  That feeds back into her motivation.

I am usually pretty honest in the text, though, without being negative.  If there is a negative, I usually hint at it rather than be too blatant.

My motivation for reviewing is to give the other hobbyists a must see, was very nice, just OK or stay away signal.  If I succeed in that without pissing the provider off, I'm happy.  The last thing that I want is a provider who knows my name to be pissed off at me.

Mixed up two providers with VERY similar names once.  Accidentally got a date with the one I did NOT want to see, but went through with it, and put up a reasonable but negative review for the wrong lady.  The innocent lady got ahold of me and read me the riot act.  We finally straightened the reviews out, and now the innocent lady (that I originally wanted to see) is my regular.

So I had a meeting with a new provider recently and based on the reviews was expecting a really exciting time with an very attractive woman. When I arrived I was a bit taken back since I felt that the ratings system misled me a bit. The encounter was awkward from the start and only got more uncomfortable most likely for both of us. So after 5 minutes of very forced one sided dialogue I decided it would be better if I elected to leave a small donation and excuse myself. After reviewing the TER reviews and really reading them carefully I see where maybe I did not catch little things that would have clued me in on what I was to expect. I guess I wished people would be more blunt and just tell it how it is. I am finding the TER ratings on appearance are skewed roughly 2-3 points perhaps to be nice or maybe my thinking is off. To me a 10 in appearance is a damn supermodel with that said a 7 would be the hot chick next door and a 5 would be your average girl that you would really not give a second look to. Maybe my ratings are not realistic

Curious have any of you been in a situation that you just had to walk away from? This is the first time I have done this I have wanted to do it before but really did not want to force a situation that would have been bad for both of us sometimes better off to call it a day and move on.

I realize for a provided this may not be a possibility for you to just say NO or have you in some circumstances? Very sticky situation (No pun intended

But over time I have learned to do my research, which includes, most importantly, sharing PMs with some of the other known mongers with whom I share same tastes with. Some of the reviews are grossly exaggerated, and some of them are written under pressure..

Review system has become a joke over the years.. Some guys who write as they see it are dismissed as someone writing "dissertations".. Well, if its a dissertation to get my point across, so be it..

Primarily because I only like paying for girls who look 9s and 10s in my own eyes... And cross my fingers that they used accurate photos.  

I too rely heavily on other mongers with similar taste in women.  Makes life easier having trusted friends

Not really. It's  Not called the mistake on the lake for nothing

Lmfao lmfao lmfao!!! OMG but this is totally true!!!! Good call BigPapasaan!!! I'm dying from laughing!!! This response made my night!!!  Thanks for teary laugh!!!  

But seriously, every man has their preference, what you may think is a 10 may not be to another Hobbyist & vise versa!!!  Honesty is the best way to be on a site like this!!!     It sounds like from the time you walked in the chemistry wasn't there but seriously, did u not checkout her photos. (Google image is amazing).. Lol.

-- Modified on 2/19/2014 9:37:11 PM

You have to learn how to "rate" ladies on TER. If you look at my earlier reviews, the scoring is far lower than how I score today. I took things way too literally at the start. For example if I thought the girl was a nice looking woman and I had a nice time, she received 6's. I thought like you did; some of these ladies looked liked the checkout girl at the supermarket so how could I possibly give her anything more than a 5 or 6.  Even though my reviews indicated that I would definitely see her again, my scores were reflective of how I thought in the real world (like you are doing). I since have learned (after talking to many wonderful ladies) that I can't score like that. Many guys just look at the bottom line numbers (without reading the words in a review...which is too bad because my reviews are quite well written...but I digress here) and if the numbers are too low, they just move on. It's that simple. So I think men tend to score a little higher than you might rate a lady if you saw her in the Supermarket. It's the right way to score.  

But let's face reality. If you are waiting to give a 10 for the hot supermodel that's going to walk through the door, you'll be waiting a "lifetime" (pun intended). Kate Upton is not walking through your door. For the older generation, Kathy Ireland is not walking through the door. For the really old generation, Twiggy is not walking through the door. For the really really old generation (and God Bless that you are still active and hobbying) Anita Colby is not walking through the door. So you just have to learn to temper your opinions and expectations and be realistic.  

We all know in general looks are simply subjective. You and I can look at the same woman and I can give her an 8 and you can give her a 5. It is what it is. Also, understand that the images/photos you view beforehand are the ladies at their absolute best. It is rare to meet a woman who looks better in person than she did in her photos. If she does, then she did a poor job in marketing herself to the hobbysist community. Most ladies will look as expected.  

Just understand that the photos will be the ladies at their absolute best. Don't worry so much about the scoring system.  READ THE WORDS OF A REVIEW. If most of the men had a great time and would definitely see the lady again, that's good enough for me.  

-- Modified on 2/19/2014 10:32:01 AM

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-- Modified on 2/19/2014 10:42:05 AM

I've heard that theory a lot but it's simply not how everyone here does it and it is not how I do it. I think of the lady standing in front of me compared to the scale in my head and that scale is calibrated based on pretty much all the women I can remember seeing.  I recently saw Kate Beckinsale at a distance of about 6 feet and I've stood next to Heather Graham in a checkout line. Both solid 8s. You don't have to agree. But the point is I've had the great good luck to diddle a number of women who I thought were hotter than a couple of Hollywood actresses that surely someone would rate as 9s or 10s and I didn't restrict my judgment to only women.I've met while doing P4P.

Well stated. I guess I am looking for more honesty without being harsh. I honestly do not expect to see a 10 based on the donation I am willing to put forth if I wanted to shell out 1k then a 10 is in my near future. My expectation was for a nice time with a provider that was groomed and well for lack of better words more attractive than what was presented. Maybe an off day maybe I did not read between the lines. BUT when i walk through the door to be met by a provider that has not taken the time to prepare, shower and or manicure themselves in many ways it is time for me to hit the road. I did review the other hobbyists reviews and they seemed to be on point with most instances with other providers which led me to believe that this particular provider had something that was different for them that they personally took favor to which brought higher reviews. Honestly I just could not get past the presentation maybe it was too little time to prepare but if I am taking the time to maintain myself shouldn't they be doing the same out of respect for each other?

I myself can find sexy in almost anyone they don't have to be a spinner or a complete knockout they have to be sexy and know how to carry themselves that to me is worth more.

To me a 10 in LA is a 10 in Cleveland I have been all over and women are women Cleveland has its share of fantastic looking women just as LA does they are fewer I will agre

Reviews are a GUIDE not an exact science, and they are totally useless if you want a looks score that YOU are going to agree with. You should have looked at the other women those guys gave high scores to, so you could see what THEIR idea of a 9 or 10 was. Just because you don't agree with her reviews, does not mean they are misleading. You can't tell another man what to rate

Only to have it back fire at me.  She then made up some bull shit story and accused me of shit I didn't do.  Thing is,  I had simply walked out and never was even in the fucking room.  The fucking photoshop abusing agency she worked for of course took her side. Lots of drama afterwards.  They even sent my personal info to another agency. What the Fuck?   That's when I realized these guys are fucking crooks,  not business people.  It was useless trying to talk to these guys because how do you talk to people who know they are being fucking assholes.  It gets no where.

 Fucking Fuckers.  
To make a long story short I'm still here and the agency is long gone. LE got to them for a whole page full of charges.  Turns out,  the owners were physically abusing the girls and even brandished a gun on them Too.  They were pimps not agencies.  

I prefer to make love not war (hence why I hobby)  and I hate fighting with people,  but these guys were serious crooks who operated their business like crooks. They were asking for trouble.  They were making enemies out of many of their clients and talents as well.  

Oh yeah this wasnt the only time I walked out. If a girl's photo looks 10 but she looks like a 6 in person,  what am I supposed to do?  Give her my hard earned money and fall for the scam?  Lol hell no.  There are degrees and if the gap is too large from reality,  I will fucking walk..  If it were that easy,  heck I'll post a picture of Brad Pitt  my own escort website and I'd be a male gigolo too.  

But the other times I had to walk out,   the girl or agencies were much more professional.  Usually just rescheduled for another girl.

The first time I played with a 9/10 provider, which my partner had chosen based upon her reviews, I was floored when she walked in the door.  She looked somewhat average, and her hands were not so clean, as if she had come from gardening or something.  Furthermore, when I went down to taste her...I had to hop up for a baby wipe.  After she left, my partner felt too uncomfortable to write a review because it would have been so different from the numerous other reviews she already had posted.

Then I went to a TER M&G and saw an array of the popular 9/10 ladies - after which I knew how much to scale back expectations, and - by extension - which reviewers are straight-up shills.

On the flip side of that, I am nowhere near model material, but some gentleman seem to think it is kind to rate me a 9, even if the next guy will be disappointed when he opens the door.  I just have to hope that those guys who contact me based upon my reviews are somewhat savvy about what the numbers actually mean.

you are obviously model material... after all, you modeled for the pictures in your ad :)

To your basic question, I've only had one encounter I wished I walked away from.   It wasn't on looks, but attitude. A couple of prior reviews were high in that department, however it was a 180 from what I experienced.  A few months afterwards, the last three all mentioned the angry, piss poor attitude I encountered.  About that time, my skills in reading between the lines and prior reviewers sharpened, and everything has been peachy since then.  

Numerical grades gives me a slight idea, but the review itself as well as a ladies' website can give me a pretty good clue as to what I should expect to see.   I prefer and seek out beautiful ladies over a minimum of 35 years of life seasoning.  We ain't fckin' OLD.   Some of the "old guard" here want nobody over 25.  Whatever.  YMMV, as it is in all of every day of life.

Chauncey Gardner504 reads

The debate over look scores has been going on since probably the second day TER was active and likely since Tumak scrawled a review of Loana on his cave wall and Akhoba disagreed. For the record Tumak gave her a 9/10  and Akhoba thought she was a 7 at best.

This will continue as long as humans remain individuated. The best you can do is check prior reviewers` records for signs of inflation or deflation.  In the future when we have all been absorbed this will no longer be a problem.

Most seem to be rating Aldo’s handy work instead of the provider!

I have begun to stay away from Aldo’s handwork recently

AxelF457 reads

Numbers are way too subjective in looks. You think you had it bad? I walked into a lady who myspaced angled the shit out of her photos and she was still getting 8s; a double chin can disappear with proper lighting and angle. There was only one other review on her that I agreed with.

I know what you are talking about I have really learned how to interpret angles and types of positions. Always beware of the photos with legs up in the air! Just saying..... The thing was photos were not bad but they were poor quality and grainy so you had a hard time picking up on little things that in person became not so little and i am not speaking to weight I have been with larger girls and had a great time. Again looks are subjective I agree and I find sexy in all shapes and sizes as long as they are well kept and confident. I should add that I DID NOT review this experience because I don't feel it is neither polite or fair to single someone out in this manner I am just expressing my opinion and frustration with this system.

Girls that are listed as 8's for looks are usually 7's in the real world

Girls that are rated 8's for performance are usually 7's in the real world.

I always look for girls that are rated at least solid 8's across many reviews. If see a 6 or 7 more than once in her list of reviews that's a red flag that she's being overrated.

Same with performance.  

Bottom line I look for consistency before I put faith in the numbers and I always subtract 1.

That's inaccurate, except for maybe the 1 poiint off in looks.

I had over 40 10s but I also had about 10 7s... that does not mean I was overrated, but that the guys who gave me a 7 in performance were probably fkin DISGUSTING, rude, or we simply did not connect. There are guys out there that specifically see providers they are pissed at, just to rate them low. You can jump up and down on one leg, do standing 69, and shoot fireworks from your ass, and you're still not getting a high score from those guys.

Chemistry has nothing to do with this BUSINESS, yet guys want to grade lower because of it. Um, it has a looks and performance score, not a chemistry one. Guys who got everything under the sun served on a silver platter should not be docking points because of fkin chemistry. This is not match.com.

She was nowhere close to her posted pics but since nothing happened I couldn't post a review. I've watched her reviews since. Seen a few honest reviews but for the most part 8 and 9's.  In my opinion she was a 5. I threw $40 at her and ran.

...even if you didn't go through with the session. I've checked with TER admin about this.

I tend to be generous on the scoring for two reasons.  First, I may want to see her again and want her happy with me.  Second, I'm seeing the lady (usually) with no makeup, live, usually in unflattering lighting, without her hair done and with few fancy clothes and good photography, editing and Photoshop to hide the flaws.  Most ladies would move up a point or two (maybe three) with those aids, and I gotta give them the benefit of the doubt.  On performance scoring, I remember that I was part of it and was probably not as inspiring as George Clooney (ladies, fill in your own heartthrob) or as accomplished and debonair as James Bond.  That feeds back into her motivation.

I am usually pretty honest in the text, though, without being negative.  If there is a negative, I usually hint at it rather than be too blatant.

My motivation for reviewing is to give the other hobbyists a must see, was very nice, just OK or stay away signal.  If I succeed in that without pissing the provider off, I'm happy.  The last thing that I want is a provider who knows my name to be pissed off at me.

Mixed up two providers with VERY similar names once.  Accidentally got a date with the one I did NOT want to see, but went through with it, and put up a reasonable but negative review for the wrong lady.  The innocent lady got ahold of me and read me the riot act.  We finally straightened the reviews out, and now the innocent lady (that I originally wanted to see) is my regular.

Even the staunchest of dudes who screen to the max can get fooled...but typically only once.  After that they learn how to make sure the dreaded "butterface" never happens again.

Now you have been...and I suspect you'll tweak your screening to make sure this never happens again.  LO

website and did you use tineye to verify they were not copied?  Don't always go by just the numbers in reviews.

Absolutely I always study pics and reviews prior. Here is what I drew from this experience. As we all know pics are taken to accentuate the best angles how many pictures have you discarded of yourself because they were not flattering? Basically all I am saying is that it was a lot of smoke and mirrors. I will never go on grainy pics again and really read the reviews in their entirety. One guy even gave this provider a 10 in appearance. I am not here to call someone out I did not review this person and never will since I did not go through with the meeting I feel it is completely unfair to even attempt that. What I am saying is from a hobbyists standpoint I think we are all doing a disservice to each other by bumping the ratings. I rely on TER for a very objective review of a provider as we all do. So how does it help if someone is just saying things to be nice? I understand if you really want to see a provider again and again you need to bump it up because that will affect your next experience and lets face it if you have nothing nice to say maybe you should refrain from saying it at all.  

I think the other issue here is some girls that are higher volume do not take the time to really prepare for a date. To me a fresh shower and nice attire goes hand in hand with a great time apparently I am alone in this because over the years I have found this to not be the case with the provider. It is expected we come freshly showered, minty breath, manscaped and presentable but on the other side splashing on some body lotion means a fresh shower? While I am ranting if a provider has all of their pics in thigh highs and high heels isn't that part of the allure? When you show up and they look like they just woke up and threw  on last weeks clothes that is a HUGE turnoff!

I basically spoke for a bit received no feedback and after I processed the differences in what I saw and read and what was in front of me I had to bail. Smartest thing I did that day.

This has actually led me to reevaluate why I even partake. My goal is to have fun, stay clean and healthy and overall have a great experience for me and the provider.

It's not that she did not look like the other guys said, but that for you she looked like shit. She was probably hung over, may have forgot about your appt. just woke up, or just did not give two shits about her appearance or hygiene for YOUR date. That does not mean the other guys who gave her high scores 'bumped up the ratings' as you keep trying to suggest. It means that for them, she may have gone all out.

If you want a woman to be dressed like she is in her photos TELL HER BEFORE YOU GET THERE! Hookers are not mind readers. Common sense would suggest a nice outfit, but I have heard guys on here blab about liking jeans and a t shirt. I provided for 6 years and not once was I ever dressed in anything but business attire, a robe with lingerie underneath, or football jersey during season with tube socks, pig tails and a matching bra and thong.  

You keep trying to blame other guys for your bad experience when it is no one's fault but HERS! Also, you said you were not willing to spend more than x, correct? Well for that amount perhaps you ARE having to see higher volume women. Even at the very beginning of my provider career in 2008 at 400 an hour, I saw 3-5 guys a week... some women do that in a day at that rate, and maybe it was your day lol.  

-- Modified on 2/20/2014 5:38:08 PM

10 should be if the lady is 100% representation of her photo.

Some people think tall blonde is a 10.
Some people think nerdy science girl is a 10.

Beauty is perspective.

Therefore, rate it by the truthfulness in photos.

I think reviews are skewed in this world. You aren't going to get a supermodel in this biz. A really hot pornstar would be a 10 in my eyes, 9 could be a pornstar, 8 is a really, really hot sexy girl that would turn heads. 7 is a really hot girl that you're grateful to spend time with. 6 is noticeably attractive... Etc. it's really based on chemistry. Chemistry with a person makes then more or less attractive in the 6-9 range, I think. Some guys are high graders, some low, some realistic. Just how it is. Look at the guys prior reviews to gauge how he grades.

I agree with this.. Chemistry definitely will make the grades go up! I could give a girl a 9 or 10 for various reasons that have nothing to do with a perfect body or face etc. There are many factors in rating but damn a girl getting an 8 or 9 in looks should be attractive to look at. I was a bit in disbelief as to the overall appearance. I kind of felt dirty being in the same room to be honest I left thinking thank god I did not do anything other than talk.  

I think I am going to stick to massages for a while after this LMA

Jeez, she must have been pretty bad lol

Posted By: kmtoplay
I agree with this.. Chemistry definitely will make the grades go up! I could give a girl a 9 or 10 for various reasons that have nothing to do with a perfect body or face etc. There are many factors in rating but damn a girl getting an 8 or 9 in looks should be attractive to look at. I was a bit in disbelief as to the overall appearance. I kind of felt dirty being in the same room to be honest I left thinking thank god I did not do anything other than talk.  
 I think I am going to stick to massages for a while after this LMAO  

Add sex into the equation and even a moderately good looking lady can be elevated to super hot. Guys bitch about this portion of the reviews all the time. Blame the guy who added this section and quit blaming guys who actually do review from their POV.  

Guys don't review thinking about what other guys might like. It is their interpretation and theirs alone. How can that be wrong? Simple, it can't. Same way as a movie or restaurant critic gives their personal opinion. Some agree, others don't.  

As far as beauty goes, don't you people look at the ladies images? And if they are not a true representation of her when you see her in the flesh, you can always leave or simply mention that in your review

As stated prior photos were grainy almost like you would see on BP or CL. Lets just say she would not really talk much and when she opened her mouth I understood why her teeth were almost black, when she undressed I thought I travelled back in time to the age before razors and scissors... Pics do not show you these things and the reviews should....Girls like this are on every street corner charging 20-50. I read into reviews like everyone does there are good and bad points to all reviews and hints at what the real truth us about a provider, these reviews offered up no such discussion in fact the reviews are incredibly high which leads me to believe that the reviewers were incredibly HIGH at the time of writing. Truly beauty is in the eye of the beholder but damn.

And I left in short order offered her compensation for her time was not for me.

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