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Re:You bring up the interesting point that many women who resent being called "fat" seem to have no
GaGambler 3012 reads

It's also funny how some women use the term, model type or Barbie type as if it were a negative.

What_Say_You6094 reads

I am friends with a provider who was a BBW/Plus Size provider. She was happy with her weight and comfortable and was charging $125 for her services and she has good reviews. One day out of the blue she said she is going to go on a diet and lose weight. She went all the way down to a size 4 from a size 16. She is now much thinner and has raised her prices considerable. For those who have seen plus size providers would you still see her if she upped her price after dropping her weight? Would you think this is ok or would it bother you some? She does have many more visitors now that she has lost the weight.

Depends on a few things, one do you enjoy BBW more then thinner providers, two is her rate now out of your range and 3 is she willing to keep her old rate for you? many do but you have to ask in a new way.

Sounds to me you liked her more when she was a BBW and if that is true then it is time to look for another BBW Provider.

My opinion only and others will not agree with me as is their rights.

Big, small, short, tall... It's my dream to have you all.

Bwhahahahaha! [Lex's EvilLaughterâ„¢]

Musical Joke2229 reads

Okay, there are some providers who are obese.  Obviously, there's a market for them, isn't there?  Besides, variety is the spice of life, except perhaps for you.  What should everybody look the same?  There's already too much standardization and homogenization, although it's not as bad as the bad old days of the Speedway Inn (read: factory brothel).

Seriously, the pictures of some providers are positively scary.  They are so thin that one starts to worry about her starving to death.  I don't mind the idea that some customers prefer skinny providers, but I do mind if this is a means to induce women into looking like they just got out of a concentration camp.  How many providers have to die of starvation to satisfy the cravings of customers just want skin and bones?

Call me old fashioned, but the "Twiggy" look doesn't turn me on.  The "athletic" look does.  The healthy look does.  The "has a few extra pounds" does.  My aesthetic sense has a bell curve to it, where the very skinny and the very fat are both turnoffs.

I like women who like themselves and others.  A bullied woman is nowhere near as sexy as a happy woman.  As for myself, I'd rather deal with a happy prima donna than a desperate love slave who lives for the next shred of a half-hearted compliment.  I think there's something sick in a man who can only get turned when a woman is beaten down.

Pre$ley5337 reads

In response to Musical Joke, I have been called "Twiggy" on more than one occasion. I am 5'6 and weigh 98 lbs and Im pretty sure 5 of those lbs is my hair alone. So, pretty much skin and bone and Im not starving myself to satisfy the customers cravings. I eat all the time and never gain weight. I had a baby 2 years ago and gained 14 lbs she was 4lbs 14 oz, healthy full term and she is now almost 3 and still perfectly healthy. A lot of girls do have eating disorders but I dont think people should be so quick to think that all skinny girls are starving themselves for some man. I have had, on two occasions, old ladies asking me to please go to a class for eating disorders because they were concerned and they just saw me in line at the grocery store..  There are some people who just cant gain weight (I know whah).  Sometimes we're just built the way were built and so you should love the built and in turn that confidence rubs off on someone else who loves the way your built... So... thank god theres different strokes and sizes for different folks I guess..

GLisHJ3805 reads

problem with ridiculing the appearance of thin women, referring to them as "skin and bones", "Twiggy", and so on.

is why fat people resent being called fat. I'm fat. I'm fat. I'm fat. I'm fat. Even my friends are offended when I call myself fat. I'm a size 14/16. I'M FAT. I'm not pleasantly plump. I'm not curvy. I'm not voluptuous. I'm a big boned. I'm FAT.

GaGambler3013 reads

It's also funny how some women use the term, model type or Barbie type as if it were a negative.

Now I need to find an excuse to visit Arizona.

Musical Joke2225 reads

Why, I'm so limber that I can put my foot in my mouth at will!  Literally.  ;-)  Have fun!

  it's redundant Emma. Spermie's beat this subject too DEATH! We all know how he feels about BBW, and he's entitled to his opinion.

  That being said, any woman who has the discipline to go from a size sixteen to a four, deserves everyone's kudos. You can't accomplish that by riding a stationary bike 20 minutes a day. It requires a serious regimen and a lot of tenacity!

You sure do spend a lot of time reading postings about bbw's for some one who says he hates them. Maybe youre secretly obsessed but ashamed? Its ok, come out of the closet and admit you love big chunky women. Don't be shy.

I'm betting you spend most of your time sitting at home beating off to chunky chick porn and surfing bbw escort websites. Hating them this much is like those guys who scream about fags but secretly pick up male hoookers.

I love big girls but I don't have to lie about it or hate anyone who doesn't like what I do. I also dont sit here bashing spinners.

She deserves it as a reward.....  Size 16 to 4 is a hell of an acomplishment...  she is to be congratulated. I'd say see her and maybe take her on a Victorias Secret shopping trip as a tip. Encourage her and you may find your mileage gets a huge increase

First of all, no woman is happy at a size 16 unless they were much heavier before. It is not easy to lose that much weight. And I think if she is a top provider, then she deserves top dollar no matter what her rates were before. I mean she is working isnt she?

MsBuffaloBootyGal3027 reads

My rate is at 3 bills for the hour, and has been that way for the past 3 years, and I have 9 pages of reviews with 9/10's for performance and 8/9 for looks, and I am damn proud of them. Who says that a BBW cannot get top rate? Look at Devin Taylor, who commands 4 Bills for the hour! I applaud her, and her looks are beautiful! There are so many beautiful big ladies out here and the men seem to recognize that, for our buisnesses would have dried up years ago. There is a big demand for BBW models, etc. Yes, I also applaud the former BBW for losing the weight, for that is what she wanted to do. But a woman should never be degraded at any weight she chooses to be at, whether she is big, medium, or small. We are all god's children.

aboutface2493 reads

Very much in agreement!  Only one small quibble...

"a woman should never be degraded at any weight she chooses to be at, whether she is big, medium, or small"

For many, their weight is not a choice. :)

MsBuffaloBootyGal2132 reads

and a woman at whatever weight she may be, should not be degraded for being at that weight. Winks..

I have known too many women (and men) whom due to one health condition or an other (many genetic) are either obese or so thin as to be in fear of blowing away like a leaf the next breeze over 5 mph. Weight is not only decided by lifestyle but also genetics, and even life it's self. Take the extremely athletic person whom works out daily etc is fit toned and at perfection of what our society says he/she should be. Then one day that person is walking down street, driving across town or otherwise involved in a normal daily activity then life happens and there is an accident. Due to injuries this person goes from workouts 3 hrs day 7 days a week to none. Inevitably this person is subject to weight gain no matter how much they change eating habits. Or one is struck with one of many medical conditions again the same can happen. Then there are examples like a lady I used to know, It did not matter what or how much she ate, she could not gain weight, she pretty much looked very close to an aushwitz poster child (I hope that is not too politicaly incorrect) she happened to be stuck with genetics that said do not store extra energy.
Now for the lady whom lost so much weight the things that matter most is who she did so for. If she did this for herself than that is what counts. If not she may not find herself as happy as she expected. How she went about such weight loss is also important for there are many ways out there one can loose dramatic amounts of weight but in the long run harm the body. Others that loose quickly but do not include lifestyle changes to keep it off. Either way I wish her the best.
Now as to rates, Hell she has to buy a whole new wardrobe for heven s sake, maybe she wishes to reduce the # hrs she works but keep same income and with newer and larger customer base as result of loss....... no matter her reason for rate change that is her decision as a business woman either go with it or go down the list of ladies you wish to see.

There may be mitigating factors in many cases, but as far as true obesity (bmi in a non-bodybuilder of 30 or higher), the genetic predisposition excuse only explains a small number.

aboutface3790 reads

Very much in agreement!  Only one small quibble...

"a woman should never be degraded at any weight she chooses to be at, whether she is big, medium, or small"

For many, their weight is not a choice. :)

Let's just say I would not have seen her as a BBW. Just not my type. She can get what the market will bear.

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