TER General Board

Reality. Don't want to miss a moment. (eom)
johngaltnh 6 Reviews 62 reads


When participating in the hobby do you prefer to be completely sober or altered by alcohol or other substance?

I have tried both ways but my preference is with a nice buzz (not hammered ).  I also prefer a provider who likes to party.  I am curious to hear how others experience their fantasy.

I prefer to do everything in my life sober. I prefer to spend time with others who feel the same way.

Interesting Bos - is this because you drank in the past and have terminated the practice altogether now?  Or, just not while hobbying?

Booze to excess and drugs in any form are an escape from reality.  I just don't like being intoxicated or not in my right mind. Life is interesting enough on it's own and women, at least the ones I know,  are enough of a challenge while sober...

I drink occasionally in moderation.  I don't need the buzz and I really don't need the calories!

I am not much of a drinker, but if a client offers something I will partake if he himself is having something, but sip it..Two glasses of wine and I get sexually charged. And I already am like that, so, I don't need anything else.

I don't do anything else in the areas of false stimulation. I enjoy letting the real me come out with out anything.

To each their own.. I don't mind if someone "parties" I'm good with that..they can and I will watch:D

We talked on the phone today and he mentioned he was nervous. So I asked him if he might like a drink when he arrives. His appointment is at 3pm. He said yes. So for his case...I am happy to help relieve him of his nerves. I think it's enjoyable if both enjoy a light refreshment, but I have learned that 2 is enough for moi!!

literbike176 reads

Nothing at all mind/perception altering for me. I want to be perfectly attuned to the situation. As for the client..prefer not the taste or smell of alcohol on the breath.

Illegal drugs...FUCK NO!!!!

on occasion if the gentleman is having a drink.Just one drink.I prefer to be  sober I don't think most gentleman want a provider that is smashed or high on who knows what.If the gentleman wants to party that's his business I don't indulge.

I like all my senses at their peak to fully sense and appreciate the experience, and to be most fully perceptive in pleasuring the lady. Any nervousness on my part is quickly swept away by the good graces of the lady I'm with.

Priapus53154 reads

which shouldn't be a surprise to those who've read my previous posts.

Paging MP67 & GaG---------------LOL !

I drink, I like to drink and it causes no problems in my personal or professional life, and quite frankly I don't give a flying fuck what a bunch of teetotalers think about whether or not "I" drink.

If others choose not to drink for whatever reasons work for them, it's not my place to question their choices. but those same moralistic, pious, judgemental, mother fucking assholes need to give me the same consideration.

Every time someone posts anything to do with drugs and/or alcohol, some fuckwad who can't handle it personally comes out of the woodwork and tries to project his/her problems with drugs/alcohol on the rest of us. To all those assholes FUCK OFF!!! Make your own Goddamn choices, and I'll make mine.

Well Pri, you asked............roflmfao

BTW my answer to the OP, Sometimes I feel like having a few, before, during or after a session. Sometimes I prefer completely sober. It depends on many things. Time of day, vacation vs workday, etc.

Damn, all that typing worked up a thirst, I think I will have a drink now. lol

What are you so pissed about? LOL!
I've been sober for quite some time now by choice and I don't push my sobriety on anyone else. If they ask, I'll share that it's just not for me and it's one of the demons that I have to face every day. I'm man enough to admit that I'm one who can't handle it so I just don't go there.
But I will say this....DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!!!!

My first threesome was on acid. Two german fraulines that I met in Bamberg back in the 70's. Back in the days before AIDs, and not P4P.

I have never had another threesome to compare to that first one. Threesomes that involve taking condoms on and off just aren't the same, but as I said, this was "back in the days before AIDs"

I was exposed to many  acid head kids in my early teens, and some of their actions frightened me enough, I always refused but I have been offered acid hundreds of times..I did spend a lot of time around acid heads off and on for a about a ten year period.
The friend  that floated off the high rise roof and laughed while yelling  "watch me fly" made a impression on me. That was a nasty visual I will always remember.
Lucky I didn't see the aftermath, but a few of the acid heads I knew blew their brains out.I have no clue if they would have done something like that if they weren't into acid , but I figured assuming so, wouldn't hurt me.
Acid was big time in ninth grade at my school.
I can understand peer pressure is hard on a lot of kids, especially when the girls ask you to do some.
Some of you won't believe this but I swear its true .. I started skipping school in First Grade by myself. I was extremely  independent as a child , and I didn't realize what peer pressure was at that time. Fortunately I thought I was already cool when my peers told me, its cool to do acid,so I didn't feel the need.
IMO from what I've seen first hand,recreational use of Acid,Heroin, and Cocaine is as dangerous as Russian  Roulette with {I'm guessing} a 50 shot cylinder and one in the chamber.
I don't know what the actual statistics are across the country,but thats what the survival rate +- was in my youth . Maybe a 10 shot cylinder  if you look at the quality of their lives and their state of mind  twenty years down the road.
To be specific ..1 out of ten acid heads might end up like gambler or johngaltnh twenty years later and the other 9 end up like willy or anonymousfun IMO ..
Those are odds I don't want to take a chance with and I am glad I didn't..

10 shot and 50 shot cylinders were used for demonstration and statistical purposes only..

someone who has an occassional joint and cheech and chong.

you got it backwards.

9 out of 10 people who use/used acid, did so in moderation.

1 out of 10 did the jackass thing you described.

i used to love that sh*t but still only would do it maybe a few times a year because it's like disneyland... great fun but who wants to go everyday ?

I sneakily fed it to some of my grandfather's chickens.

At first they just acted strange. Then they started acting crazy. Then they just sort of went board stiff and flopped over dead.

Never tried any illegal drugs myself; because the animal experiments didn't look very promising.

Vrscika128 reads

You really do need to have a formidable intellect to deal with a strong psychedelic experience..........Last time for me was 19. Now I'm 39. Did it about 10 times give or take. Started with one "hit" and moved up to five.

When using good stuff, the right quantity and with cool people it can be a quite revelatory and enjoyable experience.......

Nevertheless.............. a bad trip is exactly that. Not fun. At all. A battle. Been there and done it.


No more 'cid for me after that.

You will gain and look at the world with an additional perspective.

It's interesting.

I think I'll leave the drugs to people with intellects more formidable than mine.

Like I said, animal trials were less than promising. LOL


but I would never want to repeat my experiences from "chemically enhanced" days.

I do have to admit that I have some rather fond memories from the 70's, the decade that I "came of age" lol.

Most people look at my handle and think I grew up as a white guy in the south. The truth of the matter is, I grew up in the SF Bay area in the late 60's early 70's and my upbringing was as different as you could possibly get from a "southern, white, country childhood" lol

married_to_OSP126 reads

he learned his ways,hashish to begin with,in that same area in the same time frame. Are you sure you two have never met in a previous life? ;-) In fact he shared that he started with a young Asian fellow. This whole thing is too uncanny.

I first started smoking hash when I  went to Germany back in the mid seventies. Damn they had some good shit over there. lol

Oh the good old days, it's a miracle any of us survived.

Vrscika128 reads

Mr. Galt....

We've PM'd..........


I WAS 19 ya know!

Cut a guy some slack!

Vrscika122 reads

I always start sober, but I like very long engagements, usually including dinner, which means vino..........and I may partake of a very good herbal supplement. I never get shitfaced though........the alcoholic thing is ugly in the end.

justfortoday111 reads

I choose not to drink on my dates. I used to drink all of the time. Clients would bring champagne and wine, so it was easy to stay juiced up especially when I was on a tour. I wasn't a nasty drunk, but I still developed a problem. And I would drink up all the alcohol my clients brought. It was fun to an extent, but it's so much better now that I'm completely sober and aware of what happens on my dates. I like knowing that I didn't cross my boundaries because of alcohol. I like having a great time without liquor. Sober sex is really nice, though sometimes I still yearn for a buzz. I don't do high volume anymore, because it was easy to get into a drinking binge during and after each session. Starting at 10am and going all day, seeing 6-10 guys on a 2-3 day tour, it was too much alcohol! Now I make more money seeing a small number of clients for multi hours and I have my sober sanity. I’ve found that a lot of guys don’t like to drink during appointments anyway. And if a client is nervous, I will take my time with him. We don’t need alcohol.

So from someone who has had sex on almost every drug in the book as a teen to drinking alcohol on dates with clients, I have decided sober is the way to go. Now I know I will slip up at times, but if I can help it, I won’t make that mistake. And now I have an appreciation for clients who don’t drink.

Sorry, Couldn't resist, I actually can relate to your  situation. As most of you know, I travel to Costa Rica quite often on pleasure trips. I spend a lot of time in bars, and in the Blue Marlin bar in particular.

The Blue Marlin is one of the highest paying gigs a chica can get and still keep her clothes on, but one of the job requirements is to drink with the customers, both for tips and to increase sales. Now I like to drink as much as anyone on this board, with the possible exception of MP67, but these girls drink ten to twenty shots every single day that they work. That has got to be hard on the system and I honestly don't know how some of the more petite bartenders do it.

I make a lot of fun about drinking and have repeatedly made known my issues concerning wanna be dogooders that don't know how to mind their  own business. That doesn't mean that by any stretch of the imagination that I would encourage someone with an alcohol problem to ignore their problem, or that I am not understanding where it comes to other people's problems with drugs and alcohol.

At the risk of sounding like a mangina myself, I am happy for you that your life has improved by removing alcohol from your life.

Before I completely ruin my hard earned reputation, I think I will now fix myself another drink. lol

and to anyone who thinks I am growing soft FUCK YOU!!!

justfortoday96 reads

Some of them suffer from drunkorexia, something you see I clearly don't have. I like to eat.;)

"...drunkorexics are college-age binge drinkers, typically women, who starve all day to offset the calories in the alcohol they consume." ~The New York Times

And thanks for the encouragement. It's better this way too, otherwise I'd be arguing with your brother GG on the board for no reason but to argue with him.:)

He too, argues just for arguments sake. lol

Most of my seriously alcoholic drinking friends forego nourishment in lieu of the empty calories that they get from alcohol.

I am lucky that as a "functional alcoholic", I also like to eat. As a matter of fact, next to drinking, fucking and gambling, eating well is one of my favorite pastimes. lol

AAR, I am glad to hear your life is good. Thanks to my brothers mod status, I can peek behind the "alias curtain" lmao

Priapus53111 reads

The only drug that ever agreed with me----hated the rest-----pity they outlawed them-------they were great !!

No, to be completely honest. I rarely did ludes, never much on downers, as much I drank (drink) downer were not such a good idea for me.

I did however, used to keep a handful at home for good looking visitors who liked to indulge. lol

I always thought it was ironic that 714 was also Joe Friday's badge number. It's also ironic the stupid shit you remember from your youth. lol

justfortoday94 reads

I'm not really an alcoholic per the alcoholic assessment form, but it's easy to develop damn near close to being an alcoholic issue when you drink with all of your clients. There's just so many of clients that the drinks (and calories) add up. I've had no issue deciding not to drink with clients anymore, but if you are a provider who is having an issue giving it up, I recommend you seek help.


Even small amounts of alcohol is a wood killer for me. Besides, I rarely drink these days and don't really like the taste of most alcoholic drinks.

Just depends. I saw a lady a few weeks ago  she offered me a glass of wine and I accepted. Another time recently a  fav asked me to bring some adult beverage, so I did.  I just never know.

I drink. I drink a lot. I enjoy the buzz, and I enjoy the taste. Always have since I was a kid. Used to drink my dad's beer when he'd let me.

Anyone remember Olympia? I do.

I can barely tell you what I did last week. But I remember drinking beer and screwdrivers when I was a kid.

Got into a lot of trouble too. High school was just a 4 year party. Meet girls, get hammered with them and fuck. Cut class to get drunk and high. Pot and coke was everywhere. Took on meth, 'shrooms, 'cid, 'x'(before it was in pill form), and pills. Pain killers were fun especially when you downed them with half a bottle of whatever.

Got into REAL trouble. That's something I don't share with just anyone. Sorry. A few here know, and I prefer it that way.

So got into the work shit, smoke a bowl before I get out of bed, have some drinks at lunch, and head to the bar after work. Close the place, and do it all over again the next day.

Weekends? Ooo, fucking forget it!

It was all about having a good time. Still is.

Even now, the people I see at my accounts know I work hard, and play harder.

Have a bunch that live close to me, and want to know when they can come over and tear it up.

Always been told my place is inviting. Very laid back, Do what you want to do. No one will bother you here.

My neighbors get psyched when I ask them to take care of my dogs when I go anywhere. I leave the fridge full of beer, and have half gallons of whiskey, rum and vodka on the counter, as well as wine. Red and white. Say it's their pleasure to watch my boys. Yeah, I know.

So, I'm with Gambler in that I'm not ashamed of what I do. I'm not married, don't have any kids(other than my dogs), or that I know of.

I realize I'm cutting my life short by my indulgences.

But I will admit, my last fuck up has me thinking. It was a week and a half ago. Yeah, it involved a lady(surprise), and I fucked up. Fucked up. I fucked up.

She hates my guts, and I don't blame her.

Wish I could say I was sorry to throw out my dirty laundry like this, but to tell the truth? I don't give a fuck what you think.

I'm just turning you on to where I come from. I'll deal with my shit, just as I always have.  

I am not one of those guys who is especially judgmental about this stuff.

As far as I'm concerned -- your body, your choice and I have no right to question it.

But there is no separating actions from consequences.

Time to cut back. It will leave room for some really worthwhile things in your life.

Just sayin'.

was like that prior to and currently. makes my mouth water ;-) amongst other things.

With all the discussion of LSD and smoke, I am amazed that no one talked about the 1980's and Miami's favorite import.  Now those were the day's ~ not so much anymore.  Just give me some Red wine, champagne or a cold beer (and don't forget a beautiful woman).

NickleBag78 reads

I mean, after a few peyote buttons, any damn squaw you pick up looks damn good!  But there is one thing no amount of drugs, alcohol, cleaning fluid, or hair tonic can hide.  That's a


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