TER General Board

Re: Don't forget the PIG comment
team_rocket_qwerty 98 reads

Masks come off when entities get triggered and we get a good dose of "here's what they really think about you".

I've had seen a PO/advertiser get triggered and call all Johns fat impotent losers, forgetting he was also masquerading as a John. That was good. The more masks come off, the faster you can move to the next profile.

Guys / Ladies -

When a lady advertises herself at 29 are the ladies usually 35+

Thoughts?  I actually prefer old more mature ladies.  So I usually stay away from ladies in their 20's.

You are correct. I call them "20 wanna bees", or those who have stuck in time.  

adding 10-15 years and 10-15 pounds to the what the ad says will seldom leave you surprised when you see her.

Instead of playing guessing games, just pursue the broads that advertise as age 30 and above to make your life easier....

And I suspect that would work very well if you were looking for 45+

Simple fact is a lot of providers are very worried that if they reveal their true age business will fall off. The one's that still have the looks can pull this off and, I think others will agree, no one really cares. But not all can. So the sensible thing for guys (and gals) to do is add to the advertised age, and then when you get one listing their true age it is a really win. The least that way you are not (as) disappointed when the door opens.

John_Laroche112 reads

cut 'em in half and count the rings.

now if it's mature you want, that's easy. There are plenty of over-the-hill providers who are beyond photoshop to fix what gravity has done.

I have been transparent about my age ever since.

I mean - I look like my photos so why bother lying?

While some guys want women in their 20s for various, valid reasons, I have found that older and younger men alike appreciate the energy and experience of a mature provider. Not to mention women - older women seem to love that I'm of a certain age and younger women look up to me as a queer icon.

Its win-win.

I can relate, I used to lie about my age to make myself younger all the time. It's something women do industry wide and in the real world quite often.

This year I decided to take the plunge on my P411 (where they lock it in for life...scary) and most other sites and post my true age.  It's seemed to work out in my favor!  Turns out plenty of awesome men love my being 47 and a GILF.

I actually told my younger provider friend to start advertising she is OLDER than she is (she's 27) because she is mature for her age and has a low tolerance for BS.  She's too youthful looking to pull it off tho...lmfao.

-- Modified on 10/22/2020 10:12:16 AM

team_rocket_qwerty150 reads


Mongers do appreciate real info. And many women might be surprised how many "younger" mongers like and book with older women because of better service and experience.  

Kudos to you!  

Also I don't think 47 is GILF territory just yet ;) I've met many wonderful women past 50 that showed me an amazing time, and many of them I wouldn't classify as GILFs

I'm definitely a GILF. I'M HOT AF, but have 2 generations of offspring...so TECHNICALLY  :-D

I believe what lead me to lie about my age when I was in my 30's is the perception/misconception that a majority of gentlemen prefer younger women.

I do agree that it's not OK when it's used specifically for false advertising purposes, but plenty of us can pass for 10 or 15 years younger than we really are and I find no harm in fibbing about your age as a provider if that's the case.

GaGambler149 reads

Your age there is 47, just like you claim, AND P 411 verifies that you really are 47 and not someone over sixty still trying to pretend she is 47.

and you are absolutely correct, there are LOTS of guys who would much rather see a 47 year old than a 27 year old, so women your age who lie about it to that extreme are chasing away the guys who would really appreciate them and disappointing the guys looking for someone sub 30. Your approach, besides being a lot more honest, probably rewards you financially for that honesty as well. Kudos.

team_rocket_qwerty137 reads

Yep. And here's the thing, in the long run, everyone wins when a provider puts truthful information on their profile.

The people that might have bitten on old/borderline inaccurate pics, false younger age, might have gotten a provider more money in the short run, but would likely be disappointed and would've given a less than ideal review or word of mouth. That could possibly tarnish a providers brand or make mongers less trustworthy.  

Unlike what some other people suggest in this thread, "what you see is what you get" is really a simple policy that works for everyone. Providers who put younger age to appear younger don't exactly appear trustworthy. Even if a monger doesn't care that much about age, the deception is not something that will make him happy.

... from a few providers that once a provider's advertised age is around 30 years old (and up), add 7 and you'll be closer to their true age. I'm sure that's a running joke amongst  providers but there's probably some truth to that. (lol)

I'm 30 not just 'Black 30' (we tend to physically age a lot slower than everyone else) and I just know I'm somehow now older or as old as more than a few people who were older than me when I started 10ish yrs ago.
Like they were 30 when I was 20 and they're still 30 in 2020.
How (lol) ...

-- Modified on 10/15/2020 8:41:31 AM

while it's true that Black's SKIN ages more slowly than whites, it is NOT generally true that Blacks "physically are a lot slower than everyone else. The statement is wrong because it's referring not simply to skin but Blacks' entire body, inside and out. In fact, Blacks tend to suffer from hypertension, diabetes and other ailments at a higher rate than whites. Just wanted to be sure no one misunderstood.

do bear in mind this is an open board. If you choose to post on it, anyone can reply. No matter what you might "ask for or need."
Stay safe.
Now, let's not squabble. You might be surprised to find out we probably agree on a great deal about matters of race.

While i'm here .... 'Blacks'.

'Black people' is good...that works just fine.  

Also 'Black folks' is cool.

'Blacks' or 'the Blacks' causes my fists to involuntarily clench.

-- Modified on 10/15/2020 12:39:00 PM

I had no idea anyone made a distinction between "Blacks" and "Black people." As to the rest of it, while you may feel it's clear you were referring only to skin, I still beg to differ. Sometimes words just mean what they mean. No more, no less.

Always have and always will call blacks...well, blacks.

You have to wonder what century some of these guys are living in.  

Also, they often act as if the rules of polite society don't apply here because it's a black market economy (no pun intended there) but it can't hurt to treat providers humanely in a public forum.  Like when you schooled him on how you corrected him?  He couldn't help but respond because of machismo.

Frankly, I'm willing to describe people however they want to be. Just let me know.

That being said, the "accepted" "proper" terminology has changed at least three or four times during my life, and I'm not that old.  

When I was a little kid, 'black' was subversive and had connotations of "Black is Beautiful" and "Black Power".

Plus ca change, plus ce le meme change.

How about just people (human beings) with darker skin (because thats all it really is) ... as their are no blacks,whites,browns ... just people to me =)

GaGambler170 reads

but unlike some people I celebrate the differences, wouldn't it be boring if we really were "all the same"?


That said, some (most) stereotypes are based in fact. Asian people do age MUCH slower in general than people of other races, and the old saying "black don't crack" is most definitely rooted in fact. White people in general, blondes in particular do tend to have finer hair and the least able to handle a lot of sun without adverse consequences. The list goes on and on, but yes in all the areas that matter, people are just people.

BTW a lot of differences are much more cultural than racial. Hispanics from Chile are going to be a LOT different than someone who is Mexican, Chinese and Indians are now both considered "Asian" but I don't think there is anyone who can't tell the difference. lol

Asians chicks can look younger longer too.    But not forever.  Reminds me of all the smokin' hot chicks in Russia.  And then you wonder where all the babuskas came from.  

Black-Panther91 reads

They eat the young ones....

PorkPies118 reads

If they claim they’re 27, it usually means they are in their 30’s. If they say 30’s it means they’re in their 40’s and so on.  

In their ad they should just state ‘ I CAN PASS FOR 29’ as a disclaimer....of course that’s subjective.

On the flip side, I find it hypocritical that they want to know a potential client’s real age, but often lie about their own.

PorkPies102 reads

P411 now has the option for a provider to show her 'verified age' in her profile. Those are the ones I now see.

We ask age for a variety of reasons----screening---not wanting to see 20 somethings etc. We could give 2 fucks about how your age affect.s your looks (after all that's really what we are discussing).

The irony is in that providers want to know the real age of clients, while most of the time advertising fake age themselves.  


The reasoning is near irrelevant. You may not want guys below 30, and clients may not want to see a woman over 30 or 40. For whatever reasons - if you want to argue that your reasons are somehow more important than client's reasons, it's just more  
double standards.

GaGambler132 reads

Sorry, I just couldn't resist that one. lol

And just for the record I agree with you COMPLETELY. It is NOT ok for the ladies to lie to us while DEMANDING that the guys tell them the 100% complete and unvarnished truth.

There are at least as many mongers that will either not disclose or flat out lie about their information as well if they can. So hardly any different that what so many are worked up about here.

Also, I cannot think of any provider that required really specific information about my age. If they cared at all they only wanted to know if I was above 30, not what my age was.

So hate to say it, but this whole bit is a lot of pots calling the kettles black, as the old saying goes.

team_rocket_qwerty107 reads

And many mongers would like to know if the girl who is advertising herself in her 20s is over 30. Not necessarily specific age either. Knowing the real range is important to many. Just like it is important for a provider. So I don't see the distinction here at all.


As far as mongers lying, if the provider does screen for info, there is no good way to lie unless you give a fake ID out. Possible but not likely. The conversation here is that one side puts false info in, yet expects the other side to provide true info. We (mongers), want to hear real age range just like providers want to hear real screening info.  

I would venture to say overwhelming majority of clients who do provide documentation provide their real age. Can you say the same for providers who advertise their age? Exactly.

The difference here is that there are real repercussions for lying about your age for mongers - - not being able to see the provider once she sees your real info.

What are the repercussions for lying by provider? There are none. She isnt ever showing you her ID. She can say whatever the fuck she wants.

The fact remains, both sides lie and hide information the other side would like to have for various reasons. Both sides still want to play in the game.

Pointing fingers at the other side while pretending what you do is justified is just hypocrisy.

And, no, most mongers don't really care about the real age. They care about the looks and the fantasy they get to create in their head during the session. No one really cares about real age so this whole "real" age discussion is stupid. What the OP was really about was the fact the women DON'T still LOOK 29 when they advertise that age. That is not much different than the providers who really don't care if a client IS over 30 as long as they don't act in the way the under 30 people getting filtered out generally do.

First you claimed there's a difference between wanting to know exact age and range. I said there isn't any - both sides want to know the range, not necessarily the exact age.  

Then you called (and still call) mongers who point out providers lies as hypocrites.

I said, providers never have to offer any proof of their age  so for them, it's a matter of honesty because no one is checking their age. If they want to make themselves look and sound better than they really are, it's purely on their conscience. And the thing is, when people have opportunity to appear to be better than they are, in order to maximize profits, and no one can verify or expose that, they will likely do it.  

For mongers, many have to provide actual proof, so they have less reason to lie.  

You can maybe make an argument that both sides may WANT to lie, but the fact is that any time a provider lies about their age, they can get away with it easily.  

It's like comparing people who can file whatever they want in taxes and never get checked, VS people who have an option to lie, but always have the fear of its being on their ass. And such fear is a good thing. It holds people's propensity to lie in check,thet know there's a real consequence.  

The possibility of getting caught is a big reason to deter from a lie.  
So, most mongers provide real age information. Most providers don't provide real age information. Why is wanting at the very least equality here equal to hypocrisy? If anything, it's hypocrisy from provider side to demand age proof and for us to not being able to get age proof from them.

Here's another thing. Like you say, people maybe wouldn't care as much about age... IF the pics were completely truthful and up-to-date. And what you saw is what you actually got. This isn't actually the case tho, is it? Navigating the escort ads is like navigating the imaginary world,where you see pics and ages of people they want to appear as, not of what they really are.

GaGambler124 reads

and truth be told, I do wish you two would keep your constant fights confined to the K-Girl board, just like no one likes P&R drama brought to this board either,

That said, although I disagree with you a LOT, on this subject at least, I tend to agree with you on this one. It really is a double standard. As the paying customer, I have a lot more justification knowing whether the 25 year old in the pics doesn't turn out to be 45 when I get there than a provider needs to know whether I am 50 or actually 60. For the record, I never lie about my age, but that's really not the point here.

team_rocket_qwerty123 reads

One correction (sorry) - this fght isn't private. I believe me and you were talking in this very thread before Jensen replied to you.


I don't have much reason to lie about my age either. I'm well over the standard limits established by providers.

The thing is, a provider is far more likely to lie about their age, because they have everything  to gain and nothing to lose. A monger has little to gain and a lot to lose by lying about their age. It's several orders of magnitude of a difference. But somehow because mongers can still theoretically, potentially lie, it makes it OK for providers? What bollocks.

GaGambler129 reads

Not to mention providers ask for a LOT more invasive information than mongers ask. None of us (ok. almost none) care about getting a providers real name address etc. all we care about is her "general" age, weight, and if she will fuck our brains out.  

There is truly a double standard here, and it's amazing how some many guys who should know better buy into it.

Except I was just pointing out that is is not the case the the girls want to just lie while demanding 100% honesty from guys.

Everyone has information they want to protect and everyone has to disclose some information if they want to be in this game. And some make a bunch of crap up. However, AGE is not really one of those things to speak of. No one here fundamentally gives a fuck about age. Age is merely a (very poor IMO) proxy for other things that are of concern. Just read the other comments in the thread.

If you think that merits putting my name in the hat for the award, feel free.

team_rocket_qwerty124 reads

No one, literally no one, made you say the following:

"There are at least as many mongers that will either not disclose or flat out lie about their information as well if they can. So hardly any different that what so many are worked up about here."  

So, you went as far as to  

1) Compare not wanting to disclose information to actually lying. Which is preposterous.  

2) Compare what the mongers can do
 hypothetically "if they can" vs actually lying

Many people will rob and kill each other if they could get away with it. But they cant. So they don't. What's your point?  

You shamelessly put an equals sign between these scenarios and then called mongers hypocrites?  

You went so far to justify the lying about the age and to claim that AT LEAST AS MANY mongers do it as providers. Shame on you.

I didn't justify lying about age. It is a very big leap from pointing out the existence of two wrongs and then claiming that that is a justification that one of the wrongs is okay.

What I did say is that no one really cares about the age (specific or range); they care about something else, which is why most care about the pictures at least being representative of the person who will open the door for them. Read almost all the comments at that is what they say.  

The point to GaG's post was that most providers are not asking for 100% honesty and the right to lie so the double standard was a straw man argument -- though I would also accept it was hyperbole just as what I said that you're so worked up about.

GaGambler111 reads

Some of you guys are perfectly happy fucking members of the OTHFBC, I am NOT. I can fuck all the old broads I want for free. Unless she is Asian I can't imagine knowingly booking a woman over the age of 40, and if she is white, very few women over 35 actually get my motor running.  So YES, age is very important to some of us, my apologies to all my hooker buddies in their 40's and beyond.

MOST women lie about their age, not just hookers. This is simply a fact of life. When I meet a woman in person I don't care whether she lies about her age, I can see for myself what she looks like, but when a hooker I am booking strictly off of her pics, the information she chooses to share about herself online and the dubious opinion of some guys like you or Rocket who don't really care about age, or even appearance in the case of Rocket, then YES, her lying about her age really is a big fucking deal to me and I have walked numerous times over the years when I expected 25 and the girl who opened the door was closer to 45.

So yes, you have definitely earned yourself some MAMA points.

And just to clarify - while, like you've said, I don't care that much about age or appearance myself (I do care, just it's very low on list of things I look for in an escort), I do realize that my preferences are in a minority...and most mongers DO care about appearance and age.


Would it really hurt so much to put truthful age or at least age range, if it's impossible to get truthful pics? As is, neither age nor pics can be trusted in many cases. Jensen's idea is that mongers must roll dice all the time and lying is ok because apparently  "everyone is doing it". And talking about lying is hypocritical because mongers don't want to disclose their info... Lol.  


Same reasoning he's been using on the kgirl board. All that's missing is him asking me why I care about this if I don't care about age. It's like as if people only must act in their own self-interest.

GaGambler124 reads

Not only did I start off agreeing with you, but I still agree with you after several posts and several opportunities for you to go off the rails. lol

Now the only question is how many MAMA points to award Jensen.  

I like the P 411 formula, they only allow "fudging" about a girls age by five years and they reward them for posting their actual age.  I remember several hookers freaking the fuck out when the new policy went into effect, one of them is only 3 months younger than me and she woke up to find her age on P 411 went from somewhere around 40 right up to 54 or 55 before she caught it and switched her profile to "age hidden"

Gag, are you really going to make me go look up posts where you have said you  don't really care about the age but that she LOOKs like she is that age? In other words,  what you really don't want is when one claims to be 25 but looks 45.  

Or are you now really saying even if she looks 45 but can show you and ID proving she is 25 you're good? No? I didn't think so.

So it comes back to a point I've made many times, this is all about expectations; are they met or not. That does not require the type of honesty some seem to be demanding.

GaGambler124 reads

Yes, I care about looks more than chronological age, but to deny that there isn't a correlation between the two is a specious argument and worthy of a boatload of MAMA points.

Truth of the matter is, most women of 45 years of age LOOK like they are 45. Just because they think they look younger, or a handful of guys in their 70's who never had any taste in the first place think they are still hot doesn't change that cold hard fact. if a woman is actually 45, I don't care how old she "thinks" she looks, I want to see somewhere that she is in her forties, not her thirties and most definitely not her twenties. So YES, this does require a certain amount of honesty from the women here, a LOT more than many of them are willing to provide.

But lets look at the bright side, Rocket is no longer the clear cut favorite to win the new MAMA award.

A poster claims it is hypocritical for the girl to fudge their age and then demand the guys provider their true age. A provider responded that they don't care about the actual age but do want to set some age limits (I don't think I've ever provided my full birth information for age, just the year or a number without any documentation).  

Rocket then asked if that person didn't see the irony of the claimed hypocrisy -- which is a false claim to begin with.  Interestingly that was to a provider that seems to be quite honest about her age.

You then chimed in with support for the asserted age double standard.  

I pointed out that not only is is not correct to say deceptive acts were only on the provider side. Additionally, I pointed out that not only were they were not demanding 100% honesty from their clients while refusing to be as honest themselves about their age.

Then it devolved.

Well, hate to say it (well that's not true, sorry if that was misleading) but you're earning some points as well.

Nah....it does matter to a degree. Its not just misrepresenting their age in print, its using severely outdated photos, or in lower tier providers...using pics of someone else entirely.
But to stay on point....they'll list their ages as " minus however many years" and then use pics that present themselves as closely as possible to that. Some ladies are beautifully, and are TDF well into their 40's, but thats not always the case. Often times the effects of aging, gravity, and weight gain tell a much different story than the pics used.
There's nothing wrong with being a provider at any age, but as we're the ones paying for it, we have our outlines for what we're looking for.

As far as guys lying....yeah, maybe the real creeps. But most guys on here who balk at screening processes of the ladies, are more concerned with their privacy and security...not trying to hide something about themselves.

She advertised herself as "Tall, Tatted, Teen," and claimed to be 19. And, boy, was she TALL! Damn near 6'. And she DID have tats. So how to I know she was only 19? No, I didn't see her ID. But about six months later, when she turned 20, she changed her ad line to "Barely 20...."
As for the rest of them? I can't think of any who didn't exaggerate their age. But what I cared about it that they looked like their pictures about 99% of the time.

When the price is right.
For whatever reason apt. girls are generally young.
I also know a couple of "old" girls like that I met back in the 00's but they're nice and friendly.

As the sage and wise "mrfisher" once said, "I prefer older women that think younger and younger women that think older."

That quote is spot on!! HAVE to remember that one!! (And such a turn-on when you find this in an older/younger woman!!)

DCGuido112 reads

I got a favorite of mine ive been seeing since 2005 and she promotes her age now at 30.  That means she was underage 15 years ago and she is closer to 50 now

It's not the number. It's pretty much everything else. Is that picture current and accurate?  Are you engaged and in the moment? Is that picture up-to-date and representative? (Yeah that one is important enough to ask twice) Did you deliver what you promised?

I think 41 was the oldest age of a provider I've seen.  
And she was my absolute favorite....not because of age though.
She was an agency gal, and they were trying to pass her off for 26. That was a stretch, but Christ, she was gorgeous with the body to match! If she were still around, I'd still be funding her great grandkids college tuition!

KJ5233100 reads

I have often seen ladies older than 50. Many have been a true pleasure. MILF's are often more experienced, patience and caring. If a lady can still look good in later years, are still providing; than in my opinion are usually gems!!!

I had concerns, but after reading your content, I still don't know if you are talking about her age or dress size?

I've seen 18 to 50+.  The 50+ were stellar.  The 18's not so much.

Where girls can decide to verify their actual age.

There is a difference in the clients you get in your 30s as well.  Plus every time I put "grad student" in my ads, clients assumed I was 35+... I started grad school the first time at 25 but whatever...  

It's not just the gentlemen in their 50s+ that often prefer the 30 to 35 range, but also some guys in their 20s because they like older women.  They also think you'll have a better idea of what you are doing, which is true.  Experience is earned.  Not sure why 5 years is such a big deal when the women is older but it can be a real turn on for some guys, lol.  My most common clients at this point in time are those in my age range, give or take 6 years.

Black-Panther89 reads

You should tour down here in DC, not that far. You would do great here.

You clearly didn't read my post, just used a lame alias name to make a snotty remark with no evidence.   Please learn to backup your claims... but I don't expect that since you've never been a smart one like me.  Thats' why you pathetically hide behind repeated aliases.  You just got schooled... again.. *eye roll*

I said when I started grad school the first time I was 25.  I didn't say what year that was.  I said nothing about my current age.  I could have down a grad degree n 2 years and started another one right away... so your "claim" is nothing but "fake news"... Just another coward hiding behind an alias

Posted By: Snotty
Re: Just 9 months ago you were claiming to be in your early 30’s..
You mean mid/late 40’s correct?

bonordonor125 reads

Still arguing about something that was said two weeks ago. Just let it go, ma'am.

Snotty106 reads

Also, asking a question is not arguing. My condolences to your SO.

Snotty85 reads

You should probably get your T count checked.

I like to see providers who are in their 30s and up so, since I tend to like to spend my time with MILFs, this only presents a minor inconvenience.   When I do my searches on P411 I select 28 y/o as my starting spot and on TER its 26-30 and up.  I always assume there is wiggle room on the provider's age.    

Personally, if a provider is say 33 y/o but claims to be in her late 20s it doesn't really bother me, all other things being equal.  What really bothers me though is, on P411, where the ages are hidden.  When I see that I have to ask myself what other things is that particular provider hiding or not being truthful about and will invariably move on.  TER not updating the ages is also a bummer.   I get what a logistical cluster fuck that would end up being, but still...

I really like the P411 & TER combo and wouldn't see anyone without profiles, and reviews, on both of these sites and have had great results about 90% of the time.  However, I still think there are some improvements that could be made on both sites regarding transparency.  I simply can't fathom booking an hour or two from a  Twitter ad and nothing else.....

You guys are awfully demanding about what ladies put out in a public forum.  Yes,  we screen you, but you don’t have your age, name, measurements, other perishing identifying info, or photos on TER, P411 or anywhere.  

The way their web site is set up that you have to submit your exact age and birth date.  Sorry, that so asking too much. Next they’ll what the last 4 digits of our social security number right next to our exact age to prove that they’ve screened a real human being.  Less than 10% of the ladies on P411 have exact age listed. So if you want to be picky, go ahead... the rest of us rather have our privacy and sanity than see you.

In the meantime, all we get is your username and possibly some okays.  You don’t have to put your age in the profile form, it’s optional.  No photos to see that you’re a big fat pig or that you don’t know how to dress yourself.  We can’t see your rotten teeth or smell your bad breath or see how you don’t know how to clean your junk properly or wipe after #2.   Basically, your bad disgusting qualities are all hidden until  you arrive at the door.  

So, a guy who demands an exact age on p411 is not a guy most ladies want to meet.  So you’ve weeded yourself out, which is great for us.  Thanks!

team_rocket_qwerty149 reads

"We can’t see your rotten teeth or smell your bad breath or see how you don’t know how to clean your junk properly or wipe after #2."  


Ms Provider, just a reminder that mongers ALSO cannot see whether a provider has rotten teeth (its PSd or not shown in pics that just might be a decade old), smell their bad breath (obviously) or see how good their hygiene is before, wait for it... meeting the provider at the door. And as an another reminder, mongers arent the people getting paid in this business transaction either. There usually is a bigger onus on the person who is showcasing, uh, the goods.  


Perhaps you should've chosen some other way to make your point.

Steve_Trevor96 reads

Providers don’t have reviews on us.  They may be able to get some of this info from other providers we’ve seen, however.

As far as I know, maybe I'm wrong, but p411 does not have reviews. They link to external sites like TER.

P411 does (or did) have OKs for clients.

In order to read reviews about provider, you need to access an external outlet.  
In order to get info about clients, you need to access external references (that's what references are for).

Seems pretty balanced to me.

Steve_Trevor85 reads

See the link to “Reviews”?

There ya go.

And you can see those reviews without asking anyone and hoping they’ll respond.  But for a provider to get details such as hygiene about mongers, they have to ask other providers.  A lot harder than doing a few clicks on a web site.

team_rocket_qwerty112 reads

Reviews on p411? I'm not on p411 currently. But from what I've see before, the reviews on there were recess linking to external sites.

Reviews on TER are an external site. We were talking about p411.

Yeah, it's harder. And? It's part of the job,darling.
You can't complain your clients are pigs, etc but not want to do reference screening. That doesn't make sense.

And BTW, I've seen providers who had glowing reviews and sparkling pics, but also ended up being extremely overweight, having bad teeth and bad breath. And yes, even bad hygiene,altho rare.

One thing I've never done is call a provider a fat pig though.

Steve_Trevor97 reads

only in your mind.  Note the reference to TER above:

“Yes,  we screen you, but you don’t have your age, name, measurements, other perishing identifying info, or photos on TER, P411 or anywhere.”

But keep on being excessively obtuse... by yourself.

OK, I was wrong - the discussion was not limited to p411, you're right.  

If so, then it's even easier. If you screen a client requiring info, you can see his social media or LinkedIn in most cases. This takes care of the "fat pig" comment.  

Yes, you still won't be "see" his bad teeth or smell his breath, but again - you won't be able to do it with a provider either. There's a chance of it being in reviews, but chance is merely a chance.  

There is all this info on TER about a provider, because she's advertising herself. No one stops a provider from withholding info, about age or pics or measurements but hey, the more info she withholds, the less people would want to see her. Selling a complete unknownis is hard. Selling a lie is easier. I get it.

WICardinalfan96 reads

I for one AM overweight, do to medical reasons.  When I book a date with a new provider, I make sure they are aware of that fact.  I have only been turned down once because of it, once in 11 years.    

I sure as hell do not want to waste my time or money on a person who does not want my business.

Masks come off when entities get triggered and we get a good dose of "here's what they really think about you".

I've had seen a PO/advertiser get triggered and call all Johns fat impotent losers, forgetting he was also masquerading as a John. That was good. The more masks come off, the faster you can move to the next profile.

MILFs4ever139 reads

Christ almighty, what a great PR move on your part.  That third paragraph should win over tons of prospective clients.  Yeah, it sucks that some guys show up with horrible hygiene.  I completely get that and don't condone that at all.  That still does not really dovetail into the transparency of age issue though.  Yeah, I read your post but its apples and oranges.  If providers would just show their true age and try to stop scamming clients threads like this wouldn't exist and people like you wouldn't be outing themselves as being nasty and holding their prospective client base with such utter contempt.    

Once again, so nice of you to show your true colors:

"No photos to see that you’re a big fat pig or that you don’t know how to dress yourself.  We can’t see your rotten teeth or smell your bad breath or see how you don’t know how to clean your junk properly or wipe after #2.   Basically, your bad disgusting qualities are all hidden until  you arrive at the door."  

Its posts like these that make me so glad that TER exists because, TER gives a wide open avenue for providers to expose themselves for who they really are.  For better or worse.  

the ladies there generally list a younger age than what they really are or an older age?  Actually, have you ever heard of a provider that listed an OLDER age for herself than she really is?  Saying its to protect your privacy is not very convincing if everyone lists a misleading age that is YOUNGER than they really are.  Just saying.  Why don't you prove me wrong and change your age to be 10 years older than you really are?  

Now you get " actual age " or age hidden...nothing in between.  
So, you can pretty much assume when you see " age hidden", that the provider knows the truth may steer away mainstream clients.
There are always guys out there that want later aged women, and thats fine. But if my preference is to see women in their 30's, I really dont appreciate a mid 40's lady advertising as mid 30's. Its as much a waste of my time, as it is of theirs to communicate and screen...just for that potential client to never book.

With the screening that most ladies want...if you showed up to the appointment, and weren't who you claimed to be...you wouldn't be let in.
Why should guys just have to suck it up, and deal with whoever opens the door?

I am by no means trying to bash providers, but just be honest. Let the guy make an informed decision...
Isn't that better than misleading a client, and getting handed a bad review for the deception?

But it's not the world we live in.

"With the screening that most ladies want...if you showed up to the appointment, and weren't who you claimed to be...you wouldn't be let in.
Why should guys just have to suck it up, and deal with whoever opens the door? "

Well, just the provider did in your example you certainly can turn around and walk away. The situation is the same isn't it? The provider has to choose about giving up the income they could have gotten or taking risks they perhaps don't want to take to get that income. The client has the choice of keep his money and not having sex (with someone he will not enjoy playing with) or deciding she is "close enough" and going through with it.

However, in the latter case, sucking it up and not walking, isn't that person simply reinforcing the idea that guys will accept whoever opens the door so any ad that gets someone there is a good ad from a business perspective? And, let's face it, the providers are running a business so are going to respond to the revenue incentives. Some will respond more to those incentives than their own moral compass or sense of integrity related to honesty. Others will simply not care about being honest with a stranger they never expect to see more than once so only care about the money.

With regards to reviewing, I'm not sure if you can actually submit a review if you walked away. Maybe someone can confirm that they have in fact submitted such a review and had it approved, or know of one they can post. But if my take on the review is correct, then perhaps TER could create a new review class for the "I walked." It would not require any general or juicy details -- just the normal profile type information all reviews need.  At least then you have a review saying things were so far off that reviewer saw no reason whatsoever to stay.

Omg.... Turning around and walking away is false equivalency.

For the nth fucking time, we are pointing out the double standards here. The providers/agencies are never required to prove their age, real looks weight or any real information to the monger. Not even pics. ... and the monger finds out that information AT THE DOOR. Many times in the form of "surprise motherfucker".  

At which time, sunk cost fallacy and rising dick fallacy as well as blacklist fallacy(?) are all telling monger to not walk.

Whereas many providers REQUIRE REAL INFO For screening BEFORE you even get an appointment.  

THIS is the double standard you're still somehow failing to understand. The providers aren't even wanting to put anything truthful that would make them appear worse than their make-believe version of themselves, yet want real, tangible info about their clients. Not at the door. But beforehand. The client is supposed to make a leap of faith, whereas a provider that requests verification can get real exact info like selfie, real name, work info and so forth. If someone fails screening, and appointment won't even be made. If a prociser fails "screening", here will be wasted time, money, and perhaps even a threat. We've just seen a provider out a client over canceling.  


The footing is simply unequal. And instead of admitting it you went and started saying that as many mongers might want to not disclose info....what? And many providers might not want to sell their veejayjay if they had lots of money.... but they do. And many mongers fork over their real info because they want the veejayjay, against their better judgement.

You've never once suggested anything more that bitching and pointing at the bad behavior by some providers/agencies. Nor have you been able to show any success in fixing things in the Bay Area, which by YOUR description is a shit hole of such activity compared to most other places based on what people say.

But yes, completely ignore the fact that bitching and whining about being mislead and then still walking through the door any paying for the pleasure of writing a bad review or coming on to one of the forums and tell everyone as if that has NOTHING to do with the problem.

And certainly keep whining about the fact we live in a world of differential power. It will not change the realities of the world and will not actually help any newbie learn to navigate the situations they will face. But apparently it make you feel good and self-important.

Awesome way to steer this offtopic. The bay area or my experiences or my fixing  have NOTHING to do with the fact that there is hypocrisy in providers not wanting to provide real age but wanting us to provide real info.  

"And certainly keep whining about the fact we live in a world of differential power"

If you just had written THIS as response to PorkPies post that had to do with hypocrisy, I would not have responded to you at all.

But this is not what you have dons, is it? Instead you made an inane comment about pot calling kettle black because, according to you, mongers not wanting to disclose info is the same as lying about the age from the providers side. Not only that, you had the sheer audacity to claim that mongers lie about their info at least as much as providers. I'm not even gonna ask you the source of this statement, because the statement as is is hilarious.


So you NOW agree that it's hypocritical and unequal? Why couldn't you do it in the first place without putting a cape on for providers?

GaGambler175 reads

But not to butt into yet another endless fight between you two, I would like to mention that YES you can write a review if you "walk" from a session. TER requires a "meeting" between you and the provider who you are writing a review about, OR in some cases recently, "money changing hands"

If you run into a B&S situation you can write a review of the encounter, since there actually was an encounter to write about.

I completely agree about "sucking it up" and going through with a session even after being lied to, all it does is "reward bad behavior" and encourages more of the same. Any monger who goes through with a session even after finding an OTHFB answering the door rather than the young, svelte model in the pics is not only not doing himself any favors, he is making it worse for the rest of us as well.

My very first comment in this thread was to point out that just looking for the women advertising as 30s was likely to get you 45+, not the ones in their 30s. That is hardly a "providers side" comment.

The other point made was that the best approach is to NOT believe the listed age and make some adjustments. That is echoed by MANY of the guys here, not the providers. How is suggesting on adjust their expectations and assessment of the ad info as less than truthful talking the providers' side? I honestly don't get why people seem to think they should be able to believe the ads in this setting when they will generally question all ads for their other expenses. They will see the ad then then set about checking the claims -- but know they get no guarantee in the real world. But somehow here that 100% satisfaction should be the expected standard? That is unrealistic and highly naive.

Anytime anyone disagrees with rocket's posts or position they necessarily appear to be taking the provider side, as opposed to just a more neutral one, because he ONLY posts in an us-them format where the "them" are all providers. Moreover, the statement about NOT paying for what a guy didn't expect is hardly taking the providers side in this thread.

Are you sure rocket's myopia is not rubbing off on you?

Let me also point out that it was not ME that started the argument here. I made a comment to you and then rocket jumped in. He then wants to claim I someone how intruded on your private conversation to start some argument with him. So please stop trying to put this on me here as I've ignored most of his comments and only responded to his comments directly to me.

-- Modified on 10/22/2020 1:11:09 PM

To put it in school yard terms. Rocket "didn't start it" this time. A couple of the "old broads" started it by making false equivalencies about the difference between men lying about age/appearance etc.  

Back to the subject at hand. women lying about their age. Yes in an ideal world women would NEVER lie about their age and men would never lie about their net worth, dick size etc, that of course is not a realistic expectation. What is realistic however is to at least hold providers to the same standard as P 411 which only allows a woman to "fudge" about her age by five years, or has to list herself as "age hidden" which is code for OLD AS FUCK. lol

BTW I agree Rocket has an "us against them" mentality, but it was a couple of the old broads on this thread that started down this road, NOT Rocket. I will concede that taking a gender neutral position when having a "discussion" with Rocket can often look as if you are taking the provider side since he is hardly even handed with his opinions on the subject.

The discussion on these forums very often devolves into situations where you have to take stance on oe side or the other. It's the nature of business. Mongers get pissed at agency or provider, and vice versa,etc. Then it's easy to observe patterns and see who sides with which side.

So, you - you tend to side with both. You're the most normal one here claiming to be neutral. Youre actually neutral. On some issues you side with mongers on some you side with other side.  

Cdl - he actually sides with mongers on general board, but never on kboard. I wonder why lol.  

Jensen - the only time I remember him siding against providers is the train wreck thread where the provider insulted out other providers. Literally, this is the only time.

The patterns are quite easy to see. The bullshit reasoning, the hypocrisy, the blind trust in one sides account but not the other.  

I have no issues to admit I will take the mongers side most of the time. I am proud of it. But people who will resort to posting nonsense, claiming to be neutral, will have their bullshit called out. Be it you, cdl, Jensen or random provider. It's very simple.  

In this case, I called out bs statement from provider that tried to justify double standards and called some mongers pigs, and a bs statement from Jensen claiming that our claims of hypocrisy is pot calling kettle black. Again, it's very simple. I will call out bs when I see it.

Posted By: team_rocket_qwerty
Re: in "general" I would agree with you, but not in this thread
The discussion on these forums very often devolves into situations where you have to take stance on oe side or the other. It's the nature of business. Mongers get pissed at agency or provider, and vice versa,etc. Then it's easy to observe patterns and see who sides with which side.  
 So, you - you tend to side with both. You're the most normal one here claiming to be neutral. Youre actually neutral. On some issues you side with mongers on some you side with other side.  
 Cdl - he actually sides with mongers on general board, but never on kboard. I wonder why lol.  
 Jensen - the only time I remember him siding against providers is the train wreck thread where the provider insulted out other providers. Literally, this is the only time.  
 The patterns are quite easy to see. The bullshit reasoning, the hypocrisy, the blind trust in one sides account but not the other.  
 I have no issues to admit I will take the mongers side most of the time. I am proud of it. But people who will resort to posting nonsense, claiming to be neutral, will have their bullshit called out. Be it you, cdl, Jensen or random provider. It's very simple.  
 . Again, it's very simple. I will call out bs when I see it.
Great observation!!!  I could not have said it better myself.

Bros before Hoes, goddammit .

GaGambler132 reads

Or even "good behavior over bad behavior" as neither side has a monopoly on either good OR bad behavior here.


Why do some of you ALWAYS have to take the provider side and others ALWAYS have to take the monger side regardless of the circumstances?  What's so hard about looking at the facts BEFORE making judgment instead of just making a kneejerk response defending "your" side no matter how much the facts disagree with your position?  

BTW this goes equally for the slack jawed, spineless jellyfish that "claim" to be men around here who ALWAYS suck up to the providers, no matter how wrong or how BSC the hooker in question might be in any given discussion. It's funny, we don't have ANY providers who ALWAYS take the monger side, (we do have a few who are even handed) but we have plenty of he-cunts who won't ever dare to disagree with a hookers' POV no matter how wrong said hooker might be.

After the Debra thread, maybe he was wrong about you. You may be a lapdog . Regardless, I will take the word of a monger over some culturally deprived underachiever hooker any day of the week in a " He said, she said " situation.

In most situations that happen Bros before Hoes is the " right" stance.

GaGambler134 reads

If BSC hookers think I am a misogynistic asshole and guys like you who make no secret that you don't respect hookers in the slightest  BOTH think I am in the wrong that says to me I am achieving a pretty healthy balance and that I am on the right track.

I do have to ask you, do you hate yourself for having to "lower yourself" in order to fuck these poor creatures that you obviously hate so much?

The good news is, you make Rocket look VERY open minded and even handed compared to you. At least he doesn't despise the women he fucks. You OTOH.....

team_rocket_qwerty120 reads

For a guy who constantly accuses me of misreading, you certainly misread a lot.

"He then wants to claim I someone how intruded on your private conversation to start some argument with him."

The fuck? I never claimed anything of the sort. When Gag called our conversation between me and you "a private fight", I said it wasn't private. It was a live discussion. That's all. I don't consider any discussion in public forums private and I've never accused of anyone, including you, for replying to any of my posts. This forum is for discussion. Why would I ever do this? Smh

Honestly...I didnt read the whole reply to my comment, but a couple high points. Yes....you can walk away. You may get blacklisted by her, but you do still have the option of walking...
My point was this....I drive an hour to an hour and a half to make these appointments.  I dont live in Escort Central, so it necessitates a bit of a commute.
So, if I book a woman, who's 1: using outdated pics, and 2: using those pics to solidify a false claim in age, ive wasted considerable time....both in booking, and travelling to the appointment.  
Here's another angle....youve screened with this woman. Now what type of screening she uses, and how much info the client is willing to give for screening varies, but say you've given PII...
So now, this woman has your real name, and whatever else...
And you're gonna snub her at her own doorway? Let's just hope she doesn't go " Nikki " about it, or your day is fucked...

The other thing...When I said " bad review " that was meant in the context that the guy did say fuck it, and went through with the appointment,  but then was honest in his review of her....once again, pissing in her Wheaties!

Im well aware an encounter has to take place for a review to be submitted. Its not my 1st day in school...lol

For me 30 to 50 is a great range. In the final analysis, if am enjoying her company, her age doesn’t matter to me.

If a woman is awesome. Who cares, it's a freaking # for God sakes

GaGambler110 reads

and yes, age is just a number. For the record, what is your number now, about 57 maybe??? lol

Weight is just a number too. I know you aren't a OTHFB, you aren't an FB from what I have heard, but what if a gal is over 300 lbs, is that just a "number" too?

She was 77 when she moved on, but her spirit is still young, alive & kicking😏 a lot like her old buddy Nick (or so her "sources" tell me lol)

OTHFB?? do tell what that stands for (one can only imagine🤦)  

Just who are 'your' sources exactly🙄?

GaGambler179 reads

OTHFBC= Over The Hill Fat Broad Club.

You are too small to qualify, or at least you were when last you you were here. lol

And how exactly would you know that?

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