TER General Board

Just in case there was ever any doubts about the benefits of tequila
GaGambler 1628 reads

Besides the benefits outlined in the article, tequila has MANY other benefits.  

It makes boring conversations on the boards MUCH more interesting

It turns a 6 into an 8, it turns an 8 into a 10, unfortunately my tolerance is too high so it will never turn a any women who is less than a 6 into anything I could ever bring myself to fuck, but even more importanly, when women drink it, it has a similar effect on who they find attractive enough to fuck. Even the likes of me doesn't look "that bad" if the girl has had enough tequila that night.

It makes me "ten foot tall and bulletproof"


and if a shot a day is good for you, at the rate I consume the stuff I am positive I am going to live forever.

I have been to some medical schools and museums, and have seen human body parts preserved in alcohol that are over150 years old.  I think you're onto something.  

find that my performance decreases with too much alcohol now a days. Back when I was in my 20's and 30's I too thought that I was better with some drinks in me. Not so much any more that I am past 50.

Tequila is good, but vodka is better.  I believe Crown and beer must work pretty well, too, since MP67 claims he never gets sick.  Unless he gets too much blood in his alcohol stream.

it's one of those drinks that makes me cringe just seeing the picture rimmed in salt with a lime wedge.  ugh.  My tolerance is so low from rarely drinking that I had to spend the night in Atlanta from having 3.5 ice cold beers on a water sports 3 hr date.  Damn I have gotten weak.  :)

...knowing I'd have to reply and add some eye candy to go along with our Patron.

..... it's this EyeTalian S. Pellegrino stuff that is doing me harm.

Gotta get back to the fifth of booze a day and the oz of blow every two and a half.
That'll solve me.

I am so proud of you.  Play that tape all the way through to the bitter ends.  You know how it goes.  You lose everything until there is nothing left to lose but your freedom or life.  Stay clean my friend, the path is much easier and prosperous.  Love, Maddie

Thanks for your love and care, Maddie .   I was just joking around.  
My life is too freaking incredible to fuck it up again.

With about 7 slices of lime per glass. Soooo good for the bedroom as well as the boardroom.

Stay thirsty my friends.


There are some things that always remain sobering

Black-Panther51 reads

Doubt, who is doubting? I used to get mad headaches from tequila. Then I went to an agave farm and tequila producer in Juarez, Mexico. Told the owner this and he said, "It's because you're drinking crap tequila with impurities". Had some of his premium tequila and voila, no raging headache. And voila, fucking alcoholic now.

and by the time I was barely twenty I could barely smell the shit without wanting to heave. I doubt I had two shots of tequila throughout my entire twenties, but by the time I was thirty or so, better tequila started becoming available and the rest is history, along with my liver. lol

A good rule of thumb. "Life is too short to drink the cheap stuff"

I've also noticed that since I drink tequila, (good tequila) just like I drink good whiskey or aged rum, which is neat with no salt, no lemon, not even an ice cube, I can drink at least half a bottle and sometimes even up to a full bottle without waking up the next morning with a hangover. I can only imagine the hangover I would have after drinking a full bottle of that cheap crap you are talking about.

imanalias44 reads

I drank the crap tequila once before I turned 20, it was so bad I never drank tequila again until later in life when Xdog got me fucked up on Patron Silver at a MnG, he was buying. Don’t recall experiencing a hangover, but got fucked up with him at every other MnG on it, ok I bought once LoL, but most of the time he did.

imanalias51 reads

So true so true.... that’s how I stopped hangovers. Steady beer drinker for years, 12 to 24 over the course of the day and when I woke to pee hit on another. Never has a hangover.

When I drank something harder the first thing was breakfast, hair of the dog LoL  

Beer was better, drank so much never felt a buzz.

I find that if I stay away from the sweet stuff I'm almost never hung over, and for the times that I am, a shower beer clears that right up.

Nothing below Don Julio blanco for me. And I drink it almost everyday. Really helps with blood sugar for type 2.

Mr.M.Johnson38 reads

I had a fave several years ago....we always shared a bottle of Orange Patron

The sex was good too

She moved

Patron ain’t been the same for me since

Just sayin

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