TER General Board

I wouldn't know . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 42 reads

If its a different experience.  I haven't been to an Asian Massage Parlor.  The Asian girls I see work out of upscale apartment complexes.  

Do you see the irony in NOW saying what you do works after starting a  thread about it NOT working and getting BL'd???   Obviously, it doesn't work ALL of the time or you wouldn't be here whining.  The way I see providers works 100% of the time.  I never could understand why navigating this biz is so difficult for some guys.

I was recently turned down for a date b/c of the black list.  I always treat the ladies w/ the respect.
But, I do have demanding job, so I have canceled a few times.

I alway check their "cancelation policy" and try to confirm what is needed to stay in good standings.  Usually an Amazon gift card for 1/2 of the donation.  I am more than happy to provide this.  Perhaps I didn't think to be as accommodating my first few years in this wonderful hobby.  

Today when I see a new lady I normally send a small Amazon gift card to make a nice introduction and offer to pay 50% when we confirm the date.  

BTW - I've never had a bad experience paying a deposit.  I have found the majority of woman to be extremely professional and easy to deal with.  

John_Laroche54 reads

Your 58 reviews says you have little trouble procuring escort services. Every once in a while it doesn't work out for whatever reason.

off the Black List and onto the sucker list.  

Not offended.  We each seek something different in this hobby.  I don't see ladies every week.  Usually 3-4 times a year outside of Covid.  
I agree, if I dated  every week or so It would be different
I think it leads to a better date when I show the lady respect.  
Just my $0.02

But also correct.
Now, to the OP. The entire Black List concept is -- like so many things in this world -- misunderstood, misused and fuzzy. Many of us have been blacklisted at one time or another. But it doesn't usually cause much of a problem. Just move on. And while you're at it, move on from paying deposits, especially those that aren't even asked for. You're just making it hard for everyone else.

Just because you don't mind being a doormat doesn't mean that the rest of us want our providers to bend over for us, not the other way around.

BTW I have never had a bad experience paying a deposit either, but for a VERY different reason. I have NEVER paid one, nor do I ever intend to do so.

As for the "Black List" I wouldn't worry about it too much, once they see what a sucker, err "nice guy" you are, just about every woman out there will be willing to accept your money. Some of them might even see you as well, but of course there is no guarantee about that second part.

On the positive side, Hey guys we have a new leader for the BSU award.

I don't think I am a doormat.  I look at this as a business transaction.  I want a positive relationship few a few ladies Heres why:
*Outfit requests: if I make a request they remember it.  
*Touring - Ladies that tour.  A few of my favorite ladies will email me to see if the first week or 2nd week is better when they are looking to tour.  If they can accommodate my schedule they do.  
*The lady is ready on time
*Just a better experience when the lady is comfortable with you and she knows you respect her.  

Its ok if you don't care about these things.  I do. I have a busy schedule, and when a lady asks me to wait 30 mins the morning of the date it can throw off my day....

Guys just looking to get off will think I'm nuts. I get that.  
We're all looking for different things when we seek out companions.  
For me personally when I just want to get off I go to a massage place.  

All of that stuff is important to me, too. And I get it NOT by paying a deposit or leaving a gift but by:
1) Showing up on time.
2) Being clean.
3) Treating them well.
4) Giving them repeat business.
5) Writing a good review.
So while it's true "We're all looking for different things," we can easily get it with a method that's different from yours.
But I'm glad you are getting what you want. That's the real point.

You put up this list before I could.  Even just the first three is all the "respect" I usually show the first time I meet them.  Everything else is just a way to spoil them and as GaG says, make yourself a doormat.

Of course you don't think you are a doormat, but that doesn't mean you aren't. lol

I sure it makes you feel a lot better to simply assume that guys with backbone, (and common sense) are just guys "wanting to get off" and nothing more.  

You don't have to send a deposit or otherwise beg for a providers attention and good will. Nor do you have to be a spineless jellyfish or otherwise have to bribe a provider to simply do her job. If you think you really have to kiss a providers ass and jump through every one of her hoops, and in your case hoops she doesn't even ask you to jump through, is REALLY going to get you better service you most definitely have another thing coming. MOST of us don't have any problems at all booking dates, do you really think she is doing you a favor by agreeing to take your money? This reminds me of one of my favorite sayings that you really should have tattooed across your forehead.

"I will beg for pussy, I will pay for pussy, I will NOT beg to pay for pussy"

Lastly do you REALLY think you are going to get priority as an "infrequent" hobbyist? You said yourself you only book 3-4 times a year in total over a guy who might see that very same girl you want to book on a weekly basis. If you REALLY want to get priority with a provider, see her often, regulars are the ones who get the best service and scheduling, not limp dicks who beg for appointments once every year or so. If she cancels on a regular she might end up costing herself THOUSANDS or even tens of thousands a year in lost revenue, if she cancels on you, she loses next to nothing PLUS she has your deposit. ROFLMFAO.

WICardinalfan45 reads

He has not posted a review for four years.  I get the time gap from 2018 to 2020, yet nothing from 2016 on.

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Well you certainly aren't doing the rest of us any favors
Just because you don't mind being a doormat doesn't mean that the rest of us want our providers to bend over for us, not the other way around.  
The OP could be a perfectly wonderful client.    I've known a handful of men who gift right upfront and are great to be around, not expecting any type of special treatment.  

However, the vast majority of those who send gift cards, or items from my wishlist, prior to meeting?  

They send dozens of emails, asking countless questions (some a bit too personal or chummy for my liking) or make special requests which my site clearly states I don't grant.  In person, they'll overstay.    
Sometimes they'll ask, "do you have another appointment right away or can we go to lunch/dinner?"  which COULD be innocent or it can be manipulative.  Because then the lady feels like if she doesn't have another date soon, that going out to eat with him OTC is the "nice" thing to do since he DID give her a gift.  :rolleyes:

So.... when someone sends ME a gift right away, I do NOT think he's a doormat or sucker or "oh what a sweetie pie".  

I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

another explanation for a Black List.  Many providers will allow social time for a lunch or dinner backed up to a multi-hour session (I have had my share), but in my experience, almost never with a customer they are meeting for the first time.  There is a tipping point for every provider where a guy crosses the line from good customer to time-waster.  Many guys don't understand this.

You have a point "from your point of view"  but as a client in my " personal experiences/pic" with a couple ladies I really wanted to see, I sent true gifts they requested  up front or just generally speaking  expecting nothing but standard treatment and ended up either being thought of as a sucker/doormat or taken for granted. Actually been given supar treatment for doing so. Never expecting or asking extra off the clock time, dinner etc  just doing so out of genuine kindness showing appreciation of quality time together.

So given your honest thoughts and some other ladies having that same thought process I don't do that anymore learned my personal lessons and now get good to great treatment better than before. If I still give a true gift its only because I feel a lady has gone above and beyond.

Sad fact but true and even worse that ladies feel or have had enough experiences to feel that way... Sad domino effect.  

Appreciate your honesty, just know not every client is like that. But we all think the way we do from our own unique experiences.

I have been doing this a VERY long time and in my experience being TOO nice, even when you are being sincere, usually has the opposite effect that you are looking for. I have had a lot of hooker buddies and more than a few hooker girlfriends and the guys that seem to get the most ridicule, the ones the hookers almost always laugh at behind their backs are the guys who try to "buy their love" with over the top gifts, tips, or just plain old "sucking up"

Regardless of what they say publicly, women want a man with a spine. there is a very small gap between being a "nice guy" and being a sap.  

If it makes you feel better, it's even worse in other countries, in many Latin American countries if you agree to the "Gringo price" without negotiating not only don't you get "better" service for your generosity, you are considered too weak and too stupid for her to give you her best and it usually gets you subpar service. I usually negotiate when "down south" even when the difference between the asking price and the going rate is trivial, sometimes as little as twenty bucks. I will often hold firm until she agrees to my price, and then once she agrees and knows I am not someone she can take advantage of I end up giving her twice as much as she originally asked for, but at this point she knows I am generous, not stupid or weak.  

My advice in this country is "don't try so hard" Provide what she asks for, if you want to show your appreciation afterwards, a good, but not "over the top" tip will get you a lot of goodwill.

The flip side of guys who try too hard are escorts who continuously heap unearned praise on their clients.  That includes fake orgasms, comments on what a big cock you have, what a wonderful lover you are, handsome, and really interesting to be around.   I kind of ruins the mood for me because it is so patently phony.  On the other hand I am not shopping for insults.  We both know this is a biz,  so politeness is expected.  But the BS can be too much.

Spot on Lester! Any extreme from a client or provider is too much lol  Common courtesy/politeness and or genuineness should be a given... Simple as that.

Jesus Christ Lester, I did not know you had it in you to make a post that spot on!

Lol thanks GaGa for your input which i do agree to a point.  Another thing to which your point proves another "grey area" and sort of my point exactly IMO ...  

"Showing your appreciation, a good but not over the top tip/gift, will get you a lot of good will"...

Mixed luck with that one and to be honest I don't care either way if doing a "nice thing" in your words gets me extra brownie points or not. As ive stated and where to the only point I agree with Debra is that's a form of manipulation.

I'm comfortable in my own skin, take care of myself, treats others how id like to be treated etc... If anything I do is preconceived differently and am considered "too nice/ weak"  or am "laughed at/looked down on hookers," in your words that's fine their loss if it's a "turn off". To me speaks volumes on THEM and their character IMHO.

To me from my view point being a kind decent honest person doesn't mean being a "push over/doormat, etc" or trying to "buy love"... Like I said that's only the case and think we all will agree if someone is expecting something extra in return outside of normal decent "goodwill".

I do greatly appreciate understand  your insight/what you are saying and with those ladies (providers or not) in general I feel it's sad they feel that way for whatever the reason maybe.

Just my opinion but why waste your time with those where you have to "play games" like that. Don't get me wrong there is a difference between "weak" and "not standing up for yourself/beliefs"...

But by all means do what works for YOU, not knocking it just view it a bit differently to a POINT.

Given your low volume of visits with companions each year, it’s obvious that you gave great thought to selecting her.  What’s happened here is the result of a misunderstanding.  It doesn’t cost you anything to reach out one more time and try to clear it up.

Just that one interaction very well could set the tone for an engagement that would be more fulfilling than had she just accepted your request at first glance. Would be interesting to see, after you explain to her what you explained to us, what her response would be and whether the rapport would be heightened once you meet.

Good point.  I should do that.  I hope to see some ladies in 2021 once COVID is behind us.

Boicpl47 reads

Why the hell would you offer a deposit. Stupid

It sounds like OP thinks he has a bad reputation for cancelling.  He even said he cancelled a lot, without making it right,  early in his hobbying years.

I've had quite a few guys who are blacklisted to hell and gone for timewasting, do like him.  They offer a deposit in their first contact email, to show they're serious about booking and (hopefully) keeping the date.

It's a good strategy because otherwise, my assistant and I  (and many other companions) wouldn't bother with someone who has a long history of last-minute cancels.  

Why offer a deposit? here’s why. ..I like to spend time with higher end ladies.  Ladies that seek out multi hour / dinner type engagements.  So, when I offer a deposit / no games date they usually take me up on it. For a 60/90 min date.  I don’t like the ladies that rush me out the door after 45mins into an hour date. Just my preference.

So you consider a 60/90 minute date an attractive proposition for higher end ladies that seek out "multi hour / dinner type engagements."  it sounds like you are using the deposit angle to try to get a date with someone that you know is clearly out of your league, right?  It actually makes a little sense, but still reeks of desperation, IMO.

-- Modified on 11/25/2020 3:03:33 PM

You are always confused. You have ZERO knowledge on this subject.

Desperate? Aren’t we all going for ladies out of our league.  You got it!!!  I want a date with a super hot woman that is going to rock my world.  You’re not???
So many ladies complain (rightly so) about time wasters.  Here I come to slip in a date.  
Here are my avail times... references etc... deposit and maybe a gift.  Let’s get together.  It works.  
Higher end ladies rarely play games. They don’t rush you, don’t stack appts right after another, there is more attention to detail.  It’s a different experience than an Asian massage parlor. This is what I desire.

CDL compares fine dining to Korean takeout.
And because he is such a legend in his own mind, leading the board in reviews (mostly fake reviews to justify his "position" the putz talks down super hot women who command 8+-9+ and 3 ore more times the pathetic cheap budgets that they live under.
In its own right that would be fine.  There are many people who are nice and respectful while they eat fast food.   CDL and his deranged band eat fast food like slobs, spitting the debris everywhere.

If its a different experience.  I haven't been to an Asian Massage Parlor.  The Asian girls I see work out of upscale apartment complexes.  

Do you see the irony in NOW saying what you do works after starting a  thread about it NOT working and getting BL'd???   Obviously, it doesn't work ALL of the time or you wouldn't be here whining.  The way I see providers works 100% of the time.  I never could understand why navigating this biz is so difficult for some guys.

CDL-By eating fast food, reservations are nor needed and you can simply drive by.

When you put on your big boy pants and go beyond minimum wage then appointments are critical.  Its also important to avoid appearing cheap by talking down the fee, even if you offer half hours as many providers don't do short stay appointments.  Since you claim to enjoy taking a shower it is also important to keep the appointment on the up and up by not springing crazy sex toys on the provider at the last minute.  (They actually prefer to buy their own or at the very least expect them in unopened packaging--not used and carried in a paper bag.)

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: I'm a little confused . . . .
So you consider a 60/90 minute date an attractive proposition for higher end ladies that seek out "multi hour / dinner type engagements."  it sounds like you are using the deposit angle to try to get a date with someone that you know is clearly out of your league, right?  It actually makes a little sense, but still reeks of desperation, IMO.
From a provider standpoint: anyone who comes in making an offer LESS than the going rate, doesn't necessarily come off as "desperate" but most definitely comes off as a HAGGLER.  That's really not a good look on anyone, imo.  

So IF he approaches a lady whose minimum is 2+ hours, offering significantly less than that rate for half the amount of time, even though he does offer a deposit?  He sounds CHEAP to that companion.

If he then cancels, even though he's given a deposit and/or possibly paid whatever additional amount/percentage required for the cancellation fee of his reduced-rate date?    
Well, that's still likely less than what she typically gets for dates.  
So she might then be quite irritated and thus, enter a blacklist report for him.  

Oh, he has a demanding job?  Maybe a few ladies are sympathetic but many of us DO. NOT. CARE.  
He reserved her time, causing her to turn down others who would have shown up and paid full rate.  By the time he cancels, it's likely impossible to get another date booked.  

So if he's costing companions money (on top of having negotiated her rate) then that's a problem.  

Tip to OP:  if you want to avoid being blacklisted and you have to cancel, consider paying her FULL RATE/CANCELLATION-FEE (not merely what you got her to agree to) and you'll have a better chance of staying in her good graces.  

That should lead to less difficulty booking dates with other ladies in the future, as well.  :-)

-- Modified on 11/27/2020 9:19:08 AM

And it hasn't hurt me at all. And I don't do the deposit or gift card thing. I figure if they want to see me great, if not....no worries, I have friends. I'd say don't worry about it but I can see it's something that concerns you but don't dwell on it.
And the reason I was blacklisted is kinda funny....One girl told me, "That's why she blacklisted you?"

For just posting an honest review. Something at some point you can't always stress over and can't 100% avoid. If you are a kind, polite, book sessions/keep them or if have to cancel last second still make good on it!!... be on time, aren't a creep, stick their posted rules on their site/do your homework, are groomed/clean and have multiple good references being on a "BL" isn't always end all be all.  

That's why having plenty of up to date references that check out being the total opposite of why you were "BL'ed" in the 1st place will save the day. While some may turn you away alot of the more experienced ladies will look at the source, check other references and make a judgement call based off that.

Hope that helps

Why not simply book on the same day or even with short notice? In my case, I don't like dealing with deposits and I don't know what mood I'd be in or work last-minute thingy, I typically set a 4 or 5hr ahead of the session and knowing she might not be available, which is fine. I can always reach out to an agency who is easily can accommodate if I really need to scratch an itch. Lastly, can't leave home without P411 if you don't have one. :)

Posted By: Barry2112

I was recently turned down for a date b/c of the black list.  I always treat the ladies w/ the respect.  
 But, I do have demanding job, so I have canceled a few times.  
 I alway check their "cancelation policy" and try to confirm what is needed to stay in good standings.  Usually an Amazon gift card for 1/2 of the donation.  I am more than happy to provide this.  Perhaps I didn't think to be as accommodating my first few years in this wonderful hobby.  
 Today when I see a new lady I normally send a small Amazon gift card to make a nice introduction and offer to pay 50% when we confirm the date.    
 BTW - I've never had a bad experience paying a deposit.  I have found the majority of woman to be extremely professional and easy to deal with.  

Oh wait a second, that is EXACTLY what I do. lol

I LOVE P411, in Dallas there are roughly 500 women to pick from, many of them available on short notice and screening usually only takes minutes. I have booked literally hundreds of dates "same day" and with any luck I will book hundreds more.

Yes, there are women who won't see me without an advance appointment, but there are hundreds more in my market alone who are more than happy to see me on short notice.  

I am in the same boat as you, I don't know what each day is going to bring and I HATE to cancel on people, I don't want to be "that guy" like the OP, so rather than constantly cancelling I do just like you do and it's worked for me just fine for years now.

Good God, GaG, you're STILL here hijacking posts and making everything about yourself? It shouldn't surprise me really, in fact I've wondered on occasion how you would survive when TER was down for so long and you couldn't come here and talk endlessly about yourself. I only read a few pieces throughout this thread, (your ego and bullshit are just too boring to dignify reading more than that) but the most telling crock was when you said "I think he may hit 10,000 posts on just that one board in just one year. A dubious record for someone who claims to have a life outside of here"                      

You are the ultimate tool, GaG. You truly are.

That's gonna raise a bruise.

Sorry, but you don't ring a bell. I guess I made a much bigger impression on you than you did on me. If you REALLY wanted to get my attention there are easier ways.

Now who did you say you were again?

After giving it 2 days off thought, that's really the best you could come up with? It stung, didn't it, looking back through my post history where I made a complete moron out of you. Stung way back then too, of course. Enough, in fact, that I'm sure you remembered me as soon as you started your research, if not as soon and you saw my handle.

Joe, the higher end ladies are not avail day of.  
I’m now up front with my schedule and if an issue comes up we’re on the same page If I have to move the date. I take full responsibility for it now.

TheVoiceOfReason55 reads

You may or may not be a great client.  Who knows.  But there is likely more to this situation.  You are aware that you were blacklisted and you seem to THINK that you know what you were blacklisted for ... cancelling too many times on short notice or whatever.  The reality is that regardless of whether or not that is all that you have ever done bad ... merely cancel a few times ... the ladies that you just cancelled on were likely pissed and wrote something like ...

"This guy is mental and unstable.  A complete nutcase.  Flake.  Ladies stay away from this creeper ... far far away."

And you likely have multiple blacklists.  Now what the lady decides to tell you or share with you may be either very different from what is really bout there or it may only be a portion of what is out there.

Fair or not.  Right or not.  Doesn't matter.  That is just reality ... especially if there were a few before you that cancelled.

-- Modified on 11/27/2020 1:12:18 PM

He's most likely blacklisted as a timewaster for cancelling and/or not paying her cancellation fee.  

Yeah, occasionally someone will write an inaccurate blacklist, with lies and claims of things the client didn't do.

However, the MOST common blacklist reports are for cancelling and NCNS.  MOST companions submit honest reports.  

Because the whole point of blacklists is to HELP other companions.  If we all submit honest reports, then each provider can decide for themselves whether or not accepting his date request is worth the risk.  

TheVoiceOfReason49 reads

Ok, maybe not that harsh, but there is definitely more to the situation.  If he is blacklisted just for what you said, then 99.9% of the time the lady or booking assistant would just mitigate the risk by requesting a deposit.  By the nature of his post I would conclude that he would have just paid the deposit and there would not have been any issue.  That didn't happen.  So there is very likely something else out there and/or the level of risk (blacklist(s)) is framed differently.  

-- Modified on 11/27/2020 3:47:44 PM

I never said I didn’t pay her cancelation fee nor did I say I haggle for short dates.  

I always paid the listed cancelation fee ++. I thought I was doing the right thing.
But I get it (now) she’s on tour and may not be able rebook someone.  

My other point was that many ladies prefer dinner dates and overnights.  Here I come asking for a 60-90 min date. I never asked for a shorter date than listed.  Dinner dates and overnights are outside my price range plus I can’t sneak away that long.

Most of us just contact a girl, go through her screening and set a date, rarely running into any issues along the way, but others here, YOU, seem to run into endless problems and end up jumping through endless hoops just for the privilege of paying a woman hundreds of dollars an hour to see you.  

I honestly don't understand why so many of us can manage to do this with hardly any of the problems some of you seem to run into EVERY time you book a provider. Are we really that smart, or are you really....

Aside from Psycho chick....I dont have problems booking. Here lately its just been an issue of finding anyone worthwhile to book with...

Black-Panther67 reads

They just need to invest in P411. Just go ahead and get the lifetime membership. Price of a date, and definitely less than two. Will save a shit ton of headaches. For the newbies, once you get a few dates under you belt from providers who are P411 newbie friendly, you have contacts for references. I've found most providers I've met won't even ask for references if you have P411. Even if they do, they'll approve you for a date without even checking them with P411. Yeah, there are a few choice touring providers and Indies that require a lot of information; LinkedIN, office phone number, picture, etc. They can go pound sand and you don't see them in business for long.

I have booked HUNDREDS of sessions using P 411 over about 10 years or so and in all that time and all those sessions I think I am now up to a grand total of THREE times I have been asked for more information and two of those cases were from agencies.

I know a lot of TER providers at least CLAIM they need more info and they also CLAIM that most other providers do as well, but my numbers, while anecdotal of course, tell a very different story, not to mention 300+ sessions is hardly a small sample size. P411 has made booking a provider not a lot harder than ordering a pizza, and a lot more fun. lol

TheVoiceOfReason58 reads

So are these your set of facts ...
1) You have cancelled on several ladies in the past.
2) When you cancelled on those ladies you always respected their cancellation policies and made them whole and/or paid their cancellation fees to remain in good standing.
3) Despite 1 & 2 above you are nevertheless blacklisted for cancelling.
4) A lady recently refused to see you because you are blacklisted for cancelling.  

So my questions ...
1) Why would a lady still blacklist you even if you paid her cancellation fee and/or respected her policy?
2) Why didn't the lady that you tried to set up an appointment with just mitigate the risk of you cancelling on her by requesting a hefty deposit?
3) Do you have any idea who the lady was that blacklisted you?  Do you know if it is just one or more than one blacklist?  

My experience ...
Over my 25 years of experience doing this I have been blacklisted multiple times.  The majority of them were from ladies that I never met.  For the longest time they had zero impact because I have seen several quality ladies who speak very highly of me.  Then one day a lady that I attempted to set up an appointment with sent them (the BLs) too me and asked me to address them or basically explain myself.  I did that and she had no issues.  I was shocked at what I saw and was surprised that I was blacklisted.  A problem is that the way that some of them were framed made it look like I did meet the lady.  Even though all but one were anonymous there were dates associated with them so I could put 2 and 2 together ...

1) I said something negative about a lady on the RO board and it got back to her.  Lesson learned don't say anything negative about a provider - regardless of how innocuous you may think it is - on the RO board under your handle.
2) I set an appointment request to a porn star.  Her assistant requested personal information.  I told her assistant that I have seen several porn stars w/o providing personal information and that she was welcome to contact them.  Long story short, I moved on and scheduled with a different lady and then the booking assistant came back and told me that she had contacted my references and because they were strong she would make an exception.  I told the assistant that I had moved on and the assistant went BSC.  Plenty of texts cursing me out.  I stopped responding to them.  The blacklist said that I was unstable or something and a time waster.  Never met the lady.  Not sure how that conclusion was formed from 2 very respectful emails.
3) I booked a lady.  She didn't look like her pics.  I paid her a fraction of her donation to go away and she blacklisted me for shorting her.  
4) I wrote a review on a lady and she didn't like it.  She then claimed that I was gross and smelly or whatever.  Like many I have a set routine that I follow.  She was just mad that I wrote a mediocre and close to honest (albeit still very inflated) review.  The irony is that before the review posted I was getting come see me emails every week from her.

Those are some examples.  I was pissed when I saw those years ago when a lady that had access to every BL site shared them with me.  Now I don't care.  I suspect that most experienced ladies can sniff out BS.  If for instance they see a blacklist that reflects an inability to write coherently claiming that a client shorted them yet said client has seen several $800/hr plus ladies then that BL ain't gonna get much credibility.  You can't worry about that crap.  If you have seen a lot of ladies (200+), then you probably have multiple BLs unless you changed your email and phone number.  Most guys are probably unaware because they have no impact.

Hell, I had a lady tell me that some ladies even anonymously BL their good clients so that other ladies stay away from them.  Also, there used to be a BL site where guys could even BL the handles of other guys that they didn't like.  

The best thing that you could do is to just stay away from the lower end or marginal ladies.  Most top notch providers rarely have to BL a guy because they communicate well and know how to quickly diffuse a situation.  A BL oftentimes is a better indicator of a poor provider than a poor client.  And many BLs are more indicative of mental health issues of a provider.

-- Modified on 11/30/2020 1:42:26 AM

brstlvr66 reads

There is more than one "blacklist" out there. Additionally, there are a plethora of websites for looking up email addresses and phone numbers. If this is the first time this issue has come up, you might want to Google your own information.  
Keep in mind that some negatives, like being listed as a time waster or last minute cancellations, might be overlooked when business is slow. Not so much when a lady has plenty of reliable gentlemen to keep her busy.

some so-called black lists are really the provider's Do Not See list, for guys who've been annoying or violated some of her personal rules.

TheVoiceOfReason51 reads

Most of those sites are closed sites so you can't just Google your information.

brstlvr54 reads

Depends on what’s out there to find.

Apparently a disgruntled provider posted a review about me on the Black List.  She said I was rude.

There was a massage provider in Clearwater who in her ad said full nude, mutual touch, and had photos of a shapely young lady.  When I got there she told me no touching because she was having her period and she was breast feeding... oh, and she was around 30 pounds heavier than the photos.  Of course, she told me all of these things AFTER I provided the donation.

A few months later I saw another ad with a different number and I responded.  I asked if it was the same girl because I was disappointed with the last visit.  She asked why and I listed the reasons above.  She went on to tell me how rude I was for saying this so it definitely was the same girl.  I have no problem with humans having natural functions but perhaps you could have informed me that your ad was complete bullshit?

It didn't end there.  She kept texting me and texting me.  Telling me how rude I was, what an asshole I am, etc.  If you ask anyone I see they will tell you otherwise, and they welcome my visits.  Just if you are a provider, be honest... if you are not mutual touch, say so.  If you are having issues, please, full disclosure.  If things are happening that cause me to have less than you are advertising, than you are not being honest.

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