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I would describe "maintenance sex" as just enough sex where I don't have to jerk off
GaGambler 93 reads

Ask yourself this, if you were only getting the "real thing" once a week, would you find yourself washing your dick just a little longer and a little faster by day five or six?  I have to say, once a week is not enough for me to "maintain" I think the absolute minimum for me would be twice a week, I still much prefer sex "just about" every day which in my case works out to about 4-5 times a week most weeks.

It is funny, I often become enamored with a "new girl" and I quite often will see someone new several times a week for a short time, this happens much more often in the Sugar World for me than the Hooker World, but in variably after a few weeks some other girl/s will come along and my brief infatuation cools significantly.

I'm of two minds on this article.

On the one hand, should any woman have to subject herself to sex if she is not wanting it?   It's like a Stepford wife thing.

On the other hand, if she does, that could blow a hole in the whole escort business, to say nothing of the divorce industry.

I sometimes wonder if my ex had just decided to go along with me whenever I was frisky, would we still be married and mrfisher might never had existing.

I'd have more money, that's for sure, but would I be as happy?

I'd be happy to hear opinions from all.

16 years ago... my wife told me she was done.. but she would go Long with it. I tried that once...awful.. the disgusted look on her face was all i needed to see..no Good

GaGambler103 reads

I know the numbers are most likely lower, but I know at least "some" husbands feel like they have to "put out" for their wives even when they don't want to. I was one of those husbands for the last year or so of my marriage.  

I think one thing that both men and women need to accept, if their spouse has a healthy sex drive and they aren't getting it at home, they are almost certainly going to get it "somewhere"

Of course a woman doesn't "have to " have sex when she doesn't feel like it, but when she stops "feeling like it" virtually every time he asks, he'll either end up here or in divorce court.

This would have been a great thread when the board was full of BSC MHB's. I kind of miss the days when some BSC ho would have come on this thread and equated not being in the mood to forcible rape.

There are always exceptions, but in general, men are most interested in sex than women. That difference in interest level is the basis for entire industries, like porn, strip clubs, and our hobby. If married women all understood this and figured out the implications, the divorce rate would drop and there would be a big drop in demand for escorts.

Senator.Blutarsky110 reads

There is no one way to do things between two people. They have to determine what works best for them.  

Sometimes you have to fake it. I remember when I was much younger, (and before kids) my wife and I worked different shifts. I had to get up early and she was a night owl. Many a time she was the one who had to "wake" me up. I was so tired that I really wasn't interested, but after some attention I came around. lol.

but for every one of those hot models who's pics you post, there is some guy out there who is tired of fucking her.

HappyChanges108 reads

why I hobby. To tie into a different thread.

who gets tired of it.


In the case of my ex, she wasn't disinterested in sex, just disinterested in sex with me.    When she learned that I was seeing escorts, she joined up with AFF or whatever and started to screw around with every Tom, Dick, and Harry she could find.   Didn't bother me at all because by that time I was finding much greener pastures.   Her desire to divorce was mainly to move and start her life over again.   I had no qualms about that except that I wish she would have done it on someone else's dime.

souls_harbor86 reads

It is amazing that many women's lack of interest in sex is reversed when she falls for some new guy.

No denying that. Not so amazing is how quickly the waters dry up when she tires of that guy too! My ex and I use to go at it like rabbits, and her tide was high at the stroke of a finger. Towards the end... it may as well have been the Sahara. I don't blame my abilities... I blame over 2 decades of fucking the same person. Her inhibitions and imagination were always much more limited than mine. And not meant to sound mean... But she was lazy, and that carried over into the bedroom as well. You can't keep things fresh with someone who isn't willing to put forth any effort.
Funny how the hottest piece of ass I ever had turned out to be the worst as well...

often run for married women is like this . . . . .

They find some flirty single guy, maybe a few years younger than her, and they start a torrid affair with non-stop fucking the likes of which her husband never knew she was capable of.  Then at some point, she decides this is the man she should be with, so she tells her husband she has a new lover and is leaving him to be with the lover.  She tells the lover she has told her husband she is leaving and is now free to marry him as soon as the divorce is final.  The lover will invariably tell her that he was just out for a little fun like she was and doesn't want any kind of permanent relationship.  So she runs back to her husband to apologize and patch things up, but he has already shed the chains and has moved on.  I can't tell you the number of my guy friends who's wives has done this and then expect to get back together.  It actually provides them with the cleanest of exits, allowing them to get rid of their wives and end up being the victim and her the bad guy.  Its a beautiful thing for a guy who feels he's stuck in a sexless marriage.  

JakeFromStateFarm120 reads

"I'll bet I can get you to say more than two words, Mr. President."
"You lose," replied Cal.
Oh, for the good ol' days!

Because guys that get women like that, can get any woman like tbat...they don't appreciate it.  And honestly....women view men like handbags. They only want it if other women want it.

Welcome to my world.it took me a long time to realize that.

HappyChanges87 reads

some women don't like handbags.

This is something most guys don't get. It's true that women are drawn to men that other women want. The trick is to use that to your advantage. Most guys want to fuck every hot woman they meet and if a woman won't "put out" they lose interest in said woman. What they don't get is that biggest chick magnet you can have, (even better than a dog or a kid lol) is to have another hot woman on your arm or at your side. Women who might ordinarily not give you a second glance all of a sudden start to show interest just because they want what some other woman has. I have gotten more pussy by having hot women as "buddies" than I ever would have gotten than I ever would have gotten if I went stag all the time. A woman all by herself looks "available" to most guys. A guy who is all by himself just looks like a loser to most women.  

Your mindset is exactly why you will most likely never get a woman like that. Any guy who thinks to himself "if I could just get a woman that hot, I would NEVER cheat on her or let her go" is NEVER going to get a woman that hot outside of P4P. Women like a challenge, and a guy who is simply a lap dog is no challenge.

If you want gals standing in line for you, first get out of the line for them.

Never truer words spoken.

"Your mindset "?
We're you addressing me with that statement?
I choose not to date. I don't understand why you assume I can't get women outside of this. And if you actually knew me, the last thing you would ever refer to me as, is a lapdog. Your theory is partially correct....SOME guys look like losers without a woman hanging around them. But that's only if you're standing there like a slack jawed idiot. A confident man can go out and do what he wants to do...and not have his every action be motivated by pussy. I've gotten more very fine women by just enjoying what I'm doing without being concerned about any woman in proximity. Women love what is thought unattainable. That's why they look at guys with another woman. Do you really think they give a shit about You? Silly rabbit... they just want to see if they have the juice to take you away from that other woman.

and this is how you started your post

"Because guys that get women like that, can get any woman like tbat...they don't appreciate it."

I you have said "we" don't appreciate it, I wouldn't have assumed you can't get hot women outside of P4P, but when you used the words "they don't appreciate it" it was clear that you don't put yourself in the category of men who can get women as hot as the ones the Good Senator regales us with on a regular basis.  How else did you expect your words to be interpreted? Don't blame me for reading your words as written.

Women like the Senator posts... no. But those women are pretty exceptional.I don't know you either...I don't know if you own homes on every continent, wipe your ass on hundred dollar bills...
I excluded myself from that opening statement because I don't lack appreciation for women. But you automatically chose to label me as " less than". Why? Because people in your world only know how to treat people like shit? It seems to be your mantra on here. You're constantly trying to kick the shit out of people on here. I've been respectful of your tenure and experience... even when you've needled me in past threads. But I'm not your bitch! I don't care how many women you've fucked, how much money you have, or how fucking superior you think you are. Respect is earned through conduct, and you haven't earned shit with me. Now... I know you're an asshole by design, so letting you know that you managed to piss me off will undoubtedly make your day. But I'm pretty far back in the line of people you have tried to alienate and berate on here. On a site that's nearly dead, you have done an exceptional job of thinning the attendance here even further. I'm not thin skinned.... I prefer these types of issues be addressed in person. Because I'm that kind of old school...
I come on the site to have intelligent conversation, interact with others in the lifestyle, and keep an eye open for ladies that I may want to meet, if the opportunity arises. I don't come on here to disrespect others, start, or get in to arguments  
You are a schoolyard bully.... poking at the quiet kid until he takes a swing. You encourage people to lurk rather than be active here, because who wants to post a comment and open themselves up to your jab?

So glad you guys have the females all worked out. Hahaha!

I have been having fun with 3 civies (in different cities) that I've told that I do p4p.  
They ask what I do with them and they try to put that kind of effort into it.  
It's pretty cool. BTW, the heauxs are still better at most everything. Probably, part talent and more practice. But, these civies are happy to have some reliable fucking, with someone who doesn't want anything other than some friendship and a good time every now and then.

Thank goodness for these, because I'm not going to do the standard relationship dance with anyone else. And I won't lie like there is a chance of anything more.  
Not now anyway.

GaGambler122 reads

but I would be lying if I were to say there was a "good chance" of me getting into any kind of monogamous LTR, not even with a woman who most would say was "way out of my league" I can't help it, but no matter how hot a woman is, how good she is in bed, at some point my eye (and my dick) is going to start to wander. I have to admit, i am such a shallow pig that often I am thinking of the next woman while I am still inside the last woman, and I know I can't be the only one. lmao

Senator.Blutarsky106 reads

...although I can't say I start thinking of the next one while still inside the last one. I at least wait until I leave. 😎

About as exciting as, well nothing. She really did try, but it wasn't happening. We'd still be married if I didn't want out. But, I'm not one to cheat, so I broke it up.
Maybe, it was that I didn't turn her on or the menopause, but she didn't want it. She even said to the marriage counselor that I was the best lover she had ever had. Maybe, she was a virgin before us. Hah!

To each his or her own, but I know when she isn't in to it. And that's no fun for me. Except these p4p ladies might be able to fake it well. But, you can't fake a juicy flow.  

Have fun guys.

A man and his wife go to their doctor. They both complain that he is suffering from ED. The doctor asks the man to step outside, so he leaves.  

He then asks the wife to take her clothes off. She asks why. He says he needs to check something that might help her husband get an erection.  

So, she strips off, lays down on the table and the doctor walks around her a couple of times and writes some notes in his charts. He then tells her to get dressed.  

The doctor walks out and says to the husband, "It's not you, she doesn't get me hard either!".

with my late wife because she kept herself at the same weight and shape throughout the 16 years we were married.  I was always a gym rat, and she liked the visual results of that, so we were always hot for each other and it didn't matter who the aggressor was on a particular day.  Like GaG, I never even thought about cheating.  

By contrast, when it comes to transactional sex, I often lose desire to be with the same woman over and over, but the great thing about it is, its acceptable to either take a break or move on entirely without any drama.  

A point that caught my attention in the article was the comment about "maintenance sex."  I generally see three providers a week, so I guess I could term ONE of those as maintenance that I NEED to have,. just for my sexual and mental health.  The other two would be encounters that I WANT to have because I'm horny, she's hot, or whatever motivates me that day.  In other words, I think I could be "maintained" with one two-hour session a week.  Above that is where desire kicks in.  

Ask yourself this, if you were only getting the "real thing" once a week, would you find yourself washing your dick just a little longer and a little faster by day five or six?  I have to say, once a week is not enough for me to "maintain" I think the absolute minimum for me would be twice a week, I still much prefer sex "just about" every day which in my case works out to about 4-5 times a week most weeks.

It is funny, I often become enamored with a "new girl" and I quite often will see someone new several times a week for a short time, this happens much more often in the Sugar World for me than the Hooker World, but in variably after a few weeks some other girl/s will come along and my brief infatuation cools significantly.

when you wife screws around with the guy who comes over to fix the refrigerator.


a recent off-the-deep-end infatuation like a new one.  Lol

There was really no interest from either of us for the other. It was always there if I wanted it, but she wasn't in to it... so neither was I. In those last 3 yrs, the deed was done probably around 10 times, give or take. It had just run it's course... and of the times it did, I thought I was starting to succumb to E.D. and minutes issues. Both found to be untrue once I discovered this way of life. No pharmaceutical help is required, and I've had sessions that rival my best performances of my youth.  
In hindsight... it wasn't a lack of interest in sex,  it was a lack of interest in sex with her. I never strayed during my marriage, and of that 21 yrs... I had driven that car more than 1000 times easily. It had become less about the journey and all about the destination. I  raised my children, fulfilled my duties, and stuck to my vows. But when the day came that she wanted out... I held the door open with a smile. I think I was never really meant for marriage, and the day after she left... the air was fresher, the colors more vibrant, and life had possibilities again.

Steve_Trevor102 reads

... if everyone took to heart four words:  "It's just sex, people!"

Sex is not love.  Having sex with someone other than your spouse/SO doesn't mean you don't love her or him.

No one should have to have sex unless they want to. "Duty sex" is the worst. I did it with my wife only because I knew she was doing it because she loves me, also because she seemed to enjoy the Os she had.  
I've advised my adult kids that, before they get into a committed relationship, they need to discuss with their partner what they'll do if there's a big mismatch in desire at some point.  And that they should be open to the possibility of allowing each other to get "third-party help", if that's the best way to resolve the mismatch.  

Now I know what you're thinking:

Isn't is a bit early in the AM to be getting tanked up mrfisher?

But still and all, why not teach our kids these most important life changing facts, along with concepts like alimony and community property, etc.?

These subjects are so personal, that it is better for an objective and trained instructor to discuss it.

Hah, good luck with that. The religious right will stop it based on divorce being a sin.

Steve_Trevor135 reads

... sex outside of marriage being a sin.  Sex with others while being married being a sin.  Masturbation being a sin.  Thinking about sex being a sin.  Etc.  

souls_harbor104 reads

The liberal left would indoctrinate you that you had to let a homo ass f*ck you or suck his d*ck on demand to prove you weren't homophobic.

We need to be thinking outside the box if we ever want to compete with China.

..... it's too easy to see who the homophobes are.

souls_harbor93 reads

Yeah, they wouldn't make you bake them a cake, right?

Imagine seeing a provider, paying her, and having her say something "OK you can fuck me for two hours and come as often as you like, just let me know when you're done. I'll be watching the Sunday talk shows I have recorded."
I have real trouble having sex with someone who can not hide her lack of interest in sex with me.  Most providers are great at hiding this (unless I am much more sexually attractive than I think I am.) [The one exception of course is if I am with a sub friend with benefits or a provider like the charming Angie who is so sexy while tied up and struggling to get away and begging not to be forced to give me great head.]  
In short unless my darling wife or one of my favorite friends really feels like it, I would rather not. .  

you're not bad looking in a cute Jewish doctor sort of way.

I strongly suspect that more than a few gals have great acting skills, and on occasion when a gal has had a few belts and is letting her hair down, she has confided as much to me.   I for one think it's grand that they can pull off such a convincing act, and I say more power to those that do.   It's not like I'm planning on marrying all of them.


I was more hoping for a Gregory Peck sort of way (when he was alive, of course.) but I guess I'll take what I can get.

At least that's what all the gals say to me.   8o)

(More like Arnold Stang however to be honest.)

JakeFromStateFarm113 reads

You look more like THIS guy.
Remember this shot at your wedding?  The Mrs. looked radiant that day.

souls_harbor125 reads

Wally Cox was actually quite athletic ... and besty friends with Marlon Brando and Robert Blake. Cox married three times. Had a successful TV career. Died young of a heart attack though.

is not a sign of success.  Not making it to anywhere near the actuarial finish line kind of neutralizes everything else one accomplishes up to that point.

She wants to keep her marriage going and she's trying.  She's not being coerced into this.  Will it work?  Who knows? Every couple will stay together or fall apart in their own way.

Posted By: vorlon
Re: It's her choice to make
She wants to keep her marriage going and she's trying.  She's not being coerced into this.  Will it work?  Who knows? Every couple will stay together or fall apart in their own way.
"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." - Leo Tolstoy (from Anna Karenina)

If my wife had (without my knowledge) just decided to do what the woman in the article does and do it anyway.  I mean, I married her for a bunch of reasons and our sex life was a big one.  She is simply awesome at it.  When we have sex it is great and when she gives me head I am in heaven.  She is not the best looking woman in the world.  Far from it.  But she has a very low sex drive and doesn't need or want it as often as I.  She surprised me last week with a quick BJ while I wad changing clothes after work.  Caught me with my pants down, literally!  I was flabbergasted!  Happily surprised I closed my eyes and groaned as I stood there and she made me feel fantastic with her on her knees in front of me.  It was the first BJ she had given me in a month!  I offerred to go down on her and otherwise make love but she declined.  If she did that regularly I wouldnt feel the need to stray!  I mean, with several rotating SB's and a few providers here and there I am almost being satisfied but its still only once a week with the others, if I had 3-4x a week w the wife I would save a shit ton of cash and not need to worry about her ever finding out and being hurt and ruining lives - especially mine!  So, if she just buckled down and TOFTT 3-4 x a week with a grin and a few fake groans, I would be OK with it.  The way it stands now, when we DO have sex, she is either a REALLY good actress or she truly is multi-orgasmic and enjoys my DATY and sex when we do it.  It is simply too far between sessions, thus I "hobby" (though I dislike that term).

If she had the choice of doing as you suggest, or her knowing that you get all the sex you want from escorts, and she would never have to have sex (unless she really felt like it) with you again, and could also be assured that you wouldn't run off with someone else, which way would she choose?

If she knew I was seeing escorts I would be divorced or dead.  Probably divorced.  No question.

If she gives you fake groans, you might have to give her an envelope with cash at the end.  They kind of go together.  

I for the most part agree with it.

It is normal in any relationship for sexual interest to wain as it progress. It is true even if a bit sad. Thing is that does not diminish the importance of have regular sex with ones spouse. I know for a fact as a guy there has been times I just wasn't in the mood and my wife was. I did my best, even when it just wouldn't go up. She is my woman and I am her man, and I owe her to take care of her needs and wants to the best of my abilities even when not in the mood. I know for a fact she has done the same for me when I am wanting it and she isn't quite in the mood.  

Maintenance sex isn't a bad thing. In my opinion it is in fact vital to a relationship that lasts and is happy.  Everything is a lasting relationship requires maintenance. Love is not doing things for your partner only when it pleases you but also doing things when you don't really feel it but it would please them. Not just sex but in life too, I think the article is spot on.

Besides if sex is desired, if intimacy is needed, if ones partner, male or female, does not feel wanted or needed in that way, then they will ether close down part of themselves, look elsewhere to get those needs met, or leave. This I know from experience.

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