TER General Board

I think you have an EXCELLENT game plan
GaGambler 38 reads

Make sure you do this young enough, There really is something to be said for "true love" and if you are going to make sure your first marriage is "for money" make sure you are still young enough that you can make your next marriage "for love" With an iron clad pre nup of course. You don't want husband number two to do the same thing to you as you plan on doing to husband number one. lol

See how agreeable I can be. I don't hate game. That kind of shit doesn't work on me, but of course I'm not some trust fund baby either, I grew up with pimps, whores, bookies, junkies, the whole nine fucking yards. I would have killed to have lived in a "nice" area like South Dallas. lol  but that doesn't mean I don't respect game when I see it.

It's funny, I would say about 10% of the POT SB's I talk to have a game plan similar to yours, They do the same thing that ALL good salespeople do when initiating contact, they see if they can take "control" of the prospect. If you can't control the prospect (POT SD) you are just wasting your time as you obviously know already. I talk to maybe ten or twenty such women each month, sometimes more and I enjoy watching to see how good their techniques are.  

BTW I don't need a potential SO to bring a paycheck to the mutual table, It's not about the money to me, I just don't want to be like whoever ends up being your first husband, I don't want to be looked at as a meal ticket, or even worse a stepping stone. BUT the world needs both meal tickets and stepping stones, just like it needs garbage men and bus boys, just as long as it's not me and I'm fine with it. It's kind of like watching a lion/ess killing a gazelle, do you feel bad for the gazelle or good for the lion and the feast he she is about to have? lol I am one of those people rooting for the lion.

I keep hearing these stories and want to know why people think this makes any sense.


So true! Will start quoting it! Thank you!

Just for your info, I want to pay less LONG before I feign my love for my hooker.  

35% less, to be exact.

compliments you can get.  It shows you have successfully blurred the line between fantasy and reality.  Guys start believing you are their real girlfriend, and not a simulated GF-type service.  Based on my own observations, this most often happens in lower-volume mongers who, due to budget constraints, or age, are mostly seeing just one regular girl.  Even if mongers have regular(s), when you see two or more different girls in the same week, its more UNLIKELY you will become emotionally invested in just one provider to the point that you are ignoring reality.  

OTOH, I will blame the provider if she is having sex with a client on the outside OTC, and has no intention of entering into a real-life relationship.  Many providers reward loyal regulars with an occasional OTC "thank you date" but these should be purely "social" without a sexual component, lest your client read something into it that you don't want.  Once a provider goes down the freebie sex path, if she is not INTENDING to have a real outside relationship with her client, it will end badly.  

Look at civil world you learn at the end of boyhood that tell a woman how sexey she is and she actually give you pice of ass. Men learn it opposite of buying a use car where you act like you just Barry interested and low ball the seller and still get rip off.

I guess the new joke you can use for your stand up act is once they ejaculate then they tend to obfuscate.  The next thing we are waiting to hear if it hasn't happened already is has he begun stalking you and begging like Keith Sweat for the booty?  I can hear the songs now.   I don't want to pay, but I just want a good lay.   Even though the relationship wasn't originally this way, I now think it is okay.   Your response is, I really love you in a $pecial and $pecific way.   That is why this arrangement is not okay."

and these dopes actually believe you like them and they're "special." When in fact they are wallets with legs.

... and it seems to be that they finally start to believe what you've been telling them all along to keep them coming back.

John_Laroche44 reads

men give a diamond ring for engagement and a gift certificate for a massage  on her birthday 5 years later?

Count de Monet42 reads

Is just the opposite, no?

I have know no small number of client/provider marriages much less relationships so
does she just...

Count de Monet

Count de Monet39 reads

Always here for the common man.

Thank you for remembering the capital C

You will always be a capital C in my book. C for Benjamin, too.

was also a Cuntess, but I wasn't a Cunt.  She EARNED that title on her own.  

In any business, a one time service is usually costlier than a monthly subscription.
So, I paid you well once or twice. Congratulations! I like your service, so now I want to switch to a subscription model.  
If you still didn't get it: I am providing you a steady income at a contracted price in return of the awesome GFE that you provide.
It's a win-win situation.  
Of course if you don't have or don't want to offer subscription, then that's your choice. Just like it's the hobbyist's choice to move on to someone else who provides what he's looking for.

I love arrangements. More dates for a monthly stipend - I'm all for that. That's my jam.

But. If the "subscription model" means they're paying less per month for three times as many dates, and the dates are longer too, I mean...

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