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I have been accused of being a lot of things, A LOT
GaGambler 91 reads

but I have NEVER been accused of being a "low volume hobbyist" lol

Pre FOSTA/SESTA P 411 was simply the most convenient way of booking for a HIGH VOLUME guy like me who would see someone virtually everyday. Finding and booking a girl, even "same day" like is generally my style, wasn't a lot more difficult than deciding on a restaurant for dinner, either dine in or delivery. lol It was the ultimate in one stop shopping as not only were there hundreds of providers to choose from, you didn't even have to go searching for their reviews as they were linked right there for your convenience. With a few clicks of a mouse you could find a girl, check out her reviews, contact her and provide her your own references all from a single site.

Post FOSTA/SESTA it's still the best thing going, anyone who is on P 411 is a proven quantity, there aren't any newbs on P 411 any more. In this new age of virtually no reviews, it is at least a bit reassuring that the ladies on P 411 have been vetted and you can be pretty well assured you won't be walking into an LE sting or ROB situation.  

Ironically, I would only ask maybe ten percent of the girls I ever saw on P 411 for an "okay" It's really kind of funny that just like a lot of guys don't want to see "high volume" providers, there are a lot of women who don't want to see what they perceive to be "high volume guys" lol  A guy who gets twenty new okays a month gets put in the same category as a girl who gets 20 new reviews every month. I would try to add one or at most two okays a month just to stay current, but not so many that I would appear to be as huge a pig as I really was/am. lol

New clients to p411 have to get recommended (have a session with and get okayed by) two existing p411 providers.

Gina says don't bother asking yet if they'll start accepting new providers.

Obviously clients pay the freight.  So obviously they are the priority ... but providers are the bait, so I expect she will start accepting new providers some day ... if she wants to keep the biz adequately profitable.

I was happy to see it. P411 has been a great resource for me and I'm glad it will continue.

Since FOSTA I have been getting so many guys asking me for tips on finding ladies and it always makes me realize how much easier I have it with the P411 account.

that I see in P411 (I have never joined) is that for low-volume hobbyists, its a way to not have to keep your references fresh and current.  If you're seeing at least one girl a week, you will always have recent refs that can get you in to see other girls.  Repeating is important to maintain your recent refs.  Girls are more likely to give you a prompt reference if you have seen them multiple times than if you were one-and-done.  If I slow down someday, I will probably turn to P411 as well.  

but I have NEVER been accused of being a "low volume hobbyist" lol

Pre FOSTA/SESTA P 411 was simply the most convenient way of booking for a HIGH VOLUME guy like me who would see someone virtually everyday. Finding and booking a girl, even "same day" like is generally my style, wasn't a lot more difficult than deciding on a restaurant for dinner, either dine in or delivery. lol It was the ultimate in one stop shopping as not only were there hundreds of providers to choose from, you didn't even have to go searching for their reviews as they were linked right there for your convenience. With a few clicks of a mouse you could find a girl, check out her reviews, contact her and provide her your own references all from a single site.

Post FOSTA/SESTA it's still the best thing going, anyone who is on P 411 is a proven quantity, there aren't any newbs on P 411 any more. In this new age of virtually no reviews, it is at least a bit reassuring that the ladies on P 411 have been vetted and you can be pretty well assured you won't be walking into an LE sting or ROB situation.  

Ironically, I would only ask maybe ten percent of the girls I ever saw on P 411 for an "okay" It's really kind of funny that just like a lot of guys don't want to see "high volume" providers, there are a lot of women who don't want to see what they perceive to be "high volume guys" lol  A guy who gets twenty new okays a month gets put in the same category as a girl who gets 20 new reviews every month. I would try to add one or at most two okays a month just to stay current, but not so many that I would appear to be as huge a pig as I really was/am. lol

Which I would have to overcome if I were to join P411, and that is having identification information in someone's database that leads straight to the real me.  Such info would be subject to a search warrant or a subpoena.  There is nobody left in P4P that has enough of the real info on me to get my full name, address, or work info, and there is a certain level of comfort in that.  It would take both frustration and desperation for me to cross that line.  

I'm concerned that if P411 were targeted by LE under FOSTA/SESTA or for any other reason, Hillary Clinton couldn't get there in time to show them how to delete everything from their computers without going to jail simply for the obstruction.  

P411 is my primary means of protection against LE entrapment. I've not seen a pro who wasn't on p411.

...on both sides of the business.

Having P411 now verifies you have been around for a while, not just passing through.  It also indicates you are/were smart enough to  make your mark on established channels.

Happy to say I am a "lifetime" member.

-- Modified on 4/24/2019 7:35:42 AM

It's great but they really need to open up to new ladies .. there are plenty of guys out there but the numbers of women are falling

Well now since it has been sold recently, let us see if the new owners are daring or are they taking Gina's advice and taking baby steps with respect to opening it up for new customers.  However I don't think they are offering memberships past 6 months.  Being a hobbyist getting a lifetime membership there was the best move anyone could make.

Several girls on twitter have said P411 has been sold and is under new mangt? Anyone, know if this is true?

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