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Glad I waited to start until 36.
DaveMogal 74 Reviews 58 reads

If I had started early I probably would not be able to retire.  When I started at age 36 I would do at least a 2 hour appointments (spend $500), or over nights ($800 to $1500).  I would spend up to $3000/month when I started. Cut back down the $800/month.  It was not until many later did I do 1/2 hour appointments.

List-Ted4170 reads

For my story, I sure wish that I had known about websites and other aspects of this life a lot sooner than I did. When I look back on the time and aggravation and especially the money I wasted trying to woo women into a relationship with me when all I've ever really wanted was sex, I realize the answers were right at my fingertips. I tried the girlfriend route, the affair route, the sexual tourism route, the casual encounter route, the solicit a complete stranger route, the white knight route, all of them. I could have been getting laid left and right, and could have been getting tailor-made sex at that. What a dumb dork I have been. That's ok, I'm going to make up for lost time . . .

and said the same things to myself as you are saying now.

46 years later, and no regrets.

I was in college, and thought I started late. Wish I had learned even sooner. As you noted, would have saved a lot of aggravation and hesitation.

but I am seven years younger than you. lol

In hindsight maybe I should have started earlier too, but can you really imagine a 14 year old hiring a hooker? Besides I am kind of glad I didn't have to pay to lose my virginity, it was over a year after I lost my virginity before I hired my first hooker, and it really wasn't a planned event, I was drunk, I was in TJ, she was there, she was willing and I happened to have five dollar price of admission in my pocket. I can't possibly imagine NOT fucking her given the circumstances. lol

It wasn't until my mid forties that I found the hobby and it truly saved me.  I'm with you....making up for lost time!

It took some maturity to get comfortable with it, recognize it for what it was, nurture it ......and put it to a satisfying use for myself and others.  No turning back now!

Suzee the slut

a little over a year after my wife of 16 years had passed away when I was 48.  I spend that year discovering that seducing 30-year-olds was not as easy as I remembered when I was also 30.  Lol  After having little success using my old nightclub pickup techniques and fending off my late wife's MILF friends looking for a little action from a guy who is physically fit, I started with indies I found on That Mall in LA.  After a year of that, a friend who found out I was seeing hookers suggested I try the Kgirl agencies, and the ensuing 12 years is documented in my many posts on TER.  

If I had discovered this earlier, I probably would have not been that interested.  When I was younger, I was a handsome bachelor and had no trouble picking up women.  I never thought I would ever want to pay for sex because of my ego.  But we get older, we get smarter, and attitudes change.  Now I find it an attractive lifestyle.  Plenty of action with no complications.  When I found this biz, I was at a mature enough point in my life to maximize the benefits of participating with none of the downside.  

Then explain this shot of you I just obtained.

"hunch"  that it was a bad hair day for me when you took this.  

Agreed, the option of p4p came at the right time in my life at age 38.

My 20-year relationship/marriage had finally gone south and we were headed to divorce court in 1992. All the "modern conveniences" you young'uns have at your disposal weren't available and there were still major concerns about AIDS.

So, I decided to visit the Mustang Ranch on a biz trip to Reno and experienced the most exciting sexual experience of my life. Yep, I was one of those schmucks who was a virgin when the soon-to-be ex and I got together. Didn't find out until much later that she actively disliked sex. Yep, should've bailed then but young and stupid!

I had my FIRST BJ from a wonderful woman who sure knew what she was doing (in lay then-limited experience) and it was life changing!

Having opened my eyes (and many other important organs) as to the possibilities, it's shown me what I like, dislike and need in my further civvie relationships.

I still haven't mixed the worlds (when I'm in a civvie relationship, I don't indulge in p4p). If I had attempted that when I was much younger, it probably wouldn't have gone well for me.

I enjoy this world very much, especially as an older, independent woman. Had I dipped my toes in the pool 20, even 30 years ago, I most certainly would've never gone the marriage route. That didn't suit me personally too well. I enjoy my freedom a little too much lol

No complaints. Started when I was 45. I have to say growing up in the 70's and 80's the sex was very easy to come by. Guys went to a club, pick up a chick took her home, made chorizo and eggs in the morning and she was gone.

BUT, i was horny 24 hours a day, seven days a week and I couldn't imagine passing up pussy, even paid for pussy.  

I am pretty sure I had "chorizo con huevos" the morning after I saw my first hooker seeing how it was in TJ and that happens to be one of my favorite breakfasts, but I was only 15 at the time and the chica was long gone, actually the entire encounter only lasted about five minutes upstairs in some strip club that most likely was bulldozed decades ago.

I never had a problem paying for pussy even when I could get laid every day without paying for it. It's just like having Chorizo con huevos in a restaurant, sure I can make it at home for less money, but sometimes paying someone is just so much easier. AND you don't have to make a hooker breakfast in the morning before sending her on her way.

And if I knew then what I know now, I would have tried being a male escort in my 20s. I might have been able to corner that market back then.

I found TER one month after my wife stopped giving BJs.  I had not touched any other woman for 25 years, because I was getting what I needed at home.  25 years of great BJs until she stopped cold turkey.

I am going on 16 years in hobbyland now, and having a great time.  I don't remember if there was much online when I started in 2004.  I think escorts were on street corners and Craigslist back then.  i do remember cellphones were a new thing at that time.

Started at 27. Still going strong 8 years later. I picked the perfect time to start.

WICardinalfan57 reads

I have thought about this a long time.  Wow, what a question, and how best to answer without telling my life story, which is a bore compared to some on this board.

I was hardwired to have sex with a variety of women. I fought the urge for casual, frequent,  sex with multiple partners for the first 52 years of my life.  

My father was a dirty old man.  He kept a stash of Playboy and Penthouse magazines I used to rifle through starting at age 12.  Every month was a new girl to, well you know.  So the idea of variety was burned into my brain.  Reading Penthouse forum enlightened me to what slutty women might do.  

Being raised in the Midwest I was conservative in my values.  Having suffered some loss in my early life, I hungered for companionship.  I marred two nice Catholic girls, the second was, and is, gorgeous.  Blonde hair, big tits, tight ass.  Both liked traditional sex, which was OK at the time.  However I knew I was missing more.

Prior to marriage #1 I moved to Texas where casual sex was a more frequent activity.  Prior to marriage #2 I lived in Maryland where blow jobs and CIM were a plentiful.  In 1989 I moved back to the Midwest and marriage #2.  

After 20 plus years we divorced. I was 52 and stumbled on P411 and TER some 10 years ago.  Had these services been around between marriage 1 and 2, their may not have been a #2.    

I first dipped my dick in the well toward the end of marriage #2 at a Nevada brothel.  When I came to the land of BBBJ, kissing, DATY, I was, and am, in heaven.

In ways I am glad things, and timing turned out the way they did.  On the other hand, I would have enjoyed more fucking, blow jobs, etc more into my prime.  My cock was harder and my looks were better.    

So there you go.   Like I said, an invitation to boredom.

Two things ... wish I had been motivated to make more money and also start earlier in the hobby.  Money for the hobby.  Need both.

If I had started early I probably would not be able to retire.  When I started at age 36 I would do at least a 2 hour appointments (spend $500), or over nights ($800 to $1500).  I would spend up to $3000/month when I started. Cut back down the $800/month.  It was not until many later did I do 1/2 hour appointments.

I started at 19 years old in 1986 while I was home for summer break from college. I had a great run with various ladies over the last 34 years. I hope we can get back to normal and I can continue this great hobby journey.

I have mixed feelings about the hobby since I grew up in church I didn’t look at women as a piece of  meat but now even the ladies I work with in the office I am always thinking how nice it would be if she was available for the right price I sometimes I wish I had a normal life when I was in my 20’s I never thought I be buying pussy because it came so easy for me but after getting my heart broken a second time it push me into the hobby at first it was a lot of fun fucking a total stranger within minutes after we meet(even before the hobby I wouldn’t be fucking a gorgeous lady within minutes after we meet) and I also think about if I would have took ever penny I spent on the hobby and put it unto my investments I would be a multimillionaire but I am addicted so it’s been a lot of fun!

You can never get enough pussy.   Lust - It is an insatiable thirst.    

I picked probably one of the worst times in history to start ( during a pandemic) and I always hear women refer to the good old days aka the BP era. That being said I haven't had a bad year so maybe my timing was just right.

I was pretty shy about women most of my life, but in the 70's it was pretty easy to get laid even, for me. After my marriage ended at age 45, and I got custody of my kid, it was very difficult to find time to date.  I discovered a local agency, young gals who would come to my house late at night and I was hooked.  Like a kid in a candy store, it was great.    That was about 25  years ago, then along came TER, etc and made it much easier.  Only the advent of covid and age have slowed me down.  

compassionalism58 reads

I'm a 50-something newbie.  I like my life.  So, I don't have any regrets over the choices that I've made up to this point.  But, I do wish that I had had a lot more sex earlier in my life.  Joining the hobby would have made that easier (girls are scary).  I have an addictive personality (I used to spend hundreds a weekend at strip clubs).  So, if I had let myself do this years ago, I'd be destitute.  I'm getting in at the right time for me.

WICardinalfan50 reads

You get much more BANG for the buck in the hobby.   Once I discovered it, have never been to a club since.

We were together for about two years when I felt I needed that itch finally scratched. I had never hobbied before, but my GF at the time despised receiving and giving oral. I thought I had scored because I was with a chick who wasn’t much into foreplay, but I ended up craving mouths over punani. We spoke many times about it, and I decided to give it one last try. Long short, we broke up over the absence of oral.

I was then single at 30, so eventually took the plunge on a provider I had been vetting for some time (aka working up the nerve to contact her). Not only was it exactly what I needed at the time, but I thought it was the best head I’d ever gotten in my life. I know, a lot of reviews say the same thing. But! I still think she’s the best and that’s after, now, about 14 years in the hobby and a lot of oral fun with others since then to make that judgement. I still see her to this day once or twice a month and she’s been my ATF (for oral only) pretty much ever since I met her. The problem is that I probably ruined myself because now I feel that weak head game is a dealbreaker for relationships. Granted, I realize that my ATF knows more about me in regards to that than any female ever could, but cest la vie.

So, to answer the question, I think I started at the right time because I might not have met my ATF and enjoyed life as much as I have.

Just remember, before the Internet ... had to actually know someone, who knows someone, who's played in the game.

Before the internet, there were ads in the Underground/Alternative newspapers for callgirls, and street action if you knew where the strolls were.

Posted By: Nikita
Re: Starting earlier
Just remember, before the Internet ... had to actually know someone, who knows someone, who's played in the game.
I started this long before Al Gore invented the internet. I didn’t know anybody who knew anybody who played the game. I found my way in alone, and I’m sure many, if not most players did the same.

was to open the Yellow pages and look under "escorts" or just find the local "track" which EVERY city had back then where the SW's would work in order to find a hooker.  

There was never a time when you "had to actually know someone....." Well maybe in pre street walker days, but I think there have been streetwalkers for as long as there have been streets.  

I managed to "find my way in" alone at the ripe old age of 15, for a 15 year old to find a hooker pre-internet, it couldn't have been that fucking difficult.

You're very right about the trail of Mongering/ P4P being a lonely one.  
Unless you were in the Military, chances are you'd never run across a 'working girl'.  
As other posters have mentioned, even though the '70's were a pretty carefree time, there was a strong stigma about paying for p*ssy, especially if you were under 40.

Shy and handicapped guys were out of luck at getting some action.  

I picked up some pointers in the game hanging out with older businessmen in dive bars.  Once we got over that I wasn't going to have sex with THEM ,  the conversation would turn to hotspots, which were pretty interesting.

There were a number of Mob-run Strip Clubs where you could get "extras", strolls

I was never "ashamed" about paying for pussy, not in the seventies, not before I was forty and most certainly not now.  AND I never put any effort into hiding the fact that besides having a very healthy "normal" sex life, I did just fine with civvy girls both then and now, but I am a fucking horn dog and I will take all the pussy I can get and I never saw any stigma in paying a hooker for sex, often on the very same day that I fucked some other non hooker for free.  

As for the military, I joined the army at 17 and I saw several hookers in several different countries thanks to Uncle Sam, but I had already been with a hooker long before I joined the service.

Speaking of the seventies, I moved to Las Vegas in 1978 and by 1979 I hung out with a lot of girls who worked either full or part time as hookers, most of them I fucked for free since we were by and large the same age back then, the "old guys" who fucked them had to pay of course.

I guess I grew up VERY different than most of you.  

I had a customer that was big on both gambling and working girls. One of the funniest stories he told me was hanging out with Vegas working girls at their homes.  The girls would order everything for delivery .. then try to "trade" with the delivery guy.    
He was there the day when an expensive big-screen TV showed up, his account of watching the back and forth of the negotiations both had me rolling on the floor, and drove home that EVERYTHING is a commodity and has a price.

Why would you even consider going to a bar to try to have sex with older businessmen?    If they were initiating, why would THEY presume that you might have sex with THEM?  Is there something you want to tell us about yourself?  Lol

Ah, I can see how that reads.  To clarify, I'd hang in dive bars in my blue-collar hometown, that weren't fussy about serving underage customers.  The usual clientele were lunch-bucket Joes who would drink after their shift (and sometimes before).  When you saw a guy in a Suit walk in the door,  they were slumming it, looking for something  away from the eyes of people who knew them.

As the bar was withing walking distance of the City hospital, there was a regular, an alcoholic doctor who could arrange needful things on the Down Low; STD treatments, (then illegal) abortions, opiates, etc, etc.

It was my classroom for human behavior.  There was a huge gap between what the shoulds and dids.

As a wild young teenager growing up in early ‘60’s Hollywood, Los Angeles and points east, south and the west side, not WLA,  I was well aware of working girls, on the stroll or bars in and around Down Town! We would cruise to all the spots at that time, Western Av, Figueroa, Sunset Bl. Just checking out the talent, but I had a couple of older pussy hound friends that I would go with to use the services of the L.A. working girls, plenty of wild young girls in the crowd, but meeting and hanging out with working girls was a special adventure! These same friends would take me to TJ with them. I was around 14 at that time!

I had a thing for Chicanas and Oriental girls early on so, when I was in the Army at 18 and sent to Asia it was a Penthouse story come to life! Hong Kong, Bangkok, Saigon and all around in country spots and any city or village that had a bar or whore house I visited!
When I returned in early ‘70’s I noticed Oriental Massage parlors had come to L.A.! I was in heaven!

I’ve been in and out of the working girl scene since way back, so I don’t think I could have started too much earlier! It’s been a great ride and I have no intention of putting on the brakes anytime soon!

it seems like once I got laid, it was relatively easy to get laid. The last year of HS and through my early to mid 20's in college, I didn't lack for women to spend time with.  

Then I got married and things were great... until they weren't. It seems like some biological switch was thrown in my wife that directed her to cease all sexual activity. I spent about 10 years in a sexless marriage, trying to fix it, before I found out about this world in my early-mid forties.  

I wish I had not spent so long trying to save that marriage, and had done something sooner; perhaps started civvie dating, perhaps entering this world sooner, perhaps both.

In any case, I'm not one to dwell on what  is past. Better to just find enjoyment wherever I may in my present.

WICardinalfan51 reads

Ten Four on the sexless marriage.  

My only regret is wasting years on indies and AMP's, and taking so long to make the push to get into K-agencies.

Was it really "wasted" though?

I've had some amp and indy sessions be absolute bangers. Proportionally they had less success rate than kgirls for sure, but they were still some great times. Some of my atf indie providers and atf amp girls are on the east coast.

You do have a point and perhaps they weren’t a total waste since it makes me appreciate my current Kgirl situation that much more but 1. I hear the kgirl scene was better before fosta/sesta so there’s that and 2. The ratio of good to meh/bad sessions with indies was like 1:2 with kgirls its more like 5:1...

In this modern era of seeing hookers, "modern era" being defined as since I discovered TER and the other online review sites not long after the turn of the century, my batting average with indies has been pretty darned close to my success rate with K-Girls, and I have found not only "GFE" at AMPS, but I have found myself a handful of actual GF's at AMPs as well.  

Don't get me wrong, I love the K-Girls, but I hardly see only K-Girls at the exclusion of all other women. I like Korean BBQ too, but I can't imagine going the rest of my life without eating steak, lobster or even pizza every once in a while too. lol

You're right of course GaG, but I have a thing for Korean women anyways. That said I recently went with a 300/pop agency Latina and she blew my brains out in a different way that was nice. Variety is the spice of life, after all. All in all though, I probably go months at a time only seeing Kgirls. Once in a blue moon I'll switch it up just to keep things fresh, but to be honest, I see little reason to drop 500 or more on a hot white girl that tend to be YMMV, or 350-400 on a hot Latina (that are usually in their 30's/MILFs, when I have a total Kgirl fetish anyways. A 35 year old Kgirl looks wayyyyy better than a 35 year old Latina. Just the truth of the matter. Lol.

They just do it for me, they are so damn good at what they do and so consistent, rarely have a bad day, and the different agencies near me always have something interesting to try.

Have you been to tj?

I absolutely love Asian women. I have yellow fever to speak. But tj is great and like you said, variety sometimes works very well.

You aren't ever getting kgirl service from non-agency escorts at, say, honk kong@tj, but you get very low stress vacation fucking. Rent a room there, soak in jacuzzi, watch TV, fuck Latina pussy all day and go downstairs for some tasty street tacos.  

Something like Greek is accessible through agencies. And guess what, those agencies give you real pics. Some aren't looks but that's the beauty of it-you see what they look in real life.

Anyway. If you have means to go to tj I'd advise everyone to do it once a year or so. Well, I'm not sure anymore because covid. But you get my point.

I don't consider the time I spend on these boards "wasted" either.  Most of the time its intellectual entertainment in one of its highest forms.  However, there are exceptions to both the term "intellectual" and "entertainment", but lets not spoil the high by naming who they are.  

We already know who they are, let's see how many come out of the woodwork on their own. lol

I spent just less than a year with indies until I joined TER in 2008, and that is where I first learned of Kgirl orgs, and it turned out there was two within 20 minutes of where I lived.  Lol    

I have only been to a rub and tug twice, and it was when I was in a city I didn't know very well on business, and couldn't find an available provider to see on short notice.  Desperate circumstances require desperate solutions.  Lol

long answer...becoming an adult in the '70s and living in rural SC really didn't give me much opportunity.  While all I wanted early in life was the picket fence life, I do believe had the internet been around that wouldn't have happened.  I never saw my first provider ad/website until the mid-2000s.

By starting later can afford to retire  $$$

I started when I was 18, met a sugar daddy that same year, and stopped because he was paying me well and wanted exclusivity. So, I started dancing instead. I had all my reviews, advertisements, and websites taken down. That sugar daddy started driving me crazy so I ended it, and rather than try to escort again I just kept dancing and was never as happy even though I was making similar money.  

Escorting was always something I loved deeply and found fulfilling. I'm 23 and finally listened to that and came back, but I do wish I didn't have to basically start completely over. Granted, I'd only been doing it six or so months before I stopped, so maybe I'm being dramatic, lol.

But, I'm still quite young, and honestly just happy to be back doing what I love.  

So I don't wish I started younger (although I would have been happy to) but I do wish I hadn't stopped. Now, if you want me out you're going to have to drag me.

Early 1980's: I was in Vegas with my Dad and brother for a three-day weekend.  I'd been in and out of several casinos playing blackjack and drinking at the bars.  In those days, as long as you were well-groomed and wore pressed slacks with a clean button-down shirt, nobody gave a shit if you were a 19 year old gambling or drinking, as long as you lost money at the tables and paid cash for your booze. Around 12:30 am on the second day I was walking along the strip in front of the Tropicana when an honest-to-god white El Dorado pulls up by the curb next to me. The window rolls down and there is a flamboyantly dressed black guy driving with a pretty, slim black girl in the passenger seat. She turns to me and says "Say, Honey, ya'll want a date?"  I was a bit stunned and quietly declined... but that was the moment I realized that I could pay a sexy woman for sex. Astonishing! Incredible! And most importantly, Affordable!  

As I got closer to the Dunes a while later, I had determined to take advantage of this new found opportunity. As I approached an intersection, another beautiful woman made eye contact with me and smiled. I stopped to chat and a moment later we were in a cab heading to her motel. This was about 2 years before AIDS was a thing, so I went BB twice and left her with an amazing smile on my face and empty balls.  I got an STD test when I got home, of course, and fortunately, all results were negative.  

But I was hooked. And my only regret was that I had waited 14 months after my 18th birthday! All that time jerking off to Yearbook pics of the hotties at my high school - wasted.  

So yes, I wish I had started earlier. Yes, indeed!  

Life is good

The Cat

Ironically I saw my first hooker in Vegas at age 19 as well, only she was hardly my first hooker "ever" lol

Too funny, a buddy of mine got arrested on Fremont street around 1980 or driving a baby blue Eldorado convertible and flirting with a hooker. He had a lot of explaining to do to his GF who he had to call to bail him out of jail that night. and no he was not Black, but he was Sicilian and you know what they say about Sicilians.... rofl

I absolutely LOVED the Las Vegas of the 70s-early 80's before the corporations took total control of the city. Hookers were EVERYWHERE, from upscale gold diggers at the Chateau Vegas or Gus Gallo's place down to street walkers everywhere from the strip, Fremont st, or if you really wanted to live dangerously nearby the El Cortez on the other side of downtown. My personal favorite place for hookers was one of the bars at Caesars Palace where you could find hookers congregating 24/7, Ahh the good old days of LV.

Those were also the grand days of strip clubs extras in Vegas. Especially OG (not "original gangsters," Olympic Gardens). It was nothing less than an all out brothel hiding in plain sight.  Virtually every stripper working was available for in-the-club extras and for takeout to your hotel as well. It was almost common to select one or more dancers for a VIP dance and get anything you wanted in a private booth.  

Regrettably, I didn't find out about that club until several years later, when the club was declining and ultimately closed under much pressure from LE and City officials who were trying to remake Vegas as "family friendly" in an effort to increase tourism. The idea was to make the strip appeal to families just as much as Disneyland, but with gambling and headliner acts. Ultimately, that marketing scheme failed and was eventually replaced with the "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" concept. However, by the time they realized (once more) that sex sells, most of the illegal and legal sex trade had been driven out of town, or so far under the radar that it was hard to find and often dangerous to both providers and clients.  

Still, even in the late 90's I would make a point of always staying at Imperial Palace, even if my business meetings were elsewhere. IP was one of the last remaining meccas were you could sit at the tiki-themed bar near the guest room elevators or wander the slots area nearby and pull from dozens of available pro's (and non-pros from out of town who were looking for their own fantasy) to your room for bliss at $200/hr.  

Good times...  

Life is good

The Cat

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