TER General Board

Fuck sesta! What will happen to TER?
ohLordHaveMercy 5 Reviews 9044 reads

Damn I heavily relied on TER for finding providers and seeing everything, I think maybe TER is more better than p411 only pro is that you can screened easily. Well the golden question here is what will happen to TER? Will reviews still be up? THe ad boards are gone, and only thing that I can see regionally is the new review sections smh

Searching reviews  does not tell us who is coming to town and when, they only tell history.   By the time a review is posted the provider could have left town 3 months ago!

You are so right! Traveling at this moment doesn't seem like a good idea either....for me anyway and I am itching to go again. Hope for things to get better.....soon!

and on the local discussion boards.
Get creative, girls!

I just now noticed there were no ad boards anymore. The life blood of the site, the women, and they cut them out.  

Fuck. Who is the fucking rocket scientist who came up with this idea?  

I see in the future other sites gaining ground...

Always respected P411. They do the references, the ads, and truthfully I had more 'likes' from ladies I've seen than here through P411.  

Just sayin'...... ;)

Why would you think you smarter then TER lawyers? What are your credentials? Did you even read  new bill?

imanalias78 reads

Next is profiles. I wish I could sort all reviews by country to determine what percentage is US based value. That and how many from the US are or were paying members, guys or ladies.

I’m thinking TER will be suffering seriously unless they can find an alternative

It was a Creative Writer's Workshop that was protected by all known laws that we hold dear in this Country.

As a matter of fact, it was at times, just on an IP address with no actual domain name.  Go figure that chaotic genius:)

What is happening to the industry is horrible and will absolutely cause direct harm to so very many people, starting immediately. The loss of info sharing sites already has violent predators rising out of the cracks to seek their prey. Sadly, this will also carry onto the civilian population, as deviants are also losing their outlets. Mark my word.

Thousands of women are out of work without notice. The trickle down effect will be harsh on countless lives. A small percentage will have the means to retire out of SW and secure civilian jobs. The majority will not. Bet on it.

I've been in the industry for 36 years. I created the first free escort advertising site that ever existed and spent a few years hosting free message boards for all.  I am utterly shocked by the instant destruction we have witnessed today and will no doubt see in the days to come.  

I am more so extremely pissed at the complacency of the majority. If anyone believes that this mass censorship issued to the people is somehow "ok" ...(it's just those damned hookers, afterall").... well, I pray you think again. We are easy to dispose of from your mainstream and history teaches us to  actually expect to be void of equal rights.  

Our Commander in Chief hates the press much much more than he hates sexworkers. (clearly) The people as a whole are in grave danger for losing so much much more than the free exchange of information regarding the sex lives of adults.  

Just as pioneers invented the ability to have the free exchange of information about our adult sex lives, I have faith that sooner than later, another team of hero's will rise up and provide for the new "Creative Writer's Workshops".  For what it's prolly not worth, I'll do anything to support and work for that and my email address hasn't changed since hotmail was invented.  

I hope all the woman that are scared to death right now can know that things always work out. No matter how horrible and terrifying it may seem right now, you will absolutely find your way in your life, no matter your path. Trust me. You made it here. You will make it anywhere. And if you happen to have to stay, do know that we will find a way. We always have.  

And gentlemen, they need you more than ever now. Be kind.

No matter what....
Keep the panties on the floor,

Sincerely Sweet Sarah

p.s. FU cityvibe for absolutely planning that mass money grab rob from everyone that deserved it the least.

DAVEPHX70 reads

The new law reads: "(e) Affirmative Defense.--It shall be an affirmative defense to a charge of violating subsection (a), or subsection (b)(1) where the defendant proves, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the promotion or facilitation of prostitution is legal in the jurisdiction where the promotion or facilitation was targeted.''

NOTE WHERE TARGETED has to be legal.  So a Canadian or any foreign-owned site would be illegal if the ad was for a U.S. "prostitute"  We have criminal agreements and treaties with almost all other countries, although it may make it more complicated.  However, anyone with a U.S. presence could probably be served with a criminal complaint like any moderator or control person.   Just ask all the Russians that have been indicted!  Whether the foreign country would extradite is unknown but with most treaty's I believe would be compelled to by the Treaty.  I am not an expert on these foreign issues, however.

U.S. ISP's could also block access and of course, Facebook and Twitter have started doing so.

Cloud Act was the nail in the coffin. All Internet  companies have to hand over data or the USA & countries in said "treaty" can take the data anytime they suspect a crime. No warrant in needed.

4th amendment has been destroyed.

Yes FU to Cityvibe for stealing my money the day before they took down their site.

I just wanted to say that was an amazing message to everyone.
 obviously being a provider I appreciate your kind words it was nice to hear (as I sit here and try to  keep myself calm) and talking to others while continuing  to try to educate myself  is somewhat helpful it's just a scary thing because of the end of the day we really don't have any control over it or the outcome so it's the unknown and we just have to why it ride the wave.  
But reading your encouraging comments and seeing that we have your support and that you're in our corner, allow me to take a breath and feel a little better for that second. Hearing you say that it was going to be okay and just giving us the positive encouragement when you didn't even know me made me feel better ... I didn't know I needed to hear that but I did ..... so I appreciate you and your kind words  
Thank you so much for being Advocate and supporter for  all of us it's greatly appreciated and needed in this community (especially in timesLike This)
♡ Payton Good

This may be a seismic shift, or not.  But, best to prepare for the worst...

is what we are talking about. It has been around and will still be around. It has changed over time as it will adapt to this latest turn of events.  

As for any provider who has seen one of these hypocritical do what’s right for society, but not me a holes, now is the time to break your silence. If you have seen a legislator that voted for this crap, out them for who they really are.  

As for how to get around this? I’m sure legal eagles are already looking for loopholes and websites and providers are looking for different ways to operate.  

I myself have ideas how to navigate around the latest issue and working on getting it up and running.

New and innovative ways will be created to still implement the worlds oldest profession. It's the worlds oldest profession for a reason. We are just changing with the times, just like they did centuries ago.  

I have a few ideas...of course :)

It's be a subtle way of advertising...Just a picture with a attachment to their reviews or website..no,  "Hey Handsome, I'm available"...just pictures. The national photo board is still up, just isolate it to each city....duh.

it's still 'advertising'. The only thing that can happen is super anonymity and in basically 'sugar coating' what this really is. The words escort, provider, hooker, courtesan and all sites that relate to that (including this one) etc will have to disappear. Someone will have to create an underworld (like wearing a members only jacket lol) and strict rules and regulations by some kind of governing body will have to take over  to allow people in who are all good LOL.  

I vote GaG as President of the Underground Club of Ladies of the Night :)
And maybe Jake as VP (if he's nice ;)

(just trying to have fun and lighten everyone up and giggle)  

It'll be ok, kisses xox

-- Modified on 3/23/2018 12:48:15 PM

Lol no fun. Remember this is to lighten the mood, that's all silly xo

As long as part of the job description is running "quality control" on the women accepted.

Jake's too old and grumpy to be of much use in that regard anyhow, finding someone else to be "Vice" President should be a snap.

Those were the words of Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman when asked if he would accept a draft to be President.  It is now known as a "Shermanesque" decline and was delivered firmly tongue-in-cheek.
Thanks for not getting it.

I don't know if this has been mentioned but TER domain name is registered through a US based company, Enom Inc, which is located in Washington state.  I hope TER admins or whomever consider moving the domain name to a more friendly locale.

I expect SESTA to be challenged in court and for plaintiffs to prevail.  

The only people who will benefit from SESTA are the politicians who can tell their constituents how tough on crime and trafficking they are.  

SESTA almost certainly will not eliminate human trafficking, if anything it will make the pimps easier to hide. Ask any major LEO how they feel about SESTA.  

SESTA definitely will not eliminate people from seeking sex or having sex. Politicians for millenia have tried and failed to legislate what goes on between men and women. They won't be succeeding here either.  

Finally, the much larger issue is the First Amendment. If the First Amendment shouldn't work for people we don't like, well...who do you think is next?

Our rights under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights have been under attack for years, so this is another battle in that ongoing struggle. Our rights to privacy, free association and expression under the First Amendment and the attacks on our Second Amendment rights becoming even more intensive as we speak are all part of the back and forth battle with a common theme -- keep the masses under control.

So reach out to your providers, current and prospective, get pre-screened and maintain alternate means of communication (phone and email).

StuffedOpus66 reads

Curious how this affects those of us that provide website design and photography for the industry? Obviously we will lose business but will be legally in the crosshairs as well? Seems murky right now.

Thanks in advance.

sex trafficking by definition is due to force, fraud, coercion.

Does the bill fuck over those who do it voluntarily too?

That was false advertising, just like most bill "titles".  

The law explicitly refers to prostitution in general.  
The only way to check is to read the words.

Why the fuck would they call it a sex trafficking act, and then lump every consenting voluntary participant into the mix?
Might as well call it Fight Online Prostitution Act, since it targets the entire trade.
Sex trafficking is done by force fraud or coercion.
Consenting adults do not fit the description.
I hope this shit gets challenged big time in courts.
If they can give gays rights, they should be able to fight for those who just want to get their dicks wet.

I guess the battery industry will see an uptick by us randy ladies!

Bulletin:  "Seeking all of my ATF's:   please make sure you have
my Website in your hobby phone."

I have an email in my inbox from this company who says they are offshore and can host out ads as well as our web-sites. Im going to check them out this evening but in the meantime I thought Id post this for the rest of us to take a look at as an alternative.  


let me know what you all find out. I gotta go to the gym!!

According to new bill it does not help much

It's  for your own good ... BS if I have ever seen it!  Even Reddit.com has shut down discussion boards on sex work. DISCUSSION BOARDS!

imanalias65 reads

I’m very curious how they will be able to show proof or evidence that has no victims or charges to support there assisting trafficking or even prostitution.  

What will they need to present. Ok, maybe the case of, it looks like a duck, it walks like a duck, so it must be a duck, case closed guilty  

It’s the stupidest law, LE and DOJ agrees, bad law, bad law. But ok, let the courts handle it and see how far this goes.

Hey, if Congress is not in session, and POTUS doesn’t sign it before they return, they have to start over again.

Congress has surely assigned an agent to receive veto messages while they are on vacation, thus allowing them to override by 2/3's majority when they return rather than reintroducing the legislation.   Doubtful it will happen with this, though I'd love to see the President fu*k with them on this, and make those bastards own this turkey.    

FOSTA specifically exempts locations where prostitution is legal. Since P411 is in Canada and it is legal for escorts to advertise, it should not have any problems.  

I guess I should renew my subscription.  

It’s unclear if discrete escort self websites would fall under FOSTA, because the lady is not facilitating the prostitution “of another person”, only herself.  My sense is that it would not be a violation, but who wants to be the test case?

post where the photo board is :)
this whole law passing is saying it wont take effect till 2019, so why is it starting now!?

imanalias51 reads

Panic is why. Just stay active in boards your visiting or local, better than only once a week

As for this law not taking effect until 2019, that's false.  The bill states that it becomes effective immediately upon passage, i.e., when the President signs the bill.  Most likely, this will occur next week.

Websites are panicking because it makes  “ex post facto laws” legal. So even though it’s not in effect today...... if (which unfortunately looks likely) it does become the law of the land next year, they could still be convicted, even though it was legal when they were operating.

I see irony in Trump and others who will cause this to become a law because they have probably used services of escorts in the past. Maybe they want to limit who can have access escorts (like themselves) by passing this law?

.....everyone in the US who willingly participates in this industry. These are some crazy chaotic times. Even though I only accept a handful of requests a year, I’m really relieved I’m in the U.K...

Be safe and calm all please...panic creates bad decisions  

C xx

souls_harbor47 reads

The UK is proving that Orwell was an optimist.

As far as I’m concerned, free speech should never allow hate speech. There have been way too many incidents on public transport in the U.K.  where people have been subject to such bullshit - I don’t have a problem with someone being banged up as a result....

imanalias62 reads

There are laws that can prosecute certain hate speech already. What SESTA is doing isn’t that, the are going to consider websites such as personals as facilitating sex trafficking without proof or evidence of a crime.

Next will be all speech someone finds offensive. Do you think that’s right? The rule protecting websites from prosecution for 3rd party information did not exempt those who could be found guilty of breaking the law unless the hosting website knowingly allowed it.

Do even discussion boards like this might be closed if they feel the hosting services knowingly are promoting or supporting an illegal activity based on assumption, no proof, no evidence, assumption. If it looks like a duck, it walks like a duck, it must be a duck, ur guilty without due process.

I was responding to a comment about the U.K. - not SESTA

Posted By: imanalias
Re: I really feel for....
There are laws that can prosecute certain hate speech already. What SESTA is doing isn’t that, the are going to consider websites such as personals as facilitating sex trafficking without proof or evidence of a crime.  
 Next will be all speech someone finds offensive. Do you think that’s right? The rule protecting websites from prosecution for 3rd party information did not exempt those who could be found guilty of breaking the law unless the hosting website knowingly allowed it.  
 Do even discussion boards like this might be closed if they feel the hosting services knowingly are promoting or supporting an illegal activity based on assumption, no proof, no evidence, assumption. If it looks like a duck, it walks like a duck, it must be a duck, ur guilty without due process.

souls_harbor63 reads

There is no objective definition of "hate speech" so it is just what someone doesn't like.  I am sure you are happy to send people to prison for may years for saying things you don't like.  That is, in fact, an Orwellian society.  Remember that some people may not like what you say, or like your business of sex for money and are also happy to send you to prison for many years.

I could never be as tyrannical as you.   That's why i am a libertarian.  

Posted By: souls_harbor
Re: I really feel for....
There is no objective definition of "hate speech" .....  
Erm yes there is in the U.K. which is exactly why I responded as is. Its falls under the public order act of 1986 - specifically part 3. It has nothing to do with someone saying ‘something I don’t like’ - I suggest you do your homework before you jump in with comments that are factually incorrect.

souls_harbor47 reads

I don't think you understand what "objective" vs "subjective" means.  

"All Jews should report to the gas chambers" may have been a law, but it wasn't "objective."

Now you’re just being obtuse
No-where will be there be an exhaustive list of what specific words/phrases are classed are racist however, that is not a get of jail free card for people to use - people who knowingly use derogatory phrases that are designed to inflict racially motivated and bigoted opinions pay the toll fee for it REGARDLESS of whether the law has an exhaustive list. It’s simple. Own what you say or shut the fuck yo. The law will not protect passive aggressive cowards...  
If you want a fence to sit on, fine. I couldn’t care less. But I’m not going to continue a back and forth with you about whether it is actually a fence or not...

Posted By: souls_harbor
Re: I really feel for....
I don't think you understand what "objective" vs "subjective" means.    
 "All Jews should report to the gas chambers" may have been a law, but it wasn't "objective."

souls_harbor43 reads

Good lord woman, a guy was just convicted of a hate crime in the UK for making a comedy video of a dog doing a Nazi salute.

This IS nothing more than outlawing speech you don't like ... just like every banana republic tinpot dictator has done throughout history.   Not that long ago the church determined what you could say or not say.  Revolutions have been fought to win the freedom of speech -- including offensive speech, because speech is likely to be offensive to someone.  

A law that throws someone in prison for filming a dog doing a motion is evil incarnate.  Anyone who supports such a law is evil.  

cajunman63 reads

So YOU decide who is using hate-speech and want to physically hurt them?

All we need is the gubment telling us what to say now! LOL!!

It's foolish attitudes like this that got Trump elected.

That's why assholes like you will never have a say.

I can't walk the streets!!!!  AAAAHHHH!!!!  I live in a super small town in WI.  And there is snow on the ground here 7 months out of the year.  No one is going to pick me up on a street corner wearing blaze orange snow pants and a Packer jersey!!!!!  

imanalias88 reads

I’ll be there shortly driving that awesome fast snowmobile naked. Blaze orange right, isn’t that what everyone’s wearing, ok you better be naked too. 😃😘😃

Posted By: WIMissScarlet
Re: TER info!!!!  
 No one is going to pick me up on a street corner wearing blaze orange snow pants and a Packer jersey!!!!!  
You lost me at "Packer jersey!" :P

I think it is going to make email lists the go to and push us into the dark web or something drastic. All i know is now is the time to network and cultivate those mailing lists.

of the provider's web pages except for 411 info. some have nothing. I wish I knew this was coming.  
One provider I know has blocked all text messages to her. Good thing I still have some emails for ladies I see ...  

Now would be a good time to contact me with your contact info ladies.

That must have been at provider request.  All of my personal reviews still show links to all active web links. Blocked texts?  Did it scare her in to retirement?


John_Laroche56 reads

I can see it now:

"Hey everyone, I'm going to be in LA April 1-6. Any recommendations on places to eat or fun things to do? Shoot me a PM."  

Would work for both providers and clients.

"Nothing worthwhile is...easy..." N. Sparks

That's an area of the USA where prostitution is legal (in certain counties) for which the FOSTA legislation carves out an exception.  (Unless I'm wrong, and there was no Nevada Ad board, but instead just Las Vegas and the rest of the state rolled up under the Other Cities ad board).

Although maybe the removal is a good thing as it highlights the destructive nature of censoring which results in restraint of trade.  If there's someone who can claim damages, they have standing, and that could be used to drive a court challenge by giving teeth to a claim.

Removing the Massage Ads board likewise seems a victim of censoring.  While there may be jurisdictions that require a license to do massage, that shouldn't be impacted by FOSTA.

Thinking aloud here: since the legal brothels in NV are staffed by independent contractors, many providers in other cities/states could advertise with an intent to eventually host in NV, and until then arrange meetings with potential clients to "gauge market interest" or to prescreen for compatibility in whatever city/state they happen to be visiting.

And no, I'm not an attorney.

Posted By: numpty88
Thinking aloud here: since the legal brothels in NV are staffed by independent contractors, many providers in other cities/states could advertise with an intent to eventually host in NV, and until then arrange meetings with potential clients to "gauge market interest" or to prescreen for compatibility in whatever city/state they happen to be visiting.
And that is exactly why they took down the Nevada ad board.  Advertising for non-legal activities falling under the law’s broad definition of sex trafficking, not exempt from FOSTA, would end up on that board.  

I noticed several comments above about creating a photo-only board. I took a look at BP for the first time in a long time to see how they were dealing with this, and that seems to be their strategy for the moment. All of the ads are nothing but a phone number and a photo. Of course, the advertisers put text in the photos that kind of defeats the purpose.

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