TER General Board

Don't call him Shirley, lol
GaGambler 182 reads

He is also a fat, well fed troll as he has been getting a lot of attention lately.

It's funny, just like OTM and BBFS before him, he makes "some" valid points, but he's just very unlikeable, a one trick pony, and has no redeeming qualities that I have been able to discern.

If he would just wait until a decent opportunity presented itself, like the BSC hooker who posted the STD thread on the NY board yesterday, and then got her ass handed to her by hooker and johns alike, and stop with the broad sweeping OPs that all hookers are evil and all johns are spineless, he might be better received. Of course then he would not be a troll anymore and I doubt he would still get his jollies. I am sure his computer screen is covered in troll splooge. lol

It seems some hookers are now asking clients to show their STD test before engaging with them

Why are hookers not showing us their STD tests as well?
The fact as a client my chances of catching something is pretty low dependent on how much money I have to engage with a hooker.
Pretty hard to catch anything when even your wife won't give you the time of day ( after all don't you consider hookers "marriage savers".... heee heee heee  

But on the flip side, a hooker is pretty much spreading herself for any and all paying customer thus increasing her likelihood of being a infected carrier of something.  She will encounter more sexual situations than a payee of such.   Not to mention sex workers are also sometimes groupies or sluts who sleep with others they actually like ( not clients who she probably detest internally and pretend to put up with for that 1hr or so of paid time ).  Since they put out anyways they are more likely to put out to individuals they like for free, which also increase her chance of carrying something afterward.

So why are clients now being forced to show their tests but a client is forbidden to ask for one in return?  Does that seem fair and right or EQUAL ( that pesky feminist demand ).   Are you really on equal footing with these ladies or are you basically submitting your dignity just to get laid by a hooker ?

Is that a fair demand on a client or are these hooker beginning to overstep that boundary or respectability ?

They don't mean anything.

It wasn't too long ago these 'hookers' would've hunted you down,  hung you up by your junk,  and took pix for everyone to see...

I don't know who you are 'MidAgedCeo', but obviously you don't plan on being around long...

The ladies I knew would've fucked you up, put you on a 'list', and you'd be done for that fucked up post of your's...

For one, in my years of seeing these ladies, they're a hell of a lot safer than picking up strange at a bar. Think about it. It's their job. You think they WANT to have an STD? Some of them have a SO, or plan on having kids. They don't want to pass on an STD to their loved ones anymore than you do, you stupid fucker!....

I'd have thought the time I've been away it would evolve to a more understanding and accepting place. It went into reverse especially since there were basically no responses.

Is this clown a troll I don't know about?

Let me know. I have better things to do with my time if no one else is going to stick up for these ladies....

By no means am I ignorant about women using their clients, but no way in hell am I gonna sit here and watch some pussy shit where they eat

and a more surely and self-righteous one you'll be hard to come by.

If we all concentrate on something else, he'll get bored and move on.

GaGambler183 reads

He is also a fat, well fed troll as he has been getting a lot of attention lately.

It's funny, just like OTM and BBFS before him, he makes "some" valid points, but he's just very unlikeable, a one trick pony, and has no redeeming qualities that I have been able to discern.

If he would just wait until a decent opportunity presented itself, like the BSC hooker who posted the STD thread on the NY board yesterday, and then got her ass handed to her by hooker and johns alike, and stop with the broad sweeping OPs that all hookers are evil and all johns are spineless, he might be better received. Of course then he would not be a troll anymore and I doubt he would still get his jollies. I am sure his computer screen is covered in troll splooge. lol

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Don't call him Shirley, lol
He is also a fat, well fed troll as he has been getting a lot of attention lately.  
 It's funny, just like OTM and BBFS before him, he makes "some" valid points, but he's just very unlikeable, a one trick pony, and has no redeeming qualities that I have been able to discern.  
Since you brought me into it for no good reason I consider you an insecure person who wants to look cool on the internet. What are your redeeming qualities?

GaGambler228 reads

another quality is that I am hardly insecure.

Now while we are playing, what are your redeeming qualities?

I'm not sure I have many other than telling it the way it is, keeping it real and not sucking up to people who want to be "internet court holders."

troll for 2017. ceo is the leading candidate for smartie of the year.

well-reasoned response, causing me to reconsider my initial impression of you from a few days ago. Well put.

His mission on the boards is to stir up controversy.    While it's possible he is serious, I think he is really just trolling for his own amusement.  And you know what they say about feeding trolls...

GaG and Jake like to counter-troll, which often leads into these posts turning into train wrecks.   Whenever that happens, time to break out the popcorn!

oh fuck!!.not this fucktard again..

GaGambler232 reads

Why doesn't anyone care that you want the OP to kill himself?

Maybe because everyone agrees? lol

I just want him to get the help he needs to extract his head from his ass. It will be a risky and painful operation given it is lodged so far up there his eyes must burn from his stomach acid lapping up on them. It must be miserable to be like that.

If he chooses to end his and our sufferings,  I don't support the choice, but definitely understand it. I couldn't live with my head stuck that far up my ass. In his case it might not be the worse advice. Continuing living with his head that far up his ass would be. Personally I hope he has the head from ass removal and reconstruction surgery option followed by years of follow up care.

In case someone is in doubt, I am joking. Suicide is never the answer. But I am not joking about the OP seriously needing to extract his head from his ass.

other ways he could end OUR suffering.  

GaGambler142 reads

At least we knew BBFS was just fucking with us. OTM and MAC I am pretty sure are dead serious. Oops, there's that word "dead" again. Maybe that's nature trying to tell us something.  lol

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Well I am sure I could come up with another length of rope if I were asked nicely
At least we knew BBFS was just fucking with us. OTM and MAC I am pretty sure are dead serious. Oops, there's that word "dead" again. Maybe that's nature trying to tell us something.  lol
Holy Shit! I must occupy 50% of your brain. You wake up in the morning thinking about me. You think about me at lunch, dinner and when taking a shit.  

I try to write satire. My style was never like the guys you mention. Nature might be trying to tell YOU something.

GaGambler188 reads

and don't flatter yourself, the only time you occupy any space in my brain is when people start talking about misogynistic trolls.

As much as you try to claim otherwise, you are VERY much like MAC and BBFS, you are a "lighter version" than they, and not quite as annoying, but you come from the same place and like MAC and unlike BBFS, you aren't trying to be funny. Or if you are, you are REALLY REALLY bad at it.

There is a middle ground between the BSU's who believe EVERYTHING a hooker tells them to separate them from their money, and the likes of you and MAC who believe everything a hooker tells you is a lie. The world, even the hooker world is simply not that black and white, and hookers are neither "goddesses" nor are they something you scrape off the bottom of your shoe. They are just people, no better and no worse than any other group of people.  

I will give you some credit, much of the time, despite your obvious biases, you are someone that can be engaged in an actual conversation, I wouldn't ever bother trying to actually talk to CEO as he is 100% a troll, while you have your moments.

Stop lying to yourself. Look at your recent posting history and see how many times you have brought me into threads that had nothing to do with me.

You are really really bad as somebody trying to be the "cool guy" on the internet. You are not  nearly as "cool" as you think you are.


The hooker world may not be black and white but when I say "most" it's not far from the truth.

-- Modified on 5/24/2017 8:34:52 AM

GaGambler172 reads

The only reason your name has come up so often lately is because your brother in arms has been trolling the boards so much lately.

If you will substitute "most" with "a lot" you and I will probably be in agreement where it comes to your jaded outlook on the hooker world.

They are not my "brother in arms." You overrate your importance here. I have no delusions my posts or anybody else's posts are of any real importance on a fuck board.  


You were delusional enough to tell us how cool you are on the internet. That says it all.

You have made bbfs4ever seem like a rational and respected member of our community.  

That being said...depending on the relationship you have with your ladies sweet enough to share with you (which is probably going to be less after your post) should define such sharing.  I honestly do not have a problem with it at all.  This is about being safe. However your way of expressing yourself is vulgar and troll-like. No doubt the way you trample on the request is probably the place to start in your revision of plan to success

It seems alot of loser are quick to shoot out of the mouth but too dumb to venture into newer territories

Actually I thought this was a funny thread that came out of the NY board where, a fellow resident john got out and in his case pretty much exposed to the hoop jumping loser her was, getting back 4K out of 5K doesn't sound like a winner to me after all he had to go through.    
Now if you actually care how this thread came about, I suggest you actually do some research before foaming at the mouth like the good hooker's bitch dog, she trained you to be.

Look no further then that guy who PARROTs the same exact b.s. hookers b.s. about bbfs :)
She is doing bbfs with someone she LIKES just not you, don't be so jealous.  After all your a paying loser, she gives bbfs for free to non-paying person SHE actually likes :)

Don't be mad because I insult both men and hookers alike, since pretty much both sides deserve that medicine.  

And don't be so poo pooo that I make fun of your married life since its likely TRUE,  after all look at GAG he has no wife or loved ones, heck probably no real life friends either, that he spends ALL his days, hours, minutes and even seconds on a hooker board.   Even worst he think he's somewhat "cool" because he's here ( really on a hooker board day in day out ), now that is scary.  YIKES
And GAG makes fun of other people, his mirror must be right next to the computer screen with the TER site permanently logged in.  

You continue to labor under the misapprehension that ANYONE here cares.  

If that's the case, meet them after school, at the flag and jack him up. If not, then we don't want to hear your shit about so and so.
And if you can, keep your rants simple and to the point, know your audience. I have the attention span of a 4 year, so when I see your looooong winded babble, I instantly "check out", like I'll say, "Fuck this shit"
Now take your beef elsewhere...

the attention span of a 4-year-old.  I hope to work up to the some day.  Mine is even less.  

you mean Trump??

Posted By: Durhamdrew
Re: You're going to die of herpes. EOM

I've been mongering for around 20 years now. Zero tests  taken, needed or asked for. Why?  I play by the rules, respect my partners/providers, and they respect me. Shit. My resume may be lighter compared to most men on here, but I can count on one hand the number of ladies I've had bare back sex with. My first my Sr year in high school and My ex wife. Everyone else, covered for  main event.  

I've never once had a lady ask for my STD results.  

If You are hanging around ladies who request this you may be hanging around the wrong ones (unless you are visiting  a Porn Stars who will agree to bbfs, with a recent test from their preferred offices). That's cool.

I've also never had to ask a lady for her tests. I have Peace of mind.

my-0.02-cents154 reads

I would love to meet escorts that demand STD report before meeting a client. I would love to have peace of mind knowing the provider plays extra safe.

-Your risk increases just for having more than one partner, regardless of you not getting any from your wife, regardless of how many times you get laid by a "hooker."
-STD results don't prove anything but the fact that a test was done. Some STDs take 3 months or more to show up on a test which is why you should test frequently not just when you are asked.  
-Men spread STDs quicker than Women because they don't want to get tested, they think they are untouchable, STDs don't affect them the same or give them the same symptoms so it goes unnoticed, and men are careless when it comes to their sexual health.  

The rules of the road are to limit sexual partners, always use protective measures, and only engage in less risky sexual behavior. (i.e. don't go around asking for bareback with hyenas you like picking up on the side of the road). If you are interested in more info, go to https://www.cdc.gov/std/prevention/default.htm

Is about the craziest thing I have ever read about a provider's actions to rip someone off.

Let's steal money, then BL and try to ruin not only the guy's rep but all the other females who saw him after. Unreal.

Thankfully MANY ladies stood up for him.  

Test results mean nothing unless you took it and I had you locked in a cage for 6 mns. All it means is likely you don't have anything, at least not that showed YET.

I wear protection, idc what your test says. Every single time a guy ever asked me this question it was always followed by.... bbbf. Yeah I use a depo, so? Still going to put that condom on.

fucking jesus man, is he on hookers board 24/7  .

Is he the resident hooker lawyer and arbitrator of ter?

Apparently the self sufficient, no wife or friends can equal a man with no life but to be the "MAN" on a hooker board dispensing b.s as fast as he can fart

He is not cool, in fact he is the resident LOOOOOOOSER,  who spends his waking moments in life on hooker board

Its one thing to troll, one thing to post satire, one thing to post commentaries, another thing when you believe you are some sort of "reasoning" on a board that supports possibly unethical and illegal behaviors  

The rope must be GaG subconscious desire for himself

Talkin' shit about Gambler is the same to me about Jake, mrfisher, Scoed and a few others...

I'm gonna put you on your ass cuz of.  

There you go

Being put down by CEO is,actually a good thing. Look the man literally attacks doing good do the poor. Yes he is that level of assclown. He carries less then zero respect and is universally disliked. If CEO actually liked GaGambler now that would be something to be upset about. 100% sure GaGambler is happy to be on this fucktard's list of people he really dislikes.  

CEO is not worth going after. Read his posts. It is one miserable long winded diatribe after another. CEO's must me as miserable as one can possibly be given how far his head is lodged up his ass. Being put on his ass would be a mercy compared with just dealing with being him. It really isn't worth doing.

Seems like GaG need his childhood friends to come defend him.  What is this 3rd grade?  GaG can't defend himself ?

Do GaG have a bunch of GaGger's come defend his honor.  Who knew there were guys here who wants to Gag on GaG's cock.  Lol
Are you proud to be cocksuckers aka "GaGgers".. See what l did there

Who knew WKnighting now falls to defending a 24hr hooker board guy as well.

Sad when a guy can't fight his own battles and enlist his secret closeted cock lovers as well.  Do you dream of secretly gagging on GaG's cock

First off your post is a huge contradiction lol. You talk about how nasty we are but the post is also asking for std results. Why ask unless you plan to BB ? But then why would you want to BB with someone who resembles all the atrocities you describes. Most providers dont do BBFS and are very safe in what they do being that this is our business. We take extra safety measures. Also being that we do this for money , there's no reason to do it for free with gents we "actually like". Your whole mindset of providers is disgusting lol. You should stick to free ladies that you pick up at a bar . Guaranteed her std sheet won't be as clean as a provider.

Posted By: MidAgedCEO

It seems some hookers are now asking clients to show their STD test before engaging with them  
 Why are hookers not showing us their STD tests as well?  
 The fact as a client my chances of catching something is pretty low dependent on how much money I have to engage with a hooker.  
 Pretty hard to catch anything when even your wife won't give you the time of day ( after all don't you consider hookers "marriage savers".... heee heee heee  
 But on the flip side, a hooker is pretty much spreading herself for any and all paying customer thus increasing her likelihood of being a infected carrier of something.  She will encounter more sexual situations than a payee of such.   Not to mention sex workers are also sometimes groupies or sluts who sleep with others they actually like ( not clients who she probably detest internally and pretend to put up with for that 1hr or so of paid time ).  Since they put out anyways they are more likely to put out to individuals they like for free, which also increase her chance of carrying something afterward.  
 So why are clients now being forced to show their tests but a client is forbidden to ask for one in return?  Does that seem fair and right or EQUAL ( that pesky feminist demand ).   Are you really on equal footing with these ladies or are you basically submitting your dignity just to get laid by a hooker ?  
 Is that a fair demand on a client or are these hooker beginning to overstep that boundary or respectability ?

I find it interesting how disrespectful providers are talked about on this site. I thought this was suppose to be a community of support for both providers and hobbyist. We are already a taboo community to the outside world but you and a few others I've seen on this site are such disappointments. I mean, you're an insider- just like us. So I do not understand why if you think so little of people within our community, why are you here? Why don't you change your attitude and bang your wife instead? I mean, judging by your post I can see why your wife won't "Put out"

 I would never engage with someone so narrow minded no matter how much they were willing to pay me.

-- Modified on 6/8/2017 6:50:59 PM

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