TER General Board

but many cynics still refuse to believe what they see with their own eyes
GaGambler 136 reads

I think in many cases they have seen so many "magicians" use sleight of hand to deceive them that they stop believing their eyes as they still "know" deep in their heart it's a scam, no matter what their eyes are trying to tell them.

The funny thing is, sometimes the cynics are correct. Lets take you for example, some fool comes on here claiming he knows for a fact that his favorite hooker is in love with him. A "skeptic" would ask him several questions and then make a decision about whether the fool had any basis to believe said hooker really was in love with him. A cynic like you wouldn't even bother asking questions, you would immediately tell the fool he was a fool without asking for a single detail. As I said though the funny thing is, almost certainly you would be correct and you would have spared yourself all the time and effort asking the poor sap "why" he thought that way.  

Rrasha makes a point though, if the board was made up totally of cynics, many threads wouldn't have any actual discussion to them at all, just 25 different people telling some poor fool that he's a moron. lol

I've been a member her for a bit over four years, and  I think I've seen every thread at least once or twice. Sometimes multiple times.

Are there any threads that are really new and fresh?

I haven't seen a "Need an escort to take my virginity" post in awhile.

Dick size threads and Feel in Love With a Provider threads are at least once a week.

For the longest time, one gal would post a ThreAD about pee and poo play, every single week.

I rarely see any threads about this topic:  

When Hobbyists or Providers talk about their experiences to others in the Hobby. How about that one?

I know a few gals who are stalked by other providers, be it because they like them or are jealous.

The crap you read on twitter. Somehow I manage to keep out of the soap opera and keep it funny.

How about the people who feel the need to argue over stupid things and make it into WW3? Like, North Korea would be jealous.  

Or.... when other girls try to demand other girls be just like them?

I edited this to add: I can think of a few posts on a certain topic but truth be told, some of you would just be asshats and make me mad at your responses, so I don't even bother. Why ask questions when at least a few will say something nasty and hurt other people's feelers? Much beauty in all and if not hot for it, that's fine. Just not something to talk crap about. I do care how my actions and what i say.... how it affects others. It's my tragedy.

-- Modified on 7/9/2017 4:34:23 PM

On this board, I seldom comment, since it's mostly a rehash of things that have already been circulated.  Yes, I've made a made a few friends...Steph for one.  And I've had jousting partners...

Elsewhere, I view the ad boards for NYC, NJ, and my local area, plus out of town boards if I have travel plans, or know providers and hobbyists in those areas.  I also view the general boards for those areas, though they seldom have anything of interest.  

That being said, I still lurk, and occasionally post...mostly to providers, why would I waste time talking to other hobbyists, mostly?  

I've been around almost since the beginning of TER and I'm pretty sure everything has been discussed.  Sometimes the replies change.

Well someone should start a thread on the best corn bread recipes or thumb wrestling exercises or something.

Or the hobby. :)

Read the top of the page:

"TER General

Welcome to the TER General discussion board.  
This is a moderated forum dedicated to discussing the hobby, erotica, and sex related subjects. Please note, flames and posts outside of the forum topics will be removed. "

hmmm. I know the claim was 6 degrees of separate for Kevin Bacon making the game somewhat challenging for some (impossible for me because I never really remember names) but I've heard that 6 is the easy version and 4 or 3 more likely.  

However I'm pretty sure it's only degree of separation to get to sex and erotica. I suspect for many on the board here it's 0 degrees of separation!

-- Modified on 7/10/2017 1:21:23 PM

stucaboy140 reads

Good example is the "No AA" bull-shit.  Very few providers and none of the bookers has stepped forward and explained the true reason.  Those that did explain it were ignored.  

It might be that there really are no new topics; we covered them all.  My only question is who the hell is paying to fuck all these fat bitches on the Photo board?

Posted By: stucaboy
It might be that there really are no new topics; we covered them all.
"Everything that can be invented has been invented." - Charles Holland Duell, Commissioner of US Patent Office, 1899.
Approx Number of US Patents as of 1899:    615,000
Approx Number of US Patents as of 1999: 6,000,000
Approx Number of US Patents as of 2017: 9,600,000
Approx Number of Worthless TER Threads as of 2017: ????

WTF do you care if there are hobbyists who like to fuck "fat bitches?"  It's none of your fucking business.  Why are you judging them?  Who made you the "decider" of who it's OK to pay to fuck?  If a guy gets off on BBW's, that's his business, not yours.

It's none of your business if guys want to fuck "anorexic bitches."  It's none of your business if guys want to fuck 18 year olds or 70 year olds.  It's none of your business if a guy wants to get fucked in the ass by a hooker with a strap-on or even by a TS.

It's none of your business if a guy wants to be a pay pig.  I don't understand why someone would want to do that but if he gets sexual gratification from it, that's his business not yours or mine.

You probably think no one should fuck Muslim hookers, right?


And it's funny how you defend AA hookers but think that anyone who voted for Obama was stupid:


Why don't you show us the hookers you've fucked so we can judge YOU?  Until you do, STFU about who anyone else chooses to get off with.

Was my "Do You Pay For Provider's Parking" thread new and fresh or was it stale?

Topics and fetishes that haven't been discussed at all. For example, I don't  recall  ever reading about fucking  your ATF in a bathtub full of Jello . . .  Or the two of you being joined for a threesome by a dwarf, an amputee, a hermaphrodie, or a sheep ( while singing "Embraceable Ewe).

Fucking in jello. If not, we've definitely been right up close to that. Like fucking in pudding or chocolate sauce or something.

I've only been around here a short time, but I've never seen a thread about one eyed one horned flying purple people eaters.

so that topic is out, and I'm also the subject of One Eyed, One Horned, Flying Purple People Eaters has also been discussed because I know I've linked the that old Sheb Wooly classic more than once.   (And do so yet again below.)

But if people are really that desperate for a new topic, how about this one:

mfisher:   handsome stud-muffin or just totally awesome - discuss.

The jello one has definitely come up more than once, and I would bet, the dwarf amputee and hermaphrodite has come up. I don't think TER allows bestiality posts so the sheep maybe not.

I had a post about a trans-sexual horse performing DATY.

How could I forget that? They might take away my archivist title!

Oh yeah baby! I remember those 'anything goes' days down in Juarez.  

Seriously though, it's all been talked about before, many times over. However, if you're a newbie, the topic about tranny donkeys is important to your learning curve, as are all the other repeated topics. If you're a long timer still seeing new ladies, the same old topics are important in your screening process. I recently made contact with a new lady strictly on one of her posts of an old topic. If you're a hanger on, not seeing anyone new, then yeah, the topics about skyrocketing rates are quite boring.

May not have been 100% NEW or to SOME people's liking, but it was a topic I felt could be INFORMATIVE and USEFUL.

I got chewed up and spit out, with some FICTIONAL "hidden" agenda ascribed to me.

Why would ANYONE want to post to a board like THAT?

So, yeah, no NEW or OLD topics from me, and maybe OTHERS, anytime soon.  :(

GaGambler131 reads

You got what you should have expected when you bring up a VERY old and VERY tired subject and act like it's something the rest of us haven't heard a thousand times before.

Not to mention you got all "preachy" when called out by people who didn't want yet another lecture about something that has been discussed here a thousand times.

This is a tough crowd, if you don't like the response you get here, either come up with better material or find yourself a "nice" board like the Newbie or Over 60 board. But even on the "nice" boards, don't expect a more enthusiastic audience than you got here, they will just be more polite in telling you to fuck off. lol

Board for people who lash out because they had their "feelings" hurt.  For him, it's a combination of arrogance and immaturity that brings on the negative responses.

It was one of the oldest and most repeated topics!

By the way do you know what "lolo" means in Hawaiian?

...this board is OVER RUN  by LOSERS and TROLLS who have  the MENTAL   capacities  of 13 year Olds.  No wonder  you  can't  hold an ADULT  conversation  in this place.

Have  at it, boys, enjoy your intellectual  circle jerk while it lasts.  Be warned - it's   soon to become INCESTUOUS as NO one is gonna want to join you.

Enjoy it while it lasts...

Does that mean you're leaving?  I was beginning to think you were SO dense you would never get the hint.  Kudos to you for figuring it out before someone had to be REALLY rude.  

HappyChanges39 reads

He had a rough upbringing being "from the hood" and all. Thankfully he did not become "of the hood". Lol.

HAPPY - Please see prior posting to "Couer" below and apply the SAME to SELF.

Silly me.  I mistakenly ASSumed that the "T.E.R." boards (at least this one) would be populated  by like minded ADULTS.

Little did I know I'd find it OVER RUN by prepubecent BOYS who have yet to reach "first base," much less cup a REAL woman's BREASTS in their hands (and, no, your MOTHER'S does NOT count!).  SAD and PATHETIC.

As to how to spell the word, "BACHELOR," Couer, (a word you will EVENTUALLY become VERY familiar with, as it WILL designate your PERMANENT marital status, as well as an ACADEMIC term you MAY become familiar with...if you EVER graduate from JUNIOR HIGH!), you can also spell it THUSLY - "Made MORE money in ONE year than you could ever WISH for on account of my BACHELOR'S degree!" Yeah, learn THAT, son. ;)

And with that, I bid "ADIEU," kids.  If I HAVE to spend time in the presence of CHILDREN, I'd prefer  to so in the presence of MY own, or those of friends, and not of this CHARMLESS, VULGAR, and VILE bunch.

Study hard in school, kids, and MAYBE, just maybe, someday, YOU too will be able to experience  the presence of a REAL woman, just like your Uncle "Lolo" has, MANY times over and ALL over the WORLD.

Trust me, kids, STRANGER things have happened!

Bye, boys!  Play NICE!  LOL  ;)

Oh, you mean like you were, asshole?

Problem with the Internet is that it allows  PUNKS like you to become  WANNA BE tough  guys, whereas you wouldn't  DARE say  as much as a PEEP in the real world, lest a good  WEASEL like YOU got what  was coming  to  him.

So go, join the REST of your LOSER friends and continue  IMAGINING  what being with a REAL woman  feels like vs. hanging  with "Mr. LEFTY"


Most guys who have a "Batchelors" degree know how to spell it.  What a tool.  LMAO

The old TER would list threads in chronological order of the original post.  Now any thread comes to the front based on the most recent reply.

Hoping this will be done away with.  Let old threads die a natural death.

It's actually the opposite. Like GaG said the other day, instead of threads repeating we'll have the same thread going on for 10 years but with 20,000 replies!

Honest I think I am not as smart as most. I have a very hard time following threads. Wish there was an easier way. When I was not in US the old TER was all I read to learn, it was easy to follow for me then, now just harder.

Thank you,

Honest I write better than I speak, but I speak faster than I write. When I write i have things like spellcheck and grammar help. It takes me longer to write than speak because I try check things. But I know I miss many.  

I think when I say I am not smart I mean, its so different here and so much to learn to be a safe and understand the business of being a provider. Its very much different. Sometimes I see people say things I think are so stupid or crazy, only later find out they were not. So I have to watch how I react. But the only way I do learn is react and see how others then react. Many opinions, always something new to consider.  

I do try hard not be rude, but not afraid speak what I think if even polite.

My first language is English. My second language is Pig Latin. :-)  
My third language is ... I don't have a third language!
Cultural innuendo, idioms, sarcasm and humor are some of the most difficult things to translate and understand in an unfamiliar language.  I think we should try to be patient and understanding when someone is using their Nth language.  
I can follow and understand your posts ... most of the time. :-)

Posted By: ChristineGFE
Sometimes I see people say things I think are so stupid or crazy, only later find out they were not. So I have to watch how I react. But the only way I do learn is react and see how others then react. Many opinions, always something new to consider.  
 I do try hard not be rude, but not afraid speak what I think if even polite.
Pig Latin: A common kids' game. Take a word (e.g., Word).  Move the first letter (W) to the end and add an "ay" ending.  "Word" becomes "ord-Way" pronounced urd-way, not or-dway.  "Pig Latin" becomes "ig-Pay atin-Lay."  
Other versions of Pig Latin use different endings. This one looks complicated but it's easy in the song:

Robust discussion thrives on diversity.  Unfortunately, only a small fraction of TER members even read the board much less post or start threads.  This dearth of contributors allows a rogue’s gallery of braggards, blatherskites and windbags to regurgitate a one dimensional and often cynical view of the hobby. In such a shallow pool, repetition is inevitable.  

Without the so-called rogue's gallery you are down to the same five posters posting the same things. What's wrong with cynics?

Skepticism is more conducive to discussion than cynicism. A skeptic has doubt in the absence of contrary evidence. A cynic mistrust anything he disagrees with.

Many cynics mistrust things because of what they saw with their own eyes!

GaGambler137 reads

I think in many cases they have seen so many "magicians" use sleight of hand to deceive them that they stop believing their eyes as they still "know" deep in their heart it's a scam, no matter what their eyes are trying to tell them.

The funny thing is, sometimes the cynics are correct. Lets take you for example, some fool comes on here claiming he knows for a fact that his favorite hooker is in love with him. A "skeptic" would ask him several questions and then make a decision about whether the fool had any basis to believe said hooker really was in love with him. A cynic like you wouldn't even bother asking questions, you would immediately tell the fool he was a fool without asking for a single detail. As I said though the funny thing is, almost certainly you would be correct and you would have spared yourself all the time and effort asking the poor sap "why" he thought that way.  

Rrasha makes a point though, if the board was made up totally of cynics, many threads wouldn't have any actual discussion to them at all, just 25 different people telling some poor fool that he's a moron. lol

charlatans and pettifoggers.

Braggarts on the TER boards?!  Surely you jest beautiful lady?  While it's true that some guys claim to do 2 (or more) ladies in one day, they are always humble enough to leave out the fact that their performance improved each time and to make no mention at all of the creative lies they came up with - or money they had to pay -- to have the first (or second, third, etc.) lady let them leave; for it's surely beyond the pale that one lady, let alone two or more, would have let these stud muffins leave without putting up a fuss.

One dimensional view of the hobby?!  Are you suggesting that there could be an alternative to:  The guy who gets the most time/pops for the least amount of money wins -- and everybody else loses?!  Dear child, your ability to imagine such an alternative is no doubt due to your unconcern about that worst of all possible monger fates, namely, having other TER mongers accuse you of having no game or balls -- The Horror, The Horror!

souls_harbor99 reads

The complaints about repetition in topics is a testament to the solipsistic narcissism of the long time posters here.   As if the world only exists to serve them.

The great utility of the TER forum is the information useful to new clients and providers -- and secondly to keep the community up to date on the evolution of the industry.   New recruits are going to ask the same questions.

...coming up with something new yourself? Or is this it? lol

That's pretty challenging. How about "who likes it up the ass with old rough lumber?"

Probably been done

.... Just new people asking them...

Posted By: donbecker54

I've been a member her for a bit over four years, and  I think I've seen every thread at least once or twice. Sometimes multiple times.  
 Are there any threads that are really new and fresh?

"There is nothing new under the sun. It has all been done before." Of course, today Sherlock would have to update that by adding that it has all been said before as well .....

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