TER General Board

BeetleJuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
GaGambler 105 reads

No, lets leave our loud mouth little mooch on his own board. The poor little troll has been reduced to "talking to himself" once again now that you rarely respond to him any more since the other boards now have some life to them.

But yes, every board needs a piñata and lolo melts down with the best of them.

It's funny, when someone as lame as lolo is here, even the likes of you, me, Sauce and even the angry old jew are too busy smacking him around to be bothered fighting amongst ourselves, I am sure it's only temporary, but it's kind of fun as a change of pace.

Anyone care to chime in on what they think the ACTUAL risk of STD transmission, via being with a “pro” vs. a “civvie,” is?  🤔
True, so many FACTORS to consider.
Some would argue that “pros” are SAFER, since it’s in their best interests to follow “best practices,” lest it affect their “bottom line.”
Others would argue that VOLUME alone would stack the odds against them.
Also, for those of us who engage in “DATY,” are we taking a BIGGER risk by doing so with a “pro,” vs. doing so with a “civvie?”
Do any of you ”mongers“ who “DATY” follow certain recommended “safe practices” (dental dams, etc.) when engaging in such behavior?
Has a “pro” (or a “civvie!”) ever become OFFENDED when you attempted such “practices?”
Thanks in advance to everyone for sharing!  🙂

-- Modified on 1/28/2020 10:28:47 AM

Many girls here over the years tell us "pros" are safer than civie women and thats bc it is in their best interests to do so.  

But as we see on twitter, and on this board just VERY recently, with Alexandra Marie totally melting down and having a hissy only to have her get caught lying about her pics and age, women don't always do what is in their best interests.

No one knows which "group" is safer bc we are talking about thousands of different groups. And no one can speak for what others do bcd although many women have done so on this board which always struck me as bizarre.

I never think about what group a girl was in regarding my safety. The best way to look it is to assume there is risk with every women, take the proper precautions, and realize that that specific degree of risk with any individual is impossible to know so I don't worry about out.

I beg to DIFFER.  🧐
Would a “virgin” have the same risk factor as anyone else?  🤔
How about someone from a devoutly religious background?
Granted, the only 100% safe sex is NO sex (duh!) 🙄
But outside of that extreme, there exist “rings” of risks.
The challenge is to determine where anyone “fits” on what “ring” at any given time.  🤔

Are "rings of risks" anything like "circles of trust?"  I must be misinformed.  I thought "rings of risk" were a condition that people who use cheap toilet paper got.  (Get checked out for OCD.  A lot of people who have it think they are completely normal.)  

When you suggest someone from a devoutly religious background is low risk, it just shows you're inexperienced.  You obviously didn't grow up near an all-girl Catholic school like I did.  Despite the fact they were required to study religion for an hour each day at school, those girls fucked a lot more than girls at co-ed schools, and because they had a religious "image" to uphold, they wouldn't be caught dead with a condom in their possession.  They were higher risk than other girls, but hey, teenage boys all think they are immortal, so at that age, we were unconcerned about "risk."  

The OP frames the question, and then gives THEIR OWN response to start things off.   You're seeking info from others without offering any insights from yourself.  Where is the quid pro quo?  Check some of AshleyShye's questions.  Even though they are mostly for fun, she's not "shy" (no pun intended) about stating her own practices and preferences.  It encourages others to step up.  

Answer my own query MYSELF?  😳
Tell ya what..., YOU post your query YOUR way, and I’ll post my query MINE.  😡

Jesus, it’s like HALF the responses on here revolve around STYLE rather than SUBSTANCE.  🙄

When will you start?

Also, don't call me Jesus regardless of how much in awe you are.  

-- Modified on 1/28/2020 10:20:38 AM

Um..., when you write something, anything CONSTRUCTIVE.  🙄
As for “Jesus,” some argue he had a “complex.”
Maybe you can relate.
Food for thought.  🤔

that are constructive, I just don't see any point in responding seriously to the drivel you post.  You're clearly low-volume, due to your obvious lack of experience in P4P which shines through your posts no matter how "intelligent" you pretend to be about this biz.  To top it all off, you've been posting her for ten minutes, and now you're an expert.  You want to talk about "complexes."  Bwahahahahahahaha

So I will make you a more than fair proposition . . . . . when you get some substance that is above the newbie level, I will be constructive with you.  

My eyes have now been OPENED!
I now see how EMPTY and VACUOUS my life, my “hobby” life, has been without YOUR guidance and apparent expertise.
But, since I doubt MOST people on this board give a FUCK about you steering me in the “right” direction, you might wanna hold off on offering any of that prime UNSOLICITED advice, friend-o.  🙄🙄🙄
Sorry, people, I know - DON’T feed the TROLL!  (smh...) 😔

It's a wonder Lala, because you and CDL could be friends, I mean, you both love busty asians, but for some reason you insist on trying to piss in his cheerios, completely oblivious to the fact that CDL was here long before you, and he'll probably be here long after you, which means he knows a thing or two about getting what you're after.

And don't get me wrong Lala, I'm not a huge fan of yours, mostly because your writing style reminds me of 40 year old facebook moms ranting about vaccines or really anything they know nothing about, and that's grating on a good day. I just wish you'd at least take good advice when it's offered, and I guess stop using random capitals and emojis.


Also, as a side note, if anyone has contact info for Smartie, her and lolo would be a match made in 'i don't prep for anal' heaven.

Talk to me when you get a halfway RESPECTABLE amount under your belt.
Even then, YOUR opinions will remain IRRELEVANT to me, so DONT bother wasting your time, son.  😳
May I suggest you spend it engaging with your LAME ass troll/girlfriend, “CDL,” instead?
NEXT!  😄

Do you have a clue how ridiculous that looks? Not to mention that the number of reviews associated with a handle is NOT necessarily how many reviews -- or how much experience -- someone has. For example, he could also review under an alias here. Or he could also review on another site. I have done both. Or he could not review AT ALL for various reasons (GaGa comes to mind) but still have LOTS of experience.
All you have demonstrated here is how thin-skinned and inexperienced you are. You really need to calm down, dodo.

Even though I have been a TER VIP member since 2008,  I was reviewing on CV's AF review site, up until they closed in 2015, for two reasons . . . . 1)  TER's conditions are that you will not republish TER reviews you post on another site (because they are essentially compensating you with VIP days and therefore, they OWN the review, not me), and 2) at that time, AF was more geared towards the SoCal Kgirl community whereas TER is international.  Because I posted nearly 450 reviews on AF, and none on TER during those first seven years of my P4P fun,  the things I learned during those years and the experiences I had can only be ascertained on TER over time, as I post about them from time to time.    

Accordingly, I try not to be judgmental on newer guys here (some may have 30 years of high-volume P4P, which is way more than me), but when you get a guy like lolo, that just seems to have learned nothing that most of us learn early on from P4P experiences, you can only assume he's a complete fake, or else so self-centered, he doesn't pay attention to what is going on when he is interacting with providers.  Stupid posts like this one just prove that point.  

I know several members, who were busted by a wife or SO, so they stopped writing reviews and changed to posting under an alias to give the appearance that they are no longer on TER in case they are being watched.  There are probably a dozen other good reasons beyond the major ones that you mention.

He's been here almost as long as me, but apparently learned nothing in the fifteen years he's been here. I would be tempted to say he's just a slow learner, but I think his handle lolo is fitting and he's just plain dumb. I would love to sugarcoat it, yeah sure I would, but it's pretty obvious that the only kind of cock that lolo is ever going to be here is a shuttlecock, here for us to bat around for our entertainment.  

I honestly can't think of any one as gameless since the last gameless wonder escaped from Nicks barn. Hey Court, do you think lolo likes snails??? lmao

Do you sophomoric ASSHOLES ever TIRE of nitpicking NONSENSE and NOT contributing ANYTHING of VALUE?  😳
I’d give up posting ENTIRELY if it weren’t for those who DO contribute something of value that ALL members can use and learn from, regardless of what the OP is, instead of getting their PATHETIC kicks from the act of “trolling,” as you JACKASSES do.
And, as anyone can see, it’s always the SAME line-up of immature, irrelevant ASSHOLES “stirrin’ the pot.”
Maybe “youse” should start your own site where BUFFOONERY like yours is TOLERATED and allowed to THRIVE (not that it isn’t already, unfortunately 😒).
If the “T.E.R.” boards are to THRIVE again, and become a forum where INTELLIGENT and WORTHWHILE interactions take place, then MODERATORS need to step in and curb the rampant “JUVENILIA” that currently passes for adult discourse on here.
Now, good night... and FUCK OFF! 🤬
Thank you.

contribute something of value will still be here after you're gone.  if all of your posts were removed, this board would still look like its thriving again, albeit at a higher IQ level.  There's so much going on here now, some days I don't have time to keep up with it all.    

I would like to think you are NOT bluffing about leaving.  If you are, then you are the weak, spineless nit wit that you have been successfully representing yourself to be.  Kudos to you for doing the right thing and putting yourself on the bench until you get the skills to play in this league.  Perhaps you're a stand-up guy after all.

The “junior” high league?  😳
Nah, I left that behind AGES ago, son. 😎
Grow some “PUBES” first, boy.
Then MAYBE, just maybe, we’ll have that talk about the “birds and the bees” your ABSENTEE father obviously wasn’t around to give you.
Remember to WASH out the “sex doll” after EVERY use, kids! 😉

GaGambler164 reads

Or the guy who still doesn't get it after 15 years?

BTW I have ZERO reviews under my belt but I guarantee you not only have I had a LOT more pussy than you will ever have, but I know a lot more about how TER works as well.

One other thing, CDL, Sauce, Nick and I NEVER agree on anything. Thanks for bringing us all together, if only for the moment. lol Cue nick puking all over himself at the thought. lol

You JACKASSES are hopeless!
Good luck “jerking off” into a sock!
The reason an ASSHOLE like you probably doesnt have any reviews is that you wouldnt know where to find a pussy with a drawn out map.
I gotta assume you’re some GEEKY pre-teen who still think the word “cooties” is HILARIOUS, as you don’t strike me as anything resembling a MAN.  😳
Might I suggest you occupy yourself with soft core porn, to start with?
The “HARD” stuff might just blow your mind.
Don’t worry, sonny.
ONE day, when you’ve saved up enough from your PAPER route, you might be able to “cop a feel” from your neighborhood ho.
Baby steps, son, baby steps.
Now, kindly do me a FAVOR and FUCK OFF!  😡

Both GaG and I have stated our ages . . . . and is the same number for both of us. If you find it, you're going to feel even more stupid from some of your posts to us "kids."

You ought to consider changing your screen name.  Its becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Why not ask Stormy what dickhead is in Hawaiian.   You won't have to worry about BECOMING one.  

You have the mind and MANNERISMS of a PREPUBESCENT boy.  🧐
Oh, and I could give TWO shits whether a LOSER like you, or your little “friends,” thinks I”m a “dickhead” or not.
Get over yourself... ASSHOLE.  🖕🏼

in your cornflakes because YOU only have 16 reviews?  Keeping a child-like perspective on life will not make you seen younger to other people, only retarded.  

Coming from your OBVIOUSLY mentally incapacitated mind, I believe this is a PERFECT example of what psychiatrists call “PROJECTING.”  🤔
Good luck with the little “CIRCLE JERK” society you guys got here.
Who knows, maybe, one day, you may “GRADUATE” to actually smelling an adult FEMALE’s panties, rather than PATHETICALLY sharing a smelly, worn out “SEX doll” you lame ass idiots most likely use to get your jollies now.
Good luck with THAT, boys!  🖕🏼

You're the one who felt compelled to denigrate Sauce on the basis of his review count.  You have 16 and I have 234.  You have four times what he has, and I have 14 times what you have.  Why do you feel you can talk down to Sauce based solely on his review count, but I can't talk down to you based solely on yours?  That kind of makes you a duplicitous coward, don't you think?

This is a legitimate question based on your actions.  Can you answer without having another meltdown?

-- Modified on 1/29/2020 11:59:47 AM

Here’s my LAST answer to you, kid - 🖕🏼
It’s called the “ONE finger salute.”
You’ll find it USEFUL in life when dealing with OTHER assholes... much like yourself.  🤔
I do hope (against hope!) that you do get to at LEAST feel up a REAL girl at least ONCE in your life, if not kiss her, instead of having to read ALL about it HERE.  😢
Now, good night and FUCK OFF!  🙂

I asked you to answer my question BEFORE you had another meltdown.  I guess that was too much to hope for.   Good luck to you trying to solve life's problems by flipping people off.  What are you, 15 years old?

Sonny, I get more pussy in a month than you get in a year, so save your breath on the personal insults.  It has no effect on me.  Maybe you could tell of which one(s), if any, of your generic reviews are real?  Reviews lacking in detail, like yours, are often suspect, and after considering some of your posts, one has to wonder if you are still a virgin.  

Maybe we should start a gofundme to "get LaLa laid" so he can chill the hell out.

Nah, I do WELL on my own, son.  😊
Why don’t you focus on getting to “FIRST base” first before talking to a REAL man, son?
In the meantime, go join the REST of the “LOSER’S club” and fantasize about what a REAL woman’s BREAST must feel like.  😳
Yeah, even the BEST “sex doll” you LOSERS commonly use DONT count.
Later, BITCHES... 😎

How many times and to how many people are you going to claim that you are done talking to them? There really aren't that many people on these boards right now, Do you plan on imitating Laffy and just start talking to yourself?

Before you go, could you answer one other question for me, is there any decision making process that goes into which words you choose to capitalize, or do you just do it at random?

Why? Because you told us so.
For god's sake, dodo, please beg, borrow or steal some game.
You remind me more and more of a sad creature who escaped from my barn years ago.

So far my dick has not fell off so far I not dead.

John_Laroche86 reads

They may have statistics on reported STD infection sources (pro vs. civvie). Pretty much any opinion you find here is just that, opinion.  

That said, the #1 "safe practice" that I employ is avoiding hookers that get BBFS reviews.  

I'd trust a pro more than a civie...
The pro is always thinking with the purse
How many civies have drunken hookups?
The pro has no emotion or hormones in the thought process  vs. a civie who could be drunk, or just horny af, and throwing caution to the wind. Also probably more likely to have a " it wont happen to me " mindset.

Good points all around.  😉

but I am laughing at the computer over here.    
I do have a stack of dental dams, I have only had two people ever use them.  
I don't know the answer to the ops question but wouldn't it be funny to ask the same question about hobbyists?  

And what if a pro asked a hobbyist to show his papers?  
omg. that is an insight to government regulation. Everyone back Decriminalization vs legalization.  (another topic of course)

My vote is.....just everyone, at the very least, get tested at their yearly exam.

So, would YOU be offended if a client asked to use one of your “dental dams”  on you?  😳

Oh no! Not at all. If that is what they are comfortable with then I certainly don't mind. I wouldn't be insulted at all or enjoy it any less.

Which civies?  Which pros?  Men and women who have few sex partners have obviously less chance of contracting STDs.  Some civies have lots of partners.   Many pros get tested regularly and leave the biz if they acquire an STD.  Many street walkers are strung out on drugs and safe sex is a distant concern.

That said, grouping all sex workers together, I've read they have 5 to 60 times the STD rates of the normal population.  That wide range just shows how crappy the data is.

It's not just a data issue, it's a reporting issue, because they're relying on self reporting when they're talking about civvies vs pros.

In the data world, self-reporting is absolute hot garbage and is really only useful for getting a general feel of how to structure a real study to get reliable data. Nobody has bothered to do that because it'd be expensive, and it's really not important in the eyes of agencies funding that sort of study.

In reality, STD transmission rates are pretty low when using protection. A nonzero number, and a higher nonzero for things like HSV, but all very, very low, and with a cover it'd be the perfect storm for you to catch something.

are advertising openly.  There are a few other agencies in LA that are following suit.  This started a couple of years ago in the Bay Area, but up there, they refer to it as PSE service rather than BBFS, but it means the same thing.  The older established LA agencies have not gone this route . . . . yet.

I don't really have a problem with it.  Those that want it now know where to go, and those that don't want it know who to avoid.  Obviously, the girls know what their ads say and are okay with it.  I haven't been to this place in 18 months since they started to advertise like this, even though I know the booker well.  

With that said, the BBFS hounds in SoCal tend to be one and done when seeing BBFS girls, so very few of these girls get repeats.  This means they are having more unique contacts with more mongers than girls that have a number of regulars.  This increases the risk even  more.  Its the new normal, so we all need to get used to it, I suppose.  

It may not have been openly advertised but bbfs  was always way more available at Bay Area AAMPs than any other area. This goes back over ten years.

I have read up on these reports from LA and find it astonishing that you have men openly bragging on other sites about their experiences, which sounds to me like a  public health nightmare. I cannot imagine the risks involved with that.  Why is something not done  to reign in these problems? Cali seems to be out of control in so many ways.

a public health nightmare, LE is more likely to intervene and try to close some of these operations down.  On the other hand, if a doctor told me I was dying of cancer and had three months to live, I would probably spend those three months in one of these places.  Lol

Depends on the provider.  Many civies have unprotected sex, but then again I hear many pros do to with their long time regulars.  Safe sex is the best because I do not want any STDs.

STD’s based on “Actual Statistics”

Genital herpes - Very common

Over 3 million US cases each year  

Adults under the age of 50 infested with HSV 2 / genital herpes ( 1 in 8 )

The percentage of women with herpes is THE SAME in the general population as with sex workers.

This is based on ACTUAL STATISTICS of women TESTED.  

Many sex workers are not as health conscious as the average civilian, so my guess is that the prevalence of herpes in sex workers is higher than what statistics show.  

I personally know a 24 yr old woman on SA with herpes.

She told me that “most of the time” her and whatever SD she is f*cking that day use a condom.


She also loves BBC.  

As a body rub provider, I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard men who see FS providers say, “she didn’t make ME wear a condom”, as if they are the only one she’s having unprotected sex with.

Sex workers are about as trustworthy as hobbyists.  

Stay safe, guys ;)

the most prevalent STD of all. Virtually everyone who's sexually active above the age of 14 has it.

Where is the URL to these stats?  Stats can be used to say anything you want with them.

to those who offered CONSTRUCTIVE posts.
Unfortunately, the few “children” who populate this board, and post out of PROPORTION to the rest of “T.E.R.’s” membership, apparently after school, just end up bringing down the mental AVERAGE of the entire endeavor.
I have NO interests in interacting with CHILDREN when it comes to the adult topics that would be discussed on a board like this.
Good luck with THAT.  ✌🏼

Where were YOU? And what you also fail to understand is that most of your posts deserve criticism. You're a misinformed, opinionated, juvenile fool who has all the game of a ten-year-old. Shape up or be prepared to take rafts of shit.

insulting poor defenseless ten year olds.


As for the rafts of shit, it's more like ships of shit and those ships have already sailed. lol

The WHOLE point of using “pros” is NOT having to have “game.”
If you have so MUCH “game” as you say, WTF are you doing HERE?  😳
Yet another DELUSIONAL loser.  🙄
Much like ROACHES, I see the “vermin” have returned in FULL force.  🤢
Good luck giving each other REACH AROUNDS, boys!
Sorry you BOYS ended up HERE.
Maybe YEARS ago, when the LOT of you ASSHOLES joined, there wasn’t a board for old, bitter “QUEENS” in denial, like YOURSELVES.  🙁
Guess what, kids?
They’re out there, waiting for your OBNOXIOUS asses to join them. 🙂
Yeah, look up “OLD TROLL QUEENS R US!” 😆
Almost forgot..., where are my MANNERS?
“ink-whatever” (and I thought I had a STUPID ASS name!  🙄), this is my PARTING gift for YOU..., bitch - 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
You’re welcome.  😉

that my earlier post was entirely accurate.
Now here's some friendly advice....
When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is STOP DIGGING!
Oops! Too late!

Something you have LIMITED, if ANY experience with!  😮
The good thing, son, is that NOWADAYS, you don’t have to leave your home to “spank it,” like you apparently NEED to.
You can come on here, and FANTASIZE about what being with an ACTUAL human FEMALE  must be like.  🤔
Again, MAYBE, someday, you MAY get to “first base,” even with a “PRO...,” you know, since, to use your words, you possess such AMAZING “game!” 😆😂🤣
I leave you, AGAIN, with my one finger “salute” - 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
Good luck, KID!  😉

That makes me feel young again.
As for being with "an ACTUAL human FEMALE"-- and since you are the one using review counts to measure experience-- I have 61 here alone, just under this handle, plus ten or so more with another. Compared to your 16.  I also have more than 40 on another site and have seen dozens of women overseas unreviewed. So your statement is mildly humorous. Just like your "game."
I'd wish you good luck but yours will never change until you are smart enough to STFU. I'm betting that doesn't happen any time soon.

-- Modified on 1/30/2020 10:15:37 AM

He was soooo proud of his 16 reviews when he jumped on Sauce.   He's one of those guys who thinks he had a big dick because the girls he is paying for sex tell him that.  He hears, "Ooooooo, baby, you have the longest three inches I've ever had and it fills me up so nicely."  If he wasn't paying, she would be asking if its IN yet.  Lol

“Couer whatever the fuck” your name is.
For the record, I DO have a BIG dick.  🍆😮
You can ask EVERY single “pro” I’ve reviewed on here (along with the MANY I haven’t!).  
Otherwise, you’ll NEVER know for sure.  🤔
You’re just NOT my type.  🤮
I think you and that “inky” ASSHOLE, or that “Gaga whatever” ASSHOLE, would make a GREAT couple, though (or your DREAM threesome?).  😉
Enjoy, BOYS.
Play nice!  😎

That "having" a big dick, and "being" a big dick are two entirely different things.  The fact that you don't speaks volumes about you.

If you had been here more than a few weeks, you would also know that the three of us that you referenced don't roll that way.  OTOH, you seem to be at least a little obsessed with men having sex with other men.  You keep coming back to that.  I really don't care what YOUR preferences are and I will be sure to ask the providers you've seen if you are as big a dick with them as you are here.  Once in awhile there are tranny dicks on the photo or ad boards, so you might want to check them out.  Might make your solo sessions a little more fun.  

Are you saying there are other women you have seen, but did NOT review?  Why?  Did they throw you out?

-- Modified on 1/30/2020 7:16:56 AM

One LAST thing ~
You’re RIGHT.
Again, my days playing games with BOYS are LONG behind me.
So, I choose NOT to PARTICIPATE in ANY board where you JACKASSES are featured.
But, I’m NOT shutting UP.  🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
Later, BOYS... 😎

We'd hate to lose such a good piñata.

You and CDL are agreeing for the first time in I can't remember how long and even Sauce and I are in agreement. Yep, nothing like a  new board pinata to bring folks together

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Besides, look at how unifying he is
You and CDL are agreeing for the first time in I can't remember how long and even Sauce and I are in agreement. Yep, nothing like a  new board pinata to bring folks together
Especially NOT to the USELESS losers on THIS board!  🤬

Funny thing is... I actually know  REAL, LIVE people that KNOW you, and what ASSHOLES you ALL truly are.  😲

But, rather than BLOW up your “spot,” I’m gonna keep my “powder dry,” and NOT divulge my “sources.”

Let just say they’re “DEEP,” and LEGIT.  😧

WHY risk jeopardizing my membership in order to set a bunch of WORTHLESS, TOOTHLESS clowns straight?  🤡

As it is, I’ve already WASTED too much of my PRECIOUS time interacting with the WORTHLESS lot of you.

Why would I want to WASTE anymore?

I have no urge, nor NEED, to join THIS useless LOSERS club.

Like I said, have at it, BOYS.  😉

I’m sure you can share the latest MASTURBATORY tips (best lotion? best porn? 😳) amongst your all too LONELY selves.  😢

Wait til you get to practice with REAL women, kids!  😳

IF that EVER happens, of course!  😆🤣😁

Cheers, BOYS! 😎🖕🏼

It'd be even funnier if it wasn't so pathetic.

Turns out I COMPLETELY forgot about you, “johnboy!” 😆
My departure from this LOSERS gaggle wouldn’t be complete without giving you, “jimBOY (obvious emphasis on the “boy!”), YOUR own “ONE finger salute” as well, so, here ya go, bud - 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
You may now consider your SAD, IRRELEVANT life COMPLETE.  😁
Bye, LOSER! 😎✌🏼

That was comforting as I was beginning to think your dates may have been blow up dolls.

Just a word of advice bro. When you say you KNOW people who know the people you are referring to in your post, that comes off like a veiled threat.

You are not threatening anyone here, are you Lolo?

His actual words were "REAL" and "LIVE" and "DEEP" and "LEGIT."  I guess all-caps means it must be true, huh?

one who goes by "stupid", we are having a regular kumbaya moment.  As nick says, we need a guy like this when its slow here since Laffy stopped coming to this board.  

GaGambler106 reads

No, lets leave our loud mouth little mooch on his own board. The poor little troll has been reduced to "talking to himself" once again now that you rarely respond to him any more since the other boards now have some life to them.

But yes, every board needs a piñata and lolo melts down with the best of them.

It's funny, when someone as lame as lolo is here, even the likes of you, me, Sauce and even the angry old jew are too busy smacking him around to be bothered fighting amongst ourselves, I am sure it's only temporary, but it's kind of fun as a change of pace.

Is he really so stupid not to know we were both outed YEARS ago? And that we give less than a fuck?
Poor dodo...with every post he reveals himself to be stupider and stupider.
He is now reaching depths last plumbed by Tidwit.

I honestly almost missed that in his post, but between all the unnecessary and irrationally placed CAP, Quotes and emojis It was kind of difficult getting through his last post. It looked like it was written by a drunken, retarded, 14 year old girl who just got dumped by her boyfriend. Maybe he could borrow a few of fatgirl's commas to make it a perfect mess?

I am really looking forward to reading about all these "secrets" he plans on sharing with the class. I've known you for a decade or more and didn't know you still had any secrets. I know I certainly don't, unless he plans on revealing my blood type. lol

I sold that place last year. But I do have a few acres of woods, which can hide a lot.

posted about your blood type, or was it just that it was 20% alcohol by volume?

What conditions make the exposure more like to become an infection and what is the incubation period.

Not a doctor and have not really investigated but my understanding is that men are less likely to contract the disease since our junk is external (if BBFS but still applies to surrounds areas when condom's are used). So if you don't have open wounds allowing access it would take a lot longer for the bacteria/virus to get through our protective skin layer. Then if there is a relatively long incubation period (I think 4 hours is a common period before bacteria acclimates to a new environment and starts multiplying) and you shower and clean yourself well...

I suspect that might hold true for women as well but it's just they have a more challenging hygiene situation.

And of course there is the whole question about oral but I think the mouth is a pretty harsh environment for most things with digestive enzymes and other first line defense tools. But I suspect the Listerine wash after the session might be helpful here.

The link below has a little bit of info, not nothing about hygiene related aspects or things like acclimation periods or if that even matters.

If my supposition is right though, makes me wonder about the guys that have contracted STDs and just what their hygiene habits are. I would say in this case it might be more likely one gets an STD from a civi partner as the likilhood you have sex and then hope in a shower shortly after is probably a lot lower.

...and although I will ask if my provider would rather be covered (or have me covered) I have yet to have one want to do so. I would never be offended if one were to ever ask or require it.

"My sessions will always include mutual DATY....", you are excluding some of us from participating?   Lol

I think she has the very same rule as me, no one with a dick is welcome in my bed either.

Let me ask you CDL, do you REALLY want to participate with lopaw in a session? I know I don't, unless it were just her on one end, me on the other and four hotties in between. We could each start on our side and eventually meet in the middle. lol

With a bi-girl and a Lesbian, and they were two of the hottest sessions I have had, even though there was only accidental/incidental contact with the Lesbian as we both were pulling O's out of the bi-girl.  We were mostly working at opposite ends of the bi-girl at any given time.   Lopaw and I have never met, and I honestly don't think she would be up for it, but I would keep an open mind, and continue to joke with her about it in he meantime.  LOL

GaGambler143 reads

Well Ok, it sounds a lot better, but still not my thing. If there is only one vagina in the bed that wants dick I want to be the only one satisfying it.

Now I am sure you do remember me mentioning my one FFMF session which was more accurately a L/GF/M/H session. Translation Lesbian/Girl Friend/Me/Hooker session. A GREAT time was had by all, but I had someone to keep me occupied while I was sharing my GF with my Lesbian friend. Without the hooker we hired for the occasion I doubt I would have such found memories of the session.

Personally, I prefer the mental image I have of Lopaw being some kind of Bond Supervillan slaying all the stripper ass in arms reach (and probably some that isn't).

I mean, let's face it gents, she's probably getting more organic action than any of us.

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