Sports Talk

Re: Even if trans swimmers are sporting . . . .
impposter 49 Reviews 329 reads

My post went up 1.5 hours before your post. Thanks for reading it, especially the part that quoted from a news source (link provided):  
"A Harvard swimmer, born F and transed to M, competed against M for 3 years at Harvard ... and even won a few races!
Schuyler Bailar, ****first trans athlete to compete on a NCAA Division 1 men's team****, wants all trans athletes to feel represented.
"... In 2015, Bailar became the first transgender athlete to compete on an NCAA Division 1 men's team and finished his four years at Harvard in the ****top 13% of the breaststroke and top 15% of butterfly.****  ..."

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Even if trans swimmers are sporting . . . .
a miniscule package, there should be enough of their junk visible through the girls' swimming suits they will be wearing to tell they are still men.  If they have their dick removed, then a DNA test could substitute.    

The blatant unfairness of letting them compete as women is emphasized by the fact that ****there has not yet been a F2M swimmer who has competed against other males.**** That alone should convince even the most stupid democrats that M2F trans athletics should not compete as GG's.  
"there has not yet been a F2M swimmer who has competed against other males" --- NOT! Who are you calling stupid?  
Maybe someone can find the Fox News version for you to read.

Whats the read on the P&R board about collegate-level women's swimming being invaded by trans females? especially with Dem politicians backing it so hard.

World Coaches Association Releases Position on Transgender Swimming: ‘Inclusion, Fairness Cannot Coexist in Current Model’
"... The WSCA’s position is that the competitive balance of women’s swimming cannot be ensured with transgender athletes, though the group maintains its commitment to find a way to include transgender swimmers in a fair way ..."  
" "For the sport of swimming, the inclusion of transgender people on the grounds of fairness cannot co-exist in the current competitive model."  ... The WSCA said a possible solution is to create a Trans Division. ..."

Posted By: LostSon

Whats the read on the P&R board about collegate-level women's swimming being invaded by trans females? especially with Dem politicians backing it so hard.
The swimmer in that video has a HUGE clit, maybe from Fraser syndrome or clitoromegaly.  
A Harvard swimmer, born F and transed to M, competed against M for 3 years at Harvard ... and even won a few races!
Schuyler Bailar, first trans athlete to compete on a NCAA Division 1 men's team, wants all trans athletes to feel represented.
"... In 2015, Bailar became the first transgender athlete to compete on an NCAA Division 1 men's team and finished his four years at Harvard in the top 13% of the breaststroke and top 15% of butterfly.  ..."
[Pre-trans Schuyler was a BEE-YOO-TEE-FUL Asian F swimmer.]

This swimmers wins?  were they against men before or after he she started taking testosterone?

a miniscule package, there should be enough of their junk visible through the girls' swimming suits they will be wearing to tell they are still men.  If they have their dick removed, then a DNA test could substitute.  

The blatant unfairness of letting them compete as women is emphasized by the fact that there has not yet been a F2M swimmer who has competed against other males.  That alone should convince even the most stupid democrats that M2F trans athletics should not compete as GG's.  

My post went up 1.5 hours before your post. Thanks for reading it, especially the part that quoted from a news source (link provided):  
"A Harvard swimmer, born F and transed to M, competed against M for 3 years at Harvard ... and even won a few races!
Schuyler Bailar, ****first trans athlete to compete on a NCAA Division 1 men's team****, wants all trans athletes to feel represented.
"... In 2015, Bailar became the first transgender athlete to compete on an NCAA Division 1 men's team and finished his four years at Harvard in the ****top 13% of the breaststroke and top 15% of butterfly.****  ..."

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Even if trans swimmers are sporting . . . .
a miniscule package, there should be enough of their junk visible through the girls' swimming suits they will be wearing to tell they are still men.  If they have their dick removed, then a DNA test could substitute.    

The blatant unfairness of letting them compete as women is emphasized by the fact that ****there has not yet been a F2M swimmer who has competed against other males.**** That alone should convince even the most stupid democrats that M2F trans athletics should not compete as GG's.  

"there has not yet been a F2M swimmer who has competed against other males" --- NOT! Who are you calling stupid?  
Maybe someone can find the Fox News version for you to read.

I stand corrected.   Okay, so I should have said no F2M tranny has ever WON a major swimming contest at the national level.  Would you agree with that?  If you do, we are good.  

It isn't just your admission to "stand corrected."  For one thing, the correct info was already posted a few lines above and 90 minutes earlier than your post.  You made ZERO EFFORT to post correct info but just to post your opinion as fact.  
I, for one, can not keep up with your false, misleading, inflammatory posts that you justify with "poetic license."  There are too many gullible readers who read your posts and believe them and use them to reinforce their own biased beliefs. The Fourth Estate (journalists; press corps) spent a lot of their time fact checking and correcting Trump -- more than 30,000 falsehoods during his administration (not counting the campaigns or post-Pres). I don't have enough time to spend doing the same thing here.
In another thread, you misquoted, I assume DELIBERATELY misquoted (i.e., made ZERO EFFORT to look up the actual quote), Kamala Harris. My post, correcting the misquote and providing the source and context, was deleted by Admin.  
Instead putting the burden on others to catch and correct your mistakes just stop posting false and misleading info and make an effort (i.e., do a google search) before you end up posting more lies.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Wow, one outlier that I missed. . . .  
I stand corrected.   Okay, so I should have said no F2M tranny has ever WON a major swimming contest at the national level.  Would you agree with that?  If you do, we are good.  

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