Porn Stars

Re:Where did "dreamgirls" come from? out of the ashes of E2K?
rick2 91 Reviews 4122 reads

I'm sure someone will correct this if I have it wrong (and I may), but my understanding is this agency is legit and were some of the bookers for another agency that got into trouble so they split off. again just second hand info.

Interesting to see a "new" agency coming out now?  I remember LE doing a fake agency a while back with maybe,Wanda Curtis, prominately featured, anyone recall the details of that one?

If it's legit, their tour dates for NYC coincide with Sophies dates for the same girls.  Is this the age of cooperation between agencies?

Also, they claim to have Brittney Skye available,  Some one want to take one for the team?

Well, I don't know where they came from, and I wouldn't necessarily call them legitimate or endorse them in any way. Here's what I know...I spoke with one of the girls on the sight and she acknowledged them. She said she would normally charge $1000 (although she's taken as little as $500 in LA booking direct) and the agency tacks on another $600 so going thru them costs $1600 for the first hour. The same agency is aka She also told me they NEVER pay her with cash, always by check with taxes supposedly accounted for.
That said, there was not a girl I saw on that sight that does not book direct at substantially better rates than going through this agency. Considering the downside risks the former clients of E2K are worrying about right now (or should be), I can not think of a good reason anyone would want to go through any of the agencies.

I'm sure someone will correct this if I have it wrong (and I may), but my understanding is this agency is legit and were some of the bookers for another agency that got into trouble so they split off. again just second hand info.

Dregon3034 reads

I do know that this agency started because one of the owners is friends with some of the girls that were exclusive with E2K- so it is legit..... Checked on Brittney Skye  and she is available - her rate is $3000 per hour.   Also, I have heard of a VIP page coming soon - not sure who is going to be listed there....

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