Politics and Religion

Oh, BTW, the House voted to impeach Bush today.
9man 5230 reads

You talk about a big story buried on page 9! That damn liberal press! I remember when something like impeachment of the president was page-one news.

What's even more amazing than the silence, the vote wasn't even close: 251 to 166 to send it to justice, but that Iranian spy, Nancy Pelosi is burying it. Twenty-four Republicans voted for it. There wasn't a lot of hand-wringing about this.

So, the liberal press and the liberal House leadership are working together to destroy America.

That is a pretty strange reading of what happened.

Putting it on p9 is a big favor to the Dimocrats. Don't want people seeing they are loons. That's why the very rich, worker exploiting, tax dodging Nancy Pelosi buried it.  

The reason it got Republican votes is to bring the bill of impeachment to light, so people CAN see what a crew of arseholes the Dims are.

I'm guessing they think this will really mess up his chances for a third term.

9man1422 reads

It would legally declare what he did as criminal, and basically take back the power he grabbed before the next president is inaugurated. The latter is an important thing to do, since doing it after a new president comes into office will be distraction.

Also it opens the possibility of further prosecution after he's out of office.

9man1183 reads

It means the process of removing a person from office for "high crimes and misdemeanors."

Any more advice?

RightwingUnderground1595 reads

Since you're in the business of calling my posts, "bullshit" without citing any reasoning, I don't feel obliged to be your dictionary.

But then again I feel generous. Your original post concerned the House vote for impeachment. Aside from the fact that it failed, your next comment stated that "it" ("the house vote for articles of impeachment") (had it been successful) "would legally declare what he did as criminal".

A House vote in the affirmative for articles of impeachment does no such thing. An affirmative Senate vote is required to convict.

-- Modified on 6/12/2008 7:26:45 PM

9man1876 reads

If he's impeached and removed it's because the Congress says he's guilty of at least one high crime or misdemeanor. They'd be saying he's a criminal.

RightwingUnderground2187 reads

Affirmative articles of impeachment by the House is akin to an indictment. The Senate portion is the trial.

GaGambler2791 reads

I once accused Zin of being a hypocrite, instead of addressing the issue he spent the next two weeks arguing the definition of the very word "hypocrite". You're better off arguing with Jacko, when he's on his meds at least.

Don't bother him with what he said. He can deny it, ignore it or say he said the opposite.

He's a lefty.

One day Obama said, "Iran is a tiny little country." He held his fingers a pinch apart. Next day in front of a Israel support group, Iran was a grave threat. Nobody but the right called him on it. Not NBC, ABC, CNN, etc.

harryj1997 reads

If your handle is the result of your participation in 9 man football, I suggest you start wearing a helment. It may be too late to do any good but you should try. If your problem is not the result of too many blows to the noggin you should reapply at your local kindergarten and brace yourself for ridicule from 5 year olds.

BuckFush!1452 reads

That booze you constanlty imbibe in has killed so many of your bartin ceels that you don't even make sense anymore, just a bunch of jibberish!

GaGambler1648 reads

Would you and JackO please register your aliases so I can keep up with which stupid remark is coming from which one of you.

Not that is really that important, but I have gotten accustomed to JackO being an asshole and you being an idiot, but sometimes you guys get your roles reversed and you become an asshole while JackO acts like an idiot.

GaGeezer2554 reads

We like you better when you're a tax resister in-the-making.

5 Deferments Dick1388 reads

where have you heard *that* before?

GaGambler2753 reads

talking to me asshole? I really wish you and Sparky would coordinate. Keeping up with the two of you, excuse me I meant the twenty of you, is getting difficult.

It used to be so easy, JackO = asshole, sparky = idiot, but you guys have blurred the line so badly I honestly don't know which one of you is which half the time.

You should be flattered, I'd much rather be called an asshole than an idiot. rofl

those wishing it were otherwise,

will have to settle for fucking yourselves...

the "rape" occurred prior to his tenure as POTUS.

re the PE, wonder if he's a squirter or a leaker?

"Impeachment" refers to the voting of charges against the Prez by the House.  Both Nixon and Clinton were impeached, but Clinton had the additional ignominy of being tried on the charges  made in the Article[s] of Impeachment.

-- Modified on 6/13/2008 12:25:32 PM

Impeachment requires a majority vote of the House. Nixon resigned before this took place. The only presidents in the history of the US to ever be impeached are Johnson and Clinton.

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