Politics and Religion

followme 177 reads

Playing you lefties like a fiddle.

You take it hook, line and sinker every time.

even when you are told you still fall for it.

Gues you are just to stupid to know you are stupid.

You're Welcome
2012 = GOP

followme1545 reads

State a fact or two, then watch the libs/lefties  and the  pinkos (note not all libs/lefties are pinkos) get their panties in a knot, wet themselves, get all in a tizzy, etc. Then they scramble to make up some  reply that distorts the truth, points fingers blaming others, or something dishonest to distract from the facts and sling shit all over the place.    

2012 = GOP

salonpas131 reads

......This is why the U.S.A. is going to hell in a hand basket sooner rather than later! The Tea party elements of the Republican party, Country be damned, would not compromise last year and our debt was downgraded. The extreme far left elements in the Democrat intend to push us over the fiscal cliff on Jan 1st 2013.

nuguy46124 reads

all the while calling the poster idiot or racist or some other derogatory term. blaming anyone, everyone and everything for the situation.

if the 'fact' does not appear in the huff post, it simply isn't a fact, or so the leftards say.

...did you know the real unemployment is around 19%.........


example of the last fact you stated? All I can remember is you stating your opinions!  ;)

...you know, "facts" like Obama was born in Kenya. "Facts" like Obama gave guns to the Mexican drug cartels. "Facts" like Obama doubled the national debt. "Facts" like Obama didn't really get bin Laden. "Facts" like Obama crashed the economy. "Facts" like Obama had made the economy worse. "Facts" like Obama is a secret Muslim. "Facts" like Obama skewed the weather reporting for the GOP convention in Tampa...

Yeah, you can expect leftists (excuse me, I meant "pinkos") to react to Republican "facts". The only problem is that your "facts" are nothing more than nut-bag Republican conspiracy theories. And that, FM, is a FACT!

nuguy46140 reads

8.1% unemployment...how many months now over 8?
16T in debt...
do i need to continue?

followme178 reads

Playing you lefties like a fiddle.

You take it hook, line and sinker every time.

even when you are told you still fall for it.

Gues you are just to stupid to know you are stupid.

You're Welcome
2012 = GOP

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