Politics and Religion

Just in case you thought it was a one time deal with Empty Suit Obama (ESO)
RightwingUnderground 6132 reads

It's not called inhalator either. It's an inhaler.

9man2767 reads

You're right, he's beginning to sound like a Republican. Unlike Bush who sounded like an idiot right out of the gate. Somebody a conservative could vote for, you know.

Are you withholding your vote for Obama to sound like a Republican?

GaGambler1655 reads

Hussein has enough real faults to focus on, please don't start acting as petty as the libs. If my only criticism of Obama was the fact that he forgot his words every once in a while, I'd vote for him. Unfortunately this is the least of what's wrong with flim Flama.

RWU don't lower yourself to the level of BuckFush and Co., it's beneath you.

RightwingUnderground1992 reads

well, unless someone tells hime what to say.

I'd like to know what puppeteer is the real one with their hand up his rear, controlling his mouth.

Soros maybe?

Who got him the gig, speaking at the 2004 Dem convention when he was a nothing?

They're legitimate questions.

9man2047 reads

No, I don't think anybody is "controlling" Obama, I just think he's dead tired. You're noticing gaffes recently because of wear and tear. How long has he been campaigning hard now? I'm surprised he isn't clinically dead, and I'm wondering if he smokes meth to keep up the energy.

Then after the election, then the real work starts. He's probably going to hibernate from November to January, and I predict he'll get off to a hard start because of that.

Bush didn't have near this hard of a campaign and took long vacation periods his 9 months. I wouldn't mind if Obama took a month off sometime the first quarter.

avenger10011868 reads

Don't you know that littering your cause with lies, childish bickering, and stupid arguments which repubs like gambler, RWU, and billkile is only going to turn people away from your cause.

You repubs are doing an amazingly effective job at that.


GaGambler2130 reads

You got a lot of nerve telling anyone to grow up. I would suggest you take your own advice.

BTW I am not a Republican, I just, for the moment at least dislike the Democrats more than I do the Republicans.

avenger10011772 reads

Remember, you repubs are the ones who started everything with your relentless attacks on Clinton, the Democrats, and anyone who is not a white christian heterosexual male.

You see, politics is a system of checks and balances, and you repukes go on the attack with a combination of hateful and childish attacks filled with stupidy and frivolousness, you better expect a swift and just response.

BTW, I am not a Democrat myself.  I vote, and I vote for Democrats and Independents.  I often refer to Democrats because most people are familiar with them.  I was once a Repup myself many years ago, but I too like so many other people got sick of being attacked by their lies, hypocrisy, and stupidity.

RightwingUnderground2147 reads

to not refer to a person as a group, especially when they don't belong to that group.

It's also very interesting and amusing how people's perception of history begins at the point at which they started to pay attention.

To think that your perception of "dirty" politics started in the 90's is simply ignorant. Before that it was the Dems mecerilessly attacking Reagan. And before that, hmmmm, I guess I wasn't paying attention, LOL. But seriously, go back and read what Lincoln's opponents were saying.

GaGambler1792 reads

First off, I am not a Repulican, nor am I white, and I am certainly not a Christian.I have also gone on the record as supporting Clinton, (Bill not his cunt wife). Heterosexual, well you got me there. One out of five is the best you've done so far. If you doubt me, check my posts I've got over a thousand of them, none under an alias, so my views are a public record, unlike you I am not scared that people know my views.

You on the other hand are still an idiot, I would suggest you read a few posts and get your facts straight before you go spouting off again. You are still my nominee for stupidest poster on TER.

First of all, this shit about bringing up his middle name is exactly why republicans don't get it.  Talk about some issues, please.
And if you're posting here, I'm assuming you're a hobbiest.   If your right flank has its way there would be no hobby.  Zippo, done, gone.  No sex until marraige is what your religious, hypocryte base wants.  Not really what they want, but what they want to spout.

GaGambler3850 reads

I don't want to vote for a Republican, I don't want the Supreme Court to continue to be stacked with right wing justices. On many, many levels I detest the Republican Party even more than the Dems, but there is no way in fucking hell that I am going to vote for someone anywhere near as naieve and unqualified as Obama.

McCain, with all his faults is so much more qualified to be POTUS and Commander in Chief, it shouldn't even be a contest. Nominate someone even remotely qualified and I'll vote Democratic. I promise.

WillieTheBarTender1666 reads

unidentifiable enemy makes sense?

In case you hadn't noticed, war is pretty damn expensive.  

It's a pretty good idea - unless you're trying to go bankrupt - to have some fucking idea of what you're doing - you know, who you're looking for - before you shoot up the neighborhood.  

The problem is not that Bush talks like a fucking idiot.  The problem is that his words and his policies are consistent - and any non-partisan would see that.

And I can't be impressed by McCain or anybody who does a Guinness World Record Flipflop to get behind Republican policies.

The Democrats could run HowdyFuckinDoody and I'd vote for him, just to remind politicians generally that THEY CAN BE FIRED!

GaGambler1757 reads

You WOULD vote for HowdyDoody for POTUS, you don't care how unqualified your guy is, you are so full of hate for the Reps that your judgement is clouded.

I am not willing to vote for someone just because he is not a Republican. I am going to vote for the person I think will do the best job, or in this case the person I think will do the least damage.

JackO, you've got to old enough to remember the Carter years (I know with all the meds it must be difficult). Those years are proof that it could get worse. Four years of FlimFlamma coupled with a democratic congress could do unthinkable damage to this country.

WillieTheBarTender1814 reads

you're brain-dead, and I'm not.   You'd rather stick with a proven disaster than take a chance on fixing anything.

kerrakles1694 reads

it takes doing for fixing.

What was the last thing Obama has done?

BuckFush!1827 reads

Is that HowdyDoody is much smarter than Bush and moreover, HowdyDoody didn't get us into this endless war in Iraq or fuck up the economy like Bush has or ignore Global Warming as an issue.

Bush has done more to fuck up this country than any other President! I doubt if anyone could fuck it up any more than Bush has already.

However, just like HowdyDoody, Bush has someone pulling his strings too, except for Bush it is the Evil Overlord, Cheney!

kerrakles1898 reads

based voting is illogical and absurd. I am opposed to the war anyone out there but reality of the situation suggest that the troops cannot be pulled until Iraq stabilizes, have their own military, keeps Iraq at bay and the list goes on and on.

The fucking place will blow up. Obama's idea of pulling the troops is nothing but proverbial rhetoric.

What scares me about Obama is that man made himself by talking and writing and "not doing". What has he done besides talking and writing?

Like Gambler, I like democrats more than republicans but cant and won't vote for someone inexperienced and, unqualified.

"You think the Republican policy of indefinite war against an
Posted by WillieTheBarTender, 6/11/2008 6:57:47 AM
unidentifiable enemy makes sense?

In case you hadn't noticed, war is pretty damn expensive.  

The Democrats could run HowdyFuckinDoody and I'd vote for him, just to remind politicians generally that THEY CAN BE FIRED!"

Listen you little ignorant sissy drunkard...The war was voted on by a majority of both parties..Defeat is a lot more expensive than war...Take your Barbie Doll, go to bed and dream about write in Cheney 08...


DrFill2526 reads

That's what they all say.

Your diagnosis is major MAJOR mental illness!!

they did, but they eliminated all of them in the primaries...they will probably blame us republicans for that too...But I seriously was hoping that the dems would come up with a good candidate so that I would not have to fear the election so much.  If flimflammer obamer gets elected we are all in deep sh*t

Similar_Ilk1697 reads

$4 gasoline, more wars and foreclosures than we can imagine, and we'll be hiring Mexicans to inspect your drawers at the airport!

What?  I'm too late?

John W McBush is an AWFUL candiate, you equate years in washington w/experience, & that's a fallacy...

John W McBush doesn't have the temperment nor intelligence to be POTUS...

McBush isn't fit to be treasurer of a bowling league, let alone POTUS..

And don't worry GA Gambler about your guns, Obama isn't going to take away your 2nd. Amendment rights...

-- Modified on 6/12/2008 4:34:25 PM

-- Modified on 6/12/2008 5:11:11 PM

GaGambler4299 reads

How do you explain his actions?

It's far from the only reason I don't think he should be elected dog catcher much less POTUS, but it is one of them.

Moose, unlike many of the libs here, I do believe you are probably a very nice person, unfortunately you are also one of the most naive people I have ever met.

But as GaG points out, it's not about making fun of the fact his brainstem is a teleprompter cable,

it's that he does'nt know shit about what he's talking about and the idiot is going to take a wrecking ball to our economy...

BuckFush!2178 reads

And he has already taken a wrecking ball to our economy as well as to our country!!

you libbie progs have taken and empty shell and puffed him up

our enemies are going to eat him alive and americans will be far less safe as the result,

just like keneddy, johnson, and carter


Sen_Craig1865 reads

Into my airport bathroom stall with me so we can have some good old Republicon conservative sex!!  You always were my favortie big fat ass buddy!  Now will it be lubed or non-lubed this time??

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