Politics and Religion

What would you do? . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 200 reads

Some of the Kamala staff that has quit say she has a pet peeve that people should stand up when she enters a room, just like they traditionally do for the president.   She even complained to Biden about this. All the shit that is going on in the world that she is not helping, and SHE is so self-centered she is more worried about getting the respect that she THINKS she deserves.  

Personally, I would not stand up for her merely because she has spent most of her political life on her knees. Lol   How about you?  Would anyone here give Kamala the same courtesies they would give the POTUS,

If it’s a press conference or some other important meeting where the VP doesn’t usually attend you stand. Not out of respect for her, but for respect for the office. But if she’s just meeting with her staff, c’mon. Stop complaining about trivial shit.

Maybe her chagrin at people not standing up when she walks into the room is just a sentimental yearning for her happier times in Sacramento.

When Cacklehead walks into a room--present her with the most padded pair of kneepads you can find. Believe me, she'll be delighted to get right down to business!!

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