Politics and Religion

Well again GOP scum like Followdumbass and Jack are still trying to change the subject.
bigguy30 2086 reads
1 / 31

So I am sorry but all of the GOP so called leaders that want to talk about this President love of country.

Well they need to look in the mirror themselves and ask do they love America?

Rudy Giuliani filed SIX DIFFERENT DEFERMENTS to avoid serving in Vietnam? Imagine if Obama had done such a thing.

Also Cheney, Romney, Karl Rove, Trump, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh.

How can we forget the big mouth Ted Nugent who filed for a deferment to avoid the Vietnam War.

These dudes don't really believe what they sing or speak about either.

ALL of them filed deferments to avoid military service and guess what they are frauds!

-- Modified on 2/22/2015 11:52:26 AM

JackDunphy 336 reads
2 / 31

So we can start there.  

Going deeper, he has on numerous occasions said he wants to "fundamentally transform America."

Think about anything you love in your life. SO, kids, friends, a movie, book, work of art, fav vacation spot, a certain food or drink, whatever...would you really want to "fundamentally" change it? Of course not.

Now, does that mean America is perfect? Again, of course not.

Even America's greatest lovers or defenders would say it needs to improve. But "fundamentally transform?" No, that is someone that does not love America.

mattradd 40 Reviews 525 reads
3 / 31

when he used the word's fundamentally and transformed? What was his meaning when he said it. You are merely going on your interpretation of what he might mean in saying such. And, I suspect your interpretation may be biased, based on your political views, and how you feel about him as the President of the U.S.A.  I just listened to John Chambers, President of Cisco, make must the same case on "The Global Public Square." Of course he was talking about how technology would be transforming our world in the very near future, and we needed to get on board or be left behind! ;)

followme 450 reads
4 / 31

the first skank, not being proud of America until her hubby got nominated.

Also littlegirlieboy30 must really be worried about obama not loving America, since he started another thread with a feeble attempt to defend the fuckup-in-chief.

Thank yo

mattradd 40 Reviews 420 reads
5 / 31

hook, line and sinker!   ;)

-- Modified on 2/22/2015 3:31:35 PM

bigguy30 477 reads
6 / 31

I wonder when you clowns will learn to think before you write a comment?

Also the facts are there and trying to twist this thing will not work.

Okay clowns I will let you get back to making things up and lying.
Posted By: followme
the first skank, not being proud of America until her hubby got nominated.  
 Also littlegirlieboy30 must really be worried about obama not loving America, since he started another thread with a feeble attempt to defend the fuckup-in-chief.  
 Thank you  

JackDunphy 345 reads
7 / 31

It is obvious to anyone that is paying attention that Barry has surrounded himself with America haters like his wife, Bill Ayers and of course his pastor, of TWENTY years, the one, the only, Reverend "God Damn America!" Wright.

What more proof would anyone need, when you look at his words AND his actions, that Obama is not a fan of America?

User1994 23 Reviews 666 reads
8 / 31

As if he wouldn't do anything to get out of serving... He would sooner fight for our enemies if he wasn't too much of a pussy. Also, in your typical fashion of misleading, are combining people who didn't serve for other reasons, hoping people will assume they were all draft dodgers.

Posted By: bigguy30
So I am sorry but all of the GOP so called leaders that want to talk about this President love of country.  
 Well they need to look in the mirror themselves and ask do they love America?  
 Rudy Giuliani filed SIX DIFFERENT DEFERMENTS to avoid serving in Vietnam? Imagine if Obama had done such a thing.  
 Also Cheney, Romney, Karl Rove, Trump, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh.  
 How can we forget the big mouth Ted Nugent who filed for a deferment to avoid the Vietnam War.  
 These dudes don't really believe what they sing or speak about either.  
 ALL of them filed deferments to avoid military service and guess what they are frauds!  

-- Modified on 2/22/2015 11:52:26 AM

SS425 424 reads
9 / 31
mattradd 40 Reviews 523 reads
10 / 31

"otherness." I'm looking forward to watching how that comes back to bite your GOP candidate in the ass in 2016. You see, not only those on the right hear that dog whistle. Everyone can. And, who do you think; those who fear they will be viewed as 'other', will trounce on their civil rights, and rights to privacy, more than the one identified with the party that attacks their 'otherness?' There are more and more people who fear that they will be seen as 'other' by the white Anglo-Saxon establishment.

Keep beating that drum, pleeeeeease!  ;)

followme 412 reads
11 / 31

obama is having a real love fest but it is not with America

JackDunphy 451 reads
12 / 31
mattradd 40 Reviews 447 reads
13 / 31

The likes of Palin, Guiliani, Scott Walker, Jindal, etc., are playing the 'Other' card, which translates; 'he's not like you and me.' And, those who hear that, are very likely to be afraid that the party of old white men may see them, also as such, and will no doubt not be predisposed to voting for a GOP candidate for president in 2016. Now, if you dispute my theory, go ahead, but do so with something of substance. But, me thinks you are fearful that I just may just be right, and are afraid to admit it!  ;)

P.S. Come 2016, I believe I'll be proven right, despite what you say!

bigguy30 676 reads
14 / 31

We all know these fake tough GOP clowns already proved they are cowards.

Also just as long as other people fight for them they will act tough. Lol

I wonder how long these fools will keep fooling people until they catch on to their hypocrisy?

They are frauds and again full of shit.
Posted By: User1994
As if he wouldn't do anything to get out of serving... He would sooner fight for our enemies if he wasn't too much of a pussy. Also, in your typical fashion of misleading, are combining people who didn't serve for other reasons, hoping people will assume they were all draft dodgers.  
Posted By: bigguy30
So I am sorry but all of the GOP so called leaders that want to talk about this President love of country.  
  Well they need to look in the mirror themselves and ask do they love America?  
  Rudy Giuliani filed SIX DIFFERENT DEFERMENTS to avoid serving in Vietnam? Imagine if Obama had done such a thing.  
  Also Cheney, Romney, Karl Rove, Trump, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh.  
  How can we forget the big mouth Ted Nugent who filed for a deferment to avoid the Vietnam War.  
  These dudes don't really believe what they sing or speak about either.  
  ALL of them filed deferments to avoid military service and guess what they are frauds!  
 -- Modified on 2/22/2015 11:52:26 AM

bigguy30 343 reads
15 / 31

So your comment are stupid just like Rudy and the other GOP clowns.

The GOP scum party only has a pulse due to playing the white race card!
Posted By: JackDunphy
That way, you can just avoid the truth. ;)

bigguy30 418 reads
16 / 31
User1994 23 Reviews 504 reads
17 / 31

You want to talk about letting other people do their fighting for them? There is no group of people better described by that than you and every other Leftist. And it is well known that the vast majority of military members lean Right.

So if anyone is cowardly and unappreciative of those protecting us, it is the American Left who impugned out miltary every chance they get, while their freedom of speech which allows them to do so is protected by that same military.

Finding examples of Conservatives who didn't serve in the military does not prove shit.
Posted By: bigguy30
We all know these fake tough GOP clowns already proved they are cowards.  
 Also just as long as other people fight for them they will act tough. Lol  
 I wonder how long these fools will keep fooling people until they catch on to their hypocrisy?  
 They are frauds and again full of shit.  
Posted By: User1994
As if he wouldn't do anything to get out of serving... He would sooner fight for our enemies if he wasn't too much of a pussy. Also, in your typical fashion of misleading, are combining people who didn't serve for other reasons, hoping people will assume they were all draft dodgers.  
Posted By: bigguy30
So I am sorry but all of the GOP so called leaders that want to talk about this President love of country.    
   Well they need to look in the mirror themselves and ask do they love America?    
   Rudy Giuliani filed SIX DIFFERENT DEFERMENTS to avoid serving in Vietnam? Imagine if Obama had done such a thing.    
   Also Cheney, Romney, Karl Rove, Trump, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh.    
   How can we forget the big mouth Ted Nugent who filed for a deferment to avoid the Vietnam War.    
   These dudes don't really believe what they sing or speak about either.    
   ALL of them filed deferments to avoid military service and guess what they are frauds!    
  -- Modified on 2/22/2015 11:52:26 AM

GaGambler 341 reads
18 / 31
RaymondDonovan 494 reads
19 / 31

Why surpress the vote? And let the chips fall where they may. I'm willing to take that chance.

JackDunphy 341 reads
20 / 31

But I also don't want people voting fraudulently either, as I am sure you would agree.

Just show your ID and no worries.

RaymondDonovan 432 reads
21 / 31

They should contiue with the extended time for voting, getting the Sunday to vote...
Ad more voting booth, ya know make the way it was in the 70''s, through the 90's....I never really heard about "Voter Surpression" till the 2000's..or maybe I wasn't paying attention.
I remember going with a utility bill to vote. And make getting an ID easy, soon it's going to be ID surpession just to get a ID...which I think they're asking alot now just to get an ID.

JackDunphy 345 reads
22 / 31

That would help out with any downside there might be in needing a pic ID, if any

bigguy30 510 reads
23 / 31

You are a total fraud like many of the GOP supporters.

They talk out of both sides of their mouths and sound so stupid!

Posted By: User1994
You want to talk about letting other people do their fighting for them? There is no group of people better described by that than you and every other Leftist. And it is well known that the vast majority of military members lean Right.  
 So if anyone is cowardly and unappreciative of those protecting us, it is the American Left who impugned out miltary every chance they get, while their freedom of speech which allows them to do so is protected by that same military.  
 Finding examples of Conservatives who didn't serve in the military does not prove shit.  

-- Modified on 2/23/2015 2:32:51 PM

followme 481 reads
25 / 31

I see you made littlegirlieboy30 cry

Anchors Aweigh

-- Modified on 2/23/2015 7:39:35 PM

bigguy30 691 reads
26 / 31

Posted By: followme
I see you made littlegirlieboy30 cry  
 Anchors Aweigh  

-- Modified on 2/23/2015 7:39:35 PM

followme 423 reads
27 / 31

you just make it so easy.

You're Welcome

Now go back in your corner and pout some more

bigguy30 428 reads
28 / 31

What a clown you are and a fool!  

Posted By: followme
you just make it so easy.  
 You're Welcome  
 Now go back in your corner and pout some more

bigguy30 425 reads
29 / 31

This is why you will always be a clown!

Posted By: GaGambler
It's every bit as fair a question.
-- Modified on 2/25/2015 9:45:42 AM

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 436 reads
30 / 31

I guess Nov 14 was a mirage? You truly are TSTTT

bigguy30 403 reads
31 / 31

So everybody knows the midterms have low voter turn out .

Posted By: USGrantlover
I guess Nov 14 was a mirage? You truly are TSTTT

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