Politics and Religion

Unlike the average Democrat voter
Snowman39 260 reads

I will bet this idiot is still waiting on Obama to pay her stuff.

If Republicans are so dumb, why do they have all the money ????


MeatHelmet1845 reads

Needle, Snow, followme, et. al. may actually be retarded.  The only question is, were they retarded before Faux News or was Faux the cause of their retardation?

Nothing they are both def, dumb, and blind...

if you need proof read this board. :D

Zing!!!291 reads

It's fairly obvious the GOP is most definitely not interested in the overall well being of everyone.

Zing!!!264 reads

I've just ruined my keyboard...


MeatHelmet267 reads

LOL!  Just thought it was funny.  Not exactly the most credible source, I'll admit.

Zing!!!260 reads

I spend a tedious effort drilling through the hype in articles online trying to find more credible unbiased information. Some good news links out there but even then you need to check the source writer's leanings.

It's tough, but truth still has a ring; that you can cross check and verify.

It's a damned shame the news media isn't held to factual standards of some sort.

Snowman39261 reads

I will bet this idiot is still waiting on Obama to pay her stuff.

If Republicans are so dumb, why do they have all the money ????


When the "Daily Koz" calls something about a Fox News a hoax,  you better believe it.  LOL


Sadly this is an interesting, though disturbing, phenomenon that raises its ugly head too many times, erroneous information,  that have serous consequences.  Unfortunately the left has a very strong affinity to this type of propaganda.  Stop it already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lying libs living up to their names...AGAIN!!!!!



Go ahead, have a bite!!!

Looks like daffy duck has already taken the first bite!

-- Modified on 12/10/2012 8:39:47 AM

followme255 reads

Clearly the ones who believe this stuff are the least intelligent.


The lefties are again played the fool.

You're Welcome
GOP = Honesty and Integrity

MeatHelmet255 reads

I have no interest in this board because you are all soooo predictable.  So I posted an obviously false story and everybody jumped, just like I knew you would.
All you had to do is check it out on snopes.com.  Here's a link for your lazy asses.
Now go back to your predictable BS comments.  I'm gone! (though I'll return now and again to poke fun at you all!) LMAO!

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out! Bye!

followme277 reads

You fell for it and took it hook line and sinker just like all your leftie boy friends did.
Now that it has been proven to be bullshit by me and others and bitch slapped you and put you in your place your are now just saying you knew it was false because you do not have the courage to be man enough to admit you got duped.

You’re Welcome
GOP= Truth and Honor

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