Politics and Religion

Two questions.
jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 2843 reads
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Two questions to ponder. 1. If Hillary fails to get the Dems nomination, (which in all probability will happen), would she run as an independent, knowing that Obama is pissing a lot of people off that voted for him in the primaries? 2. What chance would a McCain-Pres, Hillary-VP ticket have against Obama-Pres, ???-VP, knowing that McCain isn't going to get much support from the far right wingers anyway, but Hillary could bring in a lot of Dem votes?

sheri714 See my TER Reviews 1337 reads
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I wouldn't put it past her, but Hillary would not have much chance running as an Independent.

Our first US President is both our first woman AND our first Indepedent??

The best she might could do is pull a Ralph Nader and syphon just enough undecided voters away from Obama to give it to McCain. And be the most hated woman in America

Have we ever before had a president/VP that came from 2 different political party's?

I would think she would over all do more good as Obama's running mate, not McCains. That is if he feels he actually needs her and picks her, which I doubt, given the double team of Hillary and Bill he would face dealing with for 4 or 8 years

kerrakles 1348 reads
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Don't know whether McCain/Hillary will happen, if it does, they will by a landslide.

Hillary as an independent, probably could win provided she picks the VP candidate.

As it stands now, it doesn't look like Obama can win in November. Man hasn't run a damn thing in his life. McCain is going to challenge Obama for all he is got. His patent statement calling McCain to debate and saying that is debate he will win aint going to work with McCain. McCain is going to call his bluff.

Another significant problem Obama is got: He lost all of the Moderate and Conservative leaning dems and independents. I don't believe there is enough ultra lefties to make up for the loss.

Strangely enough, McCain and Hillary can work together, they have done it many times in the senate. You talk about change, a joint ticket would be change indeed.

Brother_Al_Sharpton 1682 reads
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I get some of that stuff you're smoking?

kerrakles 4920 reads
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You already had enough. No more, until you get sense of reality. Looks like you drinking way too much Kool-Aid affecting your comprehension.

Sen_Craig 2273 reads
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Can I McCain's running mate?  I'll stand right behind him too!!

Chuck Darwin 2431 reads
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Brother_Al_Sharpton 2048 reads
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So I have to ask here, what part of the Bush agenda hasn't fucked this country pretty much beyond recognition?

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1758 reads
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Well, it would be fantastic if Hillary undertook an independent bid, but her name would be poltical mudd if she did so. There is absolutely no way she could actually win if she did, but she would absolutley get enough votes to guarantee that McCain wins. Doing so would put her in the political doghouse with the Dems for all eternity.

I would say the chances of a McCain/Hillary ticket are between nil and none. As far as I know, McCain is not a masochist, and I suspect he has experienced enough torture to last him a lifetime. So the prospect of stomaching HillBill for 4 years surely would not entice him.

My money is on Hillary withdrawing from the race (finally), and then quietly pulling for McCain in the hope that she can try again in four years.

-- Modified on 5/28/2008 11:59:34 AM

Sen_Craig 2147 reads
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butt-hump any non-believer!  After all, if the American people have basically sat still for close to  eight years that Bush has screwed them royally, then what's a little dry-humping between friends?

-- Modified on 5/28/2008 1:06:31 PM

RightwingUnderground 1563 reads
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she'll be doing more than just pulling or rooting for him. She'll be doing everything in her power to secretly submarine Obama.

kerrakles 1420 reads
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Not a lap dog of either party. An Independent.

Brother_Al_Sharpton 2665 reads
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who just happens to vote for every republican only because they're the craziest on the ticket!

GaGambler 1301 reads
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of the Republican party. I predict she will have more to do with Obama not being elected than the Rev Wrong could ever do.

If Obama is elected Hillary has no chance of the Oval Office for at least 8 years, from her POV that would be completely unacceptable, she believes she has a divine right to the office and heaven help anyone who gets in her way.

Chuck Darwin 1821 reads
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many mindless Republicans who are unable to understand that fighting often destroys the goal itself.   Doesn't take Solomon to figure that one out, but it does take some alertness.

Hillary's investment is in the conservative Democrats.  She won't wilfully destroy the party.   She's just trying to appeal to her base by showing her balls are bigger than her brains.

RightwingUnderground 1703 reads
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If she steps on his throat today, she will hurt herself more than help. If she waits until she's out of the race for '08 then the Republican operatives can be blamed. It's a win-win for her.

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