Politics and Religion

Trump screws business partners ... AGAIN
impposter 49 Reviews 28 reads

Above, I asked: "MAGAs:  
Would you hire Trump to be CEO of your own company or any company in which you have a serious, personal interest?
Would you enter into ANY sort of business deal with Trump knowing that he would lie to you and try to steal from you and then sue YOU and litigate you into submission, bankruptcy, or your death?"
Litinsky and Moss came up with the idea for Truth Social and Trump liked the idea and let them create it. L & M received 8.6% founders shares that should have been non-dilutable.  Trump received around 60% of the founders' shares. After the IPO, DJT announced it would be issuing MORE stock which would dilute the value of the existing common stock held by non-insiders. (E.g., if a company is valued at $100M dollars and there are 100M shares, that's $1 per share. If the company issues more stock, say another 20M shares, the new share value is $100M / 120M shares = 83 cents per share, a 17% LOSS in the value of a share of stock.) Trump tried to make L&M's dilutable and they sued him in Delaware chancery court (that handles these sorts of stock and business cases).  
"Litinsky and Moss — former contestants on Trump’s TV show The Apprentice — filed the Delaware suit in February claiming that Trump was planning to dilute their stake in the firm. Trump then struck a deal in which he agreed to not block the men from accessing their shares in the company while the case progressed — a deal that was **memorialized in a court order** by a Delaware judge. [... wait for it ...]
"Trump then filed his own suit against the men in Florida. He claims Litinsky and Moss don’t deserve their 8.6% stake — once valued at more than $600 million — because they violated an agreement about Trump Media’s setup. The fight for sanctions arose after Litinsky and Moss said Trump’s Florida lawsuit **violated the earlier agreement to not block them from accessing their shares.** [The FL lawsuit now blocks them.]
So now, http://legalnewsfeed.com/2024/08/27/judge-rebukes-trump-for-legal-tactics-in-truth-social-litigation-warns-of-future-consequences/
Judge Rebukes Trump for Legal Tactics in Truth Social Litigation, Warns of Future Consequences
"Former President Donald Trump narrowly avoided a contempt of court ruling in the ongoing litigation concerning his Truth Social platform. However, a Delaware judge issued a stern warning regarding his legal maneuvers, describing them as “deeply disappointing.” The judge indicated that such tactics would not be tolerated in the future.
"... According to the lawsuit, ***Trump and his attorneys engaged in dubious tactics, including the filing of a competing lawsuit in Florida*** ***aimed at eliminating the co-founders’ stakes***. The Delaware judge’s criticism focused on these actions, emphasizing the need for adherence to ethical legal standards. While the judge did not impose immediate sanctions, she highlighted that any continued misconduct would result in more severe consequences for Trump’s legal team. ..."  
One more time, please, MAGAs:  
Would you enter into ANY sort of business deal with Trump knowing that he would lie to you and try to steal from you and then sue YOU and litigate you into submission, bankruptcy, or your death?

DEVELOPING: Kamala campaign has stopped referencing her alleged job at McDonald's and won't respond to media questions seeking the location of the McDonald's store and the dates of her employment at McDonald's, which appears nowhere in her memoirs or early resumes...developing...
Just another nugget uncovering how absolutely fake this woman is.

...and posted by the underdeveloped brain of a TER righty.  No link to where any of the "developing" info came from.

Who is Paul Sperry?  A righty who claimed Obama  was creating a "diversity police state" in order to try to mandate racial equality.  Obama was "furiously mining data on their health, home loans, credit cards, places of work, neighborhoods, even how their kids are disciplined in school—all to document 'inequalities' between minorities and whites."

Following the January 6 United States Capitol attack, Sperry was among the first to spread the conspiracy theory that Antifa were inciting the violence, writing on Twitter in a widely retweeted post that "at least 1 ‘bus load’ of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators."  The tweet was then picked up by The Gateway Pundit.

According to Salon:
"Republican media figures have a new conspiracy-laden line of attack on Kamala Harris: that she lied about holding a summer job at McDonald’s while she was in school."
It's all based on a one-page law-school-era resume of Harris’ obtained by the conservative Washington Free Beacon.

Query why CKS 175 desperately searches for negative articles about Dems ONLY when he has clearly stated he will NOT vote for Trump because of his "serious defects":
"I agree both candidates have serious defects and won’t be voting for either of them."

-- Modified on 8/30/2024 6:00:39 PM

BigPapaSearch is projecting again. In a post riddled with the results of at least three desperate searches, he concludes:

Query why CKS 175 desperately searches for negative articles about Dems ONLY
He seems flummoxed that I’m not voting for Trump, but creating negative posts about the Democrats. Is it really that hard to understand? Is he actually THAT dense?

Most people condense the entirety of their experience into different resumes for different job applications. Resumes are BRIEF (1, 2, or maybe 3 pages), not complete multi-page CVs.  
- Summer job digging fence post holes in Montana? That's relevant on an application for a job in social services helping other people find jobs. Not so important for a job at a law firm in their medical malpractice division. The SAME job becomes "Agricultural Infrastructure Engineer - design and installation of essential equipment for the entirety of the company." (The fence went around the ENTIRE farm.) for some job applications.
- Part time, 2-week temp job assembling parts at a small (8 person) manufacturing company? That's relevant when applying for a full time job at a BIG manufacturing company. Of course, your resume might de-emphasize the "part time" "2 week" part and put the emphasis on "I know and have done mechanical stuff and can learn more mechanical stuff." IF you get the interview, they will figure out what you do or do not know. At least they know they won't have to teach you what a screwdriver is or which end is the handle.
- Job a McDs? Relevant on some of your resumes (a job at BK); not relevant on some other resumes (professional resumes).
- Full time job posting to TER? That appears on a resume for a job as a piano player at a bordello. That does not appear on your resume submitted with an application for a teaching job at St. Catherine's Academy for Young Girls.
I'd be interested to see the details of what comes out of this. It might require some hand-waving (8 hours a week for 8 weeks is NOT "store manager" or "CEO"). And "I worked two shifts and quit because I hated working there." is still "worked at McD" but opens the door to explanations that do NOT disparage people or corporate McDs. E.g., You will not hear, "Have you ever seen how they make the food at these places? Disgusting! That's why I don't eat fast food any more." More likely, "It was a learning experience and I made great friends in a short time. But my class schedule changed and schoolwork took precedence. ... Etc."
BUT -- wait for it! -- Trump doesn't even have a resume. He started "working" for his father as an infant. His father, Fred, transferred wealth to his children from Day 1. DJT was a millionaire by the time he was 8 years old.  
Trump was reportedly earning $200,000 in today's dollars by the time he was 3 years old. And he was a millionaire by age 8. [Overall, Trump inherited over $413 million from his father.]
Since then, and without an official resume, Trump has lied about nearly all of his "achievements." He de-emphasizes "six bankruptcies", "fraudulent charities", "fraudulent Trump University",  "failed Trump Shuttle", "34 felony convictions" etc.. He tries to emphasize: "Stable Genius", "I know more than anybody about everything" "Buh-big Buh-brain!" etc.
You can find a partial list ("resume") on a LEGALLY BINDING DISCLOSURE in the SEC prospectus for Trump Digital Media.  
There is no organization with a shred of sense that would hire Trump as CEO. Criminal and civil indictments and some convictions ... and others likely to follow. A LONG history of business failures. Six business bankruptcy filings. The one time he was CEO of a publicly traded company, he bankrupted it in just a few years. Many public statements, any ONE of which would lead to the dismissal of the speaker from leadership in any real business. ....  
Don't take my word for it. Take it from Trump himself. From the filings prepared by Trump and his lawyers for the SEC:
Date: 2/16/2024 Form: 424B4 - Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(4)]
See pages 130-134.
"Risks Related to our Chairman President Donald J. Trump"
"The death, incarceration, or incapacity of President Trump, or discontinuation or limitation of his relationship with TMTG, may negatively impact TMTG’s business. "
"Donald J. Trump is the subject of numerous legal proceedings, the scope and scale of which are unprecedented for a former President of the United States and current candidate for that office. An adverse outcome in one or more of the ongoing legal proceedings in which President Trump is involved could negatively impact TMTG and its Truth Social platform."
"A publicly-traded entity controlled by President Trump has previously been subject to a cease and desist order issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission. "
"A number of companies that were associated with President Trump have filed for bankruptcy. There can be no assurances that TMTG will not also become bankrupt. "
"A number of companies that had license agreements with President Trump have failed. There can be no assurances that TMTG will not also fail." ...
And that self-reported list does not include business failures and DoJ charges that are not required to be reported there. See http://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion-boards/politics-and-religion-39/re-like-most-new-yorkers-ive-had-years-to-watch-trump-432618 for a PARTIAL discussion.  
Hay! There's an assignment for a comedy writer! A Trump Resume, where every failure is written up as a Trumpian Success! "Trump University - distributed $25 million to former students to reward them for their Trump U inspired achievements [without mentioning "... achieving a successful lawsuit against me for defrauding them in the first place"]

Posted By: cks175

DEVELOPING: Kamala campaign has stopped referencing her alleged job at McDonald's and won't respond to media questions seeking the location of the McDonald's store and the dates of her employment at McDonald's, which appears nowhere in her memoirs or early resumes...developing...
Just another nugget uncovering how absolutely fake this woman is.

Would you hire Trump to be CEO of your own company or any company in which you have a serious, personal interest?
Would enter into ANY sort of business deal with Trump knowing that he would lie to you and try to steal from you and then sue YOU and litigate you into submission, bankruptcy, or your death?

-- Modified on 8/31/2024 6:05:50 AM

Above, I asked: "MAGAs:  
Would you hire Trump to be CEO of your own company or any company in which you have a serious, personal interest?
Would you enter into ANY sort of business deal with Trump knowing that he would lie to you and try to steal from you and then sue YOU and litigate you into submission, bankruptcy, or your death?"
Litinsky and Moss came up with the idea for Truth Social and Trump liked the idea and let them create it. L & M received 8.6% founders shares that should have been non-dilutable.  Trump received around 60% of the founders' shares. After the IPO, DJT announced it would be issuing MORE stock which would dilute the value of the existing common stock held by non-insiders. (E.g., if a company is valued at $100M dollars and there are 100M shares, that's $1 per share. If the company issues more stock, say another 20M shares, the new share value is $100M / 120M shares = 83 cents per share, a 17% LOSS in the value of a share of stock.) Trump tried to make L&M's dilutable and they sued him in Delaware chancery court (that handles these sorts of stock and business cases).  
"Litinsky and Moss — former contestants on Trump’s TV show The Apprentice — filed the Delaware suit in February claiming that Trump was planning to dilute their stake in the firm. Trump then struck a deal in which he agreed to not block the men from accessing their shares in the company while the case progressed — a deal that was **memorialized in a court order** by a Delaware judge. [... wait for it ...]
"Trump then filed his own suit against the men in Florida. He claims Litinsky and Moss don’t deserve their 8.6% stake — once valued at more than $600 million — because they violated an agreement about Trump Media’s setup. The fight for sanctions arose after Litinsky and Moss said Trump’s Florida lawsuit **violated the earlier agreement to not block them from accessing their shares.** [The FL lawsuit now blocks them.]
So now, http://legalnewsfeed.com/2024/08/27/judge-rebukes-trump-for-legal-tactics-in-truth-social-litigation-warns-of-future-consequences/
Judge Rebukes Trump for Legal Tactics in Truth Social Litigation, Warns of Future Consequences
"Former President Donald Trump narrowly avoided a contempt of court ruling in the ongoing litigation concerning his Truth Social platform. However, a Delaware judge issued a stern warning regarding his legal maneuvers, describing them as “deeply disappointing.” The judge indicated that such tactics would not be tolerated in the future.
"... According to the lawsuit, ***Trump and his attorneys engaged in dubious tactics, including the filing of a competing lawsuit in Florida*** ***aimed at eliminating the co-founders’ stakes***. The Delaware judge’s criticism focused on these actions, emphasizing the need for adherence to ethical legal standards. While the judge did not impose immediate sanctions, she highlighted that any continued misconduct would result in more severe consequences for Trump’s legal team. ..."  
One more time, please, MAGAs:  
Would you enter into ANY sort of business deal with Trump knowing that he would lie to you and try to steal from you and then sue YOU and litigate you into submission, bankruptcy, or your death?

Would that book be called “Control C Plus Control V”?

He is the longest poster of all time. If it’s a book, every chapter is titled “But, Trump”.

MAGAs:  Would you enter into ANY sort of business deal with Trump knowing that he would lie to you and try to steal from you and then sue YOU and litigate you into submission, bankruptcy, or your death?

you are correct about tryng to make resumes job-specific, and that's why I would not expect Kamala to include anything on her resume for President other than Attorney General, U.S. Senator and Vice President.  However, when interviewing someone under 30, ALL work history is relevant, and when interviewing younger people, I would like to hear about summer jobs they took to help them WORK their way through school rather than taking out loans or relying on other sources.  It speaks to their character and their desire to be self-sufficient, both traits I would value in a young employee.  

However, it appears that Kamala's claim of working at McD's cannot be verified.  She can't seem to tell us WHICH McDonalds she worked, which seems suspect.  I can name the location of every summer job I ever had since I was 16, even if they did not last the entire summer.  

It seems like this claim is just an advertising ploy to try to connect with working young people and college students while the truth is that Kamala had a charmed life growing up, and was not the poor black child she claims to be.  The fact that her work at McDonalds is just an unverified recent addition to her resume intended to deceive voters.  Once you have Attorney General and U.S. Senator on your resume, what sense does it make to add McDonalds?  When she was running in 2019, she never mentioned it at all.

If she was still in business she'd be making a fortune trying to help the MAGAs escape the cult.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: As an employer, I can tell you that . . .
you are correct about tryng to make resumes job-specific,  ...  
... when interviewing younger people, I would like to hear about summer jobs they took to help them WORK their way through school rather than taking out loans or relying on other sources.  It speaks to their character and their desire to be self-sufficient, both traits I would value in a young employee.

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