Politics and Religion

Then I guess mortars up to 3" are OK
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi 2293 reads

as well as all manpack AT & AA rockets, and MGs up to .50.

And anything I can backpack is fair game for a field expedient IED?

Show them fuckin cops who to turn their lights on!!

Jack Daniels2928 reads

"He may, in fact, be the most effective liberal advocate I've heard in my lifetime. As a conservative, I think he could be absolutely lethal to what's left of the tradition of individualism, self-reliance, and small government that I find myself quixotically attached to."

I don't expect the Democrats to be the party of limited government. But any reward for the Republicans after the massive expansion of government power and spending under Bush would be much more fatal. Because it would destroy even the potential for a party of limited government in the future - by ceding the GOP to spendthrift Christianists. So voting for Obama to punish the GOP and then hope for a revival of conservatism in the ashes doesn't seem like such a contradiction to me. I find it staggering that commentators on the right who have said virtually nothing about Bush's nanny-statism and fiscal irresponsibility these past few years start raising these issues immediately with Obama. Yes, Bill Bennett, I'm looking at you. I'm sorry but you have zero credibility on these matters. And neither do most of the Beltway Republican punditocracy.

I also just think that Obama is a pragmatic liberal. His judgments in the past have been largely practical and reasonable. He is not an ideologue. Nor is he an excessive partisan. Those qualities are admirable from a conservative point of view. As for Burkeanism, I agree it can be an amorphous concept. Because it allows for a great deal of lee-way for prudence to determine particular judgments in history, it allows for minimal change and maximal change within its boundaries. I don't think this makes it meaningless as a concept. It is the way a society changes that Burke was interested in. He backed the huge change of the American revolution, for example. And all we're talking about with Obama is a prudent response to an ill-begotten war, some measures to tackle a failing healthcare system and an attempt to tackle the emergent problem of climate change. And all in a spirit of national reconciliation. This is no Robespierre, Ross.

Ross claims there is still some space to the left of Bush. Sure - but much less than there was eight years ago. Put it this way: if a Democratic president had added $32 trillion to the next generation's debt in eight years, if he'd bungled a war, if he'd abrogated habeas corpus indefinitely and authorized torture, do you think a Republican would be criticized as a leftist for wanting to withdraw troops, and extend healthcare insurance - without mandates - for more of the working poor?

Come off it. There are two possible solutions to GOP degeneracy: Obama and McCain. As of last week, there appeared only one: Obama.

Timbow1907 reads

Obama would take away even my semi auto Remington I hunt doves with .He gets a F with NRA.
Don't worry he ain't gonna be President though as he will never beat Hillary.

"Obama would take away even my semi auto Remington I hunt doves with .He gets a F with NRA.
Don't worry he ain't gonna be President though as he will never beat Hillary."

 Hillary could easily shoot herself in the foot ..of course her supporters are too dim to notice

AVoiceofReason1891 reads

The President does not have the power to take anyones' guns away. Find another straw man.

Timbow1707 reads

I did not say he did only Congress can just like the issue of issue of  socialized healthcare Obama advocates.
It is just another view that Obama has that illustrates how ultra left liberal Obama is in his thinking.
He will not win and he is all talk .Yes we can :)

Timbow1430 reads

2nd amendement only covers guns that can be carried by a person not tanks or guns on a jet.

Gun luv’n Goober2735 reads

I'm not giving up my tailgater dissuader for anybody or ideology.

Timbow2033 reads

Yea I doubt the ATF would allow that baby if it is fully auto :)

Cpl_Punishment1407 reads

WTF you have them for, except for fire superiority over jack-booted thugs?  You gonna just sit there and let them take your guns from you?

You're not just talking shit now, are you?

Cpl_Punishment1810 reads

or my name ain't Schwartzenegger!!

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi2294 reads

as well as all manpack AT & AA rockets, and MGs up to .50.

And anything I can backpack is fair game for a field expedient IED?

Show them fuckin cops who to turn their lights on!!

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