Politics and Religion

Thanks for a good informative post in the context of Republican chicanery
gentleguy1020 38 Reviews 11 reads

with the USPS!

Trump is making the Post Office a political issue and trying to ruin it because he thinks that will help him get re-elected.  
But it actually started decades ago with Republicans claiming the Post Office should turn a profit or at least break even.  They even floated the idea of privatization so their fat cat buddies can get richer.  That's why there are so many oligarchs in Russia.  Putin privatized many industries and divvied them up among his pals.  They got crazy rich and kicked back billions to Putin.

In 2006, the Republican-controlled Congress passed a law that imposed extraordinary costs on the U.S. Postal Service. The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (PAEA) required the USPS to create a $72 billion fund to pay for the cost of its post-retirement health care costs, 75 years into the future.  This burden applies to no other federal agency or private corporation.  If the costs of this retiree health care mandate were removed from the USPS financial statements, the Post Office would have reported operating profits in the years 2013-2018.  In its December 2018 report, President Trump’s Task Force on the United States Postal Service reaffirmed current rules related to postal retiree health benefits, calling it "part of a mandate for postal self-sustainability."

This is yet another example of righties wiping their asses with the Constitution.  The Founding Fathers thought that having Post Offices and postal roads were so important to the nation that they provided for it in Article 1 of the Constitution.  Righties carry around pocket copies of the Constitution and pretend it's as holy as the Bible - unless they disagree with it.  Then they shit all over it.  

"Wait a minute," you say.  "How can Republicans shit all over the Constitution and wipe their asses with it too?"  Easy, they tear it in half - then they shit on one half and wipe their asses on the other half.  

The Post Office is called the United States Postal SERVICE.  It is a service which the government provides to us.  The Constitution says nothing about "postal self-sustainability."  Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 states: "The Congress shall have Power To...provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States..."
The government does not require our military to pay for itself, to be self-sustaining.  The Postal Service is part of the General Welfare of the country and should also not have to pay for itself.

The Postal Service has 633,000 employees.  97,000 of the employees are veterans.  The reason they have such a high percentage of vets is that vets get a 5-10 point "veterans' preference" bonus if they pass the postal exam.  That's how I managed to get a job as a carrier.

The very idea of a lard ass like you delivering letters just cracks me up.  

You are better suited to be an aircraft carrier than a letter carrier. I bet your fat ass couldn't even fit in one of those tiny little mail trucks. lmao

he is a "carrier" if ya know what i mean.


2020 = 28*

is the type of subject matter that causes you to come out from under your rock?

No defense of Trump's latest, foolish antics?  Thought you were a business man.  Surely you must have some sliver of an inkling about the impact of Trump's most recent executive orders.

Here is your chance to "seem" objective and impress us with your "true" business acumen.  Remember, you may not agree with Trump, BUT you do "support" Trump's policies.  Well these EOs are an example of Trump's economic strategy/policy.  The ball is in your court.

-- Modified on 8/11/2020 10:51:01 AM

then the ball is actually in Chuck and Nancy's court. Do they REALLY want to go on record as opposing relief to people impacted by COVID? Personally I think $400 wk on top of the usual unemployment benefits is a VERY fair compromise. Paying people more to stay at home than to actually go back to work is something I can see the likes of LTM getting behind, but is that the position that you really want to take?

And I think you have something else wrong, I don't particularly "like" Trump, but do often agree with him which is kind of synonymous with supporting his policies. I only agree with you libs that I am not enamored with Trump the person.  

Lastly, why would I want to "impress" anyone on this board?

You live vicariously through trump..he's you're kinda guy.....c'mon come straight man. You're a "R" guy through and through.
You come out from hiding to gives of this??

Yeah, he said that at the press conference  but you have forgotten the most basic rule of Trumpism- if the words come from Trump’s mouth, assume it is a lie. It is not an executive order either but the executive memorandum says that, if a state agrees to pay $100 a week and set up a mechanism to administer the program (more costs), the federal government will chip in $300 a month, until the hurricane disaster fund runs out, there is federal legislation,  or December 27, 2020 which ever comes first.

        Why is that last part significant? Bc all it will only take is a hurricane, or two, to deplete the allocated fund and now states who have opted in (if any do, a big if) have set up a new unemployment program that is unfunded. And most if not all states don’t have the money to pay an extra hundred a week, or the infrastructure to do so. Haven’t you seen the stunning lines to state unemployment offices on TV and read about the crashes on their websites? A new state unemployment program ain’t going to happen.

           Now, please tell me you are not going to fall for Trump’s next executive action lie- requiring health insurers to pay for pre-existing conditions because “it has never been before.”

actually $300 a week but otherwise i think i GOT IT RIGHT. LOL>

same old retard shit - I don’t like Trump but I support his policies that is killing 164000 and counting; destroying the economy, and lining the pockets of rich corporate owners by buoying up their equity with tax payers money...  
mindless trumpanzee!!!

No health care....there's more shit ass policies but you get the ideal. But poor Gag, he comes out of hiding and he's treating like a human pinata...lol

you can avoid an issue almost as well as Trump and his surrogates.

Now, since you mention it, how about the "substance" of the EOs, rather than a tactic that totally avoids any honest dialogue at all?

Am genuinely interested in what you have to say.

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