Politics and Religion

Reading crusader agent Peter Strzok’s messages to his bimbo agent mistress
86H13LTP 48 reads

made me laugh .  

He talked to her like many in a different world talk to their bimbos .  

Try and guess what different world I’m talking about .

JackDunphy2009 reads

Mueller fills his team full of anti-Trumpers, pro-Hillary types, who then are caught mocking Trump bts and he really expects the American people are supposed to think this is a fair and impartial investigation?

anti-Trumpers, pro-Hillary types. How ridiculously disingenuous.

As it turns out (no surprise here) there actually are people who see T for the lunatic, moron that he is. And, as it turns out, there are even people in the FBI who believe the POTUS is a train-wreck. Regardless, Mueller eliminated these folks months ago---waaaay before all of this kerfluffle in the news. So….meh….whatever…

And, really, for a guy who spouts on endlessly about the horrific bias in news organizations---you certainly seem to have a serious hard-on for Fox. Sean Hannity? So much for your commitment to the importance of fair and unbiased media reporting.  

I think you and Douchowitz should just get a room already.

Really, Plants? Remember when your side use to care about small details like "facts?":

"One of Mueller’s lead investigators attended what was supposed to be Hillary’s victory party on election night. One sent what GOP congressman and former prosecutor Trey Gowdy called “a fawning, obsequious email to a fact witness” in the investigation.

And if that’s not enough, at least nine of the 16 lawyers on Mueller’s team have donated to Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. The number who donated to McCain, Romney or Trump?


Sound impartial to you, Plants? Or do you just want to take another ad hominem shot at an extremely well respected, liberal lawyer?

Maybe you and duane should get a room.

Trey Gowdy called “a fawning, obsequious email to a fact witness” in the investigation. .... Yeah, you're the gold standard of impartiality, jack.

"The number who donated to McCain, Romney or Trump?

Or smoking with Madison?  

The quote came directly from the link.

Is that public knowledge? If it is, why don't we know about Trump's donations? Sorry if I don't take his word for it.

NYminute39 reads

true here?  Why does it matter?  Do you really believe the republican congress would find half-truths or poorly substantiated facts, actionable?  Do you truly believe the republican congress would impeach Trump if the information they were provided was biased in any way?

What is the real impact of your conclusions, even if they were true and Mueller's team is biased--which I do not think they are--what impact would your conclusions have?

Care to answer directly and truthfully or do you simply plan to change the subject and deflect as always?

which when coupled with the texts gets even more interesting given the edits were partly done by Strzok and also someone in the FBI Legal office (Page?)

This investigation is now becoming a farce. You can tell how scared the congressional Dems are becoming because they have very recently started to move off talking about "collusion" and moved onto "obstruction."

If you do not have one, you have no idea what he has or doesn't have! ;)

Oh, BTW, he has this! ;)

-- Modified on 12/18/2017 5:36:04 PM

NYminute39 reads

Am guessing you are referring to those democratic members of the senate and house investigative panels?

Do you remember Kenneth Starr and the Clinton investigation that led to house/senate impeachment proceedings?  If you do, then you remember those charges went beyond the boundary of his initial investigation.

Starr ended up presenting evidence to congress to support charges of perjury, abuse of power, and obstruction of justice.  Kenneth Starr also branched out to investigate a number of tangential issues like Whitewater and the firing of White House travel agents.  Even though the initial investigation stemmed from a sexual harassment law suit brought by Paula Jones' attorneys.   Are you saying that was unfair/illegal?

Are you also saying that Mueller can not legally proceed in the same manner that Starr's investigation did?

-- Modified on 12/20/2017 3:39:34 PM

A Fox News crony ripping Mueller.  

Next you are going to tell us, "the sun rises in the east and sets in the west and the compass always points North, South".  

You must talking about the American people, you just told "the sun rises in the east and sets in the west and the compass always points North, South.

NYminute33 reads

I read your post four times and still can not figure it out.  Were you trying to make a point?  Care to elaborate?

Dershowitz and Sean lick each other's balls..

If they're OK with TEAM Mueller, then who give's fuck what Dershowitz says on, of course when he says it on Fox. I'm for letting the process take it's course....But don't get nervous, congress won't impeach trump. He'll get bruised but he'll finish his term...So relax now,chill.
And my guess is that you think this investigation is partisan against trump, don't you? And Roy Moore never went after 1 4-16 yo's, huh?
And wasn't everyone mocking trump. I know trump supporters that will admit, "Yeah, he's a idiot, but he's our idiot".

86H13LTP49 reads

made me laugh .  

He talked to her like many in a different world talk to their bimbos .  

Try and guess what different world I’m talking about .

Posted By: JackDunphy

Mueller fills his team full of anti-Trumpers, pro-Hillary types, who then are caught mocking Trump bts and he really expects the American people are supposed to think this is a fair and impartial investigation?
  When Mueller is trying in vain to fall asleep late at night tossing and turning into early hours of the morning, he's  silently hoping MAGA President Trump will fire him before he must divulge to the World, his investigation finds no election collusion with our Great President Trump and the Russians.

NYminute48 reads

The FACTS and just the FACTS, will stand on their own merit, regardless of who uncovers those FACTS or their political beliefs.  If they do not, then a judge in a court of law, or the congress responsible for impeaching a president if he is so deserving, will do NOTHING if the FACTS are NOT actionable.

The point of all this is, we truly do NOT know.  And if there is a genuine case for or against the illegality of Trump's actions, he is spending more time/effort hiding THE REAL FACTS than revealing them.  This just may be the real point.

If Trump had an honest bone in his body, and if there truly wasn't anything nefarious about his past/present dealings with Russia, Trump would be the first to lay out as much information as he could to end all these inquiries.  He would have started during the campaign by releasing his tax returns, as he promised.  Trump's words and deeds have led us down this road, no more, no less.

If Trump and his people are/were totally above board, this would have been over a long time ago.  Just another example of Trump not being able to get out of his own way!

But I can see how an ignorant Trumptard would try to spin it that way.  All Dersh does is repeat a very common standard that it’s not just being impartial, it’s the appearance of impartiality.  Mueller immediately fired the agent months ago, so there really is nothing going on here.

The rumor is that trump is planning on firing Mueller this week while congress is on the Christmas break.  He will be impeached when they return and that will be that.  Not even the GOP diehards can withstand the peoples anger if Trump proceeds on that path.

The other rumor coming out of the White House is that Trump is ready to resign. He knows he can’t handle the job and is looking for a way out.  Not exactly graceful, but as long as he can blame somebody else for his dismal failure as President, that suits him fine.

I am sure you remember the really juicy ones like, Trump will drop out after the first debate, Trump will drop out after Iowa, Trump will drop out before the Convention , Trump really doesn't want to be POTUS and Mike Pence will be the REAL POTUS. Trump will only be a figure head and Steve Bannon will be the REAL power in the White House. The list goes on and on and on, and none of them turned out to be true.

And these guys wonder why we don't take any of their dire predictions about Trump even the least bit seriously.

NYminute38 reads

Maybe rumors, who can really tell?  Or maybe they were true and we both know how often Trump changes his mind!  His behavior has definitely proven to be just that erratic!

...Since when DUANE does anything Trump says have anything to do what he actually does, he is a master at lying & deception.

since when MRHUCK do I care about your opinion?

Why did he withhold that? Congress has oversight and he kept them in the dark for months. If everything is on the up and up, why conceal that info?

It has turned into a partisan witch hunt at this point Jinxy and Mueller's rep has tanked with the public. No rumors about that, just the FACTS.

So were you doing solitary confinement glued to Fox with your eyes prop open?  You quoted...."Congress has oversight and he kept them in the dark for months"...Now would you trust congress with that weasel Devin Nunes chairing that committee? Nunes has been known to sneak around the back door of the WH leaking intel to trump. Mueller is smart to only tell what HE feels that they might want to know. He SHOULDN'T show his hand to that ship of fools.
And I don't think he's bind to tell them anything, except his final report.

Wrong on two counts.  First congress does not have oversight on the Independent Counsel.  He reports only to the Deputy Director.  Second, he is independent in the administration of his incestigation and is under no obligation to report anything concerning who he hires and fires.

Dershowitz simply meant that it probably would have been better to do that to maintain the appearance of impartiality.  But he pointedly did not rip Mueller for anything at all.  Thats just your spin and is simply not true.

He is NOT an independent counsel as he IS a "special" counsel so you clearly have no clue.

He reports directly to Rod Rosenstein, who is the deputy AG, who works for Trump. But the final report ultimately goes to congress bc congress has OVERSIGHT and provides the funding for the probe.

And Dershowitz absolutely ripped Mueller, but for not JUST the appearance of impartiality, but the REALITY of impartiality as well. Go back and look at the video I linked. It's there. Trust me. lol

Technically Mueller is an “Independent Prosecuter” under Federal law.  He is not appointed by Congress and Congress has not right of oversight.   If congress wanted to appoint an independent counsel it would have to enact a measure that is then signed into law by the President.

In this case, Mueller is appointed by Deputy Director Rosenstein, (because Sessions recused himself) who has oversight over Mueller and is the only lawful entity to whom Mueller must report.

I understand that this is a little beyond your basic elementary school level of Civics class knowledge,  but that’s the way it works.

has “oversight” responsibility for the Department of Justice and the special counsel regs even require the AG to make notifications to the committee on certain issues regarding the special counsel.  

“Oversight” is a term of art in this context – it does not mean Congress supervises Mueller on a day to day basis and Jack recognized  that  he reports to Rosenstein. But the JC has oversight of the investigation - In fact, the JC just held an oversight hearing questioning Rosenstein on bias in the Mueller investigation.

The terms special prosecutor, independent prosecutor and independent counsel are all synonymous.  Meuller is not actually in the Justcie Department.  Thats the whole point of the special prosecutor - an outside lawyer who is not put in the position of investigating his own boss - in this case Trump and Jeff Sessions.

While you are correct that Congress has oversight over the the JD generally and Rosenstein, it has no real power to fire or discipline Meuller.  That lies solely with Rosenstein.   There is no regulation requiring Rosenstein to make periodic reports to Congress but Congress certainly has the right to ask questions, which is exactly what it did here.  Yes I do know that Trump, as the top of executive branch, could fire Meuller  but that would create a constitutional crises and would be about as popular as when Nixon did it.

Certainly, if something vital to national security came to light during the investigation, Rosenstein would be obligated to report it.  Arguably a personnel change in Meuller’s staff is not that, but that is a matter of opinion and Dershowitz, a notorious showboater, has his.

HappyChanges39 reads

to fire Mueller at this point, although he can. The investigation is crumbling and has not produced any evidence to Trump Russian collusion. Clearly and it is a bias witch hunt. Like many times before, Trump will come out of this unscathed.

"If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell."

That's what Trump and the Trumpets are left with!

That, and Mueller having not revealed collusion or obstruction, to this point in time, so that must mean none exists. That's much like, while sitting at a table, saying your legs and feet don't exist, because, after all, you can't see them!

HappyChanges47 reads

blatantly bias. It's safe to say that any evidence of trump Russian collusion would have been revealed months ago. They have know evidence of trump Russian collusion. Trump is more likely to be charged with grabbing someone's pussy than russian collusion.

bigguy3035 reads

Happy you and other Trump cult members are in serious denial.
The more you respond, you keep proving that point.

Then again everything your puppet master says is a lie.
So why should you stop beliving his lies now.

Just another sign you and other supporters are brainwashed!

anyone on his campaign, transition team or White House staff. He's already paranoid against anything that may be viewed as delegitimizing his presidency. That's where Mueller may get him for obstruction of justice; his attempts to prevent such evidence coming to light.

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