Politics and Religion

Re: We're pulling your strings, puppet boy. We're always...
followme 2321 reads
1 / 21

No doubt that laffy the liar, bigpapascum the back stabbing coward, richardgiveshead, jeffiepuke the pretend doctor, willytwatka and all the members of team pinko are in love with CBS for their vile and disgusting insult of Vietnam Veterans.


For God and Country

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 399 reads
2 / 21

...on your mind, aren't we?  You probably jerk off when you post about us, huh?

GaGambler 409 reads
3 / 21

and the other group is a bunch of idiots.

Now you tell me, Which group is which?

rusty6721 6 Reviews 364 reads
4 / 21

When I always come across this 'type' it never fails that they listen to talk radio(90% right-wing)or watch Fox News exclusively and repeat the same crap like a caged parrot.

no_email 3 Reviews 378 reads
5 / 21

That sound like a left-wing parrot, who say the right listens to talk radio, and repeats what ever Fox tells them.

I can't tell which 'type' is the lamest...Is there a difference?

rusty6721 6 Reviews 329 reads
6 / 21

To clarify,his 'type' that throws around 'pinko','socialist'and other buzz words in debates or attacking people who disagree with him probably are.Hey,if you agree with him more power to you,ace.

followme 362 reads
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Well little boy

I actually I only listen to the radio in the car, 95% music and 5% sports talk.

As for TV about 10% fox the other 90% spread out over ESPN, MSG, YES, Nat Geo , history channel and a number of others.

You go ahead and stay in your fantasy world and play pretend, thinking you know what I and others watch and listen to.

Now go have some milk and cookies.

You’re welcome
GOP = For God and Country

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 375 reads
8 / 21

..ran intellectual circles around Swallowme.  Most conservatives who post here are rather intelligent, but Swallowme just demonstrates his stupidity (or Alzheimer's) with all his posts.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 316 reads
9 / 21

I appreciate you informing me of your viewing/listening habits,as if to falsely indicate your intellectual capacity is expansive.So you devote 10% to Fox News...okay,where's the other sources of news you watch about public policy.I rest my case.Just for the record,I stay away from Fox,MSNBC and now CNN because there just entertainment channels using news as a format.If I want real news I truly look around--NPR,National Journal,Foreign Policy magazine,MEMRI,NY Times,Governing magazine,C-Span and got done viewing a guy's website I disagree with but find informative in Daniel Pipes.Now I know you haven't heard of 90% of what I just mentioned so let's just say it's totally useless to have a debate with a guy like you who gets Fox News as his only news source.So who has the mind of a little boy who cries 'pinko' if someone points out how the GOP chooses politics over policy that isn't in the interest of God and country.(Nevermind the fact Dems do it as well but that's off-topic due to your partisan blindness which is the subject here)I rest my case.So I'll go back to my milk and cookies and you can go back to taking your meds and having someone changing your adult diapers full of shit.:D

followme 362 reads
10 / 21

I do not know how much you read this board, but if you do you should realize that “buzz words” and attaching others, name calling etc. those who disagree is the trade mark of those in my OP.

They are simply entertainment for me. I post something and sit back and watch them get all in a tizzy, wet their panties, get upset and make fools of themselves. I play then like a fiddle and it is really a lot of fun.

It appears you may be joining their ranks.

You’re Welcome
God Bless America

followme 330 reads
11 / 21

I did in my listing stated “ many others”. So now you are pretending to know that none of those others are not sources of news. Little Kreskin Jr. how do you know Fox is my only source of news? Would you like to play pretend some more and tell me what percentage of each that I listed I watch and while you are at it why not tell me what the others are and how about telling me what I read while you are at it. Hey Kreskin Jr. how about you tell us how you know that I haven’t heard of 90% of what you mentioned, how do you know it is not part of the "many others"

As for being off topic the subject in my OP is CBS insulting Vietnam Vets.

Did ya get some sour milk there little boy?

Now go ahead and put your silly and misguided spin on it pretend you know all and have the last word.

You’re welcome
For God and Country   (you pretend to know what is meant  but clearly do not)

BTW you have no case to rest since everything stated about me is wrong.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 365 reads
12 / 21

...in New Jersey, AKA "The Armpit of America."  How appropriate!!


followme 390 reads
14 / 21

We do not need ESP to know you are a back stabbing coward.
You are also the lone suspect in a back stabbing that occurred last summer and a suspect in several attempted back stabbings in the past few weeks.

You and your lover boy richardgiveshead must really be obsessed with me, you both keep stalk me.
And so stupidly keep taking the bait.

You’re Welcome
For God and Country

BTW    You are wrong again, I do not live in New Jersey,  

rusty6721 6 Reviews 306 reads
15 / 21

Those other channels you mentioned aren't current events/world news.There either sports or educational (historic and wildlife)channels not news related.The only channel you mentioned that's news---FOX!I rest my case and we know it was a Freudian slip of honesty.Kills the rest of whatever you're trying to argue now does it?I only know what you have revealed and you are proving me right so far---it's an open and shut case,so let's see you pull a Houdini on this one.As for your OP,you only choose the topic to service your narrow view through GOP loyalist eyes.So be it,that's how you live and breathe.Ooooh,proof there is nobody but unpatriotic pinko libs at CBS that deep down disrespect our troops by allowing something like this to air.Now stuff like this you'll raise a stink about but something like,say,the Iraq War and you naturally concur it was the patriotic thing to do,no questions asked.So far everything I stated could not be more right.

followme 325 reads
16 / 21

You are making yourself look more and an more foolish.

In my post I listed several tv channels I watch ending the sentence saying “and a number of others” meaning there are a number of other TV channels I watch in addition to the ones listed, how do you know they are not news relared?   You, little boy, are unsuccessfully trying to dishonestly spin it, and you failed.

It could also be that your reading and comprehension skills have not yet developed, but when you get to 4th and 5th grade that should improve.

You have definitely joined the ranks of those who I play like a fiddle and are nothing more than entertainment for me.

Yeah, yeah I know in my last post I said I would give you the last word but you needed to be bitch slapped and put in your place.

You’re Welcome
For God and Country

Hey, it is Saturday go outside get some fresh air and play with your little friends…..if you have any

no_email 3 Reviews 340 reads
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rusty6721 6 Reviews 335 reads
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Feel free to name 'the others' that might be news sources other than Fox News which you still haven't.News/current events,dude.I guess you won't so let's stop wasting each other's time shall we?You throw around the term 'god and country' like the usual Fox Newser,so not a freudian slip there and fitting that ridiculous stereotype probably evangelical to boot.If that's the case(so far everything I guessed about is dead on),WTF are you doing on an sex website msgboard for hookers?According to those religious Fox GOPers you so proudly belong to,you are supporting a website that encourages criminal activity and ungodly,evil adulterous sin.You might want to explain that if your barely 5th grade brain reduced by senility allows it.As for the 'bitch slap'---you call a ticklish tap I barely notice a 'bitch slap'?!I didn't know breaking a couple of strings was supposed to be playing the fiddle,as you called it.

Maybe it would be better if I was left with the last word,because so far you haven't left anything remotely close to lasting words.

followme 377 reads
19 / 21

you took the bait again.

you are just too stupid to know you are stupid.

you're welcome
For God and Country

rusty6721 6 Reviews 319 reads
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The expert on stupid keeps proving his expertise by continuing his neverending quest to get himself out of a hole by digging deeper as a solution.The 'bait' is all yours,friend.Dog chasing its tail hoping to catch it...good luck with that.So tell me when you are going to stop taking your 'bait'?Hanging yourself with your own rope is not much of a bait for anyone.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 319 reads
21 / 21

he never did mention another news source besides Fox when I kept asking him,over and over.

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