Politics and Religion

Re: This is juvenille. You said it!
Harry5390 89 Reviews 1254 reads

Your man Obama appeals to the young and childish. At least the young have an excuse. They'll grow up, get jobs, realize that the dorm room bullshit does not float out here in Realityland.

The childish are hopeless. They want something to be true that clearly is not. I still say it boils down to most liberals want to fantasize that they are BO's hip, cool, white friend.

They also want the Europeans to envy them.

JW-Blue3135 reads

According to Obama turkey, we actually won’t need to drill for oil if only all of us would just inflate our tires.

That’s right folks. You inflate your tires and it will solve our oil problem. We won’t need to drill, because our properly inflated tires will save us the same amount of oil we would garner if we drilled.

Barack Obama is a lot like Sean Penn or George Clooney. If you give him a script, he can deliver it pretty well. But if he tries to talk without a script that has been written for him by others, he quickly reveals that he is poorly-informed if not downright ignorant. Today he delivered another classic, by claiming that if only we would all properly inflate our tires, we could save as much gasoline as “all the oil that they’re talking about getting off drilling.” Seriously. The stunned silence with which the crowd greets this howler suggests that most Americans have a more practical understanding of energy consumption than Obama.

Powerline did the math, which brings us to the conclusion that without a teleprompter and a pre-written script composed by somebody with an IQ,  Barack Obama is truly a stunningly stupid dimwad. While he prances around the country claiming that people will try to make us afraid of him because he doesn’t look like the guys on our currency, it is becoming glaringly apparent that there is good reason to be afraid of him and it has little to do with his tan.

Properly inflating your tires can improve gas mileage by 3%. Of course, many people already keep their tires properly inflated, and many more are at least close to being properly inflated. Let’s be generous and assume that one-half of the total possible savings would be realized if we all inflated our tires properly; that’s a net gain of 1.5% fuel efficiency.

Americans drive approximately 2,880 miles per year. If we average 24 mpg, we use around 120 billion gallons of gasoline in our vehicles. If, through perfect tire inflation, we improved our collective fuel efficiency by 1.5%, that would be 1.8 billion gallons. A barrel of oil produces around 20 gallons of gasoline, so the total savings available through tire inflation is approximately 90,000,000 barrels of oil annually.

How does this stack up against “all the oil that they’re talking about getting off drilling?”

Outer Continental Shelf: 18 billion barrels (estimated; the actual total is undoubtedly much higher, since exploration has been banned)
Oil shale: 1 trillion barrels

So, on the above assumptions, it would take only 11,308 years of proper tire inflation to equal “all the oil that they’re talking about getting off drilling.”

If you put bigger tires on the rear of your vehicle you will always be going downhill...

"But who's really out of touch? The Bush Administration estimates that expanded offshore drilling could increase oil production by 200,000 bbl. per day by 2030. We use about 20 million bbl. per day, so that would meet about 1% of our demand two decades from now. Meanwhile, efficiency experts say that keeping tires inflated can improve gas mileage 3%, and regular maintenance can add another 4%. Many drivers already follow their advice, but if everyone did, we could immediately reduce demand several percentage points. In other words: Obama is right"....

JW-Blue1942 reads

Moosey, an educated person like you should know this.

So if Congress will lift off the ban on OCS drilling, it will immediately lower our gas prices. Just like what happened in 2000 and what happened a few weeks ago when George W. raised the executive ban.

-- Modified on 8/4/2008 10:17:16 PM

I only made it through eighth grade and I keep my car tuned and my tires inflated... So what grade student is Obama preaching to???

"Many drivers already follow their advice, but if everyone did, we could immediately reduce demand several percentage points. In other words: Obama is right""....

If everyone had wings so many assholes wouldn't be grounded..

Even if it was true that inflating tires would equal the amount of off-shore or ANWAR oil, we should still drill.

Those sources would only solve part of our problem.  Inflating tires would solve part.  (I think a tiny part, but still a part.)  

Doing only one cuts our per cent of the need for foreign oil.  Doing both cuts it more.

Finally, even if inflating tires did it all, granted a silly proposition, that would just mean that drilling would make us an exporting country, because then we would have extra.

RightwingUnderground1842 reads

it would also make Algore very happy since it would reduce your carbon foot print by containing a little more CO2.

9-man1854 reads

I'm beginning to understand that Republicans' can't rise above the 3rd-grade level in criticism of Obama. Another non-blooper we can make fun of.
Yes, let's take what he says literally so we can prove him stoopid. Never mind that you just came through eight years of tolerating your party's verbally challenged, which is why you now can't listen to an ordinary statement without hearing stupidity. I think the trauma of listening to Bush for eight years has mentally damaged you. The trauma has made you hyper-sensitive to any mistakes in speech.

First, can you hear the indefinite? Who is this "they" he was talking about? and how much drilling were "they" talking about doing? And inflating tires wasn't the only measure he was talking about, it was definitely an example. Considering how much he speaks extemporaneously, and how tired he is, I still can't put it in the same league as Bush, who had the teleprompter and still fucked up.  

Do you know who else has called for better tire inflation?

"...McCain surrogate Joe Lieberman, conference call host Mike Rogers, Governors Charlie Crist and Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Department of Energy, and NASCAR—all of whom have urged Americans to help save energy by minding tire pressure," says spokesman Hari Sevugan in an email. "

I'm going to be wearing a tire inflation gage with an Obama button from this point on. If Republicans are trying to make it into prop, let them. I embrace his statement 100 percent.

Stunned silence: the crowd was silent beforehand.

Oh, he tries to say McCain tries to make us afraid of him because he doesn't look like the guy on the currency. What a stupid thing for Obama to say.

Oh, how offensive, his playing the race card. But how soon you forget that a McCain ad DID put Obama's face on the currency, in June:

-- Modified on 8/5/2008 11:14:55 AM

Your man Obama appeals to the young and childish. At least the young have an excuse. They'll grow up, get jobs, realize that the dorm room bullshit does not float out here in Realityland.

The childish are hopeless. They want something to be true that clearly is not. I still say it boils down to most liberals want to fantasize that they are BO's hip, cool, white friend.

They also want the Europeans to envy them.

9-man1545 reads

You answer the title and ignore the rest, probably because it bothered you.

Where in Realityland, Harry? Definitely not near the Republicans.

Prove McCain put out that phony Obama dollar bill, and I will apologize for thinking you are an imbecile

JW-Blue1454 reads

...that more than 50% of american drivers already inflate their tires correctly!

i'm curious why the DIMS wouldn't put the OCS drilling into vote in congress????? they'd rather take their overpaid asses on vacation while the rest of america are paying $4.50/gallon at the pumps!

9-man1598 reads

often without a teleprompter. The stupid statements would never stop. Obama might make the clumsy statement sometimes, but he has guts.

-- Modified on 8/5/2008 11:19:53 AM

McCain has been going around doing small town hall meetings for months. Every single one has had multiple questions from anyone in the audience able to raise their hand.  A very small per cent of his appearances are scripted and read off the teleprompter.

Even the portions of the press that like Obama are begining to complain that he is not giving significant time to anything other than prepared speeches.  

The European press, as pro-Obama as you can find, complained that they had less time to talk to him than any other American visiting Euprope.  

Obama is the one who is great with lofty speeches read from teleprompters.

If this is not the truth, why has Obama avoided the multiple town hall meetings that McCain was hounding him to agree to.

(Don't say it is because he is the front runner, so he has no advantage.  The national polls now have him winning only within the margain of error, so he is no longer the clear "front runner," and can't use that excuse.

9-man2270 reads

McCain has had some really crying-out-loud gaffes, and Dubya's gaffes all through his presidency were given the grin 'n' bear it attitude by Republicans.  

All of a sudden with Obama Republicans are hanging on every gaffe.


Here's McCain telling a lie as big Clinton's on Bosnia. Just like Clinton, I think this lie shows he's unfit.


Here's just a few twists turns and flip-flops illustrated:


His portable memory hole:


Here's Patrick Buchanan on McCain, et al:


He loses his temper after making a series of gaffes about Katrina. You'll have to put this one in two parts.


And to top it off, the link below will show you John McCain losing his temper when he's caught in a bare-face, bare-ass lie. This bodes really well for a McCain presidency.

-- Modified on 8/5/2008 4:38:28 PM

What do you mean, "They won't let him speak." if you aren't referring to questions.

For the last year he has been going around the country doing nothing but speaking to multiple groups every day.  He goes on one TV show after another from the Sunday morning news shows to the late night shows and everything in between.  He has gone before groups that have a strong% leaning to Obama (like black and Hispanic groups) and given speeches and answered questions.  (Obama never goes before groups that are not solid for him.)  

And you say "they won't let McCain speak." This flies in the face of all facts.

In fact, your listing of what you consider to be gaffes only shows that he is speaking, disproving your point that they won't let him speak.

None so blind as those that won't see. None so deaf as those that won't hear.

GaGambler1521 reads

multiple times, and actually fared better than any Republican has any right to expect.

McCain on the Daily Show is the equilvalent of Obama on Fox News.

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