Politics and Religion

Re: ...Sorry B..P...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 950 reads
1 / 12

...like it was when 56 WHITE MEN signed the Declaration of Independence.  What Trumpty and TER righties resent is that America is a lot more diverse than it was in those days, despite how much righties long for a return to those times.  Today, there are quite a few "tribal leaders" who are direct descendants of the Founding Fathers, as this commercial shows:


Get used to it, righties - America will never look like this again:

HappyChanges 18 reads
2 / 12

to believe most conservatives are racist.  Sure. All of the founding fathers were white and most were racist slave owners. But they had the foresight and ingenious to form a government that has allowed the United States to become what it is today.  

In case you do not know. We have the bill of rights, the civil rights act and countless other laws protecting people against racism and other discrimination. Grow up and stop crying.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 17 reads
3 / 12

...But this is exactly the type of post that Trumpanzees will choose to ignore WHY ? Because they got nothin , attacking this post would leave them looking even more foolish than they already do, & they are getting pretty close to the bottom of the barrel .

GaGambler 17 reads
4 / 12

Do you claim to speak for all non white, non males in this country?

If you hadn't noticed many of the "Trumpanzees" as you call them/us aren't white males, Dev, Quad, Smartie, myself, none of us are white males. So why is it that white males like you and BPS think you speak for women and minorities? You most definitely don't speak for me, white man.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 57 reads
5 / 12

...I was speaking ABOUT minorities and the changing face(s) of America.  How do you suppose you would have fared in Colonial days or as a "Celestial" in the Old West, Kwai Chang GaG?

How do you know mrhuck and I are white males?  Have we ever posted that anywhere on TER?  Could you show me those posts?

And how do you know Quad isn't white?  Or how do you know Devin wasn't a white male at one time?  Have you ever given her a pelvic exam?  People spread rumors back channel but people like Devin don't even bother to back channel - she spread false rumors openly on this board.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 20 reads
6 / 12

...about what conservatives are doing.  They made some happy changes to the Voter Rights Act of 1965.  Happy changes for racist conservatives, that is.   The 1965 Voting Rights Act barred nine states with a history of discrimination against minority voters from passing new voting laws without getting prior federal approval.  In Shelby County v. Holder (2013), Justice Roberts wrote the majority opinion ruling that found that the formula for determining which jurisdictions needed "preclearance" was outdated and therefore unconstitutional.  Sure, because there's no racism anymore, right?  We had a black president at the time of the Shelby decision.  No one attacked him simply because he was black, right?  No one calls him a "Tribal Leader," right?


Not to mention conservatives like Chris Kobach trying to remove minorities from the voter rolls using the bullshit excuse of non-existent voter fraud.

Grow up and start reading.  Stop going through life with your righty blinders on.

EuroModelsShown 19 reads
8 / 12

They still wear those dumb ass wigs in England.

Why do Judges insist on looking foolish? Lose the robe, Trump is in the white house, and Judges are stilling wearing robes. It's hard to respect a man when he is wearing robe.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 17 reads
9 / 12

...I guess I posted too soon, some of the right leaning posters seem to want to suggest that because they may be of non white heritage that they are better to judge the racist leanings of political decisions we still see to this day. In a way the republicans may see this as progress & proof that anyone's mind no matter what their heritage can succumb to that line of thought through their own personal prosperity & the distortions of truth that they have been fed.

JackDunphy 13 reads
10 / 12

Non-existent voter fraud?

Grow up and start reading.  Stop going through life with your lefty blinders on.

User1994 23 Reviews 16 reads
11 / 12

You should teach us all a lesson we will never forget and revoke your American citizenship and find a more inclusive country to move to.

Better make sure it wasn't founded by white people first though!

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 25 reads
12 / 12

...check my "repertoire" again...after you finish your remedial reading course.

-- Modified on 7/6/2017 10:16:09 PM

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