Politics and Religion

Re: Obama wanted to "fundamentally change America"
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1765 reads
1 / 12

..."shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere."  They loved St. Ronny because he had such a positive vision of America.

Trump, OTOH, thinks America is in the crapper.  He wants to Make America Great Again so he must think we're a shitty country or mediocre at best.

When Bill O'Reilly told Trump that Trump's idol Putin was a killer, Trump defended Putin and threw America under the bus by replying: "There are a lot of killers.  What, you think we're so innocent?"  Dr. Blooper is still bitching about Obama's so-called " apology tour," yet he keeps his yap shut about Trump sucking up to Putin by likening America to Russia as being a nation of killers.

Emma Lazarus's poem on the Statue of Liberty says: "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."  Reagan wanted to guide the huddled masses to America with a beacon of freedom.  Trump and his rightards want to turn off the beacon, build a wall, ban Muslims and fell the rest of the world to go fuck themselves.  I'm sure Reagan would be very proud of today's GOP.

GaGambler 309 reads
2 / 12

I guess Obama REALLY thought America sucked.

and if we are going to parse words, Trump at least said "Make America Great AGAIN" so at least Trump thinks America was at least at one time a "great" country. Obama, not so much.

As for telling the rest of the world to "go fuck themselves" actions speak louder than words and in Trumps first foreign policy test, he is proving himself, so far at least, to be both decisive and measured and smart enough NOT to box himself in a corner by letting his intentions be known or his limits established prior to acting. EVERYONE, including the Syrians knew Obamas "red line in the sand" was just so much posturing, NO ONE, especially our enemies are sure what Trump is likely to do. And that's just the way it's supposed to be.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 265 reads
3 / 12

Is that why Russia and Iran have threatened retaliation against Abu Ivanka Al Amriki?    You touch Syria we will break your ass!

mattradd 40 Reviews 322 reads
5 / 12

"NO ONE, especially our enemies are sure what Trump is likely to do. And that's just the way it's supposed to be."

What does one do, in a physical conflict, when he is not confident in knowing, anticipating, nor perceiving an opponents move? Strike first, strike fast, and strike hard! ;)

GaGambler 290 reads
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You honestly think that one of these countries is going to "Strike first, strike fast, and strike hard" at the US because they don't know what Trump is going to do?

That is a statement as dumb as anything either the fattie twins have EVER said.  

Sorry Matt, but you are on the same TSTTT list as your little friends after this one.

mattradd 40 Reviews 155 reads
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BigPapasan 3 Reviews 281 reads
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...a lot less than he claimed to be.  Naturally, Trump lost and ironically, the judge who ruled against him was named "Fox."  I've never heard of another rich person suing because someone said he wasn't worth as much as he claimed to be (good thing lopaw doesn't read this board).  

And what other public figure has ever sued a comedian over a joke?  No one, only fragile ego Trump.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 410 reads
9 / 12

...a mile in the shoes of a black person?  How many black people do you know who think "...America was at least one time a 'great' country"?

Now go ahead and tell us again for the umpteenth time how you were discriminated against because you were a minority but you overcame it.  It happened to me too, but neither you or I are black nor were our ancestors brought to this country in chains.  Every year I watch the Masters and it always pisses me off when I hear them talk about the "tradition" of the Masters.  For minorities, the Masters "tradition" has a different meaning entirely.  Lee Trevino refused to go into the locker room and clubhouse at Augusta.  He changed into his golf shoes out of the trunk of his car.

-- Modified on 4/10/2017 3:52:23 PM

EuroModelsShown 176 reads
10 / 12

There are so many black Americans who are more successful than you. Explain how racism didn't hurdle their success?

Posted By: BigPapasan
...a mile in the shoes of a black person?  How many black people do you know who think "...America was at least one time a 'great' country"?  
 Now go ahead and tell us again for the umpteenth time how you were discriminated against because you were a minority but you overcame it.  It happened to me too, but neither you or I are black nor were our ancestors brought to this country in chains.  Every year I watch the Masters and it always pisses me off when I hear them talk about the "tradition" of the Masters.  For minorities, the Masters "tradition" has a different meaning entirely.  Lee Trevino refused to go into the locker room and clubhouse at Augusta.  He changed into his golf shoes out of the trunk of his car.

-- Modified on 4/10/2017 3:52:23 PM

josulli 15 Reviews 127 reads
12 / 12

GAGA.. Please.. know that Obama did ask as a President should ask.. Trump simply did it.. That is not a good thing.. but ignorance and lies are his friend and his only reality..

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