Politics and Religion

A model for the 2008 election
Chuck Darwin 3876 reads

it looks like the cultural & financial conservatives versus *everybody* else.

Where the culture and the finance don't seem to be doing too well, everybody else could have a fair chance.

While gas charging thru the roof might not be out of order compared to other resources, it will provide a very visible focus and symbol of economic threats that seems likely to trump anything McCain could say about competence or security threats.  When you're out of ammo, you're pretty much fucked, and claiming otherwise only undermines GOP credibility.

The GOP could do their best to make the war/s look good before November, and get foreclosures and gas prices under control (no, Joe 6-Pack does not watch the Dow, and talking about that only emphasizes how different the interests are).   But of course, that gores their own oxen and ideology.

It's sad to me to see McCain, a genuine hero and somewhat independent politician do massive, Guinness World Record flipflops and pimp himself out to the same religious assholes he used to stand up to, even if I can't live with half his original platform.   Now, all he stands for is the continuation of mindless, massively expensive bungling.

It may be inevitable that American economic influence and empire would wane compared to the emergence of India and China, and the organization of the EU and resurgence of Russia.  At the same time, American language and commerce can continue its influence, AS LONG AS we don't FUCK IT UP.  Worst case, we should hope for leadership that could at least manage a descent, not go down in flames, as GW's GOP would do.   Lasting American values like the rule of law have been mocked for the last 2 terms.

The polarization of America doesn't serve us well, but since it's largely the product of decades of Republican work starting with Nixon's southern strategy, I can't have a lot of regret that those who live by the sword, also die by the sword.

And as an afterthought, a Dem president and congress could set the stage for elimination of the electoral college and direct election of the president, which is IMHO way past due.

-- Modified on 6/12/2008 11:22:04 PM

The class warfare the Dims wage is ideological and THE cause of the polarization. It leads to division in ways most don't even see. The establishment of a victim class not only fosters gov't dependency in each person, it has literally ruined the lives of millions of Americans. One example is the response of the Katrina victims. Wouldn't even leave their homes unless someone came to take them by the hand. Read "American Murder Mystery" in this months Atlantic if you want to see how effective social engineering is.

Caution* Jumbled together sayings**The Republicans aren't worth a bucket of warm piss. They are the worst form of party politics, except for the other one. The Republican party  SUCKS. But nowhere near as bad as the Dims, who mask their selfish motives behind concern for the "little guy" in order to get what they want. I'd rather be seen as selfish than an utter hypocrite.

GaGambler1868 reads

They are IMHO the second worst party in America, but as you say, given the choice between being seen as selfish or actually becoming an utter hypocrite makes the decision easy.

I like your example about the so called "victms" of Katrina. The only true victims of Katrina were the elderly and infirm who truly had no way to save themselves. People who are too stupid or too lazy to get the fuck out of the way of a major hurricane that was on the news 24/7 for a week before it struck, especially those residing in a coastal city that is several feet below sea level are not victims, they are just studid. They don't deserve our sympathy, they should be objects of ridcule.

ho_Ho_HO_HOMICIDAL1373 reads

true indeed.no doubt you would have been thrilled to see 1000s of NO's underclass headed to refuge anywhere near the GaGambler homestead?

GaGambler1332 reads

doesn't mean I've always had money. I lived in South Louisiana, and worked offshore in my youth. I have also worked in labor camps making $1.25 per hour, working 14-18 hr days for weeks on end.

There is no crime in being poor, what's inexcusable is crying that there is no opportunity in this country while all the while begging for handouts from the government.

I travel througout Latin America on a regular basis, now being poor in a third world country is a situation I can be sympathetic to. Living in a country with the opportunities that we take for granted and making nothing of yourself is not something that generates a lot of sympathy from me

We got stuck with plenty of the Katrina "victims" here in Atlanta and our crime rate sky rocketed.  I know a 30 year old widow whose SWAT officer husband was killed by one of the "victim".

Gambler had it right about people too stupid to leave when they knew the hurricane was coming.  The tragedy was the elderly, the imfirmed and the poor animals that were abandoned.

I am sure some of you actually believe that Bush was in his secret room in the White House turning those dials directing the hurricane to NO.

-- Modified on 6/13/2008 5:50:39 PM

Many people waited to be saved, rather than use their heads and get out of town.
Dependency was fostered by the gov't. Sensible people know, when the shit hits the fan, you have to take of your family, yourself, and your neighbors. Wait for the gov't and you're gone.

harryj1893 reads

Yes, the workers (conservatives) versus the shirkers (libbie-pinks). Quite a match up. It is hard to compete with the "everything is free" slogan of the pinkos. However, I am confident that there are enoguh people in this country with a sense of honor and who have some connection with reality that Hussein Bareback Osama/Obama, the FlimFlam Camel Jockey will be soundly beaten.

BuckFush!1255 reads

You've been drinking too much for far too long as it has now affected the way you look at the world & people.  You have turned into a bitter old man and it ain't very pretty.

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