Politics and Religion

Re: I see icunty has over dosed on ex-lax again
followme 15 reads

And is wallowing in the result.

When you have to whine and cry over what I say that is proof  
I’m getting to you and am under your skin.

When you have to whine and cry over my lines/phrases that is proof  
you are jealous that you did not come up with it.

 you are so  desperate for the last word you are begging  me to allow you the last word that you need more than air itself but because I’m in control I am going to make you continue to reply. It really is fun leading you around watching you humiliate yourself.    

OK. So Epstein’s dead and his sidekick Ghislaine goes on trial tomorrow.

First, the judge turns off the TV cameras and has signaled an intent to hide the identity of some witnesses.

Then it turns out the judge, an incredibly butch lesbian Democrat, worked on Kerry’s presidential campaign, was an Obama admin lawyer, and has been promised a promotion to the Circuit Court by President Biden.

Now we learn that the prosecutor is none other than James Comey’s daughter.

A trial of the elite, by the elite, for the elite.

So what if the judge won't allow TV cameras? Most Federal judges don't. And in this case, where some witnesses were underage when they suffered sexual abuse, their need for anonymity is understandable. Did ChicKenShit even notice that most court visual coverage is done by courtroom artists? And then there's the Supreme Court.
ChicKie needs to calm down.
And maybe ChicKenShit can explain how the judge's sexual preference has anything to do with anything? And the fact she's a Democrat who worked in the Obama Admin is relevant how? A huge number of judges have political experience. And ALL of Trump's appointees had to be blessed by the ultra-right Federalist Society. So what?
ChicKenShit's posts: Of the stupid, BY the stupid and FOR the stupid. He's a hyper-partisan hack masquerading as a "reasonable and intelligent" poster. How do we know? He keeps TELLING us he is.

and then posts his replies in another thread. Seems like he’s more addled than usual here. Seems our resident senior citizen is having a rougher time than usual.

So what if the judge won't allow TV cameras? Most Federal judges don't
Nicky might as well just flat out admit he didn’t understand the title of the post, “Conspiracy Theory Alert”.  I wasn’t complaining about the lack of TV coverage. I was pointing out ONE of the factors that lends itself to the conspiracy theories that are sure to be fueled by this trial.
And the fact she's a Democrat who worked in the Obama Admin is relevant how?
Again, we know many judges have prior experience working in Presidential administrations. Notice how NaziNick omitted the fact that Judge Nathan also worked on a partisan Presidential election campaign. Again though, more importantly and to the point, these are two more factors that will likely add fuel to the conspiracy theories surrounding the Epstein saga.
NaziNick got lost and posted more comments about the judge in another thread.
Especially odd given the point had been asked and answered here already. Again, let’s go to the point of the thread, “Conspiracy Theory Alert”.  I’ve got no problem with her lifestyle choices. In fact I happily hosted my sister and her lesbian partner for Thanksgiving this weekend. Beside the point. It’s just one more factor that will fuel those who tend to subscribe to conspiracy theories.

RespectfulRobert25 reads

Please explain the relevance of that homophobic comment.

Wasn’t sure I could pull up a photo. Trying to paint a picture with words. In retrospect, the literal description was pretty spot on.

…Democrats said it was an insane conspiracy theory when they said that they were running a secret pedophile ring. Check Epstein’s flight logs. No one’s name pops up more often on those logs than Bill Clinton.

Also makes an utter fool of himself. Again.
And the poor old codger forgot his tag line, commanding my reply. What a horse's ass.

What’s really funny is watching NaziNick react to an intentional omission as if it weren’t one.  Knowing what a stickler for form he is, I was sure that would get a rise out of him!

Posted By: cks175
Re: It is so funny how the most insignificant and meaningless things really upset and trigger you  
What’s really funny is watching NaziNick react to an intentional omission as if it weren’t one.  Knowing what a stickler for form he is, I was sure that would get a rise out of him!

His being a stickler for form is only applied to those he disagrees with. He never goes in and corrects Laffy (his philosophical Daddy and oh god what a horrible thing that must be?) or the rest of "his side" when they post fucked up grammar and spelling. So in the grand scheme of things his well earned name of "Nazi Nick" also comes with a side order of being a hypocrite.

I love how they all missed the point of your post and went in to full attack Chihuahua mode, cause ya know they are bunch of Yappy ankle bitters. Then Follow me comes in behind CKS and double taps the two of them right in the fore head and they go all to pieces.  

Toooooooooooooooooo Funny. Thank you all for amusing me his evening.

The rest of us really hope so. You're really an embarrassing spectacle.

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