Politics and Religion

Re: How about
RespectfulRobert 637 reads
1 / 36

As anyone would admit, being POTUS is just too big for any one person. And by that, I mean they need good, trustworthy people all around them. But if Trump wins. how will he accomplish that? Who would work for him? He has completely alienated the moderate wing of his party. He didnt care at all as Mike Pence was a being tracked down to be possibly executed on 1/6. Many of his staff either went to jail, got indicted, got publicly humiliated and/or went broke on legal bills. And then the most amount of time they would spend in the job would be 4 years. Seems like there is a ton of disincentive to join Team Trump for Act 2.
The pool of people that would work for him has shriveled to a point where I believe. no decent competent soul would work under his command.  
So the question is, does this concern you even a little? I am not asking if this would cause you to not vote for him. I am asking on, 1/20/25, would you have any concern for the country at all knowing full well Trump cant possibly get the best of the best people to represent the greatest country in the world?

inicky46 61 Reviews 34 reads
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He's figured out he no longer needs people who'll build guard rails to keep him from doing what he really wants: firing tons of govt. workers, rounding up aliens and turning the Justice Dept. into his instrument of vengeance. They include that scumbag Steven Miller and others like Kash Patel. These people can't wait to start ripping the guts out of our democracy, which they hate.

LostSon 43 Reviews 33 reads
3 / 36

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Who will work for Trump? That's quite clear.
He's figured out he no longer needs people who'll build guard rails to keep him from doing what he really wants: firing tons of govt. workers, rounding up aliens and turning the Justice Dept. into his instrument of vengeance. They include that scumbag Steven Miller and others like Kash Patel. These people can't wait to start ripping the guts out of our democracy, which they hate.
And decreasing the size of the government is bad how??? Also rounding up and deporting illegal aliens? Also bad how? Trump didn’t weaponize the DOJ, Biden did that. Need I remind everyone that the FBI was sent at the behest of the AG to school board meeting to spy on parents upset about the curriculum being forced upon their children. Last I checked parents get to see what their children get taught? Then there’s the whole failure to enforce federal law about protesters protesting outside the homes of supreme court, justices and then of course there’s the AG muzzling the prosecutor investigating Joe’s son. That’s twice he’s done that now.  

As for Trump finding good people? It doesn’t matter, you all would attack Jesus himself if he showed up to help trump out.

RespectfulRobert 31 reads
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I wanted to honestly know if Republicans here have a concern about who will accept Trump's offer for key positions in his cabinet. I just dont think any decent, qualified person would accept those jobs. Are YOU concerned at all?

LostSon 43 Reviews 61 reads
5 / 36

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: But why dodge the question?
I wanted to honestly know if Republicans here have a concern about who will accept Trump's offer for key positions in his cabinet. I just dont think any decent, qualified person would accept those jobs. Are YOU concerned at all?
Your entire position is predicated upon the fact that you believe anyone associated with Trump or anyone who would accept a position in his cabinet will be sub standard. YOUR TRUMP HATRED is showing.  
So, concerns about who he will pick? Not worried about it. There’s a long road to that bridge and if we get to it? Crossing that one will be easy.

-- Modified on 1/5/2024 4:53:54 PM

RespectfulRobert 26 reads
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This is about you and your party's concern. Are you really saying you have ZERO concern who will be in his cabinet? What happened to "America First?" He loses and abandons people Mike Pence, Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, etc. Those men HATE him. His own daughter is no where to be found this time around.  
He needs quality people as he will face major issues, as all Presidents contend with. He will be getting them from such a tiny pool as so many qualified Rs want nothing to do with him. He needs the best of the best, as any president would want, but those people wont even take his call!  
And you're "not worried about it?" I call bullshit on that. Unless you have some names for me? Id love to hear them.

followme 38 reads
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Question (singular) for the republicans and in the text of your post there are 4 questions. Your comments within the questions and the way you framed the questions prove you are a partisan hack, and are not serious but just fishing for a few names so you can whine and cry about them.  

While I’ll admit Trump made a few bad choices at first, such as Tillerson, Sessions, A couple of chiefs of staff and Mattis. He did eventually get that straightened out. The rest of his cabinet was good.

As for his next term I’d say Bondi as AG, Homan as Sec of homeland security, would like to see Pompeo back as Sec. of state, Whitaker Director FBI…….You wetting you panties yet?

The above would be an excellent start to bringing this country back from bottomless pit of despair we have been plunged into the past 3 years.

Another thing bobby-boy…..well never mind you are not savvy enough to understand.  

You’re Welcome
2024 = GOP

followme 56 reads
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made it about you, but you , but you like all your pinko pals project.  

2024  = GOP

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 36 reads
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that a lib kool-aid drinker thinks there are NO qualified people that will want to work for Trump when 70% of Americans say they want the border fixed, only 14% say they are doing better under Biden than they were under Trump, and 65% say they do not feel safer under Biden than they did under Trump.  Did you move off this planet for the last three years?  

RespectfulRobert 38 reads
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Give me 4 or 5 highly qualified people that will take Trumps offer for high cabinet picks.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 46 reads
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...was his inability to find the right people to fill his cabinet. Quite frankly, he did quite a half ass job of it the first go around. There are Republican strategists who are well aware of this, and they have been working with Trump to avoid the same mistakes he made the first time around. Regardless, I don't have the highest hopes. Which is why I would prefer Vivek to get the nomination.

inicky46 61 Reviews 38 reads
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Like "Bobby-boy." Always with the "boy." *Yawn* Someone should count the number of times he's used it just in the past 24 hours. I'm guessing several dozen.
And then there's his oh-so-tired act of imagining others are whining, crying, sobbing, etc.
Same ancient sob-song.
This clown has nothing. Same tired, old crap for years and years.
How pathetic.

followme 35 reads
15 / 36

Boy as in an immature infantile, childish little sissy ass twunt.

 Also I am having a lot of fun using the same sayings and phrases and watching you “whine and cry” come all unglued and wet your panties about it.  I set the bait out there and you fall for it Hook, Line and Sinker and will. I’m sure, will continue to do so. You are such a dupe. You are so easy to control and manipulate.  

Don’t you realize that you whining and crying about me using the same lines you are doing exactly what you are whining and crying about. Don’t stop it is funny watching you.  

It is also really funny watching you squirm, wiggle and twist you way out of being called out.  

Now for your reply will it be  your over used liar or will or will  you  
Tell us you didn’t read the post but you are replying anyway. In any case I cannot wait for the next time you use the same lines to complain about me using the same lines.

I’ll just keep putting the bait out …..usually doesn’t take long for you to take it.

At the backstabbing post puller we laugh
2024 = 28      > > > > > > > > > > another one for you to wet yourself over

cks175 43 Reviews 28 reads
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I am somewhat concerned about Trump’s potential/probable nomination specifically because I don’t have a clear idea about who would fill key positions under him.

That said, my hope is that qualified applicants will come forward and serve their country if asked.

RespectfulRobert 57 reads
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You (and Willy, actually) broke through the hyper partisan ones I have been getting. No sane, patriotic person would not be concerned. I am not even really criticizing Trumps potential choices as much as I am extremely concerned over the pool he has to choose from. That's not damning all Republicans. But the good ones, the ones with the most qualifications and talent, will want nothing to do with this man. That is a very scary proposition indeed.

100ProofOfLV See Agency Profile 64 reads
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inicky46 61 Reviews 60 reads
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It used to be regular part of her repetitive repertoire until I ridiculed her to the point where she retired it.
Now she's back, figuring no one would notice.
Back to The Urban Dictionary of something new, Queen.
What a loser.

-- Modified on 1/6/2024 5:01:33 PM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 29 reads
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the FEW people who have come out and said they would never work for Trump, like Christie.  He wasn't asked last time and he won't be asked this time.  You should know by now that people who work in politics blow with the wind.  That's why it's called the swamp, so if you want to dispute my post, all you have to do is look at the short list of losers who have said publicly that they would never work for Trump. They vast majority of conservatives who COULD be asked are biding their time and not making any statement one way or the other before they know Trump has actually been elected by the voters.  

I noticed you have no dispute with the other points in my post about how dissatisfied the MAJORITY of voters, (which includes Dems) are with Biden.  Nice deflection, but there is no place to hide from the facts, my friend.

RespectfulRobert 87 reads
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Thanks for making my point for me. I can always count on you. :)

followme 49 reads
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4 highly qualified patriotic people that would accept trumps offer for a high cabinet position.

I also mentioned a 5th , Pompeo, and you shit your shorts.  
There is no question he is highly qualified and patriotic. While he did criticize Trump on the documents you cannot say for sure he would not come back. Would trump ask? …..Who knows?  

You're Welcome for making you point meaningless
2024 - GOP

followme 57 reads
23 / 36

You took the bait hook line and sinker.

What do you mean “figuring no one would notice”….you took the bait  
And you will take it again.

Looks like you and your new felching partner are getting along well, despite your botched spay surgery.  


The least I can do is give you a

inicky46 61 Reviews 38 reads
24 / 36

It's been quite a while since I ridiculed him for using "Boomshakalaka" with his pathetic victory dance. But he just couldn't resist dragging another old line out of mothballs.
Doesn't he get tired of the public ridicule with which I roast his lame ass?
My guess is that he knows how bad he looks but my constant goading enrages him to the point where he just can't help himself.
She is self-ridiculing.
And here she goes again! In ONE, TWO, THREEEEE..........
Doesn't Queen Swallow look good in her Tutu?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 31 reads
27 / 36

embarrass you over your stupid question.  Maybe you didn't understand me.  It's TOO early to say who is IN as far as working for Trump.  Nobody wants to be embarrassed by saying they would work for Trump and then not be asked.  That's why Christie has such a chip on his shoulder.  He begged for a job from Trump in 2017, and Trump never asked him.  So all we can know at that point is that SHORT LIST of those have say they will never work for Trump.  Ask me again AFTER the election in November and I will give you a list of at least 20.  Followme has already given you some that he knows of.  We can always count on you to be clueless and once again, you deliver.  

followme 37 reads
28 / 36

Got one more for ya  

John Ratcliffe, he is a highly competent , dedicated and patriotic.

You're Welcome for shoving your point where the sun don't shine.

2024 = GOP

BTW I did not call you boy cause I know how much that upsets your fairy god mother and felching partner

Here ya go little fella  it's free.....  I know how you libs like free stuff

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 31 reads
29 / 36

elect Trump, and the margin is likely to be large if the polls hold as they are today, plenty of qualified people will step forward and serve with Trump because it's WHAT THE VOTERS WANTED.  Trump cannot win without some support from independents and moderate (read educated) Democrats, and if he gets it, only those who are unqualified will claim the fake moral high ground because they know they won't be asked to serve.  

followme 23 reads
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You did not hurt yourself finding all those links.  

OK so you found 9 people who do not like Trump, I’m sure there are many more. Several of which I pointed out in an earlier post who were in the cabinet and did not work out, and would not come back.

So you say
 “no decent competent soul would work under his command.”

There are many, many ( I named several in a previous post in this thread.) highly qualified, respectable, honest, trustworthy men and women who would work for Trump and proudly serve this country with the utmost integrity.    

you're Welcome
2024 = GOP

followme 51 reads
31 / 36

you took the bait.  

but as laffy's replacement  I'm not surprised.


2024 = 28
At the backstabbing post puller we laugh

followme 27 reads
32 / 36

Richard Grenell  

I'm pretty sure that is six I've posted  

Now go put on a clean pair of panties.

followme 42 reads
33 / 36

Hogan Gidley

You're welcome for destroying your point ....again

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 29 reads
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"good, trustworthy, decent, qualified" people to work in his next administration if he wins.  The only qualification Trump is looking for is LOYALTY.

"Hundreds of people are spending tens of millions of dollars to install a pre-vetted, pro-Trump army of up to 54,000 loyalists across government to rip off the restraints imposed on the previous 46 presidents...Trump's allies are pre-screening the ideologies of thousands of potential foot soldiers, as part of an unprecedented operation to centralize and expand his power at every level of the U.S. government if he wins again...The government-in-waiting is being orchestrated by the Heritage Foundation's well-funded Project 2025, which already has published a 920-page policy book from 400+ contributors."

Respectfully, Robert, you're very naive if you think Trump is interested in finding "good, trustworthy, decent, qualified" people.  All he cares about is finding toadies with very unconventional and elastic views of presidential power and the  
traditional rule of law.

But take heart, Robert, you're not the only dummy in this thread.  Some righties posted that qualified people will step forward.  They don't know that Trump is already openly looking for 54,000 toadies to obey his every command.

-- Modified on 1/17/2024 10:02:29 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 37 reads
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Roy Cohn look-alike Steven "Kapo-wannabe" Miller, the lowest of the low.

followme 26 reads
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Tim Scott..

What do you have to say about him bobby-boy

2024 = GOP

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