Politics and Religion

Re: Hook, line sinker...also
no_email 3 Reviews 3078 reads
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Priapus53 370 reads
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salonpas 351 reads
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willywonka4u 22 Reviews 301 reads
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GaGambler 403 reads
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Bush came from money, but was the type of guy that other guys "would have a beer with" I doubt that anyone would want to have a beer with Romney unless the other choice was to have to have one with Daffy.

His refusal to release his tax returns gives the Obama camp something to beat him over the head with as well, If the Romney camp had any sense they would simply state that Romney will release his tax returns the day after Obama releases his college transcripts,

I don't think his belief in magic underwear is really going to work against him, just like race, the Dems seem to be making a much bigger deal out of it than the Reps.

Priapus53 373 reads
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Same goes for Caffeine-----MAN------I'd DIE w/out coffee---------:(

cashorcredit 341 reads
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GaGambler 324 reads
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but I don't consider it any more foolish than Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, or fucking Scientology and the Wiccans. They are all equally ridiculous in my book.

but I will admit that a religion that looks the other way when you fuck your sister, but explicitly forbids you to drink a cup of coffee, I wouldn't last a day. lol

As usual around election time, I find myself wondering , "are these REALLY the best two guys we could find to fill the job?" We live in a country with over 300,000,000 people, and these two fuckwads are the best we can do? Fuck, I don't know why I even give a fuck anymore.

Have you noticed neither side is campaigning on how GREAT their guy is, they can only say "well, your guy is worse" Great fucking choice, as usual we have a giant douche running against a turd sandwich.

Priapus53 315 reads
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Lack of enthusiisam here as well, except for the partisan "dipshit trio" ( daffy, fm/am & Jeffy-poo. )

Nationwide cynicsm & apathy about the election; pity.

St. Croix 236 reads
10 / 37

Now watch the liberals wiki Dunlap.

Obama is doing what he is supposed to do. He is making this election about Romney, not him. He is using the same playbook that was used against Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina, i.e. people with a business background are inherently evil, hence they can't be trusted. So we end up with lawyers, academics and policy wonks running govt.

The choices are bad this year, but I'll take Romney for one reason, and one reason only. Making money with Romney will be easier, more predictable. With Obama, you'd wake up in the morning and hear he just railed against another industry. I've never shorted the market this much as it relates to the past 4 years. And then, you scramble to cover and go long. Back and forth.

GaGambler 357 reads
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not a whole lot better than McCain before him.

The only reason I will go to the polls at all is the thought of the "real Obama" without the fear of facing another election, running this country for the next four years is not a very appetizing prospect.

Now if I were still making my living by trading equities, I might have a different outlook. Having a lame duck POTUS as antibusiness as Obama would almost ensure huge volatility which is great for a trader, but as a business man I would vote for almost anyone over Obama.

Most people don't know the difference between government "regulating" business which is one of government's functions, and "interfering" with business which is certainly not one of governments mandates. Obama is almost certain to interfere with business under the guise of regulating it which most certainly does not inspire confidence, and will also keep much of the billions of dollars that is sitting on the sidelines, right where it is, sitting on the sidelines until there is more visibility.

GaGambler 449 reads
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Oh well, my mistake. It must have just been the wind blowing. lol

On a related note, some people are really slow to get the hint. TSTTT

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 363 reads
13 / 37

The Presidency is now more politicized than ever before. Right down to pissing and moaning about what type of mustard the President puts on his sandwich and what kind of dog he owns. I really don't see how some people manage that much "give-a-shit" about these trival matters.

If Romney is the next President, I'm not going to give a shit about what kind of hair spray or hair grease the guy uses. Or whether his magic underwear was made in America.

When you consider the stress of the fucking job, and that it only pays 400k a year, who would want it?

Quite frankly, I think the only people who should be disqualified from running are the people who want the damn job.

Maybe we should pick Presidents like we do juries. Put every qualified person's name in a hat, and have a drawing. Have them serve a year. You'll probably get better results. If you don't want the job, I'm thinking chances are that we'll have less corrupt Presidents.

followme 349 reads
14 / 37

Riding the cotton pony again.

That is what the third or fourth time this month. You really should go see your gyno.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

As you can see, I'm intimadated by the stupid threats of a pinko like you

Lastly: have you welshed on any bets lately?

GaGambler 277 reads
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is a case of "Your guy is wrong about EVERYTHING, and my guy is right about EVERYTHING"

Using Daffy as an example, there is absolutely NOTHING that he would ever admit to that would put Romney in a better light than Obama, and the world is full of partisans on the other side that do the exact same thing in reverse.

I think that's we get all this petty bullshit about so called issues that just plain don't fucking matter. At least our disagreements on the subject come down to shit that matters. I am not going to sit here and claim that Obama is a muslim, or that he was born in fucking Kenya or some other lame, bullshit reason for discrediting him. We absolutely disagree on economics, but what we do agree on is that Obama more closely represents your views on economics, even though you still disagree with him. I OTOH, while I don't agree with Romney, he comes closer to my views than does Obama. I am sure you don't really like Obama any more than I really like Romney, but at least we can admit this and find some kind of common ground in our disagreement, where complete partisans like Daffy simply shout, stomp their feet and fling poo at anyone who doesn't buy the party line, hook line and sinker.

I do agree that wanting the job should automatically disqualify someone from running, and that maybe a draft might be vastly superior to what we have now. I can't imagine that even a foaming at the mouth, drooling partisan like Daffy truly believes that Obama is truly the best man in the country to lead it, anymore than anyone on this board has come out and expressed complete support for Romney. IMO anyone that FULLY supports either one of these bozos should be committed for their own good.

St. Croix 366 reads
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It's fame, money and power. And that shit is addicting.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 298 reads
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I think Obama has done a few things pretty damn well. I think his foreign policy has been pretty damn stellar. Had I been President, I wouldn't have doubled down on Afghanistan or bin Laden. I was pissed that Obama didn't get us the fuck out of there. But, I was wrong. He got bin Laden, and the Middle East is looking like it'll have a brighter future than it has in centuries. Even with the way the elections went in Egypt, at least now they have a choice for something better in the future.

I suspect that Romney would probably be a decent President as far as Republicans go. I'm betting he'd be about as good as George H.W. Bush. Not a guy I particularly liked, but a guy who wasn't a partisan dickwad, and was more interested in being a good manager.

But it's become apparent to me that we have a serious problem with one guy getting in there and fucking things up really quickly. I think we ought to consider giving people the right to vote to veto shit the gov't does. I mean, Christ, we all have telephones and internet connections now. If we can vote for American Idol contestents on the fly, why can't we do the same thing with bullshit the gov't pulls?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 328 reads
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I guess I get the power thing. But the fame part means that half the entire country thinks you're a prick. Who needs that shit? Imagine what it would be like if 25% of the population of this country thought you were the fucking anti-Christ? I don't care how much money and power someone is offering, I couldn't handle that shit. I don't see how anyone could.

followme 391 reads
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The market goes up and gas prices go down and obama is a hero, but when the market takes a dump and gas goes through the roof  you tell us the presidend cannot control it.
And you talk about crying & bullshitting when all you do is dishonestly distort the fcats thenaccuse othere of what you are guilty of. then you and team pinko go on irrelivent meaningless rants.

You're Welcome
2012 = GOP

GaGambler 274 reads
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I completely disagree with you on Obama's foreign policy, especially where it comes to Libya.

Just like Iraq was "all about the oil" so was Libya, but in this case it wasn't about our oil, it was about the oil that goes to France. Quite frankly Obama got duped by France to help facilitate regime change to protect their fucking oil. in a few years this will come back to haunt us just like with the Shah of Iran in the 70's

In theory I would like to agree with you about "veto power of the people" in practice I think it would be a nightmare and I do believe the system of a "nation of laws" is superior to an outright democracy. Outright democracy is too likely to resemble mob rule and the rights of minorities, and by minorities I don't simply mean race, but minority rights are too easily trampled in a system of mob rules, especially when the populace is panicked in times of war or economic crises.

GaGambler 342 reads
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-- Modified on 7/31/2012 12:28:01 PM

GaGambler 365 reads
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Sound familiar? lmao

Seriously, I don't really see any reason to try and talk with this douche bag, he truly is TSTTT.

I just wonder how miserable his life is to have to make a post insulting everyone who doesn't toe the  DNC party line to the letter. I mean he can't even get along with WW or Priapus, and WW thinks that Castro and Chavez are too moderate lmao

Priapus53 376 reads
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followme 422 reads
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toooo late he has it all over himself.

You're Welcome
2012 = GOP

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 252 reads
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But you would know better than I, since you deal with oil markets.

What I like about how Libya was handled, was that we got regime change done, quickly, on the cheap, without losing any Americans' lives. We also got a dictator who had committed terrorist acts against Americans.

I don't know if Libya will go the Iran route. Islamists fundies tried to take over Algeria when things went down in Iran in the late 70's, and the people there rejected the Muslim crazies. Not that Algeria is all peaches and cream. But it ain't Iran.

Democracy is messy, but I'd like to think that one of it's best qualities is that in the long run, it does tend to weed out the extreme crazies from positions of power. Moderates win more elections. I hope this is what happens in Libya. Only time will tell.

followme 336 reads
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They are facts not slurs and not everyone just team pinko of which you are a member.

You're welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

Yeah yeah keep the threats coming
As you see I am still posting....guess you are not such a tough guy ...more like a sissy girl.

Lastly you did not answer my wuestion about welshing on any other bets

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 342 reads
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I was going to spell it with two less "F"s and one less "R"  but I was afraid my point wouldn't be clear.

followme 274 reads
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LAZY leftiy, always wanting someone to do his work for him. ...go find it yourself.

You're Welcome
2012 = GOP

BTW it's not words in your mouth there is something else in your mouth.

Timbow 293 reads
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Posted By: cashorcredit
Same as obamacare

cashorcredit 400 reads
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Well... i just don't like the idea of mandated health care. Romneycare or obamacare

followme 273 reads
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No need to look it up here is what I said.

Lackey-lafft do not follow me if you want to blow a little boy go find boy-willy or pri-boy, but make sure your fiancé jeffie-poo does not find out you are blowing other little boys

You’re welcome
2012 = GOP

St. Croix 338 reads
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And 50% of that 90% who think that way, would fuck her in the ass, including you willy. Yes you would willy, don't say no.

25% of the country hates Justin Bieber. 95% of the country hates Nancy Pelosi. Do you get my point? Remember fame doesn't necessarily equal likeability.

Think about Bill Clinton. He was pretty polarizing figure. 50% of the country hated his ass while he was in office. That number is down to only 30%, which is normal for ex-Presidents. Clinton mentioned in an interview he would love to have a 3rd term. Even today, the guy can't get enough prime time.

Willy, it's the ultimate gig. There are certain people, whether in politics, business or sports, are competitively driven. They all want to be #1. Coincidentally, they are the 1%.

-- Modified on 7/31/2012 3:49:17 PM

GaGambler 345 reads
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along with Tiger Woods and every other celebrity who gets caught doing exactly what the membership here does. I mean of all places that you would think a philanderer could catch a break, you would think it would be here, but the judgmental, and hypocritical attitude here just frankly amazes me.

Just for the record, when married I never cheated on my wife, not even a single time, but that doesn't give me the right to criticize others here for fucking around on their SO's, I would just expect that those who cheat themselves would not get all moralistic and beat their chests about honor and shit when some celebrity does the same fucking thing.

FWIW if Clinton could serve a third term, I'd vote for him in a heartbeat over either Romney or Obama. I am even beginning to have a slight change of heart about the Hildabeast, she seems to have both more brains and balls than our current POTUS, but I know the moment I had to listen to her campaign again, I would remember why I couldn't stand her in the past.

Chicken_Choking_Is_Free 367 reads
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That one and now they're going to lose this one. Even the staunch SBs will vote for a Mormon over a Socialist.

St. Croix 325 reads
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I think I mentioned a familiar Vegas strip hotel/landmark. And to think I was relatively tame.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 339 reads
36 / 37

...isn't worth being able to take a stroll down the street and being left alone to enjoy your own thoughts.

Snowman39 372 reads
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His number one flaw is the fact that HE IS BARACK OBAMA...

He now has a track record, and it is an UGLY ONE...

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