Politics and Religion

Re: Hillary wants VP cause she thinks Obambi will be assassinated
Tusayan 1763 reads

You completely missed the context of what she said. It was in response to the issue of her staying in the race. She made the point that the race isn't over yet, using the example that her husband didn't clinch the nomination in 1992 until the California primary in June and then made the bad choice to include the Robert Kennedy assassination as an example of what can happen during a primary as justification for her to stay in the race. It had nothing to do with the VP spot.

Timbow3118 reads

''Hillary Clinton today brought up the assassination of Sen. Robert Kennedy while defending her decision to stay in the race against Barack Obama.''


I doubt that VP slot will happen now and I really ain't kidding about her not gettin it. . , Michelle Obama would say You ain't letting that crazy batch be your VP baby ,no way I want to deal with them Clintons . We would have to deal with Bill and all of that :) :)

David Gergen said the other nite on CNN that if Obama chose Hillary to be his Veep, he'd better hire a food taster. :)
Leno and Letterman will have a field day with what Hillary said about assasination !

-- Modified on 5/23/2008 3:26:46 PM

-- Modified on 5/23/2008 3:36:25 PM

RightwingUnderground1220 reads

If you can listen to the entire blubberman rant, you will see him include the assassination of Malcolm X in with all the assassinated Presidents, but then begrudgingly include Wallace.

I’m no fan or carrier of water for Wallace, but then Malcolm X doesn't deserve to be on the same plateau as Presidents either.

FlimFlamma will NEVER DO ANYTHING WRONG, unless of course some other rascally figure (like a republican) causes him to do it, and even then it will be because they are rascist!!!!

Get ready all you white boys out there, you are going to be called racist more times in the next 6 months than you ever have before or ever will thereafter.

Curious George and TeaBagBoy are going to UNITE this country, or rip the rascist mutherfucker apart.....

we already SeeItHere...

-- Modified on 5/23/2008 10:16:48 PM

I didn't know Keith had a single segment on his show anymore that wasn't basically just him attacking Bill O'reilly the whole time.

this bitch would be getting hoisted up by these lib losers as the messiah instead of Curious Barack...

But for the grace of God....

Timbow2198 reads

I had that happen on another forum when I said  Obama is the  ''Magic Negro'' said I veiled racism !
I popped the guy back with the LA Times came up with that on Obama  and the black man Spike Lee kinda coined it :)
He said Negro was racist and I said write a check to the United Negro College Fund !
Leno and Letterman were careful tonite I bet they will hit it later.
Ketihie has lost his mind it was funny to see him get madder at Hillary then Bush  who would have thought that would ever happen :)

-- Modified on 5/23/2008 11:10:17 PM

-- Modified on 5/23/2008 11:11:40 PM

kerrakles1287 reads

The primaries are winding down and news stories (news and stories an oxymoron in itself) are becoming scarce so Creative News Network and its brothers are creating news.

Don't see chance of Hillary wanting to be VP. Besides, Obambi will loose in November and Hill will run again 2012. Obambi is to the far Ultra Left, can't see many moderates and women democrats  voting for him. Forget about hispanics. Sure, Cuban Americans were thrilled in Miami about his meetings Raul Castro, the mastermind behind torture.

Keith Olberman and Chris Mathews are not journalist. Both are like shock jocks on TV.

-- Modified on 5/24/2008 3:31:36 AM

TV shock jocks is a perfect description of them that I've never heard before.

Dan Abrams seems to be trying to hedge right wing talk radio by making MSNBC Left Wing TV. It is pretty clever, but we shall see if it grows. Will the Left still push for the Fairness Doctrine? I kinda doubt it.

Keith the Sports Guy and Ole Shivery Leg as the TV Imus and Stern. Pretty good!

Its a very trendy prediction to make, that of Osama being assasinated. Think about how long its been since their has been an assasination in the US. The Commies now rule, maybe they dont call themselves Commies anymore but they are what they are.

What happened in this country during the 1960's and 70's was not a political movement, it was a revolution carried out by scum that hated what traditional America stood for and who hated the type of people who built and founded this country. Assasinations were a part of this and if the sleepy center, the responsible conservatives, the silent majority of this country had any guts they would have done what was needed to stop the loons and the commies in the first place.

I have heard so many say that Obama will meet the fate that Martin Luther King did. Fat chance. King was a Communist and was elevated by the media and multicultis and when his numerous character flaws (plagarism,adultery,etc) threatened to taint his image and destroy his usefulness as a "benevolent freedom fighter" they killed him and blamed it on a "white racist America" thus furthering their destructive revolution and maximizing King's usefulness through his death.

The only way Obama will be assasinated is if he carries through any action upon entering office that is at odds with America's pro-Israel policy in the Middle East. I am a bit surprised that the Zionists in the American media have tolerated the pro Palestinan statements by his pastor and Obama's relationship with other individuals that have had ties to pro Palestinian orgs. The Zionists and other anti-American forces that run rule over our great nation right now need a change in the White House to quell the discontent among citizens with the direction of things.

If Obama tried to buck the Zionists once in office then his days would be numbered. Then of course it would be blamed on white racists and you can use your imagination on what would happen then, it would be bedlam. He is safe as can be as long as he doesn't oppose Israel's ongoing occupation, people need to get real on these assasination predictions.

I will say they are taking a bit of a risk, one they usually dont take. Unless you have been a loyal Zionist puppet your whole career, then you are just not trusted. Any missteps,statements made or policies that are seen as a threat, can equal political suicide. Its interesting up until the realization that the manipulators of the public mind (Zionist media) are still in control of things and as long as this is true America will continue to decline.

I still think that McCAIN has an excellent chance of winning, he has always been a loyal and trusty prostitute for the Zionists.

-- Modified on 5/24/2008 5:08:59 PM

I am not so sure that this wasn't a pre planned response by the Clinton's trying to get some looney out there to assasinate Obama with the idea she would be the heir apparent.

Lets face it they have tried everything from delegates, to popular vote, to FL, MI, to 2220 and whatever else. This maybe their measure of last resort.

If Obama loses in 2008, Clinton has virtually no shot in 2012. She started out this year with half the US not willing to vote for her. In 2012 it will be 75% because Obama supporters will not vote for her. She is now alienating half the dem party.

She may win the nomination because the dems will rewrite the nomination rules and do away with caucauses, superdelegates, and proportional allocation but will lose the general.

Four years from now the economy may be on the upswing and McCain will benefit, or he may decide to walk away, also there is no guarantee Repub party will stick with McCain if a traditional conservative Repub with more broad appeal is available. If this is the case Clinton will have some trouble.

I will vote for Obama, but the dems best do some research on what became of the WHIG PARTY because that is what will happen to them if they find a way to lose four straight generals.

Seriously though, if the dems lose four straight elections, they deserve whatever becomes of them.

-- Modified on 5/25/2008 3:05:23 AM

First of all, that would require losing the upcoming and the next election in 2012 as well. You are getting a bit ahead of yourself.

Second, its happened before--to both parties.
Repubs won 6 straight from Lincoln through Garfield, then another 4 in a row from McKinley through Taft, and the Dems also once won 5 straight, between FDR and Truman. So obviously that need not destroy either party and make them disappear a la Whigs.

But what destroyed the Whigs was not losing several successive presidential elections, but rather a split in the party over the issue of slavery in the new states. It was the Compromise of 1850 which split up the Whigs into separate parties, even while they had their own candidate (Fillmore) as the current president. Lincoln himself had been a Whig but he left to join the Repubs.

Tusayan1764 reads

You completely missed the context of what she said. It was in response to the issue of her staying in the race. She made the point that the race isn't over yet, using the example that her husband didn't clinch the nomination in 1992 until the California primary in June and then made the bad choice to include the Robert Kennedy assassination as an example of what can happen during a primary as justification for her to stay in the race. It had nothing to do with the VP spot.

Timbow1028 reads

You really do not understand  how smilies work do you as  most here would know I was joking :)
Hillary would never want Obama dead but she would love to be able to prove he had a gay affair or another REV Wright mess to  sink him.
I for one do not think she is that evil to wish his death.
I ended it by saying :
Leno and Letterman will have a field day with what Hillary said about assasination :)
They have been hesitant to say a joke but I bet they might next week .

By the way Clinton had the nomination by April of that year.

-- Modified on 5/25/2008 6:43:33 PM

-- Modified on 5/25/2008 6:48:12 PM

Timbow3805 reads

I  agree and if  I took  feeble attempts to rile me as serious on a political  internet forum I might as well slice my wrists :)

-- Modified on 5/27/2008 7:52:28 PM

Dickless_Chaney1191 reads

I'll take the bastard out hunting.  That should do the trick.  

I wonder if Hillary knows something we don't know like she what may have known about her old BF & former law partner who killed himself, that Foster guy.

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