Politics and Religion

I sleep more soudly now that the Rachael Ray terror threat has been neutralized!sad_smile
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 4031 reads

yet another great triumph for, for, for .... something-or-another, but certainly not common sense.

Seems that Ms. Ray, in her capacity as a pitchwoman for Dunkin' Donuts, made an egregious political, if not fashion, statement  -- she posed for an ad wearing a checkered scarf.  Conservative columnist/blogger Michelle Malkin claimed that it looked like the keffiyeh, the traditional headdress worn by many Arab men and Pally terrorists [one and the same to most of us, to be sure].  Hey, and  take a look at the structure over Ray's left shoulder  -- no doubt the pic is just an excuse to surveil a potential terror target.

Well, before you could say Israel Lobby/AIPAC/Likud/Alan Derschowitz/Abe  Foxman/regime change/neoconservatives/War On Terror/Ehud Olmert payoffs,  etc... DD corporate told the very brave and totally expected decision to pull said offending ads.

I tell ya, accessorizing, it can be a real bitch.

That Ray is a Pally sympathizer is too ridiculous to be credited for even a billionth of a nanosecond.  Or so you'd like to think.  Well, apparently not. She is as non-political as my neighbor's newborn.  Probably the only threat Ray poses is by virtue of her preternatural perkiness and questionable recipes. Ray and her spokespeople have maintained a very discreet silence over this, no doubt figuring they'll never win, so WTF, why get in any deeper?  And what sane person could really blame them?

I might remind folks that Dunkin Donuts in the same company that appx 10 years ago used NYC's former mayor, Ed Koch, as a paid spokesman.  "Israel's Mayor,"  as I used to call him.  Apparently, that malignant motormouth who has never met an act of Israeli aggression, suppression or oppressionm of the Pallys he couldn't fervently support is NOT a problem.  Go figure.

There is an on-line petition making the rounds to garner support for Ray.  No doubt signed by a bunch of duped sheep with no clue about The Global War on Terror.  There's also a real good chance that the signers hate America and are Godless to boot.  And, inevitably, they'll vote for Senator Obama.

Huffington Post commentary :


[yeah, but read it anyway]

Michelle Malkin column :


-- Modified on 6/14/2008 8:43:10 AM

-- Modified on 6/14/2008 9:10:16 AM

sort of like most of your posts

The whole keffiyeh thing is a smoke screen. Malkin is really upset that the scarf was draped across her chest, covering up her nice shapely titties.

Crystal_Ball_Operator1401 reads

(b) the best argument for pre-emptive execution of morons; (c) an al-Qaeda sleeper agent; (d) should be hooking on CL instead of writing a blog; (e) the dumbest cunt who ever bought a keyboard; (f) Ann Coulter's understudy.

Maybe al the racist repubs looking for an excuse to look mainstream.

Yup, I have to admit, Michelle Malkin came across sounding like a total idiot on this one.

The scarf wasn't even checkered the way a traditional keffiyeh. It was a paisley sort of pattern.

I've never paid much attention to Malkin before, but I certainly won't be looking to her for intelligent discourse after this debacle.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi2060 reads

Pepsi had one hell of a lot more to do with destroying the USSR than Ronnie & Bonzo combined.  Give us a half-assed chance to be decadent capitalists, and see if we don't run with it.

well, the prob with Arab Dunkin Donuts, as AIPAC will  soon suggest, and many of you will believe, that the holes are made by bullets?

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