Politics and Religion

Re: Actually I am well-hung.....
followme 402 reads

but since it is in your mouth, I guess you cannot see it.

You're Welcome
GOP = For Gor and Country

followme1982 reads

obama has once again submitted his march madness bracket ON TIME. He however cannot will not submit a budget ON TIME if at all.

Again obama proves he does not care about the country and all the citizens.

“That’s irresponsible, it’s UNPATRIOTIC”

I wonder if obama will take credit for and take a victory lap if his NCAA pick wins the Championship

GOP  = For God and Country

People need to stop talking about this nonsense.

Lets stick to policy, values, and core beliefs. I don't care if the President watches every single NCAA game. The record number of people on food stamps is what I care about...The attack on 2nd Amendment is what I care about...The rising taxes - penalty for succeeding in life, is what I care about. The debt that will explode if we don't address the issue is what I care about..

-- Modified on 3/20/2013 8:36:41 PM

followme359 reads

he loves sports is not a big deal, the fact that he seems to love sports and his elitist life more than the stuff you listed and does not care about what you mention you,  and I,  care about is my point.

" That's irresponsible it's unpatriotic"  .......is a quote from obama when he was campaiging in 2008 talking about how much then President Bush added to the debt. obama has added more to the debt in 4 years than president bush did in 8 years. the point is obama is NOT doing his job.

that Bush was given a surplus by Clinton administration. Obama did add debt, but at least it was not added by fighting unnecessary wars - the wars that nobody really understood, and were against no particular nation.. Going to wars is not the way to fight terrorism.

Obama added the debt, but it was the infusion of the cash that was necessary to prevent The Second Great Depression - at least most would believe that to be the case. Or lets put it this way....The risk of not infusing cash into the economy was far greater than the debt that we have acquired..

Lets face it... The economy is a lot better now that what it was when Obama took office. The economy is adding jobs every single month and balance sheets of companies is lot stronger today, and that is rightly reflected in the stock market, which has more than doubled since he took office.

The time to address the elephant in the room is now...And he elephant is Social Security and Medicare.. My problem with Obama is not the debt that he has acquired, as much as his unwillingness to address the entitlement reforms..

I am only 32 and I would be very lucky if I would see a dime of Social Security. Herman Cain actually proposed a very good idea...Optional Retirement Accounts for younger people.

followme335 reads

The blame Bush excuse is just that, an excuse and cover for obama’s fuck-ups. obamacare being the biggest as far as the economy and domestic policy goes.
He is playing games with the sequester and fucking the American people, when he does not have to but I bet he thinks it is fun to do so.

As for foreign policy he is as big if not bigger fuck up than carter. He is kissing putins ass and sucking his dick at the same time. Yeah-yeah bin laden is dead…..that is a good thing but all obama did was let the Navy Seals go out and get it done.

GOP = For God and country

Last 3 Years of Clinton Administration and 1 year of Bush Administration we had surplus and started running deficits when we started going to wars

The first column below is in Nominal Dollars and second one is adjusted for inflation.

1998 $69.2 Billion Surplus $97.33 Billion Surplus
1999 $125.6 Billion Surplus $172.76 Billion Surplus
2000 $236.4 Billion Surplus $314.78 Billion Surplus
2001 $127.3 Billion Surplus $164.9 Billion Surplus
2002 $157.8 Billion Deficit $201.02 Billion Deficit

You can't deny facts FollowMe....

-- Modified on 3/21/2013 8:32:10 AM

followme403 reads

but since it is in your mouth, I guess you cannot see it.

You're Welcome
GOP = For Gor and Country

RichardHeadIII325 reads

You've haven't had a hard on for years

You can still swallowcum though, & yes, should be lynched...you're as anti American as they can get.

followme345 reads

As I expected, just like your lover boys

Yep hook, line and sinker again……

It really is very entertaining to watch because
You and your lover boys just keep taking the bait.

Now go ahead and put your stupid, moronic, dishonest spin on it and have the last word, as I know you will.

Laughing at you not with you

You’re welcome
GOP = For God and Country

Knats have NOTHING on him! As for the hippie being gay, well, I won't comment on that. Suffice to say, that we'll hang out next week, sweet cheeks!


I'll tell ya what. Next year, I'll do your March Maddness picks, and you can do your own federal budget. Sure, my bracket will make more sense than your budget, even when I write down "Baltimore Orioles" as taking home the championship, but at least this way, you won't get all butt hurt.

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